FROM RALEIGHS POLICE FILES THE t'BIJUE BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES from page n illi mate ASSAULTED hu WITH AXE Mn Catherine Harris, 36, at m f- Menton Street, reported to Offi cer Q. C. Pratt at 10 p. m. Wednee day, that her husband, Jonpt Bus rto 9( the same addrect assaulted her with an axe. The oamplainaa* mm to >rt» headqaartaea and gpto a warrant, char (toe tonh wMfe assaalt with a irsjj Tuscan Be was Jailed antor «M» bond. TBpite KIDS BROKE OUT PANE Mill Artotha Brows, 23. of 130 % Street, informed Officer lywiton Attis at 8 p. m. Wednea day. we was in the middle room of h*f house when someone threw a roclt, ft her front door, breaking •at tod large pane. ms Brows added, when she tto IBs door, atm saw two tors about U jfoars old, gltoitwrtof asp trouble .catoms niv at work cStsßnzsrsrt ghttonS Street, told a cep ». m Thnrtday. he riMspt Vteyd Stott. 53. es *2O K Baste Street, as Seott was Hiring too store artto s can et ears beef hash and ana pound *4 etoem aoacsolad to hi* coat TfF- tojw saw he was ehwklnc out st the counter st tbs time, bnt went outside and atted Scott to return te the es tebllshmtnt. Scott returned, teak the merchandise from his edkf sad placed them on the eifftter. Seott whs arrested tar shoplifting. The stolen items cost M cents. "SU<IK" CROOK STEALS SHIRTS William Holden, owner of Hold en's! Cleaners. 702 E. Martin Street, inloTroed Officers r. C. C regor y and E. L. Randolph at T tom. Thurs ttoy, so mao no broke out the nft winSeW to kia eatohliahmeat and used • tang stick to reach In and “swaps" I or 4 white men’s shirts train too laundry. Bo voluod the mtestoE teems atpio. WCOUkM STABS HASH} ALUM* SDUT SEP ABATED Mrs. Maria Bullock. 30, of 1311 Holm&a Street tcM Officer J. L. Dgntmi at im a. m. Friday, that the wont to the Club 84. corner of S. Btoedwerth end X Dario Sts., where she found her husband, John Thomas Bullock. H train whom she sma allegedly asperated, sitting |p a booth with another wo- VM MMto Ml IlfiMM M. to. a. WMNb IM il MtoMi for* treat* total She wee later rotomsd. tote Bedeck wm tefU to toe htel at tote as Monday of ftovw have hem stated, ekargteg hath with assault with MB ROG44EK ASSAULTED her IK Bom Whitley, ». of Ml 1-2 V. Mhpwtod Street. Informed Offi cer Victor B. Spencer at 10 a. m. Thursday, that William Black, 27, n Butte* of Charlotte, who rooms with her when he is in Raleigh. “b4p» me up“ Thursday morning futewing a disagreement A warrant is now on file for aril m m%V. m l I 111 IMT BrjAcoui*^ K pyy Giw A UNWANTED “CURST* breaks Mb Sto Fowler, oMSt Bsr gett Streak Apt 1. told Officer B. C. Nipper at RSO p. m. Thursday, .that Paid Atkins, arm at bar apart ment and she asked him to leave. The isnigtetoiini stotoS At ktoa “got mad and etosted to brake down a serose deer, a lamp and ether Mr ms of tend tare, tom departed toe da- The women said Atkins Uvae at 130* S. Hargett Street She akpmd a warrant charging him with dam age to property. BRED FOR BEATING WIFI Mrs. Nina Kearney, 22, o| 1111 Walnut Street, told Officer It X. Lee at 3:15 a. at Sunday, that her husband, Calvin Kearney, K hit her with his hands and ttetto Mrs. Kearney a warrant and Kearney wee ptohfd up hy Officers John Baker, Sr, end OH Hinton, Jr, and rhergsd with as sault and battery. SPENT TOO MUCH TGCR AT CLEANERS" George Bryant, 41, of IMS E. Idm ten Street, reported to a eep at 1:55 p. at Sunday. Ntea Patricia Banks, 33, of 943 Reck Quarry Read, "mi me with a knife far ae reason." However. Miss Beaks had a different alary to toll; Ska claimed Bryant slapped her be cause “I took too long to put some clothes in the cleaners.” Both were arrested for engaging in an affray where a deadly woap on was used. Bryant received treat ment at Wake Memorial Hospital, where his wound required g stitches. The incident took place at 903 Rock Quarry Road. GOES TO “UNKNOWN" HOUSE . TO rtITTCT STRANGE WOMAN George Ramsey. 44, of 554 to Hargett Street, told two ceps at R9g p. an Saturday, he went te “a hoses unknown to SM te spend the night with s tody companion, whose name I didn’t know." Ramsey added. “White 1 wm Inside the house, another man came to and asked me what I wm doing toot*. Then ha start ed slicing at am with a knife or razor Wade.” The complainant stated he toft the bourn and walked tor about • minutes before ho saw souMOne and told them ho had bean cut Ho woe treated it the hospital tor lac ora tion* of her oar and bock of his head. This occurred st the intersection of Oakwood and Seawall Avenues. arr on bead, beaten at HOME Miss Momll McDougakL to es 319 Fowls Street reported to ‘the tow" at 8:43 p. m. Saturday, that Ineal Judd, 1144 Mark Street come to her bouse, got into an argument with her, began beating her on the head with a bottle, and concluded the whipping by hitting her with hit hands and fists, and finally kicking her in the face. The woman said she would sign s warrant against Judd far assault with a deadly weapon. SHOTGUN BUTT FELLA WOMAN Mtos Marie Person, 37, es 768 S. McDowell Street informed Officer Joseph Winters at 7:44 p. m Sunday, that BUty HR) Ml tor to to* lower right oh Ml with s shotgun in the 144 block of Fowls street Mtes Peso bb was treated at Hkto Memorial Hospital ter tot toetam and said she weald aaaaa to Gte station to alga a teStemt'to^oMaO Pattesmn bat tetormed Officer J. G. Bnrbonr at 11:41 p. ro. Friday, that Bictord Cooper, 47. of 331 E. Mnvdtn Gtemni amiHß to ktete toutop mnm twnt w *»w took an axe and started swinging i‘ at tor boyfriend. Denial Boons Sampoaat to of the Potteraoo Lane Sto eastern* that while ttoapaT* “Baotod the kitchen tohte. tom stoke, throe win ton and kasstod a tola la the to Two warranto. damage to proper ty and aamutt with a deadly weap on ware dream against Cooper. Tto» r— -ow on file. STABBBB IN IM AT CUBB M Bdward Stork to at MS Bate Eden ten Stmeß MM Offtoar B. B. Caltoham at DM am. Bator day. ke wm to Bte Ctoh 84. aor aar as 8. Btoadworto and Rote Bavin ton sto tston to sms eat an the hg Short tested to did not know who eut him or at what time it teak place. Ho was treated at Wake Memorial Hospital tor a puncture wound to hU toft knee. AUTO GLASS SHATTERED Mrs. Mary Young. 38, of 574 E. Cabarrus Street, informed Officer W. E. Kidd at 7:44 a.m. Saturday, that she discovered the toft front glass in her 1959 Ford broken. She stated the glass was intact as late as U pm Friday. The cap surmised that the glass appeared to have been broken by someone kick tog it out with the heel of a shoe, rather than by throwing a brick. Mr" Ycur-S said ah; HZ >.»: anyone around her car Friday night. REAR DOfDOW OF FALCON BROKEN MBs Jo Anno WUtoma, *4. es MU Alston Street, reported te Officers W. L. Carter at 4:H pm. Friday, that aimittou dar ing too night, the rear window of o 1964 Ford Falcon wm broken out The eomptetoent, who placed the damage at about 330, admitted toe auto belongs to her boyfriend, Jas. B. Austin. Jr., who is stationed at Fort Bragg. BREAKS IN; STEALS ONE PACK OP CIGARETTES Mrs. Alevin MiteheU. 44, of 34 Lincoln Terraco, told Officer Jo seph Winters at 10:11 pm Sunday, so oatons entered her apartment while she wm away, bp reaching through too window opening and unlocking the kitchen door. Misting wag a » cents pack of cigrarettoa- A MOTHER WINDOW BROKEN Sam mu 44. of m 1-3 Fay ettevilla Street. Informsd Officer Jsmss K (Bobby) Day* at T: 17 a. m- Monday, that aamoona broke out bis kitchen window pone so roe time tote Sunday, after 3 pn. Mr. Evans mid to did not aeo er bear anyone in kia yard whan the iniQN MBOnUi The offtoar found o small toad ball on the floor of Evans’ kitchen and theorized the mlssle was thrown, rather than shot from a gun, into tha kitchen. Damage was sat at $5. r —■% —-—> _ ! CARNATION ilßk | COOKINO HINTS ! pi?* MM um«( DMCTII Mt HU |TMM * €<m Apple » Pit—the perfect ending for poor Thaakagiving dinner! The rich Ailing it moist and flanorful became it's made with double-rich Carna tion Evaporated MOk. Remember, Carnation can be mad foe all your oookiagaeeda. Keep the familiar red and nrhita oana with the “SURE-GRIP” rim handy. Pm them often-lt*i ao easy aowl appu mmcimat m (Matas a^ehfte) 1 " f! " SnmMmi laid—m %m».na.ntata. HteMta HdtaMtanMa aataaM CtPteUCW ttehtanameaeantadi WtSOUItaMUC UtaJMtakjte amts** *?pinL rvp JSk *£.'oshape* - Mai —*——r-~* —(4oo*r.) Richard B. Harrison Library Ralcasis Christmas Booklist CHRISTMAS BOOK UST EDITOR'S NOTE: foßawtog la a Bat as aamanl bento. new asaltobla to to* ganaml pnhtte atjto Rtototd to Butbn U- Tto Abbott ChrtsStoaa Beek. ad ited by Herbert W. Luthin. Hare to this volume to tot spirit as an A maricaa Christmas sspr sated in entertatotog prom. mamorahto po etry. and stunning pictures. A de lightful book. Amahl and the Night Visitors, by Gian Carlo Menotti. The story of a crippled shepherd boy who en tertained the Wise Men on their way to Bethlehem. Ages 9-12. Christmas Gif. compiled by Char Wm ae Rollins. An anthology of Chtetmas poems, tong, stories end even recipes written by and about Negroes. This book is lor people of all ages, (or families to read to gether and enjoy Christinas Gilt, by Frances Park inson Keys: The author says this la a book that was written to be shar ed: It ia a greeting, o remembrance, a gift of warmth and tandaraaaa and of human faith and generosity Christmas Magic, by Margarat Perry: Over two hundred photo# and drawings illustrate them easy to-follow directions for making scores et Christmas decorations and ornaments out of materials that you can find around tha house. Eleanor Rooeevelfs Christmas Book: Mrs. Roosevelt has collect ed tor favorites and added her own contributions. There are stories, as says and verses, old end now and they come from many lands where Christmas is celebrated. A good book tor enriching the season. The Joy of Christmas, edited by Llewellyn Miller. Ever since St. Luke told the story of that first Christmas so long ago, tha most joyous and holy season of tha year has not passed without a tribute of song end story, poem and play, re flecting the various attitudes of people throughout the world. Lauren Ford's Christmas Book: This is a precious collection of t»\ciilv-Xoui Nativity paint ed with reverence and affection by this outstanding American artist and reproduced superbly in full color. The author, a Swiss psychia trist takes the concept of giving and looks at it frem many per spectives. He explores the Inter personal relationship* that exist be tween those who give and thorn who receive Memory of a Large Christmas, by Lillian Smith: Lillian Smith, au thor of Strange Fruit hat record- SAYS YOUTH “BEAT ME UP” Mis* VtrdeU Bridges. 17. es 1127 Walnut Street reported to OGoor T. T. Street, Jr., at 1:37 pm Monday, that Mayse Teas- Unto*. Jr., aim 17. cease to tor tome and toot tor with bto bands and ttoto A warrant was signed and will be served on young Tomlinson, charg ing assault and battery. man stabbed, bobbed et TKhNAOKK* ■erase Watson, 54. es 744 Bragg Street, told Officer Street at 8:35 pm Monday be was walking threagk a vacant let In the 7M blech es Bragg Street about 7 pm. whan sev eral teenagers temped him and stabbed kkn In the l*f arm, toon “relieved* Mm es PUT. Watson, who had been drinking, declared he did not know his at taekors. WEEPY WORLD Only 7 per eent-10 per cent of the land arm of the world to now in crop*, the Catholic Digest states. od a colorful story as tor mamortes of Cbrlsdmm ag aha tow* H te „ 1,, -mb—■rmrur u ■MJ to w V to B ■ Carnation with 1 WLM ■I |A SURE-GRIPRIM This ntw rim holds any ordinary bavtrago opener snugly to prevent slipping ...pours easier, too-If s "the milk from Contented Cows" i • 4N» WM tolMMi S - B.F.Goodrich Still Has A Complete Line Oi AND WHEEL GOODS ~CLQSE-OUT PRICES OPEN THURS. FRI. NIGHT TILL 9 O’CLOCK PLENTY OF FREE OFF-STREET PARKING ms nmswmmmmP—mm——ssaw— ■■■■ a—mm— ■ ■■■■ ■■■■■ n ■memwrim—aasam 417 S. McDowell Street • Phone TE 3-3831. childhood. The Untold Adventures of Santa Claus, by Ogden Nash: and The Year Santa Went Modem, by Rich ard Armour: In the Untold Adven tures of Santa Claus, one of San ta’s workmen tells 3 tales on his bass. Ages 6 up. The Year Santa Went Modern: mg carouwam RALEIGH. N, C- SATUKDAT, DECEMBER 14, 1444 Santa becomes discontented with Borland: This hmuttSii story of a his oM fashioned self and sleigh, bop, an eld man and a bird onto He tries to become modern with first Christmas Eve to a near cm*— hilarious results. Ages 4 to 8. pression of the triumphant Joy and E-. The Youngest Shepherd, by Hal wonder of the Nativity. 3

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