r- Laiidiiiar P. D. GOLD, EditoPv. PUBLISHED SEMI-MONTHLY -( &t )- NA. y/lLSOI-^, j^OPvTH J^AR^LI T w 0 Dollar?, Per Annum OGTOBEE 1st. rrr^ fc i t a i’ i a I . 1 mark, wliic'i t!iy fat'ners have .and- > set.” f NOTIC] of eiglit snlif-cribers, or a larger aumber, can have tlie L.vndmvkks .at $1 50 s«ch, and the clubs need net be at the same Po.st OfSco or even in the same State, .and jiersons renev/ing can make club.? in same way. Our bretlircn find friends are idl authorized So act as Agents in obtaining subscribers.— Thoir Hames need not be |>ubiished in the List of Agents. We hone they wiil generally make an eiFort to extend the circulation of the Landmakks. Money can be .sent Ijy cxpre.ss or oth- ot'wise at my expense. In sums of a few dol lars it can be sent at ray rLk by ordinary let- tois. Wlien Moiicy is not receipted please aJwavs inform me. When convenient alVay.s rend Mo.s'i're r>Yli.xriU>« o:i aioNuy Okdehs at MY EXPENSE, IE I'iiEFK For a good rea.son pleiue direct letters to lue as follows: J I) ( /(/, Wilson, N. C. msw~ Ci3 •'If 'I .11!flitch, Near Houston, Heard Co., Ga., July 20th, 1875. .Elder P. D. Gold, Dear Brother in the Lord:— ENCLOSE to you a letter for 1 publication from our highly esteemed brother, Elder W. M. Mitcliell, the contents of M'hich are fully my sentiments. The Church of Jesus Christ has a perfect rule given by lier Head and Hus band ; for her government through out the whole of the gospel dispensa tion is a complete guide for the Church as a hotly, and a lamp to each of her individual members, and should be heeded by them in all their dutie.s, both of a temporal and spirit ual bearing. This rule is plain, holy and divine; so plain that the most humble is not to err therein. Some never err there in ; but those IV ho are heady, high minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; making gain of god liness and coveting the friendship of this world; from such turn away, (because you are not of the world, but pf God; if you were of the world, the- world wo-uld love you and cease to persecute you, We, who are identi fied in the Church of'Christ, have an inestimable right to rejoice that she is not an institution of the world, but ^f Hod, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, rooted and grounded in Him who i.s the Head, in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth into a holy temple in the Lord. If she was of the earth she would soon pass away with the world, and in truth wvuld be no better, be cause the w'orld must pass away with all its glories, wiiilc the kingdom of Christ will staud forever unalterably the same. Therefore bretliren, seeing that wfc are heirs of this mostglori'ous Church, having been raised with Christ from the rudiments and bon dage cf the world, let us seek tho.se things which are above where Christ .sitteth, having; our conversation in heaven ; no more calling Him Lord and' refuse to do what he has com manded, by becoming conformed to (he world, and unequally yoked to gether with unbelievers ; but in all things [iroving ourselves the servants of God, by humbly wearing the whole armor of righteousness. Brother Gold, sulFcr me in conclu sion to humbly beseech my beloved brethren, who are inclined to disturb and mar the peace of the Churclrof Je.sus by unitiog with Grangers, to sto]) and consider vvljere they staud, examine carefully and sec i.'^you haVe not violated three of the most sacred commands of God. Lst. Llaye you not distrusted God in tiiat of hoping for deliverance from depre.?sion financially through this institution, instead of lookino; to God who is able to deliver, and has prom ised to withhold nothing that is good from them that walk uprightly? if so you are guilty of heresy. 2nd. Have you not conformed to the world and violated the holy com mand—be ye not conformed to the world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and accepta ble and perfect will of God ? 3rd. Have so 001 n2: you not by offended brethren and thus have brought confusion into the camp of the Israel of God? May the Lord have mercy upon such and turn them again to the path of rectitude, and spread the mantle of his everlasting love over his poor and despised people—making them of one mind and one heart, is the prayer of your servant in the vineyard of Christ. A. B. Whaailey. OxELiKA, Ala., .July 8th, 1875. Elder A. B. Whatley, Dearly Beloved in the Lord:— REJOICE that you have such a zeal and devotion as to be willing to forsake Egypt and lose all lUBu ilii for Christ, his cause and his people. The Scripture you quote from Rom, 12, Be not conformed to this v/orld,” &c., is certainly to the point. Christ said of his chosen people “They are not of ihi? world, even as I am not of the world.” In their doctrine faith, liope and everything pertaining to their ‘'religious principles they are not of the world—not debtors to the world nor to the flesh for anything in the spiritual kingdom of Christ. “Dead with Christ from the rudi ments,,”,or principles of “ the world,” ri.sen with Christ above those worldly rudiments, and now mast forever continue to “see/c those things which, are above” such worldly things. You know that Israel did not ful ly obey the Lord to demolish the idols of Canaan, and for this neglect the Lora left some as “ thorns in their side ” a ml snares—so tliat such as had not experimentally seen war might be taught it, and might be proven wdiether they loved Israel or the Canaanites best. See Judges 2 : 3, and 3: 3. Near fort}^ years ago a division took place among the Baptists after an internal strife of twenty or thirty years. All the idols have not been demolished—all the old soldiers of that war are not yet dead—many however of the young men have not seen such a war and now there seems ’^toTean opportunity to prtfve where they stand and what is the extent of their zeal and love for Christ and his law.s. “ Yv*ho is on the Lord’s side? was the inquiry of Moses to his erring brethren. It is truly a self-denying ivork to “gird on the sword” and “slay every man his brother but if be is an idolatrous brother, teaching Israel to forsake the old landmarks of gos pel truth, he must be slain “sword of the Spirit word of God,” Eph. 6, by the which is the The Apostle of ChiTst prophetic ally warned the flock of Gor! that “grievous wolves should enter in among them not sparing the flock,” Acts 20, Not only v/hich care nothing for the good of sheep, but even oWjour own selves—the Elders— ministers of thegosjiel who havebeen Iteld in high esteem by the Church and whohave been a comfort to many, even of those “ shall men arise speak ing perverse things ”—and what are those 'perverse things ? They are things contrary to peace—contrary- to parity of doctrine or order in the Cmrch. And what are such tilings spoken by such men for? Why, to draw away disciples aftc’ tliem. The idea of drawing away is to move them from their former standing and from their former Great Leader. Time has shown the wisdom and correctness of the separation of the Baptists and of the non-fellowship resolutions. The two denominations are as distinct from each other as any two can be; any Minister or Church at this late date who shall say that the resolutions of non-fellovvship are a curse to the Primitive Baptists should at once be cut off and let go to his own company. I do not consider that it is nov’ an open or deb-itable question whether the sepa ration of the Bantists was ria’ht or not. The developments of time ami of principles and practic-es have so dearly demonstrated that the two parties are not the same people re- ligioiislv that .no ground i.s left for argument as to the necessity or cor rectness of the final non-lellowship separation. ■ The non-fellowship resolutions wliieh some unstable ones make snpli a blow about is nothing more tJian simply setting forth in words what liad been actually done in the act of division. The instimtions mentioncil in the Resolutions and kindred ones, which should afterwards arise after the rudiments or principles of the world and not after Christ, are in- , eluded in the noii-fellowsh.ip Reso lutions. Any Preaclieraraong Prim itive Baptists that seeks to inculcate the idea that every man’s conscience is to be tlie standard wliether he sliall join secret societies or whether his so-called ba[)tism is valid is ear- tainly* spc»\-i?g perverse thing'i-L- a*nd should not be allowed thus to I teach. -His own rule would forbid it—and also tlic perfect rule, the Scriptures, would forbid ir. For if conscience i.s the rule—then tiie con science of many say it is wrong for any Preaclier thus to teach. So we see it is condemned by the home-rnada conscience standard and also con demned by the Scriptures. “ Why is my liberty judged by another man’s eon.science ?” There are many who Seem to run well fora timeanditis hard to tell who it is that bewitches them that they should not continue to obey the truth. Like “'Demas” ivho forsook Paul in time of trial, they love this pre.scnt world bec.ause of jtsllatteringcharmr.. All tins, says Satan, will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worshii) me. I think I appreciate your trying surroundings as a 'mnng minister, but let me remind you that the Lord’.s p-racc is sufficient for thee. Ifvou are ever truly strong in theLrrl and in the power of Ids might you must have heavy pressure and strong trials first. Come and see u.s as soon as you can, we all want to see you at Ml. Olive. I do not suppose I will be able to meet you at Macedonia in August, I do not get outmucli from home in war n w; athcr. Woii’d 1 e glad you could be with ns this July meet ing—though we are not at peace— hope all may settle soon. Let me hear from you often. Most affectionately your brother la gospel bonds, W. M. Mitch ELT..

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