14 THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N. C., BATIRDAY, DECEMBER If, IM4 TWO MINUTEST VrtH THE BIBLE Wf cetnuui «. stam nut. (f mrian tmi loony i a CHKAAO 4 EUNOtt PEACE ON EAETH? When Christ wai born of Mary. ! the angel* praised God and sang: ' “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward . men" (Luka 2:14). This glad carol o( the angel* aeemi farther from the truth today , than it ever wat, and a* a result many have cynical and have con- 1 eluded that the Bible 1* not true; ' that the angel*’ tong waa but a pleasant, hopeful thought. Those ( who feel this way don't know their . Bibles very well, though, or they would know why we have auch un- I rest today, instead of peace. Our Lord was indeed the long promised King, through whom Hu people and the whole world were to enjoy peace and true prop*erity. John the Baptist appeared as the King's herald. The twelve apostle* went forth "preaching the gospel of the kingdom' (Matt. 4: 23i The four Gospel records are filled with proofs and demonstrations of Christ's royal rights. But the King win rejected, as God had prophesi ed He would be at Hi* first advent (I Pet. 1:11). Over Hta cross Pilate place at sign, saying: "This is Jesus, I WEEKLY MEDITATION BE COUN DOUGLAS “Whose trusted! In Jehovah, happy la he."—-Prov. 16:24. All of us have experienced oc casions when we felt that if wc could just accomplish some particu lar ambition or acquire some par ticular thing we wanted with all our heart, then our happiness would be complete And quite often »r have discovered, after gaining such a goal or obtaining that which we sought so diligently and so faith fully, that it did not bring us the happiness or satisfaction we ex perted. . The wise wuius of ilia Mosul give us a clue in our search for happiness: “But aeek ye first His kingdom and Hl* righteousness, end all these things shall be added un to you." Os course, K Is a fact that materi al things do contribute to our well being and to our happiness. But It Is even more ■ feet that we can increase our capacity for happiness VfiV GARDEN Hi < 118 5* Plants of a new strawberry va riety. Earlibelle, will be available for spring planting in IDGS. Thu variety was developed through the cooperative effort* of the Crop* Research Division. USDA. and the North Carolina Agricultural Ex periment Station. Earllbelle ripens earlier than the Albritton variety la eastern North Carolina and tha yields have been better. At thr (Met al Plain Experiment Station at Willard. Earllbelle averaged L MS quart* per acre In the tint week of harvest as campared with Ml quarts per aer* for Albritton. Over a five year period, the Earllbelle variety has outyirlded Albritton by IS per crnL The fruit* of Eanllbette are medi um-large and average (2 berries per pound aa compared with M for Albritton. The akin color Is bright red turning to a deeper red at ma turity. The flesh color is uniform ly bright red. The surface of the berries is gloaay and firm In shape, the berries are long-conic with Jhurch Chuckles by CARTWRIGHT \j f * v n v MOnr rtnnlr* Is ErwHtpr Baker for sotting im Hilt lIT-lS. tnt* » **** Par * P * y * rtm * nt Telephone: TE 3-9395 JAMES SANDEIIS TILE CO. Ltoeoai Now ISM Ceramic, Asphalt, Robber and Vinyl Tile tip ELUNQTON STREET , RAIXIOR. N. C. | THE KING of the Jews.'* Today, I then, the King la a royal Exile from ' the world over which He should be reigning. , Is it strange, then, that we do ' not yet enjoy peace on earth. The second Psalm describes the tolly of i the nations and their rulers la ig noring this basic fact and predicts 1 that God will laugh, as it were, at their derision as they seek to rua the world without His Son. I Thank God. this period of Chiist’r ; rejection is algo a wonderful period of GRACE. When sin had risen, to I its height, God SAVED Saul of I Tarsus the leader of the world's rebellion against Chris., and sent him fnrlh to proclaim "The Gospel Os The 6-ace Os God " <Acts 20:24) the good news that "Christ Died For Our Kins," and that ANY sin ner n.ay be reconciled to God by faith in Christ. This is why the Bible tails the divine administra tion under which we are living "the dispensation of the grace of Cod” (Eph. 3:2*. So, wbule "peace on earth" awaits a future day. WE may now have "peace with God, ’ through our Lord Jesus Christ” i (Horn. s:l*. I when we look to God for happi ness, rather than believing that all happiness comes with the acquisi tion of some particular material or physical thing I God Is our help in every need In Him I* the fulfillment of all the desires of our heart*. Through pray ler, through communion with God. are our heat Is and minds made free and happy The happy man is the contented man We create oui own happiness out of the elements of love nnd I faith and courage that God has im- I -e>l..»*>*?< las' » .*•• hrA* •**(■* V <|UMhi W * Ihftl Bit* within ti* our hear* is 1 1 1 least with peace, and our mind is illumined and inspired wlih i Irar and true Ideas And as we seek our happi ness Through the expression of the God qualities within us our life is cmichrd and blessed with Joy. "And we knew that to them that love (tod all things work together for good."—Korn. 4:2*. flavor la tart and good. Plants of Enrlibellc are compar atively small but they set runners so freely In most soils thut fruit ing beds must frequently be thin ned. The leave* are resistum to leaf spot and leaf scorch. The variety has not been pro ductive at Beltsville, Maryland, and northward. While no tests have been conducted in the mountain regions of North Carolina, it would pmbably not do well at the higher elevations. Earllbelle Is recommended pri marily or planting In the lower Piedmont, eastern North Carolina and southward. This seedling selection baa been named and la being In troduced te commorrlal grow er* and home gardener* because es tta attractive appearance, firm fruit, early maturity, and greater yielding ability than Ute Albritton. Plante mty be obtained from the North Caroline Foundation Seed Producers, Inc, P O. Box SB - State College Station, Raleigh, Fayetteville State Lists Cadet Tutors FAYETTEVILLE—Nine of the 22 •tudenta geelgned to student teach ing in Fayetteville city and county schools tor the second nine weeks of the toll semester at Fayetteville Bute College era residents of Fay ette villa, Mieses Effle Cheek, Warren ton; Lynda Oliver, Mount Olive; and Margaret Spencer, Klttrell have been sent to Ashley elementary sdbooL Mrs. Albertina Goodman, Clin ton; Alfred Thomas, Ocala, Fla.; Misses Nannie Bullock, Manson; Dorothy Fulton, Sanford; and Mary Nichols. Hallsboro are assigned to Elementary No. 10 school. Mesdame* Lillian Robinson, Hamlet and Iren* Smith, Fayette ville; Mines Mary Jana McNeU, Fayetteville; Owtndolyn Pea ton, Fayetteville; and Margaret Town send, Ellerbe are located at the Ferguson Elementary School. Robert Johnson, Fayetteville; Mrs. Eva Jones, Whitovllle. Misses Linda Hayes, Fkyetteville and Hy theus Monroe. Fayetteville have been placed in the New bold dem onstration school. Misses Mary Ann* McLean, Fay etteville; and Mary Alice McNeil, Payettcvilie; Leroy Larkins, Cur rie and Mrs. Annette Taylor, Bur lington, N. J. are at the North St. Elementary School. Arthur Byrd, Fayetteville I* in the E. E Smith senior high school and Miss Mary O. Williams, Park ton. is assigned to the Ann Chest nutt hum school. Mrs. Lula 8. William, Brooklyn MrGcaghy. and Dr. Walter T. Pace are coordinators for Fayetteville ! State College of the student teach ing program. On The Home Front (New* items this week from Mecklenburg, Wake and Moore m:-!!: ■„) ] WINDOW TREATMENTS Homemakers In Mecklenburg County have been studying treat ment* for the "eyes” of the home. Five different types of window treatments were highlighted. Mrs. Mary Martin, home econom ic* agent, aays the women discuss < u shutters, blinds, shades, curtains '(1 draperies. Special emphasis was placed on fabric shades which can easily be made In the home. Mrs. Martin says a workshop will be held In the near future so the women can make their window shades. MONEY MANAGEMENT CLASSES Yeung rouplee In Ike Bolee vlle community es Wake County are attending classes on "managing the clothing dollar." Sine# clothing Is an expensive Ham In the clothing budget, concentrated study Is being conducted In that area. Mrs. Mary B. Graham, associate home economics agent, says the couples have been urged to make a spending plan in order to cut clothing costs. SWEET POTATOES ON THE TABLE Vitamin A foods are being fea tured In minus in Moore County. Mrs. Amelia Cape hart, home ec onomics agent, says sweet potatoes have been featured as one of the tor* vitamin A foods. Homemakers have discussed the various sweet potato products on todays' market In term* of cost per serving. Mrs. Gapehart urged the women to can and freeze sweet potatoes it adequate storage was not available otherwise. Home Demonstration club members fea tured a display of sweet potato dishes made by the members. 50 Seniors At A&T Finish Cadet Work OMBNSBORO - An even fifty senior* at A&T College will this week complete field assignments as student teachers and return to the campus. Dr. Charles L. Hayes, professor of education Program, said that through special arrangement* the student teacher* were concentrat ed in Junior and ten tor high schools in 12 cities in the State. The lint Included: Greensboro: Arthur Kemp and Sylvester Smith. High Mat: Bennie Blair . Lola Maynard, Elaine Oates, and Delois Zigjter; Winston-Salem: Alvia D. Al ston. Roy Beebe. Oscar Blanks. Charles Bocne. Lily Cotton. Hard ing Cross. Dennis Cubr.er, Joseph Duckett, Thelma Feaster. June M Foy, Martha George. Willie Gore. Angelo Holmon, Gladys Ingram. WOltem Mcßride. Franklin McCain. Melvin Overton. Carolyn Russell Lynwood Tbamngton. Ruby Wood. Morton Young, and Willie Skinner; Graham: Wylie Hams. Walter Hemingway. Janice Lanier, and Jams* McMillan; Roxboro Joan Bolton. TToy McMillan. Benjamin Overton, and Robert Snipes. The lut also Included. Madison: Anno Blacks lock and Walter Exum. Yanceyville William Love nnd Jimmie Moor*; Sanford: George Edwards; Hillsboro: Gladys Carr. Dorothy Ramsey and Harrison Romtty; Thomasvitle: Hazel M. "Stowe; Burlington: Robert Riddick. Haary WQliams and Fannie Wright; Retdsville: Willie Simons, and Ml Olivo: Cler.tts Whitaker. N. C Orders will be token until February I IMS It ortteis exceed the available supply, they will be prorated j With Faith... Yon Are Never Alone Attend Church Regularly / A the KING! E I V The church was established so that all 1 might enter in and hear the good news. Jfiijjl m\ "And thou shalt have joy and //m/wt gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth/' fMjfjw I Hl® "For unto you is born this m I I hKTO it day In the city of Daoid, a Saviour ffi Viol UTOX li U which is Christ the Lord." I d*"*. l\ - ' Attend Church Smkts thi, CJiramra | reason and thrcugtvtut the coming yew. Infl&sW I If M The Church is 6od*s appointed agency in this world * 11 f#i for spreading the knowledge of His lev* for man and \ IfvVWvVwff*"™' J His demand for man to respond te that lave by If V — llll,ll ? loving his neighbor. Without this grounding in tha jiMMMHHHiMnim Jove of God, no government or sodely or way es life j ** will long persevere ond the freedoms which we held w A so dear will inevitably perish. Therefore, even from > A 9 a selfish point of view, one should support the Church II ■■ 1 THIS INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE APPEARS EACH WEEK TO HELP MAKE mitt. lACKEASIAC.LV A 4111 R 4 H-MINDED AREA. IT IS OFFERED FOR YOUR ■ CONSIDERATION BY THE GENEROSITY OF PUBLIC'. jJRMRITEDJNDIVIDUALNJINIMII^^ rc '^,JS , 222. CO wsaea taamio * won co. RSSE IONES SAUSAGE , T^TT- Fas A Special Breakfast With Pan "CleSSaelUtoUilutooi- M * ijm" CEOM FOCHTIT COMWMT WMOW 11 PHD! OP ICC FayvttevSto SCneC Bmß*Mrooo ULTMOIE bills IVEY’S OF Ml EWE CAPITAL RIEL OWL KB A COAL CO, JOHN W WINTERS aCO W FUUCoaRa BE Aad -~r‘ r _— W WT HARMON BAILEY. IRC CAPITAL FUEL (XL CO

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