.4 V we shall be; but we know that when we see him we shall be like him ; for we shall see him as he is, and we «hall be satisfied too. Infants are saved hy grace.. What- fver change is needful for thhm will h.; Avrought. Instead of their be coming as we are, we must become rather as they are—little children. }’>v I his we do not understand though that infanls are holy or without sin. They have m,t committed sin to re- ]icnt of as adults, though they are born in sin and can be saved only in- grace. My brother, did you repent of Adam’s sin, or your own in coming lo God ? AThat is it troubles a con victed sinner, if it is not that vile nature he has, and especially his own sinful conduct., A man, while liAung in sin, is fully and constantly endors ing all that Adam did, by repeating ii. or living in it,and taking pleasure I herein. AVI -en he repents he is sorry of his oicn ungodly deeds, and turns sway from them, and does works meet ibr repentance, justifying God in his '(•ntence of death in Adam and him- s'i fin Adam. Let God be true and every man a liar. The infant has not knowingly com mitted sins to repent of In that there is a great difference. But Jesus i> the only way of salvation, and has power over all flesh—that of the iii- ftnt, the'adult, the king and his sub ject:, the wise and the unAvise, the nch and the poor, the idiot and the prudent, the black man and the Avhite mmi -to give eternal life to as many .natlier'lmtlpgiven him. THE FLESH. , This word is often used in Scrip- rure and Avith equal frequency, per haps, maidvind in general. Hoes it mean literal flesh and blood only and merely, Avhen it says, that which is born of the flesh is flesh ? &c. li means something besides that also. Hy the term flesh is meant the cor rupt or carnal nature of man—A\diich i' deceitlul, sinful, sensual, Ac. All flc.sh has corrupted its way. By the deeds of the law shall no flesh living b'-justified, &c. This shows the ut- ler and general carnality of the entire man. To ask if there is any part of u man that is not flesh, in the scrip- iiiral sense of that Avord, would be i he same as asking if there is any pa rt of a fillen man that is not sin- liil? His soul or spirit is carnal or .-iuful, and in that sense comprehend- m1 in flesh, though not litercdly flesh. 1 lie text therefore Avhich says that, ■’ihat Avhich is born of the flesh is Zion’s Landmarks: Wilson, N. C. U) i’jc'h,” means that an unclean thing brings forth an unclean or .sinful off- ■'[U'ing, or that if Eicodemus could cru.er the second time into his mother’s womb, and l)e born again, it would be another birth of the flesh, and ht'fKAe sinful. But if one is born of .■spirit tkhat is a pure birth. Or it nnans that one born of Adam, Avhich mcan.S' born of the flesh, is a sinner, while thatAvhich is born of the Spirit, Avliieh is an incorruptible seed, is al- wavs without sin. Hence the great nece,ssify of being I ij.irn again. That it is the sinner licit is born again cannot admiflof !uiy sensible questioning, for that del) i.s pure needs no ncAV birth, and when so born again that AAdrich is born again is spiritual. A Christian is a spiritual man— not under condemnation, not in sin, but under grace and in grace. To Avalk according to the flesh is to Avalk after the promptings of the corrupt, lu-stful nature of the Adamic man. We are to deny the flesh, and mortify our members Avhich are on earth. Everything of man is not literally flesh, tlicugh the Avhole man is a sin ner. Noav Avill literal flesh and blood enter heaven? Ho. JSTor can the corrupt, deceitful old man, or body of death, ever be saved. Sin cannot of course be saved, but the sinner is. Sin is not a creature, or created substavee. It is an action rather—transgression, of the law—a principle of evil. By a new birth another life—a leaven from above is given Avhicli purges out the old leav en, and we, the Adamic man, that is a sinner, are changed according to the life of Christ, into his image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. There was Adam before he sinned a good man. After the flill it was the same man, but corrupted, and dead in laAV. In the new birth the same man that was dead is born again, or brought to life. A new life, the life of Christ, the second Adam, the quickening spirit, is given him. As after regeneration the man does not Avalk according' to his former lusts, for old things have passed away, and behold ;fll thmgn are beeuii,^ new : so in the resurrection from tlie dead, all things Avill be ne'v,and after the image of Jesus, who is spiritual. For in him there is no sin, no cor- rnplion, no flesh, no death. Let ns be careful to not Avalk after the flesh. For it is a poor excn.se to say the flesh did it. It i.s to confess onr intimacy with a Avilful enemy, and to confess that AAm are asleej) on our post and unfaithful. Flesh in this .sen,se Is sin or the sinful lusts that live and lark in our nature, and creep in like the Gibeon- ite.s, often with an air of sanctitv, iu old shoes, tattered clothes, and Avith mouldy bread,and will decoy us into a dangerous alliance. AA’e live in the flesh, but should not walk accord ing to the Avicked principle thereof. IS THE INTERPRIFTATIOH TRUE? Some, in their constructions of bi- ble teachings, hold that, because sal- Auation is of grace, that no obligations or duties are laid on the .subjects of salvation. For tbem, It is enough to exonerate from all obedience Ijecause such and such a Scripture is spiritual. When James tells us that pure re ligion and undefileJ before God and the Father i.S’ this, to visit the fatiier- le.ss and the Avidows in their afflic tion, &c., that they .say does not mean that an actual personal visit is to be made to people actually sick, and that the widow.s are not Avidowes aaFo' have lost their husbands, but some hoAV they are such ca.-es as Jiev- er come Avithin the po.ssibIiitie.s of men to .serve them, because it is, spii- itual. It does not strike iua" mind that be cause truth is .spiritual that therefore it is unreal, or that because the Spirit of truth reveals things spiritual that they are a myth. It is true that ef fectual prayer must be in the Spirit, blit it does not folloAV therefrom that a man never prays effectually. Revelations of spiritual truth are just as real and true as any other communications. TIica' are from above and cannot be rvceived or knoAvn by the natural man, still they are true and actual. The Christian, Avho in the spirit of truth visits the fatherless and Avidows in their affliction, does such service as pure religion, or true love, prompts. The man Avho has not its spirit and never docs this has no true religion. To Say that one that has faith never Avorks is to say that his faith is dead being alone. The true faith of God’s elect is remarkable for its holy zeal and singular performance of works that condemn the Avovld, and evince that its posse,ssor is an heir of the righteousness that thus comes. If one should say, that the text Avhich says, they that preach the gospel should live of the gospel, is spiritual iu the sense thai it only means that he must feed on the truth which he preaches to another, and does not teach that if is the duty of those to whom he preaches to minis ter to him in carnal things ; that man, to be consistent, should likeAvise say, that Avhen Paul tells TimotliA’' to take offensive to some and so strains and chokes them that death ensues. A very little affair, a trival thing that some one is guilty of, .so .spoils the feast that one of a faint stomach can not eat at all, and .so chokes up and heaves that the joy of the company is all broken up. Even things that an not gnats at all sometimes choke one. a little wine for his stomach’s .sake, Ac., this is also spiritual, and forbids our taking anything for Aur infinn- iires' iTutrT.hc wine oi' thff*kingdom of heaven. Tliongh it is a'great truth that they that preach the gospel do enjoy its pure food, and should live lives of holy obedience to the Lord, being sepai’ate from the corruptions of the Avorld. The truth is, that any duty Avhich the Bible commands a Christian i.s spiritual, and Avhen dis charged in the true .spirit is accepted of God, and is profitable to the doer. Whenever our interpretations of the Bible are .such as to rentier all its meaning incomprehensible to ns, and to free ns from any obligations, by saying it is spiritual, Ave have not the true conception of what is spiritual. Mark yon, we do not say that a mere ly natural or carnal man can, or de sires to ser\'o God ; but that a Chris tian is a spiritual man, and slioukl render spiritual obedience. Because Paul saw a law of sin in his members Avarring against the laAV of his mind, Ac., did ho therefore turn these members loose to sin, and disregard in's body, in saying the law is spiritual and I am carnal, and therefore conclude that it does not inacter what Ldo? Ho ; he kept his body under, and the same members that Averc once yeilded as instru ments unto sin he now renders as in struments unto righteousne.s.s. IIoAV careful should one be to see tliat the light tliat i.s in liim be not As when it becomes needful to raise .some money in a conference meetinv to bear some needful expensas—it so offends some that they get to strain ing heavily; not however becau.se such people ever give so much thein- ,selves. Those that giAm the most arc those that complain the least usuall\-. Some get choked or .strain at gnats in finding fluilt of the peculiar or odd notions or doings of other people Avhen perhaps there are no violations of true principles by them. By gnats we understand little things Avhich are not actually Aaolations of principles of righteousness, though they may be irregular in form. But those people Avho strain so at gnats have a capacious throat for swallowing things that suit them.-— Hotwithstanding the camel i.s a verv large animal and has so large a hump, and is Avithal so crooked and ugly, tiiat it would seem impossible that if could be SAvallowed, yet Ave find that this A'ery class of people that strain at gnats can swallow even camels— right down. People that cannot spend any thing for religious expen ses sometime.s can spend considerable sums for some other things hurtful even. People who .see motes in oth er people’s eyes,and find fault of lit tle things in others, can sAvallow down and hide great, big, crooked, ugly deeiis of their own and never strain even. BE HOT TOO HASTY. Chur ches should not send off’un tried men to preach away from home until they have heard Ihem them selves. They should be satisfletl too that such have a profitable gift beftjr(‘ turned loose. Their moral character and conduct should also be clean. Much trouble comes ofunfaithfurness here. Lay bands suddenly on no man. darkne.ss, and that some lurkino- OF . lust does not tisscrt its prevailing phm for .•'In under cover of a seomingH deep and reverentiai regard for the spirituality of the .scriplurc.s. STRAIHIHG AT GHATS. This I.s a characterl.stic jAcrformance. Sometime.s a sinal! gnat becomes very I iiave for .some timt; been pub lishing a pamphlet-stylo book, con taining the ex])erience of Si.ster Phil lips, and her reasons for leaving thr Mksiouarie.s and uniting Avith the Primitive Bapti.sts. The book c. ntains tvA'O hundrcAi and eight pages of-matter—divided into twent3'-one cha{>tei-s—devoted to various subjects—important to an. enquirer after truth. It need,s no eulogA’" (o one that know.s the ability of her pen. Hoth- ing that I have ever .seen 1‘rom lu;r is more instructive.. ItAvil! be A'ery profitable to all that are searching for ib'lile truth.—■ To suck I honestly and earne.stlv commend it. It tnay b.c obtained b\- orders sent to Ihu' at Rome, Georgia, or to me at 'Wii.son, Horth Caroli/ia. The price is 75 Cts, Order.s can hr- sent with the money at once, a.s thu !>ook is now readvx P. D. Goi.n.