94 Zion'S Landmariv. Near Bloodwortli’s Post Office, Wilkinson County, (ia., April 1, liSTT. tOMipt if lie wouitl enable me. My ! trouble was then immediately re- j moved, and I went on my way re- 1 joicing. The scriptures were opened to me and I could read with much jnv ; it was so plain to me that when I was by myself my mind was con tinually on it. When to myself I Vv'ould read and cry for joy for the great beauty I saw iu the scriptures. ]]ut it soon became a heavy cross and burden and continued to grow heav ier, until 1 wished myself out of ex istence. I felt that I had rather be burnt than to try to preach, especial ly when I expected nothing but to fail. I felt with Gideon, I was the smallest iu my Father’s house. 1 liegged, cried, coni])lained, and enter tained hard thoughts against the Lord fir not releasing me. 1 was very young, but a boy, and very timid, but to no avail. in December, after joining in February, I went forward sighing and groaning, and as a bullock un- accustomed to the yoke, talked but a very few minutes and then took my seat. IFit before I reached home J found rest and jiw, and these words were continually in my mind, “ Be hold, I will bless Thee.” I felt like shouting, and was rejoiced that my troubles had been great, that my joy might be greater. I have many such difiiculties to encounter ever since I have been trying to i)reach, but my times of joy and sweet refreshings from the Jjord have outweighed them all. I am satisfied that when God’s minis ters make failures it is because of their own negligence. We are ex horted to show ourselves approved unto God. It is our sins tliat hide the face of the Lord from us. Some ouo-ht to be teachers but need to be taught. Talking is not always teaching. Long sermons are not al ways edifying. God’s pe;ple cannot feed on jestures, loud talking alone, nor carnal displays. That is, those who are Jews inwardly cannot eat swine’s flesh. Affectionately yours, I. J. Taybok. where, and keep them humble in the j discharge of their duty, that they j may become perfect, and God’s name j be glorified. ! As ever, your unworthy brother, W. B. Caiiu f fi i t a T i a I . { “Kemovo not the ancient laiul- mark, wliich thy futliei-s Inive .set.” VESSELS OF WKATH, AND OF MERCY. Sister Burnetty Helton, of Texas, desires my view of Bom. 9: 22, 24: “ AViiat if Ctod, willing to show his wrath and to tnak.e iiis power known, endured with much long-snfiering the vessels of wrath lit- ted to destntetion ; -And that he might make known tlie riches of his glory on tlie vessels of mercy whieli he had afore prejtared unto glorv, I'iven us, wlioin he hath called, not of the jews only, but also of the Getiiiles?” Perhaps there is no chapter in the bihle ArmiIlians would rather ex punge from it than the 9th of Rom ans, and no ver-ses of that chapter they would sooner evi.scerate tlian the ones we liave under consideration.— But that would do them no good, if it could be accomplished; for all through that precious book God’s glorious sovereignty is proclaimed. Paul expresses great concern for the two brothers : lasau thinks to kill Jacob. Does that look like a Chris tian spirit? Yet Armiiiians will pdy F.sau and condemn Jacob.— When Jhsau sees that it di.spleascd his mother for him to maiTy a Ca- naanitish woman, he goes and mar ries a daughter of Ishmacl thiidsiiig thereby to plea.se his father and motii- er. But tlie daughters of Ishmael were no more acceptable to an Lsrael- ite than the daughters of Canaan.— One jirofe.s.siug to be a Christian, but inarriGd to Idols and joined to hai'- lot.c, is no more aece[itablc to true worshippers than those that make no pretension to religion. A false re- lio'ion is no better than no religion— if not worse. If such jirofessors at tempt to please Christians they fail. But God endured E.sau with much loiur-snfferlMg, although he hated his natural kinsmen, the Jews. Not because tlie word of God had akeii no effect. EYr they are not all Isra el which are of Israel. Nor tiecdiise they are the seed of Abraham are they all children. If we are of faith then are we Abraham’s seed and heirs according to tiie promise. For in Isaac is the true seed called.^ That is, tiie true .seed are children of promise, as Lsaac was. He was giv en by promise and wa.s not of the flesh. So it was in the case of Re becca. For not all of Isaac’s literal seed are children of promise. But, even when twin brothers of his loins are struggling in the womb, it is Dear Brother Gold:— As there have been many enquiring brethren and friends who seem to be anxious about Elder H. Temples’ health, you will please publish the following notice in the columns of the Landmakk: Dear brethren, when I wrote be- foi'e, we might have been mistaken about the condition of his lungs, as he was on or before that time taken with Typhoid fever; though he has suffered a great deal with his lungs. He now has a severe cough, and has to be raised up in his bed. At present, hi.5 fever is abating somewhat and ills health seems to be gradually im proving. He can, when assisted up, sit iu a ebair. He has the very best of attention. Many brethren and friends have visited him, desiring his recovery. He has borne his afflic tion with patience, and has fre quently .spoken to his brethren of the mercy and goodness of God. May the Giver of all good bless liiiu and all of his children every- foretold to the mother that the elder one shall serve the younger : ‘‘As it •is written, Jacob have I loved, hot Esau have I hated.” Now what shall we say to this? Is God un righteous? Many have said, and do .say, ho is unrighteous. They want a cliaiice. AVell, Pisan had Ids chance, for chance it was. But he showed a corrupt, fleshly spirit. He trusted to his bow and arrow (carnal weapons). Pie ran for the blessing ; but the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. Isaac his father also willed to give him the blessing. But wliat did that confed eracy amount to ? It is not of him that willeth, nor of him that run neth, but of Cod that showeth mer cy. Jacob was a vessel of mercy afore prepared unto glory, and no effort of man can frustrate the pur pose of God. Esau carefully sought a place of repentance with tears (sought to induce his father to turn or repent from blessing Jacob and give him a blessing too). But Isaac had perceived the will of God was to bless Jacob, and Esau could not change his mind then ; but he said, I ha\e blessed Jacob, yea and he shall be bleased; though be gave E.sau a matural blessing also. Now beliold the difference between' him as a ve.ssel of wiath fitted to de struction, and he goes out and pro.s- per.s and receives the ble.ssings of this life, and is not plagued like Jacob.— ]jut nothing destroys Jacob. Al- tliough lie is afflicted, and .serves long for his beloved Rachel, and has tur moils and conflicts iu Ids house, which every Christian literally expe riences ; still he is faitliful, and God remembers him. His foes are tho.se of his own hou.se. His father-iu-Iaw thought to do him evil. But God would not suffer it. Esau meditated his death and came out with a great baud of men. But Jacob was strong est when he was weakest; for Ids strength wa.s hid in the God ot Isra el, and he only had to become so weak be could not live without it, so that he must wrestle in prayer for it, and .^U'Dic beeojj)i^‘spi .p.i-.iiiee Iry^^im’- power with God and prevalliig over men. God showed him mercy. Pdir it was not because Jacob was good that he was so bles.sed. If our bles.s- iiio-s were mea.^ured to us according to the standard of our merit we liad been a.s Sodom and Gomorrah. But God will have mercy on wliom he will have mercy. He also hardens M’hom he will harden. This he also illustrates in Pharaoh. Now you will say, if you are of the flesh, yet find liuilt? and source in Adam, are equally cor rupt. ’There are none that are not the offspring ot Adam, for he is the father of all living, and one, in by na ture just as gtully as another, lor ai! came from the same lutiqi, Adam, and all deserve damnation ; for all die ill Adam, and deal!) hath already pas.scd njioii all men, and all died in trespasses and .sins before any diel naturally; and none would ever have died physically or naturally, if they had not first died in trespa.sse.s and Wliy doth he (God) PYr. wiio hath re sisted his will ?” AUio can prevent God from doing what he pleases?— AVho can resist him? This is tlie carnal reasoning of all men. Tlie answer of lYiil is well worthy our deepest comsideration : “ Nay but, O man, who arc thou that repliest a«:ainst God? Shall the thing form- ed sav to him that formed it, why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the ])otter power over tlie clay, of the same lump to make one ve.ssel unto honor, and a’-iother to di.slionor?”— Here the absolute .sovereignty of God is proclaimed. The sovereignty of creation. He made man for a pur- ])0se of his own glory. He made Aim upright and God never made any thing corrupt: but man by trans gression corrupted his way; yet the jmrpo.se of God is not frustrated.— The lump out of which all men are made is corrupt; it is Adam (earth). Out of this lump God lias power and the sovereign right to make one ves sel to honor and another to dishonor Out of the same lump: for all men by nature, or considering their stock sms. Now God, of thi.s .same lump, has the righteous ipowcr to make one to honor and anothei to dislinnor. Pe ter speaks of .some as folLws : “ But tliese, as natural brute hearts maile to be taken and destroyed, speak evd of things tliey umierstand not. ’riiev are not afraid to sjieak evil of digni ties, and are self-willed, jiresnnipln- ous, even bringing God. who giveth not account of his matters, into jiulg- ment, and arraigning him helore their bar of juilgment. Tliey manitYt in their conduct and live.s that they arc rebels to God, and are not reconciled to his dominion. Yet Gial endnre.s tliem with mueh long-suflering, al though his purpose is to show his righteous wrath and power in them. Buthis long-suffering: oh how great it is and how good is die righteou.s Judge! IFil there are vessels of mercy which God had afore prejiared unto glory. These were eho.sen in Christ liefore the world began, and grace was given them in him beiore the world, and whom he foreknew he called, justified, .sanctified, and glori fied, and determined fo ('oid’onn them • to the image of Jesus. It i.s under the ojxwation of God tliat they came into the world, but all are born sin ners. The elect though are ealleil widi a holy calling, not aeeoniing to their works, but according to grace iriven them in Chri.st before the o world began; and Jesus isievealeu to and in them as Christ tlie iiojie of glory. They become sati.sfied with Jesus and glory in grace. There is then a holy calling of botli Jews and Gentiles, as my text says, and there i.s a revelation of Jesus as salvation itself to sinners. But the disobedi ent rebel against this doctrine, and are haters of God. They deny tlie powef- of religion, deny the ef fectual, holy calling of God. Their religion s-avors of the flesh and they rebel against God’s dominion. Oh how different is the man who is chastened, who feels that ail his hope is in Jesus Christ and him ern- cified, who tru.sts only in Jesus as the end of the law for righteousness, and is reconciled to the mighty God of Jacob, from the reliellious spirit who rejects the truth and fights against God. The vessel of mercy shall be filled with everlasting mercy and joy : the ves.sel of wrath shall endure the wrath of God forever. Be ye reconciled to God. Do you ever feel that you are fit for iioth- iiif>- but wrath ? Then you are a ves- sel of mercy. Humble yonrself un der his mighty hand and submit to the righteousness of God. For Christ (not human works,) is (and alway.s was,) the end of the law for right eousness to every one that bclicveth.

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