k > ■rkt- ZION’S LANDMARKS DEVOTED TO THE DEFENSE OF THE PRIMITIVE BAPTISTS. •TO TO TKSTT:vxois'’ir.” VOL YL * AOLSOA, NORTH CAIIOLINA, DECEMBER 16. 1872. r * ^ COMMUNJCATKD. OciLKTHORrG, Macon Co., Ga., September 22d, 1872. j Eldbr D. Gold—Dedr hrnth- rr :—1 have for some time felt an ■ii’.clination to write you what I hope the Lord has done for me, a poor sinner. Up until mj' fifteenth year 1 had no thought of tlie welfare of ray soul, at that age I attended a communion meeting, the minister t*aid when he rras breaking the bread, this bread is in token of Jesus fbiirist’s body, and v.dien betook the wine and said, as free as the wdne runs out of this bottle, that free the blood of Jesus Christ runs to save ])Gor f.inhers from their sins, 1 was brought to my study, am la sinner, yes I am vile, then wnmt off to not express them to any body; I was trying to pray to get i-eligion by my * own good works and self freewill l and 1 grew no better and my troub- ! les increased wdthout number. I then thought of the Bible, 1 had not read that, I sinner. I myself and wept a‘great home with my gun on my should- r and whiJn I got intp the-woods the^ wore all in a bhrze of'fire in front comifig to meet me, the fire wars about waist high, I made a little- halt and thought I was going to be nng- until thought JL iiCiVA j lICtAU ClJLAVt tXlWVi^lAD X tlClO that if 1 I destroyed for my sins. I com- wmuld read that perhaps I v/onid j raenced trying to pray to God to get better, so I got my mother’s Old ' have mercy upon me a poor sinner; Bible and tried to read it, but it j I then tlmught of hearing preacher? condemned me for I found there say in that great day sinners wdll that I am already condemned, gnd call for rocks and mountains to fall wdthout his sovereign wdll and the' upon them to liide tliem from the application of the blood of his dear face of the lamb. I then thought son I am lost and ruined forever, ;of those rocks in the woods as 1 and I also saw in this wmrd ■ they [knew of one in aliout one hundred that hunger and thirst after righto- ‘‘yards of me and I must go through the fire to get undor it to from being burnt to death --^y^ver ousness shall be filled and thew’-eary heavy laden shall find rest to their souls, I could not see that I -was in cluded ill that numher, and I am a L sinner.ai: 8UI -loi and said, God ^ poor sinner. I then began to think about dying and what wodid ItocQuie of my poor sonl; I wept and Rlied many tears for about three iuontlis. 1 then begged the Lord as i ivas so young to let me have two or three years taking mj fine sport in dancing and odl kinds of evil mirth, and I then ivould begin to pray and serve the Lord and gei re ligion in a short time, and for aliout ten months my mind was not aroused from its pleasant resting place; at that time 1 began to be troubled about being interested in a saviifi-, or hope of eternal life in khe world to come, at this time my sins began to rise as great bills and mountains on every side. I am now desolate, what shall I do to be saved? I then concluded that if I would live mor^ and upright and say iny prayers two or three times a day, ray case would not bo so bad, so 1 did, but instead of justifying me it only condemned me; ray trouble irrew 'ftmi’se and wmrse and more fully opened to my understanding; I began to see w^hen the goQd spirit was ivith me the evil one WeiS alphs too, and when the good spirit vmufd say yos the evil one would say no, and mv troubles were groat, 1 can- WHS, Grod be mcrciryl ^ ■nml h'j some ^ '5'’* ow of the rock, b.av- nemy is behind me arni^mg Trae through -ot under the rock I turned lonnd n my gre it seemed to me that there was a his manner 1 rambled al the first Sunday and Satuiday be- tbre in May, 1827. 1 went to a baptist meeting and was praying as 1 rode along to tlie Lnrd to remove this heavy burden of sin, guilt am-l jondemnation off my mind, and when I anived at the mectimr fh« preacher could and did tcUiiie tlie exercise of my mind, how I bad failed to get religion by my own good works and doings and how timt. I had been trusting in an arm of flesh, on Sunday evening t’nc. preacher came t|own out of the .‘^^f:;;;d and told all that wished an inlere.^t in his prayers and the ,})rayerH of t he, church to give him their liaml ji:;d ‘Lnv ivould iiray God to rtmder unto every a.f . ^ . 'se- its necessities; 1 did riVC m- , , ^ hana to hid great gulf in front of 'me and death stared me in the face on every side. I then thought I would go and hear the Baptists preach, they told me that Jesus Christ was the son of God and ho came to tins world to suffer tlie hitter deatn of the ciOoii to save poor lost sinners irom their sins and he w-as the way the truth and the lifa, hut I could no-t see how he could be just end the j-astifier of such a poor creature as I w-as: my troubles were great, I tried to lead and pray and ev'ery sentence i lead condemned me and my prayers seemed to reach no higher tnan my head and my sins are fast leading me to destruction, I went in this manner for five years and six niontns at the expiration of this time in the year 1827, in the 21st year of my age pJong the first of January 1 went to see my brother-in-law and spent the niglit with him, expecting in the morning to go through the w'oods and kill me some squirrels, having m'y gun with me and being in thefi^bods where were large rocks so 5ig,f a person could walk some tw-enty to &y feet upder them. So I fell asleep and dreamed that morning and saw the dangd' that 1 was^ ex posed to and had not even a hair of my head singed, but my gun was melted off my shoulder, 1 was sorry, tliat I had lost my gun, I tlien heard a loud voice as if a man had spoken saying,! had better be think ing about the welfa^'c of my poor soul for if you are not born again you cannot see the kingdom of God in peace; I cannot in greai; iro™ Pile it but I wa? ^id 1 did not want worse off tell the avvful jolemnity of ray feelings. I then commenced thinking about what I shall do, I decided I must read the Bible and pray ^ great deal that God may love me and not be mad v/ith me, I did not know but that his ways were like man s w-ay«. I awoke next morning feeling no 'bet ter but rather w'orse. I read, and prayed that ho vrould have mercy on me and show me the right way and give me faith to believe Jesus Olirist was the son of God and that he died and spilt his blood to save poor lost and ruined sinners fiom clieir sins and be just and the justi- fier of such poor sinners as I was, after this my mind was given over to the world and worldlj' pleasure and had but little or no knowledge before I got home I than ever; I thought that I should sink under my burden of sin and condemnation, I could not eat din ner, I had tried all the midlcines and physicians there were in Syria, but I grew worse and worse, nry punisli- ment is greater than I can l>ear, I cannot live as I am, I thought of a place where no human eye could see nor ear could hear, and there I went and fell flat upon the earth, all I could say was God be merciful to me a sinner, lost apd ruined forever.— I reckon I laid there some time re peating the saute words, when 1 got up 1 thought r had committed sin had come and that I had started i of the way and plan of salvation: in anvone to know it, it would bn said !hat 1 was too young, for if yon wave converted you would nat be aipy- tliing thought of, these witii ofiAV foolish thoughts arose in my mind , ■* enongh to sink me into everlasting despair, I thought I never would trr to pray again, but before I got to the house I would stop and say Lord have mercy on me a poor sin ner and forgive me the sins I com mitted when I was lying down, iny liGarts desire was liMp me or I shall forever sink, and so 1 rambled along

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