Watauga, Ii) maocrat t ! VOL. 1 mmxi:, vvatawa corvrv. v.e. w 'y H NO. li " , lli'' Jt lx , I'll I. XX l" IllllSl Mill kC I Ulga I, I7.a lOU. Illlt WHO ll "I Vl' , KI'PVjI 1 1 X If ! Jin I. r . I ri- . . . . " " " " a i,m..,,u. f,iiv .,,,. i..J, ( ,.,.., ;,i,;id.Ki ,.. v,,, koimiv s , S'" ' ; ' SMrTW- J. Coffey & Bro. )vi,.-vot tn Hie uMtM of 1 v Thmim- f'. sjnnf H 1 Tit i ' , .. ".HlIinMil and IiiM 111 dltricUine and etc.. kith i ,v t. . ' i,tMr,liv,Ktnt..,n.. Nation. . m ,,liiMi - Snpt. . Iceland. T he hiboi voteof ncneptan.-e of the principle side iut Im tvoresented J K ":r Ix Stcktc At Thin I'h!.IW, ,.v,.r.v VIi1,v t ; v .n'is. - v, : In,,,s,,,,,Hw will U-m.t wjl- tlmt tl..T nations hav.- tho , ,rd will 1 J . T.ack lu:,,,w,,,5ffaro1!t.v..x.c-. ' ,rI: o-) 1 hxk J !"-t Hm.n -hRv their rights well J ' , 1 " 1 mh." with i '-i-.- Joil.N S.IVIM.IaMs.I'i ih.isiii i. u-ill vmi r lanv,,s' l"W'iit no iretiui.; Sud, district nie! T O mT n0 S( lis, .urrioN ItATKS. : V(l!,r t .1 ;.. ?' . ,,,,iMn" i ,('' - '"..K, m, ,,,v (MUtwU. tifjinf IHfl.fri m,.i- Ix. .,wt. 1 act"r.v Jiw and Cuwiinen. 4 it nr. 1 4 i 4i f 4 i SWT " ... Ill ' I I 11 I'I'Uini HUM .r. I ,. T . ii . . . . . . "- nnvi7. m . . , ,, ti , jomhi! in mv . i :i N' kkm i, nM.u. i ii . '. . .-.....- . hit- i lit- uouni Will jii".hiUnvindi4 ai fmvm.t u,rt n fim. fop the 1 r 1 yiar 1 nontlix , 1. '."i (MUUt.IlM .. AliVLKTIsl.Vfl ItATK.". :.Vk." '",, '"u!..t..l n.;am,t,T. llaivUvn" liititu.!,.' trn.l. 3 incli 1 wii'k. j.-.M ..m- n.u.M.y at tlmt t.n.o wus ho imtnir. IWh Ij.ln.p ti huh Jinn nivf Kii-iiii ......... -iii . iiiiifM n I ll I if 1:1 1 if irm- iimii A ......... .. ... .. ... . I Medicines & Drugs " 1 IMOIlth... .. . . " ( ' ..... 1 v'iir 1 rolmmi 1 wrk 1 1 njoiilli 1 : " 1 " 1 ' 1 VIVM' Tor iiitcriniMliiitt vMi . oii1 with tin Kilitor. liocnl iintircri rnt Snls( i i,tioii inviiriiililv in At- VM'Kiiiin ml v'ri'i !hiiiim;Tk pMVii h' on iliiii!iiwJ. Teacho t' Institute. . . ... irv-vziii. ivirn in t ItJlW its 1 iulits" ' ttMi. Iii.t! ...1.. i . ' kent in lJncm. Miii fi m f.-illu -i , , , . A " . ... J J . V rrt V nu-HH(nf.nv davs I . , . ..unn.MnnMHmhl : Hon,,. Impoi-tnnt lmwn?,.u uT vp irliul.lv infoi inrd ! it " n , V . ": wM' trjiiisaotwl. tor, Wumht'h Safe Liver and that thm'iwn !viM,rtciiriilJ "iit.,.1 .i ' " "u" n,"',0'""ni,s ; I. W. Tl.omns. Sv. Honnl :Kvley (W. Kephaline, Jack. IJirr,! thnt I sai.l th(,s(Mvhov.!(!i(i..lt-u1ir, lu , - n; " . r ' . AH.liMlCrifi.'.P. oiiH'.vnirsngd a imisicul' v' ,1,vtr. nfieumatio i ll mi vunrn fvin h.. ... . .. jijcflic-iuecf too numerous ta f,. t1.,k i,-,, ... . ,., in . ix , i nm-iiri! uu (jiifsr:ons of n:i .i r....i rit . l m, iiii mi hit .j . Mlrl wirliniiT ii .ii. wi j .... .... . i r hi, M (inwiiiiiKi i.llu :,, ii... . .... - t, , ., f : "" snvain iroin Ntrphoson n Thev do lull invii. .moi x- i . 1 ai- inemion. l, JJI1V S11CJ1 1, t iimr I r,m : .,,,, ...... ' "n l-Hfilfl' I I -m, I 11 ; ., .. Al n .... . .... -nm-if,n.fW..i.. .1 v .T a . r,rmn,nN,u ,nrsu- t tn. canvas. It is u busin,-Ks "V ,, ' T ' "V' ,,,n ? ... TX AU 01 uw ,luove ,vm j 'v V", ' "' ' (ircuiiiir:ii,( aiv wry dlf- fil.t n.d slumld U conduct- , J, M,,r- ', .'l. Ind. Indiana was Hod,d wiU, that is to kmv, with wiMhnn i rr'na,lw-, TI,,J nnl di-, .XJJjXXX P.amhoo. X. (' An. 2(i. 1SSS 1. . . . 1 xx'.ii - 1 .1 ... . . .. . 1 r 1 1 .vou Kinoiy ailciVv in,' ,U!U Jnv ''" Him i-annot no 'spaf-o 111 your sapor to mi- i ' ''!"'' "d with impunity Ili'puhlii tin corruDtioiifnn.ls. rttm,,, ....a' ' v ... ' I m tor' W( bi'lpivf, undtTtook TI10 Kani,. outing' on a puro Vol k lh'inhl ' ! wi'iliw task of replying ! hi L-nam'r .uius in thP He T'n TivicI'.mh' In.vtitino for Vnt.-iuya 'iinnty will cor.-vciu- inthoA'-af' -vvin llnono Monday. Sopt. ."id. at 0 o' !.; k a. in. The IV.nid of hducation aniada small ;sl th. liann's of ti,,. follow ing ft-ojul i.jcn for county of-Hcpi-s: For I!p. T. V. Adams, for .Sheriff, -f. W. Uorton. for Treasurer. V. ). (ireeiio, for Kejuti.-ter. J. Ii. Jiorton. Mr. J. I. JIortOT, is a cimiDctPiit COX OS RIDDLDBERGE&. i t onhr, nnd in thp course FOR njipropi iation out of theiiuli- ivornir :nan and lms Wl i'i- scnooi mnu to enaiil ( 'on n ty S 11 peri n Ui 1 n t the L'.Toat deal to I the office. pru ure some competent er- et and (he county son. or pivsons to assist him ! Democratic in ,Vv. 111 the Institute. 01 exieneiice in (live us this tick- will g'O Ad'ordinsi- l.v ! 1"iarM )Cii, ed the assist ance; of J. F. Kpainhour. and will invite I'rofs. rdaclslmrn. Frankum and Wm. Spain hour to he present as much of the time as they can. and assist. The work of the In stitute proper, will continue from Monday until day evening: Friday will he devoted to a publioexamina 1 ion. and Saturday to ft-rni1-ingand issuing certificates. The examination will he writ ten, and all will he ex- ...... . Subscribe!1 . HAKRlSClH IN HIS OWN STATE. (if Ill's 1'iMilt' buiil f li III h.s speech 11, the Sena1e,Hie was better than theeditor W(vkbcto,elast Mr. Hiddh-, cmhl have produced. The "'is' . 01 ufiima, maie an attact on Keineventative (.'ol. I. V. Pendleton, com-niissary--eneral 011 the staff of (iovernor (iray, of Indiana was in this city, yesterday. He belongs to thesa me ( irand Army post with Uarrison in Thurs-j Indianapolis. He says that at a nieetinir of the post, held a fortnight afto. the mem bers, 112 in number, were asked how many would sup port Harrison, their fellow member. Fortv , members Dudley and New are no' long er in a posiiion to use feder al influence and colonize fraudulent voters. Harrison IVllI 1 1 n t'rt 41... T ..... , , , (41X1 lilt" 1 tt- 1 I Hi 1 1 i . . on his own ineritsalone. and u . k . ,H? lm'iit is true, but irrele-l ns they were never known ' J?, v v vant. All (he grocers in Hal- to favor him whenever 1,, V 1 ' Nw V,rk " vM of H "ould not together ro- " later sain: 1 h. ,,u ,..,.. i. 4 ... j " 1 Kfr "in iue, m I not a grocer of them who is ;er s I not i liotm. tn,!,. 1 fi'nonungand then , thnn any hen in Wnke coun ; delivered himself as follow: 1 v." Tlii 1.,. 1. ;,.,, ,-i,,, . ii.in 111 n n 1 n nil IlifV ; 1 ernapH uuioieiierger (Joes ! not know that, as a member scruonlous n 01 nit He cannot with- Wo Im'IIvo our facilities are ... . . .. . "V miicil) Will I.II'IIMIIW H rfl I'Uitorial rejoinder was crush-! ku,1, to enable to sell icood mg: "Our (-oiTesiiondent's I hh Hen i 1... i.l. . ii inn mii iiuiir, nil1 Hie result !,.i'.,. 1 At . may be easilv i-uessefl. It-.' read J"1 '''P'" ol 1 relator Ibl(lleber( Tocke y'g Unllushing Falsehood. i'ittslioro llccnid, Doekery seems (o lx as ur w " . lyre ioj-k, and lie will meet feat. repeated the old lie about. pected to go through in a ! desired tobeplacedon record oay. SomethnewilI.be de-; in favor of (v.,iand and voted to all the branches in Thurman. Tlie (,'erman ele. theconmion w hool course. , ment in Indiana are bitierlv All regular teachers, and all : oj.posed to Harrison on local who coutem)late teaching, : issues winch are not generallv Will be expected to attend. ; known, of course, outsideth'e The School Daw requires the ' Slate. The defection of Mr teachers to attend: see page, Alfred T. Sinker, who was 20 and see. 2.507. Those ; a resident of India napo is for who i,tay away from choice t vent.v-eight vears and a De will not fnre any better by it publican all his life, is an mi ni the succeeding e.vamina-, ditional evidence of the na tions. It does not matter if ' popularity of (ieneral Harri .vou are engaged in teaching, . Mun in his own State. Ilarri Mispendn week ami attend Aon was his lawyer fort went v the Institute. 1 trust the ! vears tmt nr. lieople or Boone and vicinity ! awoeiatioiw couid make Mr will board you just as eheap Sinker tolerate the platform as they can. I adviseall who : on which the "grandson of fan to walk, so as to avoid ' his grandfather" was nomi the expens,. f keeping a. uated. He thus pictures the horse. Some of you may situation at the home of the say, I have no means to pay ; Itepublican candidate: my way while attending the ; J was.in Indianapolis a few Institute. Well, see if you ; days ago and was surprised eannot borrow two or tin w to learn that a great many j,,,,, 1, , liepubiicans there will vote iiiu I'ii.y 11 Khali have ...a 1 : ii-. . , , - . , v .uui. nemust wake up, .free whiskey plank in the and do better teaching, the 1 Republican platform The times demand and the tax ; Turners, a body of Germans layers demand it. We want ; have heretofore been almost to iret iin n. funm-nl cnil,nu; i . uiupi- soimiy iiepuniican. 1 am out breaking parliamentary with a like overwhelming do-l w' , m l,w Nl,v,'n,, ton InhisspeiH-h here he , ' , ' u,e J1(),1H 1 1 '!" ; uiijio in- kiiows an aoout tins IVesidpnt- Clnx-or.,,,1 i,..,.;...' nileand don t care any thiny- entertained Fred Don-lass ' ''' l,ol,t tl I" any event I am at dinner, and when Doekerv ' "0t HUr',1,He(1 ,t 111,1 ""tor uttered such a slander he I h',n W',I,,;'1 ' A who knew it was not true' Now ( 0u1'1 "()t kwP Hie rules of what onght decent, honest i tlit VOUnXy whm 1,(Mvas IH'opletothinkofnnian as-lr1' wouM "!'"'Hy I'iring to the hiiih "and hon- i hn(Tlho 't.(uette of the Sen- oi-iiMm ..if.Vn, t: I ate a. trnieirlcsome - ,w,,i"vii ii iiuiri mil, t aild't.ellilio1 r rilrt n f..l ... I hood 011 the President? Not ' tx flU't tliat lnHt s,imin,i1, i" satisfied with slaiilerin- Mr 1 Vil'-i,!i'1 Ib'pdleberger was Cleveland, Dockei-v so fa'r ('e-! ,,uf 1,1 for (,,l((,Pt of graded his manhood as to j 't 'ind was released by u utter a slander on Mrs. Cleve ' varty ( f 1,18 f,,ip--- land, by stating that slie (to j n,illk- J use his own words) had kis.s- i Tho HiS Tariff Protects Machinery, ed "a negro wench." Col. ! Doekerv. vou ono-ht. tn I! Senator Heck argued yes- us as one of the keenest, neat est and most exhaustive re partees that we have ever d RolifrUvis Ib'vnhl DR. L. C. RFFVFs! I'lIVSIC'IAX AND SntOEOX. Office at Coffev's Unt.A Roone, N June 6. 88. Mr. Cox's reference was to i t.'i day that what the hiah Subscribe to the DEMOCRAT IF YOU WOULD KEEP Posted As To The Polities of your country. IF YOi; WANT TO HI-Y OR Si:LL ANY- lTIIIX( LET IT UK KNOWN THROU&Hi TANNERY a negro i'm"U IW ashamed of vrini-KoIf .1xTf.11 If the utterance of such a fal -: t:u'ilf xvns for Wflrt to protect hood did cause your negro ; ,",''li"f'"y, not labor. Labor hearers to roar w-ith applause H 011 t,le -'dist.and isflood Jfyou re not ashamed of! ni- tllP 'uutry and' cut ting down waires. but madimei v and its orodncts are wll j guarded by the tax that 1 keeps foreign products out. ! Our Columns and You I Nowadays machines do most I ff tlix wMi'L- l..il,ra.1..n-;,J lint "..n v..,..!.. ..... .....iv. iiiurji 'nil 1 nij -.., uui xr-t"i.', I Tllm . 4 1... ...... 1 i:. ... M..r. uh- repmmcan imacinnerv has grown so pmSs- some of t lie New York j "sa ving" of labor t hat labor- j newspajiers especially in ' ing men were not protected' regard to the canvass is to 1 by a tax that bore chiefly on 1 01111 I'APER GOES TO be deplored. From this vio-lthe oroducts of iiuieliinou I - lence and invetive there will ' The Senator thinks that iXoO families ami allowing yourself, you will find on the day of election that the de-: cent white men of North Car-1 olina are ashamed of yon. t 11. it tti- t.. e 1 i . Wl us-nave a wnoieaoms tanvass. j oi Tlie woric. Laoor-sav uv ' LOW OR LOWEE tlmn any other merchant-in thtf COOTTY, As we PAY GASH FOR OUR GOODS iinilgetarliHcoujitoffrom 2 to 0 per cent. s V.'e pay no clerk hire or house rent and can give our customer closer figures than many others. We take in exchange for goods Hutter Wax. Wool, (irain, (Jen.sing, Honey, . Pent hers, Chickens. . Hfl Vr Jlides We Also Deal In Live We have in conru tiou with our other tiusii:e h a HOm, STABLES AM, Will back when yoninin-f.TT.,;;.. T ' H,T reaction., tlie Republicans are really! taught your ! tmiff , , ! W i '" of h" ought o,,v to cch fnrnily, it is " V4 inn pn'h t M ill U . ' P T Ti nroof num to m.w.h ,ia ' ly involving ,.,o .,!- Io7id " k 4'" f " HORX V( ittnii-if iinrl flii m41 ! i fare of the people. It does j Will meet in regular session ' not mean the Union as m!iMti,m,i,,i!.,t m .. ! people of this' count rv .1 . iijiuin.v cui. i am not mean tue I uion as it, asm among the teachers, and f,xl,l ai ... ...a:.,,.. ..x 1 , . . ",wn Ms 11 m st ! - . w .t 11 11, 111 1 I 1 J I k I 1 I I 1 I 1J. f IT' 1 r.lt lkUllllt-iill.im.n 1 t mm- ... do better work thinyear than ; the Democratic ticket th s the na 01 c edit 1808 " 1 A .T enrbefore. Someofus must fall. I was told of a club of There a re b"S,;ieSS w,th th improve orquit. Our school ; 2S0 f iprmnn- in f.iin, ' f: . ?1 fo" 'Kn I honrd' ml l,,oaw Vmt it ! ort-too .hurt, ud '.ho have bi a 3 tratis-1 Clean towels. ,harp razor, f " , are iu w muu't conat.uj. . and polite attention E. W. IIENNESSEE. f ASHIOXABLE BAliBER, ' Boone, N. C. whei-e we promiso to give satis. mctiou to tnose who gn-e utt their patronage. Our Hotel Headquarters for Drum mers and the Traveling PUBLIC. As a Summer resort the Climate is un surpased ia the STATE, . We keen the SCHOOL BOOKS nEcoitEKi HE BY THE STATE BOARD OF Education at LIST prices T, J.Coffev &Bro 1