-I. r it I DEVOTED TO THE ‘ DEFENSE OF THE PR VOL YI. “XO TITK TO XITE TTnSTIMONY.” WILSON, NORTH CAROLINA, JANUARY 15, 1873. Music. TloTf STTcpt ponnds, tliey sootb? rny heart, Vfh n torn bv sore aflliciioii’s ama.' t; 1h wildest dreams I bear tbem ol't, Policicus, melodious, soft. 1 iOTft the warhlit pr of (be bird ‘Whose Fone so oft in spriiip;' is heard, “!'is evtr music to mv car. ■’Tts srnt to sti engtbeu and to cheer. I love it in the tnorning bright, When hearts arc; free and glad and iight, it sends a thrill of joyous glee To think its songs me meant for me. ’Tis Cod who gives it rtrength to sing. To -make the woods witli music ring; ’Tis Hr wlio makes ns love to hear Tbe r gladsome notes so puie and clean Where’er it be my lot to dvre'i (hi higliland roe!;, in mossy dell: In (Ottage poor or jailace fair. May music be my pleasure there.. I stirrow for tliat sickly mind, Who ne’er in music ouglit can find A charm to drive dull care afar, When troubles dark their pleasures mw-. Oh music good f eve y k’nd I® ever suit, cl to my luiiid, Ko maUer if its sad oi gay A solemn chant or mci ry lay, - 'SSusio poficns, music refines, Mu; if cm-hriits, may it be mine, K’er to feci i's soot ing t o’.ver , Jiln ia death’s da.ik and trying hour. But music here can never be Bo sweet as that above to me; In tii.vt lu-ight land of iicrfcc t love Where sainis in endless intmbcrs move. M. A. THOMPSON. P ;PoETRt'. I (’ui'iiig this time 1 learned to play the liddle and 'I beca’iie one of the chief among the yung peojtle in their parties and dances, and in this form of life I gloried, I had for gotten all my former priyers and promises I had made in my child hood and gone after my own W’ay which I then enjoyed, I seldom went to preaching of any kind and if any spuke to me of sneh, or rebuked me it would stir my wTath against them. As for the Bible I had no use for it and did not read it, no more than if there had been no such thing in the world. Oh 1 miserable condition that I ivas in. I do at times reason with myself in this way, a.sking wliat wa.s in me to cause the Imrd to love me, surely there was nothing, hnt if I was loved it was in Christ, for if 1 urn one that yvas eho.sen in liim to bo conformed to him it was according to his purjiose to come to jiass and not according to our ivorks, cither of righteousness or wickedness: all the Father gave me shall come to me and him that cometh unto me I iviil in nowise ca.st out: all that hath heard and hath learned of my ■ Father cometh unto me: wo have to learn the filthiness of our v/ickedne.ss and Novemhkr 9th, 1872, righteousness before we can or wdll come to Christ, I believe I have been eTperimentally taught the filthi- r.e.ss ol both. I liiid no pround to O build a hope on citlier. I have told you a little of my love to sin. Now X will inform you of the w’ay the Lord lias led me out and killed me to the love of .sin, if indeed he has : about the age of nineteen I was awakened and I .saw I was a sinner OMMUNICATED. Dear brother Goi.d :—Havim- liad the privilege of reading a few numbers of the “Landmarks’’ I fttn w’ell pleased with the doctrine it contains; I have en^dosed tivo dollars in tills letter for your paper one year. Dear brother as I am wTiting for your paper I will tell yon a little about my experience of gTK 0 in early childhood from the a j;e of about eight years old to about twelve I had very serious meditations on eternity at times and desired to be a good child and when alone I would try to pray for the same, but from .the age above mentioned I fell In love with the ways of the world and was hardened in sinful practices so that I befame an enemy to religion and pursued after my own way,— I h.a(i a great habit of sivearing and -^'ursing, so that I seldom uttered a jiuntence witliout an oath of some sori. against God and in his sight I saw also that I was pas.sing from time to eternity and I would have to go to judgment M’itli all my sins, if I re mained in the condition I -was in I should be lost, but at this time I was not affected with much fear and the reason was I had a way in my view by which I thought I could escape llie M'ratli ofGod: and sin, being very sweet to ray desh, I would .^ay it is time enough yet to reform; thus I continu ed a short time, but the impre^ious gan to promise I (vould leave olf sin ning and do would love me and pardon me for what I had done, but my convictions Vvonld ease off my mind and I w’ould do the things I had promised not to do, after making end breaking many promises, I .sav/ I vras getting worse instead of getting better and in order to bind myself I would take an oath to the Lord I Avould not do those things again but that proved of no more strength than the other; now thought I, it will not do to go on in this way for in the place of doing good I am doing worse, so I con- ded to leave off trying to do good for it is no use, for I can’t do rio-lit. About tins time I dreamed and saw a cloud rise in the west about the size of a man, and in a minute or two it spi’cad over the heavens and became exceedingly dark and tlie lightening Hashed from it and enme in the house I was in, and light(3rl on me and I drank it; this increased my troubles for it appeared if I did not turn I would have to drink the nre of hell forever. Thus I promised again and tried to pray to the Lord to have mercy on me and enable me to keep the promise, but I broke it: now cried I, what shall I do, for I am sinning both Avays, if I go back I sin there, if I try to do rigid I sin there for I lie to the Lord, wh.ich appeared to be as great a sin as I ever committed. I can’t go back for I shall die tliere; I can’t go forward, I have tried and I sin by trying to do right, thus I stood looking this Avayand that Avay crying: Oh! Avhat shall I do to be saved, at this time it came in my mind to read the scriptures. So I read them, the Liav was the first part I read, Avhich seemed very seAmre to me but I thought I must keep it; about this time I got rid of my outward sinful practice's and I lived for a Avhile as upright as I AA’cll could and I rested here, thinking I was doing my duty: the next I saw Avas my sinful heart. I discovered that cauI thoughts Avould AA’ork in my mind and the Iuaa’, saying the thought of fbollshness is this wonH mourning sin and the soul that sins shall (ise, AA’lien they Avould assail mj^ mind I Avould try to banish them out, but I could not; noAv ray troubles began to increase again and my burden Avas no\v greater tliaii before I had reform 1 f had lived u})right but my heart w’as evil and evil thoughts Avould floAv in me in spite of all I could do to resist them; Avhen I Avould pray they Avould Avork in the very prayer, here I Avas cut loose from all hope and I sank down in the lowest depth of grief; I could do nothing but cry, God be merciful to me a sinner, in this coiidi- tto.a and through all mv traA’cl, f AVGuld desire to be alone for I avcjs ashamed to let any one knoAV I \A’as in distress,, thus I AA’Ould retire to some secret place night and day to pray; in condition I Avould ■>ne for nothing wa« any enjoyment*’*!^ ’r>\0, -(br ik- • my life Avas soon to be ended and I should be plunged into torment, 1 could now view God hjly and his law holy and pure and good and I .such a sinner I could not see hoAv tl.« Lord could haA’e mercy on me, but the very breathings of ray soul Averc, God be merciful to me a sinner: Avhile in this state of grief and sorroAV, I dreamed I climbed up a high hill and I had gotten to the top of it, I Avent on to the further side whicli 'was up and down, so much so, I saw DO Avay to go down hut t thought I must go down and as I stept off the edge there was a pillar under my feet that let me down, and as I Avas going down a light slione on me and I felt light and good and the hill vanished away and I was in a straight narroAv street; from that time my burden Avas gone and all the Avorks of nature looked glorious and beautiful; I was filled with love to the Lord and his people and those 1 loved Avere the Old Baptists, though I knew nothing about them, I had never spoken to one of them on a religious subject, neither liad t heard them preach but a few time* and that Avas Avhen I cared nothing about them. I visited tlm first (juartei ly meeting after my deliver- h

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