t F. P. GOLD, Kditok. PDBLISHF.D SKMI-MOWIIBY —( at )— '^iUSON, j^ORTH j^^AP^LINA. StTBscniPTioN $2 00 Per-Annum N0VE.\IBP:H FVm, 1874. But when I io my .«ins review 1 c.m’t feel wcirthy to unloose liis shoe. iN'ovv to each dear saint 1 ask of tliee : If it is with you as it is with mo ? Now to all the dear ones who have a law in their mituls, To unite with the diurch and there to abide: 1 think it is the best thing yon can do, To take up the cross and follow him too. ill i^v J.. "4 J5S#“Clnbs of eight subteribers, or a larger rttiinber, can have the L\ndm\rk3 at $1 oO each, and the clubs need in t be at the .-.ame Post Otiice or even in tlie same State, and persons renewing can make clubs in same •*ay. Our brethren and fiicnus are all authorized to act as .Agents in obtaining subscribers.— Their names need not be publi.shed in tlie List of Agents. W'c hope they will generally aiake an edbrt to extend the circulation of the fjANDMARKS. Money can ho sent hy express or otli- erwise at my expei '-e. In sums of a few dol lars it can be .sent at r.iy rLk by oininary let ter?. When money is not receii>i-:d please •always inform me. When' cokveniext ai.ways send ifoNF.Y itv I'ixruEs.s OR Money Orders at EXPEN'-E, IF r»EFEUED.“^iia For a good reason plea.se direct letters to »ie as follows: I bnnjbly spieak from experience to yon. For I believe 1 can say with the truth, Th.at wlu T-e tliere is love jdeasurc a! lonnd. For those who were lost and t (>w have been found. But ofen did I so unworthy feel, 1 could not to my .Jesus kneel; But, on mv feet 1 would try to pray— To mv dear.lesus lioth night alid day. P. D. Gold, Wilson, N. C. Now, to all the dear brethren and sisters too. Though I.may be far di-tant from yon, A stranger in the tle.«h, 1 too, may be. But in tlie Spirit 1 iiope I am with thee. Kemember ir>e in all your pr.ayers, For if ehil-.lr“n, then ye are heirs ; For tl'Ose who go n other way Will from Je-'.tii. .have to stay. TIk- Bihie to me iloci plainly .show Th.at .les,,; .i. si': Ih.iig.s foreknow, Tliat thn-ic w> '• : cc d but trust in him Shonid’tx fu.-g.v, " if all their sin.s. scripture.^, that trihulation, persecu- ioiis, afflictions, sorrows, [lain.s, dis- T’(\s.ses, coidiuASS, barrenness, tears and r'oom are no .stranore tiling's, for that thev have been .in the h oiise of God from the earliest ag(\s of the world, tod will continue until Emmanuel comes again and puts them niider his feet. J hen you will he clad with a ro!)e and found at his throne wliere John saw yon in tlie vision; hut, fiir the present yon mn.st siiifer these tilings, more or less, as thev are inei dene to all the househohl, .and try to he exceedingly thankful that you are jaiade worthy to bear these things for his sake, and eoniit the present afflic- tion.s of tlie elmrch light in this age of tlie world to wdiat it was in time-' past. I could call your attention-to a number of weierhtv eases in dav,‘^ fiast. Abel, the fir.st plant God se- exeept one and that he has c.s[)ied re cently and appears sueceasful, for by the might of his «even sons 1 e will transf rm the world so that vonr enemie.s will he those of your liou.'ehold (thechurch), for m:uiy, we think, will .separate themselves, not having the Spirit, i-entering in and forming one head of persecation, wherein we think all earth-born m- cietie.swill unite aiel make such a show of good tilings that were it poa- sihle would dcceis'e the elect. But roll need not fear any of them being lo.st, for thev must all come to the throne where John .saw them clad with rhit wliiterohoof righteousness which Emmanuc! made hy his ohedi- enoe to tlu: ju-'t law of Almighty God_ yo, tile inn;ors of liis tliroiie will be maintid.-.e- , wil* ■'heyed, and chil dren cF-maiiv :-: ived vvdth an everlast- h'cted out of mortal beings, was slain ;'ug saiviition—w add without end! t-* J i ^ But often do I ft>«r ti.at I am one ' That doe? not trn.-'^ in him alone, But 1 try wTh all the power 1 have To truBt in t;io(l and notin man. 4 -■ A few month.3 jAst when I w.is asked To give a reason of tlie hope I had, I could not deny, 1 felt like that would be a lie— And I would .sit and give them no reply. 3bfv trouble was great when . lo.st my mate— i felt like I eouM tlie worm forsake— To be in '..'-aven and there lo dwell, TLer.n-h i saw it wtis just if I was .sent to Ifell. All giorv to God, he has promised to ixs l.ii I he uarkest hour a Sun and a shield ; And if not deee’ved, it was the good Lord above, Tiiat Caused my heart his people to love. And when I did w't'.i the elinreh uni e I felt tnat 1 li.id done p rfectly right, Until Monoay following, about two o’clock. Si tan, as I lielieve, gave me a shock. Pm- 1 am lefta'one to sigh and grieve tVith my litllc ebildren who are lint three, Aiid i know if 1 can trust in liim, 1 .-li.-id • n ;;,eted l;i thi; woLd of sin. And when iny h'fV on earth shal'l. end, May twy poor sonl to God aseu d— Wheie sonow tin*’ trouble is never known, And dwell with Je?us forevermore. Tlie world may make a mock of this And tiiiid they have not done amiss ; Ko did i’aiil think lie was right Until Jesns gave him greater light. .-Ml power is in the Almighty’s h-atid. To do a.s lie thinks best tor man. And when their eyes are opened to see Thev will think wliat thev have read of me. Trust ye in tlie Lord, for in the Lord vah is everlasting strength. ( AKRIE C. TuRNAGE. ©oraniittiralcu. I wa.s rsilceting on my happy feelir.gs And limped the Lord had been with me deal- Thought I liave nov/ gone the road that .jesi'-s trod. And something said, it is a lie on God. Now you may ki-ow this troubled mo, Thoiigh I once was blind 1 how eotiM see— Tiiat it was Satan playing around To see if there could be atiything found. So. on to .Testis ray mind did fly. To br'ghtvr mansions in the sky ; To show me if it wa.s his holy will, If mv poor soul was deceived .still. Then all my travail was brought before me— Tills earned o'd Satan from me to flee; It sccined like liieti my lieart was bright ened, 1 saw it wa.s iSatan by whom I wa.s fright ened. !|. am oftener low than I am high, For Satan is always near my .-ide; But, situ in God i pat niv iruRt— i know he will slo ail things just. I know it is right I should be tempted- J have so far irom God (kFcended.;, Itnt 1 try to pray to him o:i high, To take me to Jesus when,! die. B, N. Jenkii.s io NiiOiasiIel Amt.n. Beloved, grace lie unto you and pe ice be multiplied ! I n'ully rejoice in your love, faitii and zeal, ia the cause of vour Lord and Mraster. I a'so re joice in your tribulation : knowing that “ trilnilation wurketh patience, and p.atience experien-e, and ex[)eri- enco hope, and hope inaketli not a.shamed hetaiise the love of God is shed abroad.” And it is thron.rh grea^ tribulation that you enter the kingdom, for “ in this world ye .shall have tribulation.” And you .see, af ter the cooi-lusion of earthly events, tiie aniyel .showed John, in the vision, the train of Christ which Hllwl the tcmfile, I.sa 6: 1; and savg, “ these art; thev which came out of irreat trihula- hy demon Cain, and about iiere tiie 8er])entcommenced his war with the Zion of the everlasting and true God, and by the mighty working; of ids seven princes he fill the who'tf eartli with violence in tlie days of ^hrih.— Bemiunhcr Job in the days of his cu Jt ■Jvlifclfhisedee tot it Avas filled \V natio s. Remember Jerirsalem in her captivity, and her last captivity was by corruption, violence of lier own chiltiren—Read Ileb 11:36. Then we go to history—in 11 72, thii'ty-fivt' were burned in the fire and eighteen in another fire ; in 12o9 seven thous and dead bodies were counted in one of the ehiirclies in France; in 12j(l one limidred and -i rirtv hurnetl, nov. wars, ravage-, carnage, slangliter and massacre had so reigned over the ehnrcli that the liistoriiuis declared that Anti Christ wa.s verily trinniph- ant in 1228 : and, a great many nna-c S'-enes of crm'lty we could nan.c w'herein you ootihl see tlieir faith, love, patience and zeal towards God, c Hinting all tilings lo.-s lor Cnrist’> saky and these rejtroaches better than all the treasury of Egypt. And we have no doubt out that they had their infirimties of the flesh, also with enemies without. Now you may see that your dar iu one respect is oetter tlian their day, that i?. in religious n igii, and freedom in the height of its glory, though we know not how' Now, deal- Sir, let me tell you that it is as much impossi ile ,o destroy one of them as it is Christ himself.— But, as von sj)c:di .so much about vonr fears, doubts, apprehensions and' wcakiuFses — I .'::av something about them .- 'Fiiey are) things 1 like t® ( rre fijiiid blit in ..w- no where the ciiris- fian lireast — and no‘man put thenj tliere nor ean man take theui , away, nor man can learn them ex- long it will be so,, for we think we tinn ,” Rev. 7: 14. So you may dear ly see hy the light of the sacred sec a great cloud of persecution n ,w rhing which we think will create one of tiie greate-st wondu’S ever known, fhr we ktiow that Baalzehiih Inrs al ready ,re.Si,rted to every artifice that;his malicious-f^ensG could devise. learn their didance from God. Here ■u. •: epf tile Holy Ghost teach him themv ■ A lU may ;ireach them, write: them, .so, ;v? to r,u!):;sii them ou the housetoo,. on tlu* moiioiains or in the streets, .so.. bar ii may he a ge-'iieiTil theme fromc lh(‘ Rio Grmde *o the St. Lawrence,, and yet the natund man caiinnt know, tlicm for they art' things of the (Spir it. 44iis is a ground point and jdace-i where ahvpo,rite never did r-or never- will come ; yet, it is whtre all tne be loved ofGod come as humble penitenU d','])ending on Christ as God for all things needful for this world and the world to come; and when they do come here they are Ixring led by tlia Spirit, the Holy Ghost, now the Prime Minister in the church—to bring home the lieirs of eternal life, and Christ is tha" eternal life, for ho is made unto the,n wisdom, riidit- eonsnes.?, sanctification and redemp tion. Ye.s, here they find wisdom which is from above, and hy it they learn that they are truly sinners be fore and again.st the best of being-\—. Here they learn tlie depth and ex ceeding sinfnine.ss of .sin, I.Iere they they learn more (,r less the jKirlecdoa of,God and that he cannot cliange. and learn al8*> that the Ethiopian.,

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