) © DF.VOTED TO THE DEFENSE OF THE FRIMITIVO BAPTISTS. XO TII12 I^-‘VW 'I'O TI-iEi TJTiS'riiVION^'.’ ?0L. VIL N. C., 15. ©DrariUittitiuelj. T‘ HI 1 Se 20ND Beast. ‘‘And " i bfJ:eId anoiher beas^t com ing iip out ol the otu'th : and he had two honi.H like a lamb, and he' .«pake a.s a dragon. And lie exercLsoth all the power of the iir.sc beast before him and cau.seth t!ioearth and threo which dwell thareia to ' worship the lirst beast, whose deadly woun! w«s heai- A-udi he doeth great wondaws, so at he nuiketh tire come down from heaven on the o-u't!i in the .sight ol men. A.nd dcceiveth them that dwell on the earth, by the* means of those nuracles which he iiad power to do in the sight of the Ixtast ; say ing to thesn that i'wtd! on the earth tbal they .shouhi make an image to tile bea.st wiucSs had the wound by a sword and did live. And he had. power to give liib unto the image of of the bea.st, that the imago of the bea.st should boti! .sjieak and u..-:e t^t.many as wond^ not siiip th.5 iioage O; thi'; be^l^l.houlo be killed. A.ivd he caa.seth all, both | ecclesiastical «nd scxjuliar power com- j j)!icdto her dootriiie, and the reputa- , creature as you hring to bined in one head a.s the two horns of | tion and influence of her ministers are found walkino- in the ‘ I , ^ a lamb are combined or uniteii to .me i and memher.s are sought to be de-I who follow their bktssed those who truth and fledeemcr head. I stroyed. When priestcraft and king- Sueli a power lias nes’-er yet kUe l [ era't shall be united in this eountrv, to ficrsecuto the cimreh. It seek.s to j wlien religion s;iall have been incsir- propagate its religion by force and to ! [lorated in the Organic Law, a,s seems puni.sh all noi-so forn.i ts even | now likely to be tne case ere long, with deati! if it should be found then the floml gates of per.-ecir.ion pedient. AH th's lie it remeiuber-d | will be lifted sure enough, and the is under the garb of Christianity—j,ot | children of the kingdom may look of heathen Mythology. i out for a march througli great tribula- The two horns, church and. StS'c, are very lamblike hut the voi(‘e is ; . ’.-.t of a dragon, for it breathe.s threaf' o- ing and wrath against all wlio adl to the true doctrine ofChri.st vix. ‘ d- vation lyv grace. Infant .sjirii.'kling i.s neaes.sari 1 y connected with a law religion of a prore.s.sai diris'iiaa (dianicter^ Becao.ss tion towards thoir celestial home. through evil as well as good report ? My ,s| irit falters and t iraw hack. Am I a follower of Jesus? What signs or marks do I .show that I lx* long to that little flock to whom i^ is the “Father’s good pleasure to give the kingdom ? li’hese qne.stions with many othei's revolve in my mind when 1 take my pen to wme. De ir brother, I am all weakness I'nie solditu's of tlic cro.ss will stand atal un wort hi ness and [xivcrfy strick- the trial however, and. after manv re Law Religion invariably de.-ngn- to include every individual born in, it.*^ country at a member of its «!ntrch, and woe be to tho.s!; who oppose it ver.so.s will overcome the wicked one at last through and by him who died fer them. Gog and Magog shall be gathered togyther to battle, the camp of the saints mid beloved city shall be com passed, and their de.struction be iiotir- ly expeete i, when ,ill on a sudden and refuse to bring forward tiieir fai't.s to the baptismal fm' so !. fire stiaii come down from God out of heaven and devour their enemies. And the devil that deceived thc.se eu- en. But the super-it)omi!iig grace and mercy of our higliih'icst can cov or all our def.brmily with his pure ami sjiotle.ss robe. i\Iy biuvculy flither has ever abundantly slmvv'red upon my unworthy licad liis meric'S, they have come flowing to me in riel* profu.ioa although some of tlicni have been affliidions deep and so.'“o, vet iich with-tiie love ami lender V cmnpa.ssion of a God, I l...ive noth ing in and of my.self which I can. il A.y arc rt'FN feathens and ■J.. mu.st fbe arraigne*] a.-^ aii ' enn/'S.^b•'rl be cast mto the lake of^j boast of, hut sin erioompassc,s me all t dm ■'f; b. I , tbm ' : t * small and great, rich and poor, ire*. -r and bond to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreiiead.— And that no man might buy or sell, gave he that iiad tiie mark, or tiie name of the bca.st, or the miuiber of bis tt ime, Rev. 13—11, to 17 inehi- sive. Malmniet, we understand, is called the‘‘False Prophet.” .Ileatium Eumie the “Dragon.” Papa! limne the fir.st beast and the Protestant World, the “second beast.” The second iieastifsn, is therefore a professed Christian power, taking root in Ger many (the earth.) under Luther and hi.s as-sociutes, it -spread into England and many otlier couiitrie.s in Europe and ha.s taken a very e.xtensive range in America. It exerciseth ail the power of tlie first l>east, before it, whenever it c'un gain politiea! uscen- ■ deucy. In those states or iiafions where it.s power has been curtailed, either bv constitutiou.s wholesome laws, it 3)us .sought to create a popular- pre judice agun.sr, tiie true churcii of C/iri.st so that persecution has been the result even tliere. All cla.sses of people, from time to time, liavc more o" ies.s felt its bineful influence. The "reformation g-rve the fir.st beast a deadly wound, but it was soon healeil, by reason of the Lutherans and protcMtauts generally adopting the s-ame sy.stem of' government as tnat which they .sought to ov.erlhrow of churcF ami State, tiie f'.l.se/jirophofc are and shall oA ose who di.sturb the public pfitice j r'l^ncnte. 1 daVy and iiigUt for ever and V Gil I4 *-* and lower the dignity of the land. If the people freely pay tribute to the image there is the mark in the right liand, and if they j)ut on its badge there is the mark in tlie fore head. When they do the.«e thing.-^ then they can buy and .sell, trade and traffi*; freely unmolested by the pow ers that be,and those in and with«t1iem wnilalso help them along umnxingly. Tiu're b no real antagoni.sin between the first and the second beast, as ap pears from the Re;;ord , and yet in outward sliow and .in words, a great hne and cry i.s kept up by the daughters against tiujilrold moth er, klystery, Babylon, in all quarter.- of the glebe. The daughters deceive the peoph with their apparent iniracle.; and !y- iin>- wen.lens a.s did their old mother, and as she docs to the present day. They g.ve life unto t'ne image of tin beast, anil'cau-Se the ismige to speak tuid ieclare war against all thoie win do not worship it. This war ha,s been urged on by tin sword in church and State cauntrieo. the priest being tlie informer and tls( inagist“ate the e.xecationer. But in otlicr countries, Ruci). as what wa.- once the United State.i of America, where this tinion J>as not yet been perfected, tins war is conducted by anpeals to the jja-ssions of the pet)p!e Prie.stcraft leads the vanguard and fanaticism brings u}> the rear guard. O.lium is cast upon the true church of GhrLst. Every viie epithet Is ap- ev(>r. So we conolu.le brother Har- die that no reil Harm can come to the saints from eiilier heathen, pag- powers on or .so-calhHi chri.'=tian What tldnk you of it ? C. B, Hassp:lt. !v to .say “unclean. a unmean .sinner. ‘ V U God A nd be merci‘‘nl to n e with iia.sly steps dv) I de.-'ire to five toCidvaryfor safety,and tliorc 'bathe in his liosv'ng blood: my only peace and comfort is in the cro.ss of Christ. I can come b'klly and with liumiiity with Isis testimony to all WlLI.IAM.STON, N. C.,. f April 2d, 187-4. / Elder P. D. Gold Dear Bi'otlier isj Cisrlst,—Amid.st he cares anl duties of tliis life I am iften led to adopt tiie language of - lie poet. -‘ ’Jlid acaicfi of confusion and crcatur9 com- p!ai!st,s is communion witii Although I feel unworthy to iiave tlo-sv aircet t.o my soul saint.s.” I name or a placse amongst them who ire tl;o “excellent of the earth,” yet I soim-times feel a dispo.sition to write you a few lines and conv.er.se a little vitis the faithful and beloved in Jhi'i.st. I trust tliere is a spirit with- II me that desires truly to make mill ion of tlie loving kindness and ten- ler compassion of our God toward word Kst and ruined sinners. If I am lot a child of grace the people of God ire tliO.se with whom 1 delight to Iwel! and when I can meet ami wor- Jiip vvith them it is the sweetest and lighest privilege I enjoy on earth &e., I i^ometimes feel as tlmngli I wanted to speak of the love of Jesus, hi.s truth and grace seem so precious But then tlie question will immediate ly arise,wliat have you to say ? What a message lyau such a weak wayward tluxse who love the Lord and know the power of his grace. Ciinsti.s my only iiope. I have no good deeds to lean upon and if his robe of righ teousness does not cover me I . hall certainly he found without the we!- ding garment. O CD But dear Brother, stiange to tell, notwithstanding all this, 1 find my ■self almost continually hioking witlnn, •searching and digging in iny poor polluted heart for .something great as though some pearl or gem could be found in the ma.ss of ruin to oiler the high and lioly one (creaiure muii wants to rest so much upon self.) Is it so with you that love the Lord ? But O the sad trulli when I am searching for .some gooik I have to turn away vritli utter abhorrence and should sink into de.'^^jiair was ii. not, for the bkessed testimony tim .lesus came into the world to seel and save that which wa.s lost. “Though your sins be as .scarlet, they shall be as white a.-i snow, though tlioy l)e r.'-d like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Jesus i.s the only Saviour,he is the bright and morning star and if our eye can be steadily fixed on him it will lead us safely to the p>ort of peace, to tUe liauk of eter no! delivei’ance wnere the king or t id*

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