I T^msTmaascsara ZION’S LANDMARKS DEVOTED TO THE DEFENSE OF THE PRIMITIVE BAPTISTS. “TO THJET! JLi^AV TO THIG TJESTIMONY.’ Volume II. Wilson, North Carolina, October I, 1869. Number 21 I From the. Primitive Baptist Fcliruary 27,1836.J Measure of the Devil’s Foot. BY JOSHUA lAWBENCE. Brother Editor:—I send you the inciisute of t.he devil’s foot for pub- i licatiori, if you see cause. Among the many inventions of mankind, they have invented and settled a .sta.ndard of weiiilits and mea- sures, which is acknowledged as the law and rule of the land, and by which all men have a right to try all eights and measures they suspect to he false. So has God in the New Testament given a standard weight and measure, to try ail doctrines and ordinances and discipline by, when suspected by his church or people of being false. And they have a right to try all doctrines, &c., by this stan- 4vifu.!:iiti.t ^.nd Qhri^tian^mfg^t^re,. and if found false, to charge the oilier with the same false measure, and prosecute him in the bargain for keeping a false measure. If all this be true, then 1 have a right to mea sure the devil’s foot by this standard of God’s ovm law, for the welfare of the Christian community ; and I also have a right to measure and weigh by this standard, all doctrines ot men that I may suspicion of being false, and charge them wdth the same. When I was a boy, my father’s negroes and the old women used to tell me many frightful things about the devil; and among the rest, that he might be known whenever I saw him by a cloven foot, which they pro nounced clubben. So I formed my ideas of the devil in my youth, that he had a foot like a great maul or club ; if this was the truth, I could tell his track wherever I saw it in the gospel field. But since I have be come familiarly acquainted with old Satan, I have found they beiied their betters and that he has not got a foot like a club or maul; but that he has a cloven foot and not a clubben foot. A cloven foot, that is, a foot like a cow, or sheep, or hog; or you may call it a forked foot, or a two foot, or a parted foot like a cow, and not like ' a horse or jack—that is the meaning ^ of the scripture cloven foot, a parted hoof. Now you know that under the ceremonial law all beasts that parted the hoof and chewed the cud, were said to be clean beasts; the swine parts the hoof but don’t chew the cud, therefore unclean. T’ou pass along and find a hog’s track; you say, here went a sheep'—^how do you know ? look, here is his forked foot. So you see some judgment and ac quaintance with tracks is necessary, in oriler to know a sheep’s foot from a hog’s foot. So it requires some judgment and experience to know the devil’s track from Christ’s track, or a hypocrite’s track from a saint’s track, more than it does to know a sheep’s or deer’s from a goat’s or hog’s track. But I can tell them all ‘(.yn.ni-, Nr. vvya u d ep tb en t.b a t I .^houl d laws for God and enjoin them on men to ohserve to get to heaven, and thus yoke and burden the saints in their march along the king’s high way of holiness heavenward ; fourth ly, zealous for trifles God never prOf. hibited by his word, wdth persecution, fire and sword to all that did not come up and bow to his law's and rules of tradition, and doctrines of the devil and hypocritical men ; fifth ly, whenever you come on the devil’s track it will smell of the command ments of men, tradition, money, per secution, blood and death, all under the cloak of religion and thus saith the Lord ; sixthly, fiery zeal for God and his cause, zealous for works and self doings by law', and works for salvation, and envy, hatred and death for all w'ho dare to go to undertake to track the devil measure his foot, and little will old satan thank me for that. However, he and I have been at loo-o-erheads for many } ears, and if he or his agents get mad, w'e must fight it out. For I have .set out to follow his track and give the measure of his foot to a hair’s breadth, if I can in a short wa,y. So I must tell you that wo must find his track fiefore we measure his foot, and secondly, in order to find his track we must go into the paths or by-ways where he generally walks. Don’t think it strange if I tell you, that I am well acquainted with many of his paths and by-ways; for wt have been well acquainted for Jgfty years, and have had many a hard brush and tug to see who shall be served, Christ or Beelzebub. And this is not all—I shall know liis track as soon as I see it. But before wo set out to look for his track, 1 will tell you some of the paths ho used to walk, and you know old bea ten roads are the easiest to travel, and the easiest to sec his track in- One of his old paths, was directly across God’s commands ; secondly, prohibiting wdiat God had allowed to y men, and thereby crossing the path im f anim 'by any 0tii5r tUiiipiK.-o hypocrites, two coat men, and go- betweencrs of God and devil, and self-righteous men for gain by godli ness when the wind blows most in favor for gain on that side. For goats in scripture are represented fierce, and again they are put as em blems of lustful men ; and this is a true picture of all hypocrites, xind again, a hypocrite is a cloven, or tw'O-tongued man, and he is a tw'O coated man, and also a bag man.— And this have I noticed lor forty years, that whenever you find a man with a svfcct tongue, or honey and pancake mouth, beware of that man; he will take you in if he can, and his sweet words is his craft to do it, from the preacher to ,the h^'se jockey.— These are take ins that I have ob served. But if you find one of your old and not pay toll at their gate, with adding to God’s laws for salvation. These used to be some of his old paths, where I think we can find his track ; and if you will go with me in search, I will take the measure of his foot in short order. Of his by-' paths I perhaps may tell you some fe\v things as I go along. Thus we will leave fu'-ther remarks and go and look in his first old paths for his track. But before wc set out it is necessary to tell you that Christ compares the wicked to goats set on his left hand, and goats have cloven feet you kno'w, as well as the sheep old blunL , rough snoken fellows, doli’t^e u^-ai(l of Imir;""lie 'won’t set on his right hand. And you know that Christ says to tb.e pharisai- cal hypocrites, you are of j'our fa ther the devil and the lust of your fa ther ye wdll do. But yet if you will examine the bottom of a goat’s foot and that of a sheep, you will find a difference between them.— But as I am under the necessity of being as short as I can, I will not detain you further by preparatory remarks. The cloven tongues of fire hurt you, he has but one tongue, and not two. You will recollect that I told you the old women w'crc mistaken about the devil’s foot, that since I had be come acquainted with him I had found out he had not a club foot; if so, he might have a shoe made like some other club-footed folks, to hide his club foot—but that I told you he had a cloven foot, which I shall try ro provje before 1 am done. But the great (Question porhaps wdth you is to know how he came by thisAloveu foot. This I could tell you if I had time and room, since 1 have the deril’s genealogy before me; bpt tiion it would not bo to my purpose, since it is his track and not his foot that we have set out to look for.— llemcmber I have told you tw'o things —first, that one of the devil’s old paths he used to walk lies directly across God’s commands ; and second ly, that I have to prove he has a cloven foot, 'i'hese things I shall that set on tlie apostles, was to rep ! : ookii 4; re til),* gift given tongues, or them to spea the different; faniruages of the nations. So tin of God’s permis.sion,; thirdly, to make | cloven leet ol gi.*ats is to r'-present. li. li ; ‘'n-.i attempt to do it, do }'ou be i now conic to prove tile devil’s old paths a cro.-is U 1 arid while 1 am ih fn or his track, that one of * t ios Jh'ectly commands. Genesis, d' the tn o of tlie know A V: ®r V ;