7 7 ? t T isra m)ONvrAr(;AcorTY xo. m t - r WATIUJI l)KltlT. A Dkmk-uatm-. family n-"i. iier.l. voted to til" ii t.-itH of its Count v. Stat -an I Nation. Pnl.lil.'-d 1'V.tv Wednesday! Hihiim. Watanjra County. N. '. J. I. SIMINIIOI IC. I'.IMTOII. JOllSS.lVIM.IAMS .ri'miHHKU. Si nsnniTios Katkh. 1 copy 1 year $1 1 it nionins 1 l mouths ..."OV. Aivi:uTiHNi Uatkj. 1 ineJi 1 wii'k 1 1 nioiitlr 1 : 1 a 1 1 year.... 1 eoliieai 1 week "J 1 p';iitlt... 1 : " .... 1 a .... 1 " 1 vear 1 . "'"7 1 "ili.'.."c ...7.r. 1MHUI WITH Tlie r.uiuir. - - L,M.1 i.oti. . eeats a line. ' x mseally Repnbhenn ofh-Sul.s.-ii..ti.m invaiial.ly in Au-i iaK In they:mieampairn vanck ami adveilisimut.s paya- Lii oa (ieiiiainl. M.,.l.M'iiu. -oco., To the Dk.mo( HAT: . . . ... I 1 uoo I saw in your .asi issm that the Democratic conven-1 tion hdd in Hoone Set. 1 7. ; 1SSS had nominated me as()fit TjM, jrtsU,. XVu fonmi their candidate for Treas. (f jattl( J hy the he Wat a uga county. After my ; n)i( hnxyfi p1VKi(1int wjm due regards to thelionorable , j the Democratic partv i.i ! convention I will accept T.ie; mmiinaticm, I have never! asKeu iiie jHijpu" ii tt uiiiiii. county for any oih.-e but as, iiiey nave asKeu me m w- ' candidate for the ofti.-e ofj .1 1 -1 I ....... -4- v Iw. . Treasurer, 1 w ill do theliest I can and will try to out-run my cousin L. A. (Sreene 1 will not give up the race till after the (Jth. of Nov. 'HH. All 1 want is a fair race and a fair count and if I am In-aten 1 will submit my claims eheer fuly. Success to the Demo crats of N. C. W. K. (hvene. The Home Market Pcojile say they can't un derstaml tho tariff. We don't blame them forgetting things niixeil.iiaisideringthe Republican arguments and the actual facts. For in stance, the Republicans as sure the eople that the ''Home Market" is the best thing for them. The Home Market, tlie Home Market, they all cryJJ Let's see. what the Home Market is. (Jen. (iarlield, the last President who will ever be elected by j jealousies of the tw o races by the Republican party, has j benignant and wise legisla iriven us a .practical wxplami-! tion. . - tion of the Home Market. (Jen. (iarlield ol that he had wen salt made here in the United States carried across the Lakes over into Canada and sold there at one dollar a barrel le; s than th;; same salt w as selling for hen on this sideof the Lakes, f mom-less, grinding War That is, if it cost. '$1.00 a j Tariff. If it had built no bar roll to make that salt, 1 railroads; if it had erected no the ie.auu;aeturers sold it 'asylums for the smitten and in Canada at $1.75, and j afflicted I if it had not ex sold it in the Home Market j pended millions for education at $2.7.". . The beauty of the! giving to both races equnl II ome Market is thus very 'ly; if it had not built thous- evident. It may be hard for' amis of school houses for the cople to appreciate it, whites ami Hrfarks, it would lut there is indeed nothing richly merit the full confi like the Home Market. Kv-; dem-e and hearty support of ry body who has anything ! till txx payers. to sell ought to have a Home j Wearing in mind what. ve Market. Imhvd a Home Mark, r i.iight Ik ddiiud to U n institution to tcive a ' . . r .... .: - 4 . . UlllllllliU'tUnT IUII !VUI1J IU , i liiHuv what he please. Some manufacturei-H who correct. They will show the, h .ve no conscience use the fX-vyr how I hey have ' u.:::.' m,x, ... ,.,......,,'.,;.,.....,, rn, th.'irnehLoi-s. The Home .tire their f 1 1 -imIh. Iteml. , Market isnn Uir'iliieM .if f w.t.,riff -AVn.s-0.serifr. i . - Ae . have olten Oiseiifwo j tin. vi'rv pxnwsiv.e taxation I for the twenty-thi(Myeai-H of IN-imlili.-illl KllIiriMIIMCV. We Imve driven the tdatfctien of . .. 1 , , Tlie ll!lineiis wiim nun e.-. 1 travairainf of the (Jeneral; (Sovernment: have exhibited 1 li. li 11 nil l-i ;! (if IllillilltlS lliMt - i inisai)phod and wastetl, 1 .?2.".and liavelK-en able to pvej ,d80 Home indi-atioiiH of the viiKt KUin.M netnally wtolen 0f IMTO, Under I llden h mas- iteri'ul Jeiulershi. tlie faets 'ami figures weir produced! Iwilh most convincing effect vsnltM limVed. Since;iHS7, Ww. 1HHH. tint cauiains more or less' (f t)js syorf WJ,S i((ll v,.n. W1 (1o ,M)t llJ;ir S( so much jn t,)s i,U!nrtnt conllict. It j js n(H.i.ss.,v ,low an,i t lien tt remind our ' renders of the 1)Jlst- ivopie will forget and (.()moil.. We have shown how the neoi'le or .ortn i aronna have been robbed -by the Radicals and how these inca pables heaped up tens of mill ions of debt in tlie State and ruined and blasted and im poverished the people, who were helpless. Dockery is now, in this year 18SS, in favor of pay ing a gieut debt that was created by thieves and bum mers. It is believed that it would literally bankrupt the State to pay the Special Tax Hands. The Democratic party in North Carolina deserves the confidence of all because it ha done so much to restore public confidence and public cmlit ; to bring back hope to the people; to induce foreign capitalists to invest within our State; to develop the great natural resoiiiees of the State, and to heal the It deserves well of the peo pie biM-ause it has so greatly reduced the taxes. It has lifted a great hurdu- from tlie backy oi the ieople in 1 State mar tors and would lift I even a lar greater burden in j the matter of the huge, re have said ab(, ut the great crushing Imrdeii of ItMxnt ion tho turn of t)y land now ; 'nvniiin.i 4Kil f.kll.ktt'tlk.rtf.r.ltl.tl! ITAIUIIIIir iin: l"ini lli nf.m n hich mny IwH:Imii MjTo yimr rivHKiiJeiit bhi'- .eti, i--r...-iw i.-H.rn. and ofe for. Xlw only wf.v . t I. .1 t I, Ai fd.f I I IV f wl . l.flfr.lf.TI B't " ..... . I xiuij ii;is rirr iitt rri rte, Jlonor ninl mXfiits of.orth 'jttviiiiii vnt f. r Iim niilu."' party that proved hy it aetrj; 'Imt t uit.iolit tn 1u.tii-.fif 11l.1l ! ,,,,,,,,, , Lletw the whole iKHijile. IM)k at thisherutiniziiiKly. j The rate of taxation in North Carolina was. in 'l'J mi. i..f Ifi.ii.VOi'iiTl K1 OO tl'v . ii 1 1. 1. ... . ........ . ,. ;ipfMeon lein. :Ue I -J' .. o' i1(j-n .. .iv, 1H7H, 1H7. 1HS0, 18M1, 1H!S2. lHH.'t, 1HH1, IMS.-,. 1 HSU, WW 24c 2Se 2Sc 2oi; " 00c t' 2-V 2.V " 20c 20c Hut tliif is not all. Let us rhjsjHee what the Lifiisla tares have cost: The Hop. Leg. of G.S cost four hundred nnd thirty thousand nine hundred and fifty eight. The Rep. Ijeg. in 70 cost two hundred ami j tweive tlimsuitl, tiK1it lain-j dred and ninty In contrast TheDein.Ijeg. i " 'si s?rr,2r9. " ',v;j $r7'"47H. We believe the Legislature oflS.srand 18S7 cost no more than thpse. We have not the figures at hand. With these trustworthy facts and figures looking an honest t:x-i;iy r squarely in the face he may not, without exceeding stupidity and fol ly vote for a return to power of a party that brought shame, degredation, spoli ation drngompling and fi nancial ruin upon an old Commonwealth that before I me war stooo ar me neao oi I J,l p""en m ner puoiiccmni, and that recklessly, shame iully, brasenly robbed and abused the toilers and' the tax payers. Wilmington Star. KILLED BY A WOMAN. The Lone Highwayman Of Texas Put Out Of The Way Chicago, Sept. 24. A dis patch from San Antonio, Texas, says: The notorious "Lone Highwayman." who has for the past two years been a terror to travelers in the vicinity of Kerrville, has. without, the assistance of a single confederate, robbed stage coaches, rifled .mail bags and gone through as many as six commercial travelers in broad daylight without, the slightest incon venience or resistance, has been killed. He was shot by Mrs. Lizzie Hay, formerly Miss (Jibbons, at her homo on the head prong of the Rio Sabine, Haiido county, last Monday. The scene of the occuriTM-e is so remote from railroad and telegraph ser vice that the news did not! until today, when b(hold this: mv A,in tt, 80on as I found !"-e among the liirgest ea M " . ; ni'U ill lirnilllii 111 tlll MAI h i oi 72 f 1 GUaOtt. the cartridges. He had by ., . that we ftIV 'l 'ii- Ifii uo-i this time almost reached' his now doing' a larger business t () , ... , . , tVi-in ii i.r mill urn lllJlkillLP"! vwtni the .it, ipany of f; lov.iU. , ll'i t It !1 t. t til fill II V ...... ...... j .... ... . told the ntory of the killiiu a follow ' ..., ,. mw ? was Hitting 11, m room when uiiueniy a musketi man 1 1 1 - 1 ....... r p - ared on tin iroift pinery. , I t I. Ill III 111 tl I ll'll I'll I 1 1 I ll L ill - . - " - " . ... .v.r.... 1 iuju una 10 leave or 1 u hiu him. lie hnilie! and h;ihI: You're 11 uliick v woinmi Imt I'll have what I want out of4 tlllM liflllX.' Hi Llieti it i!mv tl ' (:.ver yiair head.' i?y "thi.si j 1 inn 1 Imd a needle nun and 'he had eiifeml. I drew it Mown on him within 18 in- "lw li.u liuitrt Imt it un.l it. ................... v .... . ..... i .,...1 i... . i'i i.::i ... ... I "I CI III I in. nil iu . 1 .. Plill IUII. at the same time i)ro.!nciiiir! a lomr. keen-hladetl knife nnd . . . . . .. ,; annum: it at mv tnroat. i warded off tin' Mow hut tin?; next time he struck tin end f the knife stuck in mvi Mrs. Hay I fort head, making an imly J 'J , t i . .... i .".000 urdf 1'rintH. ipish. At the same time ljin. Jeanx. j reverse! the nds of the pin ; 2)i Pairs Hoots & Shoes. j and struck him over the; A full .stock of firoceries. ! the head, felling him to the , Nolions'nnd family good. ! floor. Hefore he couhl rise 1 j 'e have a line of mensand Ihad lvversinl the gun a ml pulled trigger. This time it ui imI. taking effect in his left side. He gave a yell ami rolled out on the porch. I looked for another car tridge but blood was st ream- j,own ,nv f. ot find them.' ice so I could I wiped it off horse. I took good aim but I don't think I hit him. My husband was up in thecauon, but when lie came home a few hours after dark he im mediately organized a party of rangers. They traced him for a distance of 20 miles by his blood and found him lead. His name is unknow n but he is recognized to be the same man whose bold depre dations have for two years past terrorized the whole of Randofounty. NOTICE. lly'virtnre of a power of sale contained in a certain Mortgage deed executed to mvself and wif.'bvJ. 1. Fry and wife .Ma nilla, dated Feb. 2."5rd. 1HSH and re -ordel on pages 351) and !U0. hook (H) of t he records of Wa tauga county, to secure a note executed to iiie. February 2itrd. 888 by tlie said J. P. Fry for the sum of $ 175.00 onehuudred and seventy five dollars with in terest at 8 per cent. I .will pe'l for cash in hand to tlm liigln ut bidder, at tlie court house door in lloone, on Monday tlie 01 h. day of Nov. next, it lieing tlie first Monday, tlie tract of land described in said Mortgage, con taining 12.'l acres more or Icsh and lying on or near tlie road leading from lllofciig Uock to Hoone, some two miles, from nlowiug Uock, lieingthe land on 'which said J. Fry now resides,, to satisfy above note with inter est and costs. Win. Elrod. Mortgagee. Ter J. F. Spuinliour, Atty. Kept,:7tli. 1888. Imo. II. K. BOYKK. Attohnkv at Law. Sparta, X. C. June (i. 88. ly. T. i:. latham: t Attohxky at Law. Jefferson, N. C. '" Lv six. ! wit li mv am-on and reloaded ! As it is generally ; known we , HARPER , BERNHARDT tt CO, . . v ,1 ' Dry (jood. Notions, . ,V, , .j.. Ht. Ca. IkioU, Sh. jfttt'atsss "XntrJT' ,v.. nhvuyn a full and complete I X 1 -Lljlll!iD VT ' U ; ' -' V ............ . . I I I1..11. 'I f I Ml- , i .Tn np W.. Imy ?.it..t iiuai.titi. - n and in LA HOi: uhvnvM for I ' t'ASIl. Ju.st UiNfiviHl. ...,.. I... ... C. it ltell ..n. .'Mil, l.iiin'. I " KertwlM Ml. ;i) ii-reK T.lai-i . '0 Pulty. IllO k't.im V.iila .ir o. .1.. miiin. o- o...... 1 11., i. I I PUAin I I III DTI 20 Pas Coffee. S""'u'- 1)0 Ken ms l'aier. "2 Dozen SleIem 2.000 lts Cole leather. oOO " rpMr Leather, 10 Dales Sli.MMinp i women s snoes uiaue esiie.-- ially for Wataujni trade, we have these branded atau ga Solid" and warrant every pair. Naming prices does put little good unless you can see the goods, we do n.it claim to :-ell goods at cost, but do sell gi.ods at a profit for less than some of our competitors who sell for cost. I IIH II l' t 1 UUU IIJ liiunuif, ......... .,,,.1 ifi,iLiii this part of our business a constant study and an? al ways prepared to ouy any. good marketable Pkoihvk. Always come to see us. Yours Truly Haupku, Raunhakdt & Co. Sept. 27. 1888. Gmjj. SubscriliG to the DEMOCRAT IF YOU WOULD KEEP Posted As To The Politic ; of your country. IF YOU WANT TO BUY Oil SELL ANY THING LET IT BE KNOWN ; .THROUGH Our Columns and You. Will (Jet Your Needs, OUR PAPER OOES TO cS'JO fHinUmuwl allowing o persons to eiivh family, it is read by 4.2o0 of the host people of this country. J; : cffy & B-ro k Keki- Is .Stock At l.-rt Plaits I'm torv Jean and Cuwitiiu. The in. mt extensivu Une of ; kept in lloone. uvli tin follow: CoiniMiuml Syrupof Ilypophoit j plates. Simiaon'ii Liver Kejula i tor, Wariier'tj Safe Livr and I Kydnev Cnn Kaplmline, Jtw k I hoii'h Nluic ItnlMun. Dr. Jaiieu' j Mtilieine. Ilruwn'i Inn Biftcrs, Dr. V. C. Koi-'h Liver, Itbeuinatic I ami Neuralgia Cure and various ! other modieimw too uumttrouit to mention. AU uf tb alxtv will b -jol'l ! CHEAP F0K Wo lielievb uur facilitien am hikIi as to en a bit U to uoll jfxij as LOW OR LOWER than any other merchant in tin! worn,- As wo PAY GASH FOR OUR GOODS nnd get a discount of from 2 to 0 per cent. We pay no rlerk hire or boum? rent and cau give our customer! closer figures than many others. We take in exchange for good Butter Eggs, Wax, Wool, Grain. -(leiiMing,; Honey, Feathers, Chickens, Har Hides $e. Ve Also Pee IC . V hav iu rotmctiou yith our ,)ther busiTifW a . ASH TANNERY where we promise to give sntis taction to those who giv in, their jintronage. Our Hotel is . y ;-. ' Headquarters for Drum- msrs and the Traveling public. ; AsaSummsrrosort" the Climate is iih "sun i STATE, We ki-ep the SCHOOIi BOOKS RKCoMK.SU de uy the State Roaud oK ElUVATlOX at LIST pricks T.J. Coffey h Bro Jfl8. ly. Tuite jaseimme