i 9 0 9 a ; H J f? tfJ o VOL. ! UOONi:. VA'i'A! (; A CiM'NTV. N. C. WT.DXI'SI) A V, H:iT. Ul. Isns. xo. in m Democrat N'.'.T.n ;.l IHlMlt"l! AT. ,V Ikmm it ti family m'ha- jn-r l.-vo!f.l i'it rt of iiHC.iimtv. Sli.i.' i!i-5 N.iti.ai. I Pul.ii-h-d t-vi v V.-.iiii s.ii.y u( I'...olii'. V:; t ;!: I t'.iil,l . .'. iTr SI'.1MI! K. Lenoir. JnllX SAVII.I-IAMS.r ii..MH.it. Hi i:m I;IITI"' Kati 1 r.i'iv 1 year 1 " ('( llKMll 1 " .l lililllt lis... 1 " " ' Ai i:in imv- ;"""';-, ; i I!.vit.s. j 1 iiu lill wvk 1 " 1 moiitfi 1 : " 1 " ( " 1 1 vesir 1 eoliiinii 1 wiH-k.... 1 " 1 IllOlltll.. 7.-, j 1.7.-i. I j ' 7 j , ; ..slM.r.U i 1 44 ' ' ..uho (lra-s the name of n i io yon lii:" has.? (': 1 " l ve-i'r ;';l!ir!( ,Uo''. imio.i.nl iilovnl.Ie!illln- that a man xvhosv!: t,rii.tenne,li:iT,"i-atVs')jns- Nvoni;,n tli h:st ami , I'V kinvi, ml-hecu 1;; ! vh; 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 f iii' tliii i ., ,;.... I ! .1. . . 11 . . .1 k . -. . . t . I . i. . ioml wall t!' i.iiao.. j I.o;iil noTio k ..fits ii luio. Sii1:h li'.ticMi'iiiviuiiiliU in An- v awl ami ad a-rt isu.ei.ts :iyn- b'.e Oil ik'IKii:;.!. a Tr.Aiscm or vcman and TI has this cam pa!Hl to disel e: til.1 tl'U.'j chara. ter of Olive.- Deekecy. j lit- has b."n known for many j vtrs is rathe;- cuiir.ir.u (:e:,!a.o 'Ue. who has no nVc ! r vv abottt 1 ; nth tell i np:; K,o. :,V.U. ..lK.,oow..d i! V t, ! was capnb e ol rer cmiiir th , , 1 , j ar'ie.iiM i nil in 1 1...- i ' . , . , i ei ':Miee 1 lie liri's"'; : : : : M l': ; , , i .. ,.' ,e! i boiit. Wei: e.iuc.;!. "b nnd his !i.-.sociatloiis have be n with it; (out pet!' These iat'-ti- t mijiht !" siippos,-ii. aiifii't i'rom his know led -e of the genius of our T,.oph would have rcndereil a woman's reputation salon; his hands: but so far flora ii. he tin; liisr man ia t ho history of our State to sret tin the stump find assail with black o,'U;ird tongue a. woman, nnd that woman the wic of th-' Frosidont of 11 to- Fniiod States. And yot it is ohar.iiod in the North that freedom of speech is not. allowed to Ib' publicaus in the Sonthorn States. In how many Nor thern Statos would this style of cMinpai;Aninp,' be tolora tod? . Oliver Dockery oliivres in bis speeches that Mrs. Cleve land "kisses neu;ro winches." lie says ho load it in a Dem ocratic paper. Supposing ho did, lie knows it is not truo. IUit lo oxciie the ooarso hmghtor of his nemo audiences he repeats the charge from stump to stump Some doubt as to the ro Milt of tl.o clod ion might havo boon entertained by some Democrats heretofore, but therels no longer any reason to apprehend the election of Oliver Dockery to the governorship of North Carolina. He lms shown tin stuff he is made of, and our people never have elected a man of that fibre to sit in the Executive' chair at Ilai eigh. They have sent til times low men to the Legis lature and even to Congress and have put them, in other oltiees, but they have always had a proper pride in their Governor, and no black guard has ever rilled the Ex ecutive chair. Gov. Holtjen v. as hot a man f V t he lii-arl s of our jH-oj ic, but h ' w id . I.- ,...! I.H.. ..." ,...-, Ill I' II ..nil' II i 1 1 1,1 M li.M o: the Mate " ic yt di.-fram d: I'uv. nldv., II was very obnoxi.is to ll.i white leases. I n: ill itii" 1" III' lh. I" HlMti'l;, Oil tin- stump or l is.",, !i, ic. ever io'.tl' ti tin i-oniLion i ! n-, eies of life. Dr. York v.;;- ! d "II ;l lover key thaii hi.v man w iio had over run for (iowrhor of this State M' ' Mi' time iaP. Iiut IM- York would l.his;, tile I -liaises Uln'ell Olivef: i'oekery makes from day to ; lay uitmmt ait evtM, lire of 'Iiwanl shame. The lll;;n i'"'Min,n 11. 1 - ini as:s .jsjii-rsioiis uon it ; w ere- !) (,(vriior tl ! h-- '! t; i-mi it iijpenr Xorth Cm-o linn. (Jod Al-;thai tr,e i'r-sidejit of t iwJ ninthly has implanted in the: T. S. believe- in and pi-a-t ices ' reas!s ol lh: v hi,.. ,, )i , soei.d e'iu-,!iry a; you 1 a.s Maie a ;:p - it which wiFi j on use th, in to see to it t ; no siii h uisra. e i v r comes ( upon us as a people. j As a companion niece to tli.--falsehood, Dockciy is in j )x- habit of reoratiiii.- Ihaf i 1 1 i. ''hood that ' .. l' " U" ""'IWIW, on one Imd ti;e ne-ro Fred noU.-la , , .r '. 1 j wne to dinner at th tT,.:i ii "it;1 lions , . ,, Tliis has beeiiil "t'i!1(,,i l!.v n c;ud over the' signal iii-i ot ( o). bamont. (he 1'resideat's private sec- rotary, which card was pub-: '.shed in tins paperuid ma ny 'o liters." two years ngo. Th.o simjile truth of thisinat- toi- is that (he recorder of ! d -'.hIs of the District of Fob ! nmbia. an otiic.' which Don-1 vvhtsstltvn lieh, was invited ; -!t!l all the oil onicial oi the Detrirt, to a ree ttlOil at th ie White House when sues, s merely passed inii,, aim out i aero was no out 1 t '!-l -i. nor about it. Th o reception was oi a sort wnicii the tov-1 - i a i i ornor of North Carolina j might proj.erly hold and ! 1 T I whion negroes might: proper- ly attend. It was purely i lornini ami liait no , tmd HO j social feature at all: i i-.-.f Tl.l , o... 1, f.. . i . i " i i ii hii", iiimi j;iis. Douglass sat on the riHit I sii. on The i of the President at: dinner ; and Dnglass on the riuht o'lglad w t'ivij ; ur interests Mrs. (Iwelaitd: and all this-!)! v proi -aed niider !';. - - :r.o - he lehstode i!2ht t he negroes. though he knows as well j wlmt the truth isasheknows1 thatjio is living, or as we know that he will live to see I the back of his head before livingto bo Governor of '. llnjlO" IX . . "tllii.i MW-U .llvJ i!'. u on III " ' I ' I I I I ir lie tells his audiences f hat ri--.l'uwl i. i f,iv.i.i..f.n!v.J e 1 i it i i i I" Ol JtltWI OI IIII.M l schools, and thai while ornor of New York he signed a bill nnssed bv the Eeeisla- tare putting the white nnd' colored childred of the State ! into the same schools to-! the aid of the republicans, gether. In a letter over his. Our interest will be best own signature the "President served and protected by re has stated (and the letter : electing Graver Cleveland, so has been published far and i let no tiling dri.o us from wide) that the only school this. Let every one do his bill he signed while Governor part- and vi bay is ours. f New York wesone.vew.-.'i- iiifZ the races in the public schools of the city of Brook-: lyn, they having up to tlmt time attended the same m-'h ! -g-t i:.r. I" v..uld h- riiaiity to !l, 1,.' I . ' , ' 1 . Ill ... II 'I IMT l(..Ii IS 2:s-V.- V loo -l'mt r ! l;.'.!. it i nil .-a y i :-.i- :" i,e .due)': ! !;;. .. it:.- 1 .. : .11- , i I l I. - : i ; : : ,:. i.i.'.v t in ,.!; intaV' foiij i. . li; , : r? a man of P 1 . if it :-!:.- :i ";.t . ..Mil ia r i;o-s.-ape !tr,. ,1 ;ri;"'l ; .. Hi that :;i' i we 1 1 1 .' ";.-! 1 1111' ! .: 1 ' It's OUtl' la's i . :'; !. 1 t.- J 1 We invil" til ' i.'ti.e of Nor! '1 (',;n!ii: a to look -loan lh- .'I'iP ii i-aai;ii-! the !):h oliiee of (Jovertau .-11. 1.::. ;.'. .1 n -1 " . ( ... wn .iii";. wuo e.-. r;s t;y known av::.:..;c " ;' r it stn:i.; .-!.;:'! -n a this vi! s :;e pa; , i . 1 tho I lioV b' v-. i t-l i r li ii". 1 .'-aies in 1 Me o;-sIi,ii of your. St a i ! : ,x - i wt !; v o' i ic b-: !- 1" u i miles U) V: i. walk t'uii av.-iii.i I- ;i p, Meuv.-- ,;.;;;vr;;,. Trip! t N. '. st . 1 e-.:s; ; iai'eh some not king I desire 111,.-". Senb 1; - M. Ib:Morni: n.,v;ri- ,1 Vo .,.-o, .-., , i!ilier ;lll0 :;,!( -,.01M ii-; i owi lull. o a . Politic pace tor a i ui! a hoorn eVi where. nob an excep - Democratic, part v tj;),L -la,. (.v,.,'.v r,v. ':! 1 . : be caiui1.:"; ground . . .No lien ,. to the l-ei-ii i . i : . II as it-'-:i I i ! i : D.-iiiv lei e'-ii.-aiis are U. - riii. - t'-.e evil ..; their W." 'in: i-i.li!;v. i am unable o are to reap the bow all who hneiwesow, therefore I prose riiv more than pari v j(.nll j;,vi, jVoiu tr.rninu:. Cleveland ill owle and ju,er!v and low.b -..'s. is (Vac )uot to on Elk. We have sunpohrd North- em monopolies .;nd manu- f.i.-tnreVs r,s !om- si a we ai'. faet u:-' wiiiii:- .. Tie Urn- has i coi'.i"' -A i.ea w ' ; i - (Oi'i-eii in i-iiii. Ot OWU lioereSiS! ; -I ! )-:. ro-ardi.':-s o! r-:. . :.; . i , . nr., 0 , Ve; v ileekin - eau throu;-.l! wl'ese veins fl.e.vs! ; Anelo-Saxon blood to unite re-'-ai uiass ri i .-triv and Ut.e n,.i:-.....i.:iM-- nVlot. iVotc. Cievihmd to t li" most hum - a. the land. 1 do-I to obey no would have been lairv totlu- vouug,i(;1' L ut li" obeyed and was li.i.ll o 1 , i 1 1 : , . j ; men of our country to think i -..ti i..,'.v... x-,e 1 1... i .mi id., U1 O lll.iWI i VMM.,.-, I ie t'' Gov-slienn ticket 1 warn th. y-un 1 1 1 1 i i too to beware oi the be lh oliib- iton pari v, which is onlv ;i rrnn to catch Democrats V0I - Our Primary uic-e;:ug wjl! be held Crida.v Seid. .1.-1 1 " i . at L. E. D;i vis;-s at , O CI- )C; p. m-at which time i uesue . .. . . . ro oiga;e:' V ;cvc;a;e i 'i i a.nd Fo.G, ( lull. V' w 1 1 t !' pleis,,! to ha vo ( apt. Lovill and the Ed. oflhoDrMornvr M'ev.M to i '!; i: -. I ("';". ; : I : - i' tlS!l.ili'i VOIM" ... . co.-.ii.ius ..': :,,. r yi ill ( ..a at ie:n or not. f ! ,. ..1 !.. ! "'i"i 1 - ' So n t a .. '. u ''.tli lsvS l.uiior Vi ! I ,:!. i. !:.n : I ho;,. v,,ii 1 ,;l Mi.e.-e 1a you; ..ii ii!.v .:p r, tt,;- a i ! 1. .' ! -r. I feel it to he tli" i!u:v of soul.- on.- to :-p'ikoui Iffor.' 1 !i !'..;'! ist (.f tin" eoniiiiy .lie illviii'.l ae.ii;;. we are in-t on (he , . e.iveol .llDUDjr. ht s.-e l 1 . t - l.eare rail I lie ie:-!oo , . We j;,,,..:. .iv,. vere in iie.a.-e. ,M.ea he, I the same .h.rtrine. ;iii,l were in fellowsh;.. until .1 1 1 1 1 1.. re,.'',!! iv. u i i o li a s iii.i n;.vei 1 ; h is tlio.-e wh It 11 the 11,0- ti,at Chrisi only died for M part of ina!ikii:d, and 1 iiat m,.. ,.1 ;.;y Was tixed bel'oie i,,, i i-e. and ti 11 us we a it oi'.tii. a i, (itiieb and h. 'sinner th.it l-ii'id. an,: t a .,,,a .a if h" be oic ot the elivt, ho W 1 ! I be brou-h;- in at the propo:- I ;h;e. aiivl it lie ever . s'.t -.1 one p. intent ial teat, li-', 1 nop" tins letlerwiittlotoine i is sure of Heaven. 1 kit there good, it is written for that ; is no ; tvli a Uiii'.g as lust ru-, purpose, by a Ih iinitive Iktp ! mentality; that God does itjtist. Old Issue. : an ;or us. v ell n ait t ins ; i b-.ichiitg bo true, tltore mnsi J ; be a great ileal of nunecessa- i vy preaching dom What is , . t r t i - t r- The lev- oi i.ii'acaingaiaa, it ' ever thiiiL-W;is tix.'d before. the creation of man. It N,.,:,istoir1;tlin1 it would be i li.-couragiiig. logonno lite : harvest to roup, if we did not expect, to get a lew sheaves ! at least. I cerlninly wouiu v.. e ,..a..!,iiiit Kim-liMV 1 ,i1i..vi.v!iiii-t. ' . !.. a ;,.,, wi,,i v.m;,i 1,.. 1 ' ' " " " " i ' "..- ... . ..... . e us ' , Inu w 1 have the hal! reap, same kind W" atU'Iii I Promts.' that WO ! j to bo wry i -!..n 1-tr.a lviMlllllt lilill of weed we sow. God laid th( ! i-'i'-i ot salvation, and luu i to ,1 no ivivil ".-- in liv iii ill h saved, am if we pretend to teach, we should teach ; ic l .luni hi- J 1 4 1 l (In II It" Hi III l v. tl II in nit word. All we 1 j . h ix-.i tt. lcj jtft.. i" .u. i.- Wii.it he t(,l :- iis to do, iih'i I kLk v. do lie balance. I b--iievethe i rodigad Son was shown iris condition, and the good spiri i back, his io!,i mm u go i-ather did "nor lorce iiiia i.ack, mu he r i sol ved to go and did go will- iiiiviy, and v. as rt-iived as I his son again, an. a , i,,. i C 1 v. 1 i i (,:soaueuas,e.eveu ucsn- I -ans ie oneyed, a no nan !niu' 011 ediessand reiuscd 1 wive.i, that is t ne w.iy a.i aie i saved that' are saved, by: o bed in I ice. AmGods will is that ah would obe am 1 be saved, ile ion es no one a- : gainst ins will, to no sav.'d, ;orlost, He oilers a. live sal - vation to all, without money Morton. For Sheriff, lien F. or price, all that is required Daird. For Treas. W. E. is to do his will, and the bid-' Greene. For Keg. Deeds, .1. mice is promised. 1 hope no B. Morton. For Surveyor, one will believe he lias noth- L. T.V. Ff.rthing. and for irg to do, and 1 hope those : Coroner, A. B. Cook, who preach it will quit it. H will be soon that this and till the sinner that li! ; th-ket gives the eastern por salvittlon depends ejitn-eiy j tion ff the county an equal on his obedience to Gods will, i showing, and it is one that , ; i .u i.:. l, . ai !,., uw on nau u mi l" i veil iis long as U"' i vi ii v .tCiS oj tin- o.. .-pit it His liestlUl l livd if he will do what I Ik ....... . i:ooo s him O il i.ilil 10 .10. ..tl it :!iU.i iv..,I it lie If We t oiiuiuilM-i'-l j( . , ..at ten ti... Hit...- if 1,. IO .-ii-'ils i.'' j nitei t'al 'Pear t';.:? !ii' is hip of NeiMii, !;it t '.I hiia to Kin p on hlied- diinr Tears, until he is loiyiv- ii "i ;ili h's .-ins. I w otiiil al- ... ise t lio-e j .rea' h"i- whi' l'--. ii.'vetlny never hav ...vu int rinuetital inrmi-'iii iin.v- one to rei'at to quit preaili- inn ami follow souiet hill"; .. ,,, i- , a,;,,,,., t hex ran .-,!. . t Mmiethtllfi at. 1 1 . . r 1. l Kliou a oil' 01 our lueaen- ers who has not luvn imn-t- in; this iurnnsistent aloelrine ' lour, who will now step he - t ii 1 .1 muu i lie eoiua niaiseorMioji on public da s with wicked drinking-men, and turn up , th- hoi tie frvly. but : tluit! is in k"eiin with their doe-; trine. Yo oudtt to not out! what we preach. Aain we; have a preacher who still i preaches t ho old iloct l ineatid Ids ( hun-h has excluded him , because lie would not (put it. Int3 esting To Ladies. Ou:- lad readers can hard- lv fail to havetheir.-ittontion (.u.M (;ljs u-(vk (o tll(1 hxU .niMn-il ion of iie.nvii. inonts in that most useful of alt domestic implements, '.-.;w i j.. .. .Wing n.aciUiti Ut!M lime e.'i iaiii!i iisesiioiau meet first of all these require- , monts: It should be simple in its laet'hanism: it should ) run eas.y: it siKUiid di noiiitl (to ;t wide I i . ; . i 1 range, ,i wo; l, snoimt as ocjiriy museiess as jios-a-: bl": it sl'.ou!.! be r-hf, hand some, durable, and as client ; as is oonsisient with excel i - -e!!-",' lliVOUIi-liOlit. ... 1 nose conditions the ".Light-ltniming New Homo" cerrainiv meets. It lias also vera! very imporiant and! nsofnl attachments tmd "no- i turns oi i s own, which uo far to nutii.' ood its claims 1". IIHll l I iM 111 , l I l h ow Home s.)ociaily r-coarm; n.,s lvsen to pur chasers on account of its superior mechanical con struMion, (use of in.auiig,' raent and ie.;s. ii ible irie. Gv-t half a million have i;l e so; 111 lie he last throe vea:s.. a;! ot wmcu are gt. in-' universal satisfaction, i This unrivalled machine is' manufacture,! by the NEW i . .iiviii-. .'iMi-.v1' i i i iin-n IMIV!l',NI'.lvllr I I I 1 I I. tiiilo tli vherewe promis, to give satin- : ' , i ; n ii S.itPlt'ji Voir li M'L i-....,,.,,.,. Ilutherwood., N. C. S pt. :5rd. 18SS. Editor Di;.to!'iMT. IfyouhavethespK Mik aso allow me to suggest a ticket for the approaching town- ship convention that, will suit tins section oxaeu. . : 1-or Representative, .1. A . ... . ... ; will go through witlia wboo). T ( Ole! T I r.rHcr R, Rm Wi: Ki:i;r l Snw k At This ii i. i- I. ., (. v., II-. 1 l-.;.- !'.... 1- ' l'l"'1- iriit"" A hole a1!ir, VVV'Y . l'ii' t(i v .(mix ninl ('HKiiiiiH. Tin1 inor-t fx'eiifive line of fcaediciues & Drugs kM't in Hiiciic, mich an follow; 1 OilM N !IM1 SVnilHlf 11 VlNltlllOK ;ilit-w. SiiamoaV" .V Kial.i- 1 ir. iiiiiiHTH .iil l.iver ami Kv.lii.-v ( 'in t Ki'i li;iliiie. .lack M.-di, i.-.K. Jiruw i.'h Iron I litters. S'MI S .Mil H' I;l!Kil1l. IT. .Oil.) H Ir. . Um-m Livit, Hlieiiniuti. "'"1 Neuralgia 1 lire nn'l vnrioii' uwliluM 0(M,u.n.f.MH to i,i,.nt 1011. j All of tl,ehov w ' '. T" T" m 1 -r- ill lieisoM ' I . I jj 1 I VP V I I iilxl. 1. We believe our facilitieM HIT 1 s,.i, s t( eim-Me ax to wll .'oo.t LOW Oil LOWER t ban Hiiv otln liii f liant in tl.e i 0111 ' j VW W M ) we PAY GASH FOB OUR l AT n ( r( M I I S and get a discount of from 2 t o : (i per cent. We l inv no i-l.-i k liiv nr limiMt J mit-nill .-atmive our customers closer tigures than many others. We take in exchange for good ' battfr liji'jrs Wax, . Wool. Grain. (!eHing, llonoy. Feathers, Chickens, Hn.v, UiclOH cVC. We Also Deal En Live We have in coinietion with our other bnsiiiCK.4 a KQT3L, STABLES axi) tanni:ry faction to those who give us their patroinige ! Our Hotel is Headquarters for Dram- I al It mn oral tha nyo .nff PUBLIC. As a Summer resort the Climate is ua surpased ia the i W.iiAi AVc keep the SCHOOL BOOKS kecomesd ie nv Tin: Static Board av Eivtcatiox at LIST trices T. J. Coffey &Bro Tunc 7: 18S. ly. "6V

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