J * \ m:VOTED TO THE DEFEXSE OF THE PIUHITIVE BAPTISTS. ■iro to tx-ik TKISTIMO^TY.” il JiJ. VI I 1, WILSON, N. C., SEPTEMBER 16, 1873, 1, XXI, (N 0,1X0 vacwnM). ■ -',;r L;ui;l::!:ivk,-5.] .Vn; In ;no dnys v)i these Ki'ngs, ; iiie tOxl (ifiieaven Svlup :i kmg- ! v, n:rii nhnU never be dcstroved ; the kingdom idmll not be leP to .■V peooiX, but shall break in the de,stiny of nations— !hli of emjures and the ■es ami- eoneui.ia ai! those king- and it-shall stand ibrover,”— had chap. 44 v. As to (b’cai!:;;;—To dreaDi is a,ted with tlievrelfarcofcoinmunities— become like the cliall of the svnnnier thp tNp ,id ' thre,shing-iloor; and the wind car- . ried them away, that no place was . , ^ ' found tbr them; and the stone that men ii’OiU s,u, deaLii and hen. Can gniQte tlie image become a great they bo so unimportant tlien as some mountain and fdled tlie earth, people would have us to believe?— xhis dream troubled Ncbuchadnez.^ar. The wliole of human life itself .is but j^o amusement or matter o^ a dream in comparison with the reali-; jQ(jpfg..ep(.e to liin). The trouble ties ot tne great day of eternity j and ' \ypg increased also because the dream the mysteries of our earthly existence i dejiarted from Iiim, in a measure, (ions, heresie.s, envying.s, nuirdcr-', drunkonnes.s, rereliings and such like'’ —“of the wliich works?” saith the Apostle, also tohl vou “I tell you before as .1 have time past, that m ^ve so that he could not recall in ordei the irnnressions as they were first made to his mind. His magicians, astrologers, sooth sayers and Chaldeans, were called on are ineomprehensible to us. If rive thougius or ideas in sleep. ' I }xfiieve not in dreams, we should dis- lie.vi'an imprcs.sion made on the, ^.yp existence and dVbe- i(i, wnilelSiC bmiy .s m a state ol , everything in connection with it aijd wi’a’pped in the embraces | perfectly understand. ^ Xyiiy not allow tne Almighty to j-q him icliathG laid dreamed and i;-vicr God has been pleas- yeye^pi hin^gelf to the sons and daugh- g[ye him the interpretation of it. tors of Adam, in that way and man- | They could not comply with the as well a.-moderns ’-iR ner that seemeth good to him? He ' jHpg’s command and therefore he ''■■darces. j ic; a Spirit, and sccket’i such to wor- : pegged sentence of death on them and vurely naturid, are i pp.p-ip PpP.jt p_;xl in truth. He on ad the wise men in Babylon.-— , ,a,at ficc,,.ng, iv. rs I ypYcog. p,j,g Pj poen and iVngels Daniel, a Jevrish captive, and ■ some are sacred 'llUiMHr. a tinv im u) ma.kc laiown he aiu'ients ■(■at ncu'iV !U; xlrcuni: i\ they which do such things, shall nc; inherit the Kingdom of God.’’— Where are the wars and tnmnlt.s, tlic conquests, the bloodshed and o})prc-s- sion among men if not typified by this image ? For be it remembered, that it is tlie image of a vian and i'v man are these tilings done. This dream is recorded, becau.-e the things connected witli it licar a direct relation to the Spiritual King dom of our God; otherwise it might have been unnoticed. Tliese four gp’cat klonareldcs or Kingdoms, each in US r: a u .. : a. uvu npr ;--bi Oi a D1-- will and pleasure had great .nne re- !se, God in many 1 o them his and revealed a events. ’'d amo':-- 1-iis three conuianions .v’ere to be included. a.rlthcv do his Indamg. x-he Inings i pRegc pegought God for dekver- wliicli evcliarli not seen or ear hemvl, and God gave it to them. anU wliich iiat]! not entered the heart of man, God reveals to men b}’ his S].)irit, and the .Spirit soarcheth all t/'.ing.s, yea the deep things of God. The Most High ])laeed Daniel in posse.ssion of the dream end the inter- order, held the supreme political ;v judicial power over die laud (.d'l’ai; line, wliich land contained theliebr. nation, and in which uaLicii liu were the elect people of God, Spiritual seed of Ch-rist. It wa kiessiaids right to rule o\'c;r i i oc L'fctation of it. He thcrciore ueciar-]jjjyjj;(g qgen vi\ CO. ■'R-od in. a. P v'y' *'aif-h Job “oi"', >iroan iod, cvie.s I -1, V, no sought to idolatry 'by tlie mm and a false urns aud visions, made up wh.en - (c awake. Such rs an= extant to the pres- * were iO.' (1 ms, visions and tiie speedy dmvn- tud concocted in most vodeeval m’oments, but all ;S 1 ■ : ii. iircl - an d inoperaiive as tney are s.in- ho 't 5 -5 unbelieving world make nselvca quite merry over the '■ams” of GodT people. They call 11 ‘hivt^niers.” “There go 'the uiier,3,—‘here come the dream- Say they. Such was the lan- ,ge used by Joseph’s brethren, ardshim; and such is the language .1 to this day by nominal professors 'ards •gehiiiuc Christianity. Let m take warning by the sad expe- ice of Joseph’s brethren. The e mav come, when these as wella^ •se Vv-ill have to repent of their ;y, icalousy and hatred of us, as il as miirderous designs on God’s isen people. ATio i.s liC witli all his ridicule for 'ams and contempt for dreamers^ ^ not trembled before God, at the ■oliectiou of some vision in slumber, it has startled him from his long lose; and which, with tlie“aid of all rational power.s, he cannot forget • throw aside ? Dreams are assooi- R.easSd til reveal to lus m dreani.s, his will iii all ages. Xv'e might instance Jacob, lii.s son Joseph, Solomon, Daniel, Joseph the husband of ZvEary and many of the prophets.— And of those not his Saints, AJjiiueleoli Laban, Phar.ioh, his butler and baker, tlie.M idianitisli soldier and Kebuebad- iiezzar. It is wonderful that G-^od should in dreams reveal a knowledge of future events to Iiis Saints and mucii more so that he should reveal such things to heathens. But such has been his pleasure and we ought to thank him for it instead of finding fault. The subject under consideration shows that Go'd, in a dream, made known to Xebucliadiiezzar, King of Babylon, things that should transpire in the future, viz: The.ri.se of three and the fall of four great universal kingdoms of the world, and the set ting up of the gospel kingdom upon tne M’hole to 1 the King—botli the Iiini by hi.s Fadier - yet r Ei(.- i TIC I t die lij .'•uid' le i^ne on TVe golden head of the image stood j make’his personal advent imo jcv tile -empire of Baiiylon, the silver ■ vv’orld, take charge of thesepo; .vie ;; arms and breast for the Medo Per- up Ids gospel Kingdom, s..r.n emnire, the Medo the brazen belly and thighs ibr the GreGan, and the iron and clay for the Iloman emj.iire. The .1 in- lowed them to be ruled, driven and oppressed by these gro-at monarchie.-y (lie wliolo earth. ITS SPIRITUAL SIGUIFICATKIN. Stone represented ilie blessed Saviour i one after anotlier. Therefore said he of sinners, Vvdio should ck-stroy all by the mouth of the Propiict Ezekiel these emiiires or Kingdoms-, ana “And thou' profane wicked prince of un the Kino’dom widen should iiA ■ ^ . ", - i israe!, wnose day is eoiiie. vdic::. ro- 1 iquity sliall have an end. I'lcot:-;. saiih i tlie Iiord God; Kemove (he diadem ihis image not only aenoicd ihesv take off the crown; this shall not g,-eg empires, !r,t it else, r^,re- , ^ tl,atls lowa.i.l seated the Wisdom ot tne world—its- ! . , r -n redgion, its riches, its iionor and | ^oase him that is high. I wiL ovor- grwitness. Tiie stone denotes Christ, with .liis humility, resignation, love, and power, who was to destroy the^e or- tlieir rains, wliich should stand ever, THE ©USA i[: The King dreamed that he saiv an image stand before him, whose bright ness was exeellent aud theibrm there of terrible. The head of the image was of fin-? gold, the breast and arms four great Kingdoms and establish one that should stand forever. Tlie image is that of a man, for it is man wdio stands erect, wlio has a of silver, the belly and thighs of brass, of iron., and the feet of iron the i and clay. He then saw^ a stone, cut out of a mountain without, hands, smite the image on its feet and break them to pieces. Then he saw the iron, the cia.v, the brass, the silver and the turn, overturn, overtiu’n it, n.ul it shall be no more: until he coraewliosc right it is and I will give it him.” Tiie difierent parts of the image are of one nature only, and that nature is earthly. Gold, silver, bras,-, iron head and a breast, two arms, a bellv, I eartn and of tlie ear-Jn. tivo thighs,Two legs, two feet and I The difierenoe in the materials con- ten toffi. What^wr appertains to ; quantity and hardness. Gold man therefore in nature was denoted , shver, sii\ei tna.i by this image. • The reader will do I ui’ass, b^s than iron, and^ iron^ tiian well to give ifr a place in his mind—R’-i-Tnn is Laulei tnan muss, to have the image right before him— ^ than silver, silver than gold, to scan it w'oll and see wdietlier “all that L in the world” is not repiresent- ed bv it. JVliere is the lust of the flesh, tlie “lust of the eye and the pride of life” if not- found here?— Adhere are \hc w©rks of. the flesh if not found here, such as “adultery, fornication, uucleanness, lascivious ness, idolatry, wntelicraft, hatred, va- g'old .broken to piecers together, and'' riance, emulations, wi’ath, strife, sedi Hence it follows that the conquest ot one over the othei’, was by reason of durability and quantity—not ofgMrw’k fy; tor so far as qualitif is concerned, men more highly esteem that vv-Ideh w-as overcome than that whicli over- came. The gold was overcome by the silver, the silver by tiie brass, and the brass by the iron. In this respect the Babylonian w-r.s itmm