2 THE CAIOLOfIAN RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2(. 19«4 Hopping About TARHEELIA By Jay Bee Aytch GLADYS 9UWLKR CROWNED IMRAN QUEEN BY J. B. BARREN HENDERSON The decorated gym ot the L. B. Yancey Elemen tary School here wm the rotting tor the recent 9th annual Debutante Ball which formerly presented twenty-five lovely high school girl* , from Henderron-Oxford-Louwbura area of aocicty under the eponsor *hip of the Noblei and Daughters | of Imran Temple and Court A E - O. Nobles of the Myatic Shrine. Hetman K. Gilreath. Illuatrioua Po tentate, Box H. Oxford. N. C Dt. Eltzabt th Wilson is Illustrious Commandrcss of Imran Court No 65 Dts. Ixtttie Parham and Beat rice Wilson are First and Second Lieut. Commandrcss, respectively. Dts. Elizabeth Wilson and M. L. Mitchell introduced the debt and their marshals. Potentate Gilreath crowned Miss Gladys Fowler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Fowler. Miss Fowler’s marshal was .lames Hughes. Her sponsor was Mrs. A. B. Branche. Runner-up at tendants, in order, wera Misses M arion Cheatham, Bessie Marie Perry, Lucy Hester and Elaine Walker, Mai ahals to attendant! were: Cor nell Brandon, Coy Gene Dunston, Elijah Holman and Cleveland Kinjtsberry. Pts. L. A. Parham and G. H. Singleton awarded the prizes and the debs tang ‘Melody of Love,” before taking their formal swing to the music of the Counter Points Combo. Paricipating schools were Mary Potter High, J. V. Morris, Principal, Oxford, N. C.; Hendgrson Inatltute, L. E. Spencer, principal, Hender son; Riverside Union School, C. A. Harris, principal, Louisburg; Haw ley High, D. O. Leatherberry. prin cipal; and Person-Albion High, C. D. Keck, principal. Frankllnton. The roster of debutantes included: Misses Tonya Kaye Redding, Lucy M Heater, Janet L. Peace, Marga rette Bulluck. Peacola Taylor, Bar bara Ktrkland. Mary C. Will lama, ' wf- «.r-i v” .mwfv Carolyn Nevins, Mary Jane Wil liams. Rebecca Terry, Christine. Thomas, Evelyn Narrow, Patricia Holden, Genlce Carroll, John- THE CAROLINIAN Puklishtas Company -Covcrtn* Uie Carolina** Pnfetlshod by ths CsrollnUa 111 B Marita Btroot ftolrtsh N C. IUSI tEntered *• tuona Class Msttor April S. IMO at tho Post Office In Raleigh North Carolina under the Act ot March ISIS) SUBSCRIPTION RATES Six Mentha I*s •ales Tsa * TOTAL MM One Year J» isles Tea M TOTAL ~9*t> Payable tn Advance. Address nil oominunlvetlona and make all chscks ai& money ordsra payable to TIM canoliniAn Amelaamstsd Publisher*. Inc Slo Madison Avanue. New York IT. N V, National Advertising Representative and mampar of the Associated Naaro Pieaa and Uia United Press Interna ti»nai Photo Service The Publtahei la not reaponslbla for tha return if unsolicited news, pic tures or advarttaing copy unlsaa n«c essary postals accompanies tha copy Opinions expressed by columnists in Uua newspaper do not necessarily re You Can Always DUNN’S W Wm A ■ Kwal J lM l*14» l's \il Lm TMtl find that when you 4rM* X A| hiU» Itunn • Kaso Sfrvlw you -*. rely* the same comldcrattoe !■ -» _». whether you Just *lll up ynut ra ■. iM dieter or hare rout freaam Hkv LI. W> like to root that we’r, hrlptn, ■at more enjoyment üBMI tHt ear. Why M( (tn a* a (Halt Our Service Always Has A Smile! DUNN’S ESSO SERVICE m» a bloodwobth st. phone. nt s-h h Thank Yon For Yonr Patronage This Year And Let Us Wish You A Merry Christmas And A Very Happy New Year HORTON’S CASH STORE 1419-17 SO. SAUNDERS ST. RALEIGH. K. C. nie M Williams, Gladys Fowler, queen; Btsste Marie Ferry, Teresa heart. Palm is Taylor, Elaine Walk er, Sandia Wright, Carolyn Worth am, Bronett* Martin. Ernellt Eaton. Respective marshal* ward: Ed Oakley, Elijah Holman, JtMa H. Carter, Obi ley Sutton, Georg* Ysr- Ixirough. Haro, n Perry, Robert Harrison, Ervin June*, Cornell Brandon. Eiskln Hawkins, Moats Brown, Tmissamt Walker, Raymond Burrell. Thoms* Yarborough, Jam es Tisdale. Raymond Terry. John A. Hatchett, James Hughe*, Coy G-re Donslon, Alonza Hudson, .Lame* Merritt, Cleveland Kings berry, Ira Daye Jr., Fd Lee Davis, Jamn*. Rouge. Fred A. Crowell, Offlrer* of Imran Court include Daugh*er»: E. Wilson, Ixsttle Par ham, Beulah Brandon. Bea Wilson, CernMlno Singleton. Martha F. Corbett, Hazel Avery. Mary Mit chell, Mary Hawkins, Buena Peace, Jnnnie taeater. Sylvia White, Alma Soencrr, Annie Branche, Dorothy McGhee and Noble advisor L. L. Peace HONOR STUDENTS GET AUTO USE Rocky Mount’* Booker Washing ton High School share* honor* each month with the Rocky Mount Sen ior High fallghtlv Integrated) In that both schools have been grant ed the use for 30 days of a Corvalr Monras for earh s-'iool’s moat “out standing student” for the month, board on a selection mad* by a student committee which grade* a senior on the basis of Scholarship, Leadership and Character. The December awnrdee la 17- year-old Harvey T Ruffin Jr., a personable youth with an excellent record. Prior winner* of the covered dis tinction have been Charle* Wood, Jr., and Cherly Barne* during Oc tober and November. Don Bulluck, Jr, president of a local auto dealership, has cooperat ed In making the thirty day* use of the new autos available to the stu dents of the two schools In an ef rrholarship, character and leader ship. ObVlmnly, the student Is on trial while using the car which Mr. Bul luck also service* with fuel dur ing the Honor Month. The George W Bullock Elemen tary School, J. H. Bullock, princi pal, presented It* annual Christ mas proram, "The Nativity.” Sun day afternoon. The three scene* de pleted "The annunciation,’’ ’’The Shepherds and Angels” and “The Nativity Scene.” Pupils playing key role* Included Dorothy Hart, Carolyn Wor»ley and Ix>ls Tillery. Music wa* by th* Glee Club. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY ■ Vi m&» W s’, , .'-i jSL B* jTjM '. 'm WM. m? 'i v -4 n«M jpo J*> M v ' faffed-3£'-' aftLfe •.;. f * >' :%:, ■J&fr''-' "■ ■ :! WT r 4',? * fit- «, m _jt ■ ’ Bjpj^'^"^4 AT WHITE HOUSE PARTY FOR UNDERPRIVI LEG- Wednesday during a parly lor tha area, undarpriviltted chit- ED Preaidant Lyndon B. Johnaon ia ahown leaning in tor an dren. Along with the Chief Executive, Mrs. Johnson and their antimated word with a couple of gueat at the White Houae last daughters also hosted the party. {UPI PHOTO). ATTEND YULE PARTY, SPONSORED BY IDLE-A-WHILE CLUB As a special pro ject, the Idle-A-WNIe Club of Raleigh, entertained aeveral children at a special Christmas party, held at the Chavis Heights Recreation Center last Thursday evening. The program consisted of gift-giving, and refreshments. Among those attending were: Sandra and Patricia Daniels, Wanda Aiksns, Audrey Avery, Dewanna and Phyllis Burt, Angelo Womack, Julia Ruth Watson, Ronnie and Felicia WomaSr, Brenda Spencer, Sonny and Tina Coefs, Elizabeth and Doris Ann Taylor. They are pictured above. Holiday Season Is One Os ‘Nuttiest’ Ttisre's no doubt about It. The holiday season la one of the "mittu leat" of the year. NuU appear nl mout everywhere—ln the toe of Christmas stockings, on top of fes tive fruitcake*, even a* part of cen terpieces on Yuie dinner tables. From Thanksgiving to Christmas, nuts are used in abundance. They also are finding their way onto more dinner tables in a greater variety of ways all year around. The U. S. Department of Agricul ture reports Americans are eating more nuta than ever before. Since 1920. per ceplta consumption has increased more than 90 per cent Uasah, fee example, are eew included hi way prepar ed food aaUee and trauen foods -uaadlae almeadine. green heaae with alas end altceo. cake and ftmttay mtxeu. And yen can buy ahuauda any way you want them die ad. alieed. ailr arad. Munched. reaatad and Psoana also are tn criming their JUROR BURSTS INTO TEARS, SAVES 4 MEN tCONTWOn ntOM MM t) they had reached a verdict es gnilty wttbeut a reeiwenda tien Par werey. John H Sid die. usse us the Negroee en the fury, bur at into lean, and the Jadgu dtaaDewvd the verdict. The proaseutton aought the death penalty for Leroy Daria. S 3, of Corona. Long Inland. New Tort: Julian O. Halraton. 18. Greensboro: WUbe Bair. Jr.. SS. High Point: and Charier Donald Toiaa. it. of Jamestown. Judge OambUi. oonunenting on the jury's decision, aakl. the Ne groes “ought to consider it. in my optnion. an act of grace.’* The taw Negro who saved the Pour Uvea. Mr. Biddle. Uvea in rur al Ouilford County, and changed hie mind when defence attorney Robert Cecß asked that the jurors be polled. Reaffirming the automatic death penalty were the first jurors polled, a white housewife and a btutnsw awn. who is also Cauca sian. However, when It came Mr. Bid der* turn, h* began sobbing soft ly. and aaJd. "OtUlty. with recom mendation for mercy ” He est the jury room tn tears, and Is be lieved to have changed his mind aTter OamblU had explained that popularity and uses. Since 1920, consumption has Jumped nearly half a pound per person, recans now - total nearly a fourth of all the tree nuts we eat. says the US DA. Nuts are moving from the luxury class to the commonplace. As in come rise, you can expect to find them more and more often in main dishes and desserts as well as in randies and confections and as snack items. a verdict must be unanimous, sav ing the four. The decision finally came at 7:43 p.m. Friday. 45 minutes after the Jury had returned from sup per. It got the case at 3 35 p.m. Thursday and spent the night locked in a motel here. Each of the defendants pleaded Innocent to charges that they ov erpowered MLss Marion and her finance. Mick Wilson. 29. of Greensboro, as the couple parked on a dead-end street, near High Point last June 21. WUson declared he and Mias Marion were diseasing marriage plana when the four men jumped them. The wom an Identified the four ns her attackers earlier this week. WUson also claimed he was knocked unconscious during n struggle for a rifle, allegedly held by one of the four. Miss Marion stated she eras rap ed < times on the front mat of her fiancee automobile. mrsTveasey NEW PRESIDENT OF THE NAACP iroNTwi'to suns, e»u* n December JO at the Fayetteville Street Baptist Church Highlights of the session were the reporting of 1.000 members, twenty Ilfs membership*, and the election of a new slate of officers for the 1955-88 terms Fayetteville Street Church's pas tor. the Rev. W. a Lewis, challeng ed the- group to render unselfish service for the cause of freedom. The following officers will be In stalled at tt>e First Baptist Church, corner of Wilmington snd Morgan Streets, on Sunday January 17. IMS; President. Mrs Millie Duna Veasey; Ist v. re-president Rev. Charles W Wa-d: 2nd vice-presi dent Rev S Collins Kilburu; sec retary. Miss Barbara Williamson; and treasurer. J. Mills Holloway. Members of the Executive Com mittee: Church work. Rev. D. N. Howard, chairman, and Rev. W. B. Lewis; Community Coordination, Dr. M. M. Adams, chairman; Edu cation, Dr. Prezell R. Robinson, chairman; Finance. J. J. Sansom, Jr., chairman; Freedom Fund, Dr. Ellen S. Alston, chairman; Labor and Industry, Junious Sorrell, chairman; Legislation. Dr. Carl De- Vane, chaiiman; Legal Redress. At torney George R. Greene, chair man; Membership. Mrs. Virginia K. Newell, chairman; Political action. James A. Shephard, chairman; Program, Mrs. Shirley Liggett, chairman; Press and Publicity, Miss Vivian Irving, chairman: Vet erans, C. G. Irving. Sr., chairman: and Youth work. Mrs. Harveleigh R. White, chairman. THOUSANDS JAM FUNERAL HOME FOR LAST LOOK iniNiwi rD mow ri„t n Meanwhile. Heavyweight Champion day blasted official Investigation of Cooke’s death aa “Inadequate." Clay, a clone friend of Cooke, told reporters he could not be lieve reports of the clrcum stances surrounding the fatal sheeting of the yoong singer at a Los Angeles motel on Fri day, Doe. 11- Pollce said the singer was shot fatally In the chest by Mrs. Bertha Lee rranklin. 99-year-old man ageress of the Hacienda Motel. Mrs. Franklin had charged that Cooka, clad only tn a topcoat, had ktokod In the door of her office tn search of a female companion who had allegedly fled their motel room with most of his clothing. Fottee Identified the girl as Klha Rover. 22. n* 9il'-*vd, a Eurasian of British-ChiM* parentage. Miss Reyrr tc i » Use she met Cooke at a H Ut wssd bar and accepted his of fer as a ride home after vtatt ftag a nether night spat. Cko Lyles, a photographer and dose friend of the Cooke family said “Kicking a door down just doesn’t sound ’ike Sam. I believe he was “framed." James Earner, a boyhood friend, who sang with Cooke en street earners and ettimd ed school with him. agreed that “Sam was net the type to ge aresmd Mektag In doors." They were erhooimatu at CM sago's Beattie Elementary Sake at Re aaM Sam was te hndtd In hmwksdl and las ketbaß. and oner had amM Mans as becoming a Mg tragne star. Sam did reach the big league, not as an athlete, but as one of the nation's celebrated singers He had 10 hit recordings and sold co- ver 10 million records. And if the mood of the people of Chicago and elsewhere Is any indication, his records will be selling for years to come. * ONE KILLED SIX INJURED IN CHARLOTTE (CONTINUED FKOM PACE ONE) saulting his wife. Patrolman Rufus W. Hamilton, 39. was struck In the legs by sev .... pL..,.0 i auu,.hdii K iiiy D. Jones. 24, was hit In the shoulder and legs. Mrs, Potts, who wss wound, ed in the side and leg, waa re ported in serious condition st Charlotte Memorial HospltaL Two of the children, Lucinda Potts. 7, and Frank Potts, 5, Were struck in the head and chest, but ►the wounds were minor. A bystander. Mrs. Willie Mae Simpson, w, waa hit In the head by one pellett, but her In jury was also minor. "* *A visitor at the Potts home at the time of the shooting, Iriah Wil liams told police Potts ran Into the living room, yelled something a bout loving his wist, then fired once with his double-barreled shot gun, missing Mrs. Potts wrth the first load. ARTHUR DOVE IS ROBBED (( ovnNurn on p/ or n esse, they suddenly “whirled” around and pointed one pistol at Mrs. Dove and one at her husband. They then ordered Mrs. Dove to open the front door as the lights were turned off by one of the rob bers. Two Negro men entered the door, partially covering their faces with their jackets, and went straight to the rear of the fashion able home. Flashlights were then put into use. Mrs. Naomi Swall, a nurse, who s fiends Mrs. Dove's aunt In the house, was spotted by one of the crooks. She was ordered into the room. Also in the house was a sleeping 11- year-old nelce of Mrs. Dove. At this point Mr. Dove was handcuffed with his hands behind him He was also bound with tape from ear to ear. and his feet were tied with a dress belt He was Ordered to lay on the floor. Mrs. Dove was tied with fine wire as was Mrs. Swall, who was also gagged with the tape. Mrs. Dove ws gagged later and ordered to lay on the floor. The men. who stayed In the house over an hour, cut the telephone cords and placed the phonos on a table. Mr. Dove's life was threatened as was his wist. The white pair also threatened to take them along. s4B* waa taken from Mr. Dove's pants pocket, and a hundred-dollar MU was stolen from Mrs. Deve. A hag es un roanted change from the day's LIiMOLN THEATRE RALEIGH. N. C. STARTS SUNDAY DECEMBER J7TH “THE AVENGER” Starring STEVE REEVES “ROCK, ROCK, ROCK” STABTS THURSDAY DECEMBER 31 ST “DUEL OF CHAMPIONS” ALANMLADD “THE MAGNIFICENT T Starring YTL BE TWER Other monies are still tmsceotttW ed for by the Doves. Mrs. Doe* managed to get Dm first She then freed Mrs. Bwafl. tout could not get the cuffs from her husband She rto, without shoes, to tho bom* of a neighbor, who exited tho cope. Upon the four officer’s arrival, they unlocked Mr. Dove’s hand cuff*. Still investigating the incident are: Officers Ralph L. Johnson, J. E. Pierce, and Dot Sgte. U B. Council and J. L. Stoudemire. REV. COSTEN, REV. HUTCHINSON TRANSFERRED (CONTINUED VRAM PAGE I) former Mho Maiva WUseo of b pares bore, H. V. They have three ehlldrsx; James, age 9; Oral*, >1 and Chary! L Dr. L. P. Armstrong Is clerk es the Session of ML Ptagah. DAVIE BTBEST CALL* HUTCHINSON Davie Street Uoited Preehy byterlan Church, Raleigh, wa* th* scene es a called Wiling ot the Cage Fear Presbytery es Catawba Synod, Uoited Presbyterian Chareh UIA, Eat arday for tbs gargaaa of SB teodlag a eaR te the teeol pao tarate I* the Rev. Frank 9L Hutchinson, a whit* mlnhier, of ML Louie, Me. Preebytery, who Is expected te assume the Davie Street Pnehyterlao pul pit the first of the year. The Rev. W. Roecoe Wall. Ox ford, moderator of the Cepe Fear Presbytery, presided over the pree byteriens to fill th* vacancy left when the Rev. J. Oscar McCloud resigned to take up work In At lanta several months ago. VETERAN MAILMAN We talked with veteran mall car rier Frank A. Watson of 109 Idle wild Avenue, who has been Idle during the forty-one years he haa “carried the mail” for Raleigh. The seventy-year-old postmen waa walking his rounds on the coldest day of the winter. He urges colored young men to apply for and take civil service exams particularly the veterans so they can qualify for a better Job then tsnltorlal w-V . FIRE KILLS FIVE KIDS HOME OF (CONTINUED PXOM PAGfc I) was awakened by the flames and notified them. As the firemen arrived, the front portion of the houae waa en gulfed in fire. The bodies of the children were burned beyond re cognition. SAYS MISS. ILLEGALLY IN THE U. S. te alter er amend Its const!- tntioa so ”... as to deprive any citizen er clam es eltttsens es the United Stoles of the right to vote who ere entitled to vote by the constitution hereto rec ognised. . . .” The briefs charged that under Mississippi's 1869 constitution the only voting requirements were eg* and residence. An 1990 constitu tion, adopted after Reconstruction, openly nullified the 1870 resolution and disenfrachiaed most of the state’s Negro citizens, the FDP leaders charged. In 1890, there were 80,000 more registered Negroes than whites to Mississippi, while in 1801. register ed whites outnumbered registered Negroes ty 79.000. Total Negro reg istration dropped during this per iod from 189,000 in 1990 to 23,000 to 1961. sleet charge the nearly total White Label DEWABS SCOTCH WHISKY I _yj» *i* II I 'Whtte Labcr I I Blended Scotch whisky II ■ loot SCOTCH WHISKIES W m eeooucT o* icoutut ll Ss£S3E£?^ Mra Hammer, from RulevUte. a staff member of the Student Non violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) la challenging Rep. Jomii Whitten of the 2nd Cuogi mMonM District Mra Devine, from Canto* a worker for toe Congress es feo» tel Equality, is challenging Mom Prentiss Welker in the 4th District while Mra Gray, of Hattiesburg, « National Board member es the Southern Christian Lcadershtf Conference is challenging fto Dis trict Rap. William Cokmr. CORE In Cleanup Campaign CEDAR HEIGHTS. Md.—Prince George County CORK has initiated a campaign to rehabilitate tote dilapidated Negro slum which, lit erally. is “on the other aide of the fence.** It waa tbua described in a meant Baltimore Sun feature article and CORE Regional Secretary Louia Smith has characterised toe eight foot high fence dividing Cedar Height* from th* white communi ty at Seat Pleasant as "another Berlin walL" Though toe Seal Pieamnt ■topping center te aoty two Marito away, Cedar Heights wisents have te tetawest toe fane* by a mUe-tong walk te get there. Fallowing COKE tkreota es nenvtetent direct an presently am negettettag with CORE an plans to break through the fence. As for Cedar Heights, the Wash ington Star said, in reporting the CORE cleanup campaign: "Caught in a tight wedge between super highways, tha email community has become e graveyard for aban doned cars, for evwry conceivable bit of household junk from boilers to bathtube." Ino FiNii-PONti FLAYLKO MONROE. La, On toe first day that CORE bed succeeded to de segregating this city's recreation centers, two Negroes, Sarah Mo- Coy and 'Sammy Gray, worn as saulted as they played ping-pong at one of the previously all-white centers. The day before, whan an inter racial CORE group arrived to uoo the acilitties, the center waa ringed. But the following afternoon a simi lar group came, wera registered and remained at the center for two hours without incident. If adults set youth the proper ex ample, it might ho poMhle for young -people to their tend Th« cause of the axotoeieo whteh sunk the battleship Maine to 1806 War bee never been satisfactorily determined the Catholic Dlgeet There am two sides te every tew suit the legal and too metal rids. LEGAL NOTICES ■ALE or AUTOMOBILES Notice 1 a hereby glv*n that Steads Sinclair Service. Ill* Oleenwood Ave., Raleigh N. C., Wcke County, win aril on premises to the highest bidder at UOO noon. December IS, lt*L toe following automobiles: IMT Jaguar Serial No. TSOMS BW License No. BZOMI N. C. (1961) ISM Austin Serial No. HS*L HCS B*o4o License No. BZ MM N. C. (Ml) ISM Buick Serial Nc. OBIU7M* ISM Chevrolet Serial No. CSZT 101447 Motor No. AD 10OTT1T