i 84 -Z^ioii's Landmarks: Wilson, N. C. B. W. Jenkins to Natiianiel Amon. Continued from Vol. viii, No. 9. ^illlLDREN that are conceived in sin are brouf>rht forth in in iquity under the sentcncc- ‘‘Cursed is every one that con- linueth not in all things written in the book of the law to do them.”— And as humanity progresses in its sphere, so does the seed of Satan in its sphere, from whence come wars, fightings, deceptions, lies, delusions, disobedience, hatred, malice, veng eance, enudation, strife, divisions and all idolatries of various sorts and siz- So under consideration of these things no marvel at Satan’s raulti- tada of ministers. I do not write this in the spirit of burle^queing, for my- heart and hand U'emhle when contemplating this weighty matter, and all that I can my “Thy will be done in earth as^ in lumvon and agree in the penitent question of Job. How can man be just with God ? Well let us search iiRid see if there is any way for any or sll to be saved and justified with Got!—O yes, I have found soraetiiing good—John 1 : 1, and 1 : 14; Matt- 8 : 17 and 1: 21 ; Luke 1 : 25 and 2 : 11. Well I have found a Saviour— bless the Lord, O my soid ! Let us see if he is qualified every whit— Matt. 28 : 18 ; Col. 1:18; Rev. 22 : IS. Thus a qualified Saviour is fmmd and let us see if he stands^ in the will of the Lather—Johq h ; 40 ; lleh. 10. 7. Then we see a qualified Saviour standing in the will the Lather and the counsel of jicaee hetwee them—Zeeh. G: 13.— Now let ns search and see what is fot5iid—Matt. 1 : 21 ; Isa. 49 ; 25, ; Zeeh. 8 ; 7 ; Matt. 18 : 11 ; John 12: 48. Thus we find a Saviour qualified standing in the will of the Lather and a people loved by the wili of the Father. Now let us see if it is everlasting—Isa. 45 : 19 ; 2nd Tim. 2:19; Ileb. 5:9; Psl. 37; 39. 18o, the salvation of this people is as God, eternal. Now the inquiry fol lows, WTiat are they saved from? Lzek. 36 : 29 ; Matt. 1: 21 ; Rom. 5 : 8—yea from sin . and sins. How is this done? See Heh. 9: 26; 1st Cor, 5:7; Heb. 9 : 14, 28; 10 : 5, 14. Yea, by a free olFering and sac rifice of himself—what is the cause ? see Jere. 31 : 30 ; Hos. 11: 4; John 15 : 18 ; Rom. 8 : 36 ; 6 : 5 ; 1st John 3:1:8: 17 ; Col. 2:2; Rev. 3 : 17; 1st King 10 : 3 ; John 3: 16. sinners. M e may wonder in grief | fill it in time. TIius Lmmanuel and sorrow and yet find no other j arose a sufferer and a Saviour with name or help for ruined man. Tea, i the glory of God in his face. To we may wonder, laden with sin, | him Jehovah said, I will go forth in through all the Jewish di.spensation, j tliee, thou shall pav the price and beholding their towers, their temples, j bring my chosen home, and thy work tlicr wall, their armies, thc-ir altars, | shall crown heaven and confound priests and offerings, and no other > my foes, to which every angel came found to take away our sins. A ea, j forward casting crowns at his feet. we may see I-Cngs rise, and Princes crowned. Prophets clad, and Aaron in the beauty and excellency of his priestly .office—but none of these can take away sin. Yea, we may draw near the altar, smell the pome granates, hear there the bells, take a serious view of the ark, Uriin and Thnmmim, also the various orna ments—both for beauty and profit— there converse with the Kings of the East, West, North and South rela tive to the power of their kingdoms, notice the Shekineh and the school of young prophets, ceme out, walk round her buildings, examine her walls and make a fair report—no other name given under heaven by which a man can bo saved. I have shown you how man sinned and died—not a corporeal death, but an eternal death in two senses, viz : Violation and separation—for aa Gotl was ot too pure eyes to look upon Sill with any allowance, and under these circumstances a disunion exist ed between God and man, and God could not change : so, if any man ever sce.s God in ])eace, he must be saved and changed and brought to chanting the high 21; 1st John 2: 2: Isa. 53 : 10, 12. Thus we see that he (Christ) was made sin for his |x;ople and that he suffered in their place and stead for that sin which could not be forgiven in this world nor the world to come; bat, in this offering he paid the price and declared them free from law and justice, insomuch that law and jus tice become witnesses of his right eousness, and the Lather declares himself well pleased—.so, he stood a Saviour, a Redeemer, a Surety, a Mediator, and the head of an ever lasting covenant in all things ordered well and in fulness of time came in the volume of the Book, as was writ ten of him, and suffered what was God by a power which he h.as not ih>| prescribed by law for th.eui whose Thus we .sec the moving cause was the love of God and that for a pur- po.se of his own glory, that he might raise a temple of praise in the present world and connect it with his angelic host in the world to come, and that by the man Christ Jesus, the only name given under heaven whereby any can be saved. We may search the man sions of the high heavens amid crowds . ■ iphs and brilliant .angeL—no himself, hence it is the power of God ^irough Christ his Son which hps made them one virtually in his eve|'- lasting covenant by will and work. So it was in the arrangement of this great body—Father, Son and Holy Ghost—that virtualities were equal toactualities ; .so that, when the angel that held the law reported that man had sinned, Emmanuel arc.se and said : I work and die ! Then in the virtue and virtualities he come.s in the garden and clothes them with a coat of skins,a protective figure of the common and special salvation : as an issue of the counsel in which Father, Son and Holy Gbost as equal part- neiw in harmony kissed each other, the angels clapped their wings and brought forth book.s, and in one of these books the Holy Ghost, by vir tue of the blood of the Lamb, writes the names of the chosen seed and calls it the Lamb’s Book of Life, where upon the Angel of Justice comes for ward and seals the book with seven seals. Then another book was brought forward in the which was written the catalogue of nations un der a promiscuous vail so that none (man) should know the elect from the non-elect, except by their fruit. Thence the Angel of Justice came forward with a great sword to smite: to whom it w’as said by Jehovah, Thou shalt sleep for a sea.son until thou art bathed and my fellow clad with a robe of zeal. Thence another book was presented by the attributes tv »:=i)'UT it wv/i nsid. The ■ choaldst names were written in Book of Lite, and now the Lamb’s i.s exalted a prince and Sa’^iour, and advocate, also an intercessor who intercedes for all his people, for they all sin and as long as they sin he tvill in tercede. But let no man sin in the love of it lea.st the plagues written in the book come iipon him. Now as they are righteously saved let us see if there is any righteousness for them, for without holiness none can see him in peace—Isa. 24: 17, 10 Jere. 23 : 6 Rom. 4 ; 6, 5, 18 ; 1 Cor. 1 : 80; Phil. 3:9; Rev. 19 : 8—thus w’e see Jesus is their righteousness.— Hence let us .see how this comes and what it is : T'he Father was right. the Holy Ghost was right, also the Son was right, and in their equality peace, union and harmony Avas right- eonsne.ss. Hence God the Father and God the Holy Ghost liave come forth in the Son and thus it is ivritten, The righteousne.ss of God manifested to as. Now the order in which he has come is described from Genesis to Revelation—all synoni- rnously,and righteously,and answera- ably to the opening of tlie seal. This righteousness which is called by Paul the righteousness of obedience, he had no need of for himself, neither for any of the trinity for they were righteous without it. So he has it to spare, and as none of his work was ever in vain, but according to heavenly order, so this righteousness must be disposed of in like manner and love of the fulfilling of the law praises of God Almighty saying, Thou art worthy to suffer and redeem, and to receive the reAvard of thy labors. God loves them and the angels love and Avait their return. Thus Ave see Jesus made sin and the virtue of his works opened the book and loos ed the seal so that the attributes coiild bring the secret in time. Now let us see what they say about Jesus (the Christ)—see 2nd Cor. 5 : which he Avas under. Thus we must love, as be says “I h.ave loved th®e Avith an everlasting love.-” The .same Lav bound him to do justly.— Thus it is AA'ritten ; The jirst Lord is in the midst and the .lu.stifier also.— The same law bountl him to use charity so that his peopU) shun id re- ceiA’e ill the abundance ol grace.— Then Ave find that this righteousness is given to liis elect people—Isa. 61: 10; Rev. 7 : 9, 13. Thus it is im puted, righteousness imputed to the.m. Rom. 4:11; 1st Cor. 1: 30. And the righteousness contains everything needful for them (iiis elect) in this world and the world to come, and an application of this is a manifesta tion to every soul. He (Jesus Chri.st) was and is their eternal life, and svhen this is applied be is to them eternal righteousness. And thus it is Avritten—the Lord our righteous- ne.3S—Jere. 33 : 16—and is called by Dan. 9: 24- eousness. It is also Avritten, that ha -an everlasting right- O O Avrsdorn, right- is made unto tliem eousnes.s, sanctification, redemption ; and in John it is written That ho is in the Lather, they in him, and he in them-14: 20. Then certainly ray frieiid.s, let tliem be many or fcAv, they are safe as God himself, and thus being’ so, are godly. Now find the man you Avished mo to, a gos|>ei minister, the man Avhom God I’aises u[>, a servant, light, ex ample, seer-teacher, help and pat tern of good work.s in the household of faith; for, as God raises him up, he gives him all nece.ssary spiritual qualifications to fill his place in the house ef God—-may he be Aveak or strong, great or small, as the .scrip tures give a fair show of this. Young men and old men, and men of riper years, these terms and phrases are all relative to the order of the church of God. The same is found iji the ministry, all things tliat are god-like in the house of God are first wrought in the ministry that they may be thoroughly furnished u:rto every good Avork and word, and the hus bandman that laboreth must first be partaker of the fruits of the vine yard, Avhether he ho strong or weak, for the Lord has ordered it, that each one shall fill ])Iacc to the perfecting of the body as it has pleas ed him and has as much use for the weak minister as for the strong one : and all of them have the same privi lege for the advancement, for none of them as yetlmve found the depth of the fountjiin opened for sin and un- cleanncss. The we; the strong minister minister and e both under usitivc obliga- Glorify God discharge his and feel the saniC tions Avhich are the.si faithfully and juunl. duty, teach, edity God’s children : arid i.ster feels to lack in the weak minister, ister goes forth in \v, ,-l and doctrine, addresses his andiein :: with his ^ul draAvn out in love to • iod and for his cause and people, ar . Avhen oppor tunity serves Ire ’; ,'oi to consider all and comfort iie strong min- lis as much as rhe Aveak min-