58 Zion’s Landmai'K. one mcxlejation in the use of the blessings of tiiis life. It humbles Uiin before God, and enables liim to pity men. It makes him like salt, preserve a good inflnetice, and henee the wine of yrace is not lost but sav ed, and the man in character, nif)rals, body, ‘Si'C., is saved from evils. What a great sal vatioii, even the time sal- vation,^ does the grace of God secure to man ! What a blessing if his word :uid Spirit guide and save us in time! How much greater is the eternal sal vation ? No, if men would n»t waste new wine by putting it in old bottles, ■vUich they know would break the bottles and lose all, shall our heavenly Father give the grace ot -alvation to men who w'ill be ruined, :tnd lost, and perish by it, aud tlie grace be lost also? We are k®.pt by the power of God. We are preserv ed in Jr^jis Christ and called. When conviction seizes us it is. not t(» de- ■xtroy life, and preaching says to us, Do thyself no harm.” Wiieu the Lprd, gives hiiirself to us we feel that ve are saved, aud are pulled up out of the mire and put upon a rock and .rur uoiiigs (steps) are established. When Jesus came.it was not to de stroy the law, nor nien, nor life, hut ta savp. He turns water into wine. He fills the law with a pure spirit mul honors it, then he turns it all in to wine or love that blesses the heart .\f man and cheers ih.e faint, making forget their poverty. The last '.\iiie is a! ways, the best top. What a salvation is there in the gospel?— Then tlie w'orks of a Christian are es- tahlislied—nothing is lost—the frag- r,]ieuts are gathered up, even as none pf of Jesus are lost or put 'll, old, bpttles,or on patches. When tlie ciirisbiau comes to di.e he is not ipat—his body i.s net lost, his labor is, not in, vain. But Ln the resurrec- lion his vile body will have been changed, and, fii,shh)ned like unto the glorious body of our Lord Jesus Qiiri.st. As grace enabled Paul to bear the thorn in the flesh and even glory in his infirmities, so grace will cause one to endure through time, ;Uk1 the ppw'er of God will so change the.se corruptible bodies that tliey 'wiilibe capable in the resurrection of ixiafiing the exceeding great and etem- il weight- of glory, and ever be with the Lord. The evidences to us that we are saved consist in the manifestation of truth to us, and our love of it. If lesus is jirecious to us, and we love ids doctrine and people, aud there is .>1 life within u|5 that hates sin and laves, holiness, and fotybids onr com mitting sin that grace may abound, then we havm the grape of* Csod in» new vessels or bottles, and> bot^h afe preserved. I need not say thfs greater than all worldly b|essing.s.— ,Hay God preserve us in, hia, truth uid salvation.:—Ed. Ifpme, Ga., KeUru^’v IG, lb7T> f llder 1\- D. Gold,—D^ar. Hrothe'r— I pause era I write the word broth- 'f, so unworthy do I feel. The object of this noteis.to inform of the tknth of the i^eaerable. (and dearly beloved father of our dear sister, R Anna Phillips,)?. P. Clop- ton, of Merriwether County, Ga., which occurred a .short time since at his place of residence in the above named County. A few months since sister Phillips had a most pleasant and .satisfactory visit from her parents. I had the pleasure of their society occasionally, while they were here, and was favor ed with their presence in my home also; and I certainly felt that [ wa.s entertaining true followers of Christ, and I realized a feast iii listening to the precious truths that fell from the lips of the aged Christian, lips that were ever wreathed in smiles, as if the soul was always full of the lov« of God. My pen and language are too fee ble to portray the character—private, puhlic,^ o? Christian character—of dear father Ciopton. Someone more wor thy will give tlie particulars of his death. My purpase was to inform you, and ask that you announce the sad intelligence through the columns of the Landmabk, for the many readers will sympathize in .spirit with our beloved and well known si.ster Phillip.s, Ibr nothing but the grace of God could enable her (especially in her feeble state of health,), to bear this great grief. She was certainly devoted to her father, as she also is to the grief-stricken and aged mothe? who is now with her; and one couldj readily discern that she was a speciai favorite with her father. I ktmw there are many who join with me in the hope that sister Phil lips will soon,fk^orus wifrh soraes-^ thing from her pen, through your valuable paper. With love for yourself and sister Gold, I ana, very unworthily, E. Kino. I hope that onr dear sister Phil lips will be graciously sustained in tiio loss of her dear father. I iiope too to soon hear from her again through the Landmark.—Ed. EXTREMES. Brookaville, Blount Ck)unty, Ala,, January 6th, 1877., Mrothfr ]?. D. Gold i’— I carefully read youx remarks rel ative to my communication, as touch ing extremes that essst among Bapr tists. VVihat I mean by extremes among Baptists is that which I cor> ceive to be unscriptural, something that is tolerated among them that was not known or practiced by the true Church for tlie first hundred years. Now bratker GolJ, I do not wish, to be tedious iu my communication. I 'oelievo you to be an houest, straight forward Baptist, trying to do tlip thing that is right arapng your hretla- ren, as an editor and. minister. But I see from your remarks on my last communication, that you do not fully appreciate my position nor my con dition among the Mjiasionary and Primitive Baptists of this part of Alabama. When I, write an article for a Bajitist pajier, aiuL for Baptists to read, I write with an-eye single to the great mass ot Missioaary and. Primitive Baptists. Uiwier this gen eral view I wrote ray last letter in ZioN*aLA¥DM4i54C;. K^fotlief Gold, will admit that the Missionaries, .as a mass, have many institntioHs among them. He mast also t>ear in mind that the great imss of Primitive Ba{> tists (especially in this, the Northern part rtf Alabama,) have institutions, such as Muson-s, Grangers, Odd Fel lows, &e. Brother Goldls kind of Baptists are very few in nnmlieF «>£Bpared with the great ma.ss of Baptists; and vet if they are what Zion’s Land mark represent thsm t© be, I frank ly admit them to be the tme Bible Baptists, and if such Baptists existed in my reach I would have my mem bership with them, provider} they would receive such a poor unworthy creature as I am. A^ou now retulih' perceive the ex tremes I have been writing about,— For instance both wings of Baptists in this country are adulterated with institutions which they cannot very easily throw off, and if a Missionary goes to the Primitives, as a gf^ner al thing they will not recfcive him without re btiptizing him. And if he shonhi submit to this Ixrptism, and then move to North Carolina close to brother Gold’s Baptist Church, ac cording to the teachings of Zion’ss Landmark, he would have to receive baptism again to get at last into the true Cliureh. And by ihe fi'sne a poor fellow would go through »ll thftse dreadful ordeaU he won*d be an humble Baptist indeed. In your remarks yoM s|)oke of get ting in the mire. From the above you see that I am in the mire as you say you were once. It i.s not a mire t»f my own making or my own choos ing—and this is the case with many dear brethren in this country. And we would like very much for you to tell us in the columns of your paper how we are to make a starting point to get out of this mire. Both the Missionary and Primitive Baptists are out of order in these parts, and, according to the teaching of Zion’s Landmark and The Primitive Path way, no Church here in Blount Coun ty can give a fair and, scriptural bap tism. This naturally, involves us in difficulties, and our eyes are turned iu every direction to know where we could Hud a clean Church and a prop er administrator. Brother Gold might say his Church is clean, but can he trace her aud. the Association of which he is a member back even to the first sittings of the old Philadelphia Aasoeiation, and, say things have come up orderly to, the pre,sent time without any commotion xvitii worldly institutions? and,, if his Church or As.sociation has been in disorder in times past, can he shoxn that they got into order scrijv tiiraJly ? If not, they are still in dia- ordcF and as deep,iu, the mire as Bap tists are in Alabama,, These thoughts bring up difficultica.^in our minds, aud we wish you tOAyrite freely about ttliem. For my own part, I lieartily wish tliat Baptists everywhere could, get rid of all these tilings that ar.e uiU'eriptural, so we coujd he a united. [>eoplo. We will close this letter by inser-t- ing.two.queries which, wc think w’ill, interest, or ought to interest, all Bap tist readers : Supjiose tlie re is a Bapr tisi Ql»u|:p,b. tljat ha^u t;?v.o stabhory*-, and rebellions m&ml>er3 in it by tin? namos of A and C? A refuses wasli the saints’ feet after partaking of the Lord’s Snpiv'r, and the hreth- ren labor with him and enquire of him cmiecrning the matter. He telE them he has no cheek con.scieiict? in disol>eying this command. C also is laborcil with concerning the crime of breaking the Sablialh. C alsi> sav-s that he lias no check of con science for this crime, and will not ackaovvledgc his iluilts. Now what sliall that Church do with these two rebellious meml>ers ? !5hall the- Church turn botii of them out ? or n-tain both of them in rebellion or. shall it turn out C fir breaking tiro Ssibbath, and retain A that will not obey the Savior’-s cs>mmand in wash- rnti'feet ? One is .strictly a coin- mand as the other; only there i.s a .severe |>enalty annexed to the crime of failing to wa.sh the saints’ feet.— Pe-tsF was made acquainted with its nature, when afterwards he wa.s very- willing to engage in this duty. Again ; Siippcse there is a Bap tist Church where several of tho- rnembers partake of the rinpper, but take care to l)e missing when feet- wasbing^ fakes place, and in so doing offend and dislresrRm brother A who always attends to this duty. He being discouragetl mid disheartened concludes that h© will not attend meeting any more. At last tlae breth- ren senal a «ommktee of two brethren to see bro-tber A, when brother A tells theiso that he is discouraged and that h® has as good a right to stay' away fjorer his Cht5i’rii ‘Tieerings a*, those br&tlaAwn have int staying front tlie duty of washing feet. Now, th« question is,, bow can the Cluirch properly disedpliiie its mombers under existing eircuimstam:©s-?.‘ Again El der Gold invites me to* come out ami preach to the inststa.tien Missionary Baptists in North Caj'olina. lif I7 wa-s there I would try to-do .so, and I M'ould try to visit the Elder also* and try to hear him paeach a little. And then I would urga him to com# over in my country and preach to liis- in.stitutioii Primitive brethren, and 1* think a good many of them would glad if he and Elder Henderson cf Alabama would Ixith come. J. C. SnKDTON. Dudley, Wayne C®unty, N-. G., P'ebniary 6th, 1877.. Dear Brother Gold:— I received the Landmark. faF? January 15th, in which I find a piece written on Col..4 : 17, with rer- gard to the fulfilling of the ministry, which I think i.s one of the best arti cles I ever read. I suppose it wa» written by yourself—iu which you treat at some length ujiori the duty of the Church iu ordaining a minis ter. All of which 1 tliink in accord ance with the scripture. Now, nu* dear brother, I do agree with you in both the duty of the minister and the duty of the Church, and do say, that if these things were strictly adhere*! to, as in the days of the apostles, I bsliev’e there would lie more true spiritual life in the Church, and, les.« fire-brands will Ixi thrown into,the camp of the Lsnielites ; for the true vvateliman Is not to run into tin- ciamp of the only a.s t.ke Ritiri!,

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