mm TTf Zioirs Landmarks. ALABA3fA. Throtigh A. B. Wlintley : Mi-s L. A. C'jttwi, /i og. lij, 1875, $1 50 GEORGIA. iS. H. English, March i, 1875, John V7)i>Jham, Mayl, 1873, 2 00 2 00 KENTUCKY. Through Ehier A. L. ^[4»re: L. B. July 15, 1875, 2 00 LOUISIANA. Through F. M. Vining—iSS : (lost.) I'lH Edmonson, March I, 1875, jMartha Edmon‘or. March 1, 1875, J. C. Miller, Jn'y I, 1875, F. M. Vining, February 15, 1875, 2 00 2 00 MISSOURI Through Mrs. ]l!izabelh McNeely : Wcxulson Ifowu'd, Jini!: 1, 187u, 1 50 MISSISSIPPI. \\. G. Chisolm, December 1, 1874. Through John C. Milkerson, $1: B. F. Wilkcr.'on, April 1, 1875, J. C. Wilker.son, April 1, 1875, north CAROLhtA. f Eobert, Barnes, M.ay, 1, 1875, Mores Moore, Kov. 1, 1871, Wr«. Jaw; H ivago, Dec- 1, 1875, Eorfleet (jutoiiie, Julv_15, 1875, B, T. Lyon, May 1, 1875, , Elizabeth lavage, .J an,, '5' 875, Mark Barker, D^'C- 1, 1874, Josiuh Walston, Jan, i, 1874, ?Jary C. Knight, May 1, 1874, W. B. White, Dec. 1, 1874, Mrs. W.T. Joyner. July 15, 1875, Albeit Whiu; July 15, 1875, Ik-nneU .4 ll-hr>:k, Juno 15, 1875, M. I). AHsbrook, June 15, 1875, ,1, II. Alishrook, April 1, i_875, Yv’m. Ca‘>iiing, Feb. 15, !87i), NS’ads Eveivtt, y)e-.-. 1, lH7ti, Miss Mary I.. Fob. I, 1875^ dame? iJ.' Downing, Feb, 1, 1875, John IV, Medford, Jtily^lo, 1875, E. S. Le-wis. .April 1, lrf7->, Mr.s. Mary MoDc.wcii, April I, 1875, Mrs. K. CVomwell, Juno 15, 1875, Wm. Faithful, May 1, 1875, Mrs. Lucy B.iltfi, Dec, L. ) 74, II. A, Hharly, Jtaia 1, 1875, Reuben Deal/ Jan 15, 187-5,. John C. r'U' Juno L/ 875. Jc.'iCphJ- Dales, July 1, TluOmtcs 'C Oiliikin, 1)5'^, 1, lHi4, vr. w. Viel, Dec, I, 1874, Mrs. imey Tay or, D.-c- 1, 187L Mtvry A, Andrew.-j, July I, IBjo, Tbianigij Gray /vudrewa: _ , Naiicy .Vudrewa, D-xt. 2, 1875, Thri'.u,gh J. H. 'Voodard Owen \V, Dial, July 1,_ Asa Jolu'-son, Nov. !, '874, Trougii Elder B. P. Pitt: C. J, Williford, -Msy 1, 1873, 'rhrough Mrs. Eiizaheth MoNeelj ; David tVi-lliams, Kov. 15, 1871, Through Jo-reph II. I'ippsn : Nathan Bippen, Ju’y 1, 1873. Tlr-oiigh Stcpim'i Oatterbridge: Mis Nancy OuUcrbridge, June 15. 1873, Th-ough G. W. Strickland, $i : Mrs. M. A. ?;ieka, July !_5, 1875, G. W. Strickland, July 15, 18.'5, Through AIKirt White, $4; Mrs. M- W, liilHrd, July 15, 187.5, Mrs. I'j, r. Ifarrili, Ju;y 15, 185, Til rough Mac WetiUierabee-, $1: Mif9s Ijydia Weithorahee, June i, 1376, Mnc Weathsi’sbtx;, Kov. i, 1875, Thiu;i,g!i Fliiter Wm. Woodard, : Mre Marg-iret (iroom, tJ.irch 1, 1873, Jainc-s ilcrriiig, l>ec. 15, 3o74, Through J. B. FaL-fiioth, $I: Mrs, Ilannah Ilasbcrry,_Jam. 1, I87>>, Mr.-s. Rir.ih G).T, Jan,; 1^5, 1874, J. B. Falrcloth, Moy 15, 1875,, near Hamilton, in Martin County, on the morning of .April 7'.h : Mrs. AL SiZKRitoo, wife of H. S. ,8herrod, and daugh ter of Turner Bass ; in the thirty-ninth year of her ago. She wa.s horn in Tlalirax County wi.ere she hlo.ssotued into beautiful wornan- hoofl; for none knew her but to- admire the l)e»iitifu! face that nature’s God Iiad .soon fit to bestow upon her. She was married to Mr. Sherrod in the year 1858, which wedlock made them the liappy jiareiite of nine be.auti- ful cliildren. four daughters and five sons i all of whom .she Kft to a bereft yet hapjiy father; for in her doalli her laiin ceased to be, .and the grave was robbed of its victim, for boj>e lifted her above the tomb. She pro fessed a hope and joined the Primitive Bap- j Church at C'onoho churcli on Saturday 2 f>0 I IjfA'orf! the third Sunday in .June, 1871. On ^ I the same day her husband jolneil. Tier death j has cfirricd ptilu to the heart of her kind and j genorou-s nelghhor.s, who in laysgotie-by were Want h) meet with, and enjoy ihe society of her vvtio wa.s ever ready to giv,; words of symp.attiy to ca.^e the hearts, and alms to .sus tain the body to all that were needy. All t;;af knew lier or visited her house admired her for her alTahiiitv, kiiulneas anil energy,— Ilerhoaltli which had been failing for sever- sJ years, rapidly gave way during the last months of he,v life. Her frieorl^ wer; even then hiioyod with the liope tlvit she might be spar,_,f to them and to her little children hut a wiiile longer; but the. Omnipotent One ■‘willed it not thus.” Her phy.sieian and friends strove conjointly to realize rhat hone) hut “all, all in vain.” A greater PhvKieian than '.‘nev, one who had liealei her with his own pj'ecioiis blood, of a greater malady, .sent his no.scnger, Death, who caai; an 1 laid his “icy hands” upon that loved one, and sl.c quietly breathed Iter last, surrounded by a tender loving mother, devoted friends, and a weeping family. Her .sufferings for the last months of her life were severe, during which time she was conlinod to her bed. she suffered no word? can exprc-ss, no mind eou- Lines Affectionately Inscribed to Mrs. Mary L. Bryan, on the Death of her Daugh er, DORA. She ha,s fallen asleep in the morning of life : A dower transplanted to bloom— In (he soil, where the thorn and thistle grow not, Aeyond the dark shades of the tomb. So sweet are her slumbers, unbroken by dre.a ns. That leave but regrets to ns here ; ’Tis all brightlv real—the jov that .she reaps, In that gloriou.s, bcautifieti sphere. Called away ere the bligi.t and the mildew of ^l^pend- 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 J 00 2 0'.i 2 00 2 00 ] 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 011 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 OC 2 Of) 4 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 •2 00 2 00 2 GO 2 t)0 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 tune, Had tarnished her spirit .so gav ; No “evil to come” can reach her voung ht?art In the home she has gained far away. The liome too to which she so willingly went, Tmpatientlv watching the hour — That slionM free her from earth and its per ishing scenes: So voung, vet so strong in’a power Sorrow pot, that vopr darling has fallen asleep M’ake her not, if yon could, for her rest iS sweeter and purer than mortals can know Far away in the homo of the blest. Tuesday 28th, Wardsvilh.'. Wedne.sday 20th, Yopp’s Meeting Thursday 30th, Stump Sound. Friday 31st, Bay Meeting House. Saturdap and Sunday, 1st and 2nd of .Au gust, South-Wes’, (Yearly Meeting'.. Monday 3id, .Maple Hill, New IIar.oT»?..T County. Tuesday 4th,Cvjiress Creek,Duplin C'-omily- Wedneaday 5th, JInddy Creek- Thursday 6th—Rest. For the remaimler of tlie wnelr, in cltiding soctond Sunday in August, bretliren will please arr.auge for preaehiinr, ending close to the Itad- rt: ent for conveyance. .'dtilifilistmfin.i & ..'O ,Is3otiiih»iral The Stanton Uiver Association is appoint ed to meet on Fiiday before tlie sacona fenn- d'ly in August, 1874, at Wisitethorn Meeting Hou le, four miles North-East of Pittsylvania Goi.ii't H.ouse, Virginia. Trains from I),m- viile t o Lynclibiirg run within a mile and a half of the Meeting lionsei 'Visitors will get off at f?hoitou’.r Crossing. Ministering breth ren are invited to attend. AV. A. Thomas. 00 50 00 for her, for .siie w IS going to rVst ,gnd feared, not to He. She fully reil.tzed '^ dicV'ondition oe-ive ; yet, slie b >re i' with prticnc; and for titude. She aske.l her family m..t to grieve rVs. p.u die'" con of her family, and adeed !y?i7n'iy8T:n i to take care of the children, ano i.yfi c'did!'.,'.; to love eacii ether, and to he good mnc to ^.,'tl,cr.— liusband, stop that tear, ce.’.so tt’.at .achin.g heart, teach the little ones to Hope. She * wa.s onlv thine .for a Brethren frem the^ Etist attending: ; /Vstiociutiorf tiiiO Bjonntry Line Xo>;fh (yirolina ospsAt to preach Lord w’llinsr t 2 00 j ^season, and she “carel not to live all wav and 00 00 5 00 1 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 TEXAS. 'Mrs. Mary Ann Ecss, Feb. 1-5, 1875, Throtigh EMo." J- C- Denton: Ilonrr Cl.ani'eHov, Ap-ril In, 187.5, Washington Bicwait, July 1. lS7u, (lost) 2 00 2 00 2 00 TENNESSEE Through w. L. Sammons : Charley wl'lkeraon, Aug. I, 1374, Sttuiley Lewis, Dec- 1, 2374, 1 00 1 GO VIRGINIA. John Trent, June 2, 1875, 00 |k flfiiikiam. Died, of dnopeA S'* heart, at her retsi-«l not to stay.” Her hope and thine shordd be the healing bilm to .soothe your aching breast; for other bereav-ernent'; await thee, and to them yen must attend. “From the cradle to the grave wa are calleti on to mourn for losses which are the inevitable fate ofhumanitvi m i, but for the happv remedi al influeuce.s which nature in ma,t!v w;iy,s brings to Ixvar upon us, our ex perisnee in this world would be too often of unmitigated sufferings. What is the great .scheme of Christianity itself, but a glorioa-i remedy vidid by the All-good and Aii-mcvcifttl, to save a sinful world V’ Faith is tlte greatevt of those remedies which whispers. Qua-ititm not, doubt nob God help as all to trust and believe th »t she is “.-Asleep in .Jesus ble^ned .sleep From which none ever wake to weep.” A friend , H- fh Bass. 1!) the Castalia. On 'Mond.'iy after 2d \ Sunday in J I'uesday, White Oak. Woihiesday night, Brother Jeff. Horner’s. Tlmesday,” Tar Kiver. Friday, ’ Camp Creek. Brethren froiTi the E'lst visiiting the Country Line As.40ci:ttion, by tlie Soufhern route, expect to preach, tlie Lord willing ; Monday after 2d Sun- 1 day in August, / Tuesday, Wednesday, Thun-'day, Friday, Sandy Grove" Travel. Cedar Grove, Dutchviile. Mt. LebatKU). Elder Noah Adams has appoint ments to preach at the followino- plane!?; Fourth Sunday in July, A Little iJitbe Ihu (Lnie to> Re.L D)(A, April 23th, 1874, Jesse Wai.vkr SriEitRoD, the fiftii son of H- Ij. and Susan M. Sherrod : age, 1 month and ’22 days. Mom-n iiotfatiier for your lost 'Wliil; angels rzjoicc. n. G. Bass. THE TOISXOT ONIO.N, This body met at tho Meadow Meeting flouso on the fifth Sunday an 1 Siturd y b-e- fore of last May. There a full representa tion of ehurohe-and an atlentivo oongrc,ga- tion. Bretliren fi-oin the Skewarkey tlTiion were present Eulers Moore and Pnrv\s, of that Union, preached with much ability, We hope the fniternal corresjxinde'ice will be oantinued. Our next Union,meets tlie last Sondsy in August, at Aycock’s Mooting House, a few miles from Black Creek Depot, Wilson t.bun ty. N. C, Monday, Tuesday, ‘ 'Wednesday, ' Thmsday, Friday, ” First Saturd-xy and 1 Sunday in August, i Monday -August or I, Tuesday, “ 4th,, “ 5ii), Tiiursday, “ 6th, Ifridav, “ 7'Ji, Monday, “ lOtfa, 27 th, 28tii, 29th, Pine Level. Union, fjlement. Juni])er, 30th, Ilannah'.s Cr’k. 31st, New H«pc, Fellowship. Sandy Grove. Willow vSpring. Midille Creek. Mt, PleaRant. Rehoboth. Clement. Smithfieid. I'lider D. A. Onats will pi'each if I he Lord will,* 'Fhird Srinday in July, Newport meeting riouHe, Carteret Comity, N. C. Monday 20th, BoC’a School House. Tudsday 21st, Hodiiot’s Creek. W'edncsday 22nd, Belmont, Jones County. Th ursda y—Rest. Friday, Baturday and Sunday, 24tli, 26th and 26th, White-Oak, (Yearly Meeting). Monday 27th, North-East, Onslow Clennty. CHANGE m SCIfEIHILE. OfFTPBOF GEN’I, SUl'BRtNTEXIDJXT, ' 'Wiimiiigfiin, N. (’., May i7tb, U-'.74. I O N and after May i.8tii, instant, passougrr trains on tho Wilmiiigtim au.4 WGdor Railroad will run as follows ; AIAIL THAIN Leave Union Dr-not.daily Tel's a. ni Arrive at •-iohis'tioro Ui.'Oa.R). “ Rocky Mount T-O'i p. ir., “ \fc!(ion .‘I'.-aO HI Tjcavo Weldon ••.... ’■■■.re n. ki Arrive at Rocky Mount 1 a, »s. Goldsboro 1.-.77 p. in. “ Union Depot 5.,50 p. ui. Express Train, asul Trains, Leave Union Depot daily 8;(.0 p. ni. Arrive at Goldsboro m “ K cky Mount 5-!9a m. “ Weldon. 8;00 a. m. Leave Weddon, daily 7;^'*;). m. Arrive at Rocky Mount -. fio'k.: p, m, “ Goldsboro.. IL’ MiSa. IK, “ Union Depot, m T.'.ie mail train n.tikes closOv^conmHMV'v at Weldon foriiS] points Nort-j) and .'\c.vd.'. ‘'teal, routes ? Kxpre,s,s Traln.s connec.t o'lly witli .4cip-ia Greek route. Pmmair's Ralao-e Sleeping Gars on this Train. Frkkxht 3'raixs will leave Wilmiuston. tri-weekly at 5'SO a. tn., and arrive at 1:41} u. in • JOHN F- DIVfXE, Oct. ll='tc. General SuporiRtendent. Job Wo:rk NEATI.Y EXECUTED. At Tills Office. ILL. LLOIffS \\,^E }• El V? full sup Primitive Hijm iw. E !r EFP ALYAA'S ON HAND A full supply of the BY ELDER BKNJ.4M1.S LT.GYD, which may bs had ou th^ followin;' tL'i-a.i ; PHimTIYE M¥MNS-A;.^HM PilUSii R ain sub.stantuxl (sheep) binding, siug-o copie.-, (Sf OO Si.x copies • • - 5 Oi’ Twelve -oples --- 9 GO Red and black Morocco bind ) ^ ing ]) ain edge, si-ng n copies, j •••■ • Six copies • ■■■ 7 Oj T" elve copies ■ ■ • • 12 Oh Extra gi t edge and gilt c >v- | , ers, elegant style. single copies j Six copies 8 OC Twelve epoies 15 00 At these prices we wii! send our IkuiLs hj mail to any piwt oflicein the United iStatos or Territoria;, at our Any ]!i, company or chi'rch onieruig ;i. (ioz.en hooka at the above rates, shall have one booic ettrs. uf th-e same ipiality as the dozen orucred; or if a mixed dozen is wanted, tiic extra book si s 1 average with the do/.on, 'ik; books are gotten up in the best style of printing and. binning. -At these prices CASH must accompany or dei-s. Sums over five dollars, sei'd iiy _ Ea; press ; under five doliara, by mail, in regi-sfot' ed letters. Address MRS. N. A. CHE/UniAM, Greenville, Butler County, Aiahama,. gi^“Persons ordering books will please give their Pt st Office, County and State pi.AiNr.!:. 1 7?OR S.AL.F, BY B. G. (T.ARK, \VI LS JN . N. C,“Oc3y at retail prices.