Thousands Jan Funeral Home For Final Look At Singer Sam Cooke «C the *g»J^ngere artist steadfastly refused to ac cept reports of the circanastahoes surrounding his death. A* estimated 10,000 person*. Including HMwrwdflit Boxing r W, “!Sr {fir'sled* through Leak Colonial Chapels to View the remains of the tS year-eld Chicago-reared var sotllr entertainer who began hie dhnh to fame as a gospel Another estimated 8,000 persons Jammed the surrounding area, but were unable to enter the funeral home during the four-hour view* tng period. The crowd began form ing around 1 p. m., through the slewing hours were from 9 to 7 polk* put into ef fect an elaborate emergency phut to control the tags ti warms who pushed and tibtoed to theta- eagerness to autos- sad pay final lespeots to thslr departed MoL So great wm the press of the erewd that glass panels in the deer broken! toners! ton* were one woo injured. The original police contingent of so eon and 80 patrolmen had to be augmented by additional forces halfway through the vtew tag period. One Slain, Six Injured In Charlotte CHARLOTTE A man wounded six persons, including bis wife, two of his children, a. bystander, and two local officers in a shooting spree with a shotgun Sunday. Ac cording to police reports. The offi cers shot 58-year-old John Potts, to death. Petts allegedly started the in cident Or theming Ms wile. Mrs. Virginia Petto. M, at their Knmp kprf He was slain by ane as the raps after he bad fire his ihfttfTtn >l them, uixilni both, bat net seriously. Pott's children told police their father had been released from prison last Thursday after serving 23 days of a 30-day sentence for as iCONTWrED ON rASI t) ADVERTISERS OMITTED Because of the many commercial Christmas greetings to ouf readers from our advertisers. The CAROLINIAN is omitting the Bst of advertisers. This is a yearly omission, and the list will appear on the front page in next week’s CAROLINIAN. Wf. SsISP At the sms time, madty trbe failed to gst la the funeral borne for » final lock at Ooofee, and those whe sought to bypass the crush at the funeral home, de ecended upon Tabernacle Baptist Cbumlv where the final rites wane farid. under the guidance of Res. Oar Ham Tbw church's Juror Bursts Into Tears, Saves Four ORBBMBBORO Oullford County Superior Court Judge Robert If. OaUbtil sentenced four Negro men to life Imprisonment Friday night for raping a white woman, Mbs Mary Lou Marion, 30, of Winston-Salem, after a ra cially Integrated Jury rarer sad It- J. H. Peebles Winner Os SI,OOO Here John & Peebles, of 1016 8. Per son Street, was declared tbs win ner of the money tree Monday night of SI,OOO in one dollar bill-as Wesley Williams, executive of the Raleigh Merchants Bureau, drew his name from over 190,000. resales, whe to the father as seven children, to a plasterer. Be was bsterrtowed ever rad la three days away. There were 40 sponsors, includ ing the radio station. Mr. Peebles left his name at Lowe's, on Down town Boulevard. Persons were al lowed to register more than once, according to official of- the radio station TMs to me first time Ka- Mgh aad aad a money tree The drawing waa held at Raleigh Savings and Loan Company, where the tree was on display. RSAL waa another of the sponsors, as was Lowe's. Eleven Had Voted Death Penalty , But NEGRO JUROR SAVES MEN I4M OOWB HHSAjMKG-- ttJSF&fZmSZJZZ OmU «ki «M M to toitt pto nMSrtotaMtai iTlm£ Sto*. OilNnli. Ik* wwwrt 52 “SSE; ■«w«>. M Ci*i. (UPI PHOTOS). - auditorium ms wnanMehr filled • some un noun oeiore services pe* - ran agate had-to bate ins top Cay. *r te | WVON, were the Soul Stirrer* and I the Staple Stiigen. both goepel 1 dinging groups with Whan the, late Cooke had. at one time or another 1 in hto ringing career, been in as i aodatkm. (cennßD on mh s> self In the case at one of the young men end recommended mercy. An appeal notice was filed immedi ately after announcement of the term. One of the two Negro Jurors waa responsible for saving the liv es of the four men charged. The court was astounded when Judge Gam MU suiwne ed that sue of the two girls, who were reportedly with the defendants will stand trial as aad aeeempßee daring a later tem if courts Mbs Janice Dockery, the 19- year-old defendant, was Jail ed earlier Friday aad held without bend in High Point. The white woman, who was rap ed. stated Miss Dockery had re peatedly pulled her hair and at tempted to remove a ring from her finger. After the Jury first anwsans ed at 7:11 pm. Friday that (CONTINUED ON PACE II NAACP UFB MEMBERS NOW Retiring focal NAACP president. Ralph Campbell, I Sr., kit, rs shown receiving payment* on life membership* from, left to right, Dr. Joaeph Jones, Jr., ] president of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity; Mr*. Millie D. Veaaey, tor Zeta Phi Beta Sorority; and the Rev. Charier W. Ward, tor the Pint Baptist Church. Mrs. Dove Relates Robbery Ordeal ■ ■■ ■■■* 1 ■ ■ ■ -- - -■ ■ - jgr r i IVCHRISTMAS GREETINGS'4% f" * • ► • •**•*■• * .. •*■ » ••• • • •• The Carolinian | VOL. 24, WO. » RALEKHt, W. C, BATURDAV, DECEMBER 20. 1964 PRICK ISe Fire KiUs Fine N. C. Children Sleeping In Same Room; FreStrikes KINSTON—Five of eleven chil dren asleep la a rural home near here were burned to death early Saturday. . « JTi, •Z'F&STJSZ old. a eoorih: Brrln Ray Speneer, Branda^ Joyoa antFtdajp a&2r.srSs£ The five dead dtfidren worn in sleeping la one or the five-room house. Nine of the 11 In the bouse were Mr* Spencer’s. She was keeing Arlene Oltobe and another keeping Arlene Gibbs end another One of the two odUtio In the structure, Otto Jones, said he was awakened by Holts and aroused the others. Smoke and ft* pre vented hto getting to the smaller children, he declared. Being sought In eonneetion with the fire to Jems James WilMame, the other adntt oc cupant of the boose at the time. Jones stated ho last saw Williams trying to start a fire in the fireplace. Police theo rised the fire began from the open hearth. Two trucks were sent to the blaring house after Graham Hod ges, owner of the tenant dwelling, (CONTINUED OK MSI » I Mrs. Veasey New Prexy Os Local NAACP The Raleigh branch of the Na tional Association for the Advance teen of Colored People held its final meeting of 19M on Sunday. . (rONTTNT --, ex » • r-w ~ WHERE FIVE CHILDREN DIED A email white dog sift outside tha burned remains ol a Kim ton farmhouse laet Saturday, unable to understand what turn happened ineide. Five Negro children, all sleeping In the same room, ware burned to death. The mother and six other children eecaped. (DPI PHOTO). Rev. Costen To Atlanta; Davie St. Church Gets Rev. Hutchinson BT J. B. HA BEEN ROCKY MOUNT The session and congregation of the Mount Pie* gob United Presbyterian Church here received, with regret, the re signation of the Rev. James Hutton Cos ton, who came to the field (In cluding Elm City nrst U. P. Church) in October. 1080 as a student-supply; was called and In stalled upon hto graduation from J. C. Smith Theological Seminary early in 1080. Costen, a nattow of Omaha. Ne braska, (his schoolmates call him "Omaha") hss made for himself UV. JAMt.4 H. COMTES Says Miss. Is Illegally In The U. S. WASHINGTON. D. C.-A cUrn that Mississippi is ilegaily in the ! Union has been made here by the three congresswomen -elect 't the Micsissippi Freedom Democratic Party . The three, Mrs Fannie Lea Hamer. Mrs, Annie Devine and Mrs. Victoria Cray charged in briefs served *n staunssippi s < ongrcsswcn-cicct that under aa set at Cso*ress paased Fehrsary ZJ. URS which re admitted MisstsWppt la the Uatea, the state pledged never (COMTWVEB ON FAGS X) on enviable record since arriving at J. C. Smith as a freshman in IMB. During nine year* at the local Mt. Pisgah U. P. Church, Costen has led the congregation, which numbered about seventy-five active members, to build a modern edifice valued at SIOO,OOO and the member ship has Increased to 108. This year the church will pey out a 8133)00 budget with SI4OO of it going to mission causes. Costen has accepted a Call to do service for the New Church Devel opment Board oi the United Pres byterian Church in the United State* of America, in Atlanta, Ga.. beginning in February His family will remain her* until June school dosings. Costco to married to the (CONTINUED ON PAGE I) From Raleigh s Police Files: THE: HUME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES Man Beaten And Robbed of S3O John Gus Kelly. 30. of 1319 A Holman Street, told Officer 8. W Adcock at 1:05 a. m. Saturday, sa he was walking east on W South Street, approaching 8. McDowell, four men. wearing black kerchieb over their faces, knocked him to the ground and "relieved" him of about S3O. which was In his wal let. Kelly declared he didn’t know In which direction the fear fled. He also stated he Mold not Identify his attach ers, and the cop said. ”1 could n't find anyone fitting the aseagar description he gave see, tmr oonld I find anyone who tetepteS Team Robs Arthur Dove BY CHARLSS R. JONES la an egdmivg interview with The CAROLINIAN Tuesday mom* ing, Mrs. RVelyn.WHCon Dove. .#llt the robbery ertilch •eeUnVC at **TWe —ldeatifted white man rang the deerboß about B p. a* at the ISM Charles Stom|tog. acne#. Mrs. Dove teragM on the porch light and peeesi through an opening, where she akw the seen - k ***‘-t badges She then admitted tham and the pair stated they were from the FBl’s Income tax division, and wanted to talk to Arthur Dove aad she about Income tax matters, Mr. Dove, who, wee in bed, waa summoned by bis wife. He wonder ed at the lateness of the visit fay the soon-to-be-exposed imposters. However, ho came Into the liv ing room whore one of the two be gan reading what appeared to bo a warrant Mrs. Dove bod gQOe in to the kitchen, but soon returned. As the "agents” Unwed their backs to the eoopte as if I* pot the papers bock Into o trtef (CONTINUED ON FACE »> MBS. ARTHUR DO VS knew anything abeat the in cident." Assaulted With Bottle By Mate Mrs. Oottne Whitaker, of H-l Washington Terrace. Informed Officer J. O. Barbour at S:4B p. m. Sunday, her huabend, Claude Whi -her, "hit me on top of my head with a bottle.” causing a la ceration on top or her head. After being treated at Wake Memorial HisgMsl. Mrs. Whi taker rsfaasg to sign a saw* rant, ss the earn* M. Whi taker. 41. wan later “heated etrjk Ofltear B. B.