( ; 2 X HBOC j) .1 ub uj x 1 verr WATirOA.lr.0rBAT. , ADi I (Tr de !tCoi f Pub A Democratic, family nowajH- devoted to the lnt.renta or i Countv, State and Nation lislied every Wednesday nt , SeAKOfrd Comity, N.( 3'oone, 4 F.r8f AlNHOl U, fitWR. JfillVH tt l t.t T t lt IH iailrn SlTOCUlPtiaX Uatlh. 1 coyjl year. f 1 1 " t Hit nit It o(V. 1 " " 5 month .I.V. AlVFItTUINU KATES. 1 inch 1 week, IOC .$1.7.1. .13 S5 V month.. .Tear. i.olumn I wwk $'Ji 1 month 113,50 " 3 " -12." . " 6 rt 137.r0 1 ' I J09T ?W For intermediate rt cormi ond with the lid it or. iiocal notice r cent n line. Subscription invariably in Aa tiscs ana advertinmwit laya Tblo on demand. Morrtr Millw N. C. Sept. 28th. 1888. To the Democrat: That third party has been hen? and behold it now stalk eth abroad in bur land. That others may know the critter" andtiot be ddped in vo n-nro tro will' rpiinrf "Truly." On the niht of the 21st. inst. wvornl eiti ens assembled at Twisting Temple to hear a temperance lecture that had Wn - an "y'Dounccd. Thr (speaker was introduced by n friend of Statwville. After a few des I tiltory and commonplace re r'narke on Intemperance, he iMmvm an atiiiune. H 4,A n!..nBnnt ini!f lip munlw" 'A holv wink ho wiink" The thin disguise wn thrown aide And after a i short labor, the speaker brought forth; and behold 1 .the "third party" in all its jivnideo forms, incluning its ' forms of 'republicanism and ; thoscn h-oof of the devil. t, Alth6 our young friend ' hfidobtained hiflnudiftice by pretcticp, and deceit, yet he arraigned both old parties for treachery and dc V cefttinn. . TtiatMid of a tern- H .' twrance Jectui-e he delsA-ered Hi m. wolitkftl harancrtie, onlv . - rj - urorthy of a political dema grgue, lugging in the much .abused negro, and cryiig out, behold the white mans party!- - We' do not know that this young lecturer is direct ly era ploted by the republicans to do their dirty work : but we -fV do know that he could not 4J end thera better if uuch was j the case. . , Ska4 it rc5eR with bad grace for a man4o use subterfuge & . vtb obta in ijea'rersf e nd then f'Uryio if theni vwithf ueh V party has t , reiort trr such 1 ,tnein and -contipreptible con W 5uc. If tney continue to in feinqAte themselves into hou--ee f worship underv fdlse- l.hoodJH-write the sugarcoat- ;m aanouncements ot teinper- 74 anc lecturersthey will soon 3 make tbejthird party much iuore , Contemptible than it is A, now J'and that is paying a I goodeal. !s , ! If this young man contin- Uoe hie couroe he will he very Ifray-headed before the peo pU will pnniiidr him ushoiv lH)(Ni:. ATAlJiA l.TOyn.S.l'. ent nn inn ill t?f the old party lenders whom he acus of dinhonenty and innim-ei-ity.. II. A. I). VaiieCruciH X.C, Oet. Cth. 8S. Kd. Dkmociiat: I would like Hpace 4n your ,...l,,,.l.1.. ,.lmnn tri .'Mil lia 1UIUUUI' lUIUIIIIir' v.--t.. . ..- A i. . f - . ' uiivnutMi m vunr miun.i iu the nmenton8 i5u'en in- voiveu in tne coning , eleot.on. In nllhtinuui !'"l-:tl,lt ability it win ieciae wni n ; party will control our m-tj,e MVro iH MVmt to iv-j we were waiting at the depot "through the Capitol, Sen- The Mowing Kockers can eti turnol affairs for the next ; jt r,.Mirm.t8 the long 'for the "little iron honse:'nte and Uouho Chambers, wily put up with that kind twenty years. The question l(Urie( jssl!eH ()f w ,,ast and : which is. by the way, only a ; out on the obnervatory and ! romputition, and I herebr then, for each Voter to "-wnvPH nt Its mastdiead the 'nick name to distinguish it took a look at the "City of send greeting to th? nWivT cideisthis. Would he desire j k..,,,.,. ,-.( ihhiUmiKi'fnim tl hr-nmi im w.ii a,W mitinwJ tn tiw mnl of tk lii.e and lir)iKt.li would ne "csire . to have a !emorrtttic ratnor; ttmv a republican ndinmii. Irntlon in control lOf the;, next twenty years. j Let the past record of ; each becarfully studied. The democratic idea is that thin is a government of the people, by the people, for the peoplo; while the repub licaii idea is that the govern ment should be conducted in i the interest of the capitalists and monopolists at the ex poneeofthe innqtleat large. Wit ness the present turiJif as an example that gathers as it were in a net the hard ear nings of the poor laborer and sweeps them into the capacious pockets of a few capitalists thus fulfilling the scriptural injunction, "That into him that hath shall be given, and to him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." To a North Carolinian this question should be easily an swered. Many yet remem ber the dark days of 07-08, when under a republican ad ministration carpet baggers assisted by ignorant negroes acted upon the theory that the white men of North Car olina had no right which the negro was bound to respect. That was the darkest era in the history of the State It seemed that (iod had desert ed us, and we suffer under task-masters more exacting and cruel than those who per.:iecuted the Israelites jn the days of King Pharaoh of old. The war had stripped us all but honor, and know ing wel one poverty the re publican state government taxed us until we were ready to cry out that our burden was heavier than we could bear; and long we waited and earnestly prayed for the n pearance of the political Mo ses who was to lead ils out of the wilderness. When the burden was lifted and the democrats once more obtained control of the state government what did they find? What legn cy .did the retiring republicans offi cials leave behind to emlear them to the people of N. C. They left an empty treasury the st Ate credit entirely ruin- ea. iHTtiia mn uw i rn .itJt a 1 v - school fund set lrt w sacred to the children of the state. Ah no, That they had': taken with them. ! They left on issue of many j millions of fraudulent state bonds, and they left the peo- pie crying for rdiof from .L .4: : juiuour" wi Annua TV rppirt-ilif'an party ask - yfiiir snpjiort on the ground i of its iwst record. Great! iGod! What is then? in the ijuwt iworil of tl republl- ' can party to denervelhesUi I Iort of the km h? of N. C. It I is a record of crime and op ! pression that '"Mi nver l : forgotten. The rrjrtfpilcnii .i.fv ' has made no advance- j iiH'ist during ti e p Hi 23 ilium iifil! unvfHj tlii 1 Mlir. ( r-l III 1 V'.' v ,,1o(k1v li(.t ,,u(j twiHiw!"tho- bent the market uf- lhp uhite n.an in the'fords." M , ,.;,ri,t- .tnH. i . , . . f iutoJraij e hfttml. flJn1 OI,j(,n . -ffjIould not for anting Mmk.: otlt.j rUn ' not, ! slight lyremark-jtit that - , lf r..... n.f'tu.lww..M'riilrrt5il u-Iii1i l,,.- I.... . ill(.ni,.toli kv t.h silv. r tongue orator Wendtll Phil- lipsiniegardtousand still less from the hatred and biirotorv instilled riet Ueeeher Stow abolitionists of like ilk We have been received back i as the Prodigal Son with this difference. No fatted calf lias been killed on our return, but we are required t perform our full share of labor and then Ik) content with the crumbs that fall from tin; table. To the voters of Watauga Co, I would say arise in your strength-like a giant, refresh ed aud redeem yourself. This is not a time for petty ani mosities and personal preju dices to interfere with the duties you owe yourself and count ry. Our cause deserves the entire suport of the dem ocratic voters of ntauga. Like Aristides let private misunderstanding give way tothepuplic welfare. Hury the tomihawk at least until after the election and the spirits of our illustrious dead will look down from their abode In the regions of the blest well pleased to see that we their defendants still fol low in the path way they with so much toil blazed m the days of long ago. Whoever is not for us a gainst us, and now when the issues placed before us are of such vital importance is the time for those who are halt ing between two opinions to qpme out from among the Philistines and cast their lot with us. Once again the waste places of our beloved country shall blossom and bring forth as the rose. Chose ye at the coming elec" tion which party you will suport. If you are in favor of negro equality, if you are. in favor of a moneyed aristociacy in this our fair land of the free, then, vote the republican ticket but if .you are m favor of an honest economical administration, if you an1 in favor of a white ' mans government, if you are . , , kq III 1UVU1 1I IPUUI.IIIJ, l" fUo naWKirW of ,ife ta ?nc f rf onh anf tJkeo nht e nations of the earth vote tho deinjKTntic ticket and m the Jt-tr days shall rise up and call voM Mepdr A. M. WKUSraui.OJ.T. 17. Wakr Forest N. C. Oct. 7th. 1888. fid Democrat: After a hntd day drive nn os:i tin Blue Uidgu wf drove into the bi?..utiful towh of ,'ItCnoir an the mu sinking Iryond the wcsJern hills. We; were well eared for ; ouring the mghl by the; efr :v prt)piletorof tbeJone HoiiM'. tvlin MPrviit iim tii t - j " - - - ii-B wit WW . Next, ovmnmr ,.t :tnVl,,fL- froiu the broad irnir. Wo'Oaks" letlirncd such a helo to our oeoT.li ' the jeople of Watauga, who j hare a great part of its; 'advantages. Yet if would, h by liar-1 be so much better if it were.,. , .. .... , n , . . L,,. , i , . J the completing line of lei ve and other, a broad gage. Ikit. we must T in ., ... i , ' J , graph from Lenoir to l?lo nr. reimy 10 gei on IOI the tram is ready and anxious it seems to move out, so stepping on the platform we move off toward Hickory. When we went to get scats they were all full but the con ductor kindlv told tw we a.hI.I ii. . i wum i . I ' ' , Hii((,cai niurii 'X-OIU. OUT 4 only standing room. Fven' thing tnovtsl along nil right till a steep grade wns-wh-ed on the road, and tfie lit- t. ; 1 . . , , tie iron horse tried to as- I i i . , I cend, but his wind gave out' i, , te A , and he began to pnnt and i uiuh, urn, ue ran not reach the top at last afur he has exuusted himself he gives up and stops right still to rest anl catch more breath, this gave us an op portunity to get off and look at the surrounding country1 for a few minutes. The little . fellow soon caught his breath and backing down! the hill to get a good start and sand being put on the track to give foot holt, he comes again but the same fate followed him, but never desparing, again he tries and this time success crowns his efforts. Tina delay was not ai preciated very much by the passengers who were all anxious to make connection with the Western train at Hickory. It however was no fault of the railroad men for they did all they could. One followed along some dis tance and . sanded the track by taking up hand fulls of sand aud pouring on the rail and it was avowed by a passenger that one put his hands against it and pushed with all his might. "Puuch him up there a little" shout ed the conductor and the lit tle iron horse spread himself for Hickory. When we arrived at Hick ory to our satisfaction the western train was behind giving us time to have our baggage checked secure tickets and a glance at the new Hotel opposite the do-: oir, soon answered this quef pot which was then nearly ' tion by saying, that he in completed, i tended to defeat the , project Boarding the: smith bound engaged in by ths Watauga train on the Western N. C. R. Telegraph company at any R. we were carried wit h light-1 hazard,' at any cost, so he is uincr spwd to Salisbury Lit r r i . i ichangingcarsfoi Grwnshiif'1 j ' win?!" vv; luv over sOtne! ihoMra, and after eating h ! 1!nch, to make tin1 lay-over : complete repos-d our ueary limbs on a baggagj trnnk j till the Ualeigh train arrived. I after a nights ride devoid of : mu h sleep we arrived at ! RaleigH. .!Ht before we eV ; erH UftMli wo fian.W the ; lliir.D-rolitid jidi tiary where we saw thestriiJ & ivvaiavt W' A brwehes fellowH. We took IHKH. hioninint in n..lnrli -Ptit.llc is. let theiroodorkH'iMjir A and after n rld of 17 nilles On the It. & C. II. K. we 1 VV.iL-.. V,y,-t nl:l.:.i1ui'im Ti'lcipniiihCn. wii! imi' htrm crowd of bovs were I ready to welcome us.' ; ' ItaN T ! r ....... e- giJ ow- ing Uock seem to bo these: n n a. T.a i. ...-... . ne nuutuiiu x firl VJIJ1 puny, duly organized and un corperated, propose to build a Telegraph line from Blow ing Hock to Lenoir. After an attempt by Messrs Ilar-iH-'f Bernhardt & Co., last !yearhadfaihxl,the attempt ri,. . t. 'ill 1 'llioti wiih irmrln lv :.ll'. ' .lolitl - v modestly asked that we. the -in. i i. tne people o. moving ium k, mill in- iic-ji i n oui'iii niiu .. , flut IwJrv m .f il ottliill ullK. nil iiiiiviii til. i ivuhwmi. in, w should furnish the money and , i .i r in Lenoir, and he would sng gest suitable? operators. Strange to say this gene; ous proposition to the "Blow ing lookers" fell through. The Watauga Telegraph Co, was organized and "Phe nix like" sprung from the ashes of the dead company. They made it their first duty to avoid the rock whereon the first grand barke shivei -ed. They proposed to run an independent line from Blow ing Bock to the Depot in Len oir, and pay for the same. The money was easily raised, and the work went on. But lo ! at Patterson four of the company's poles were cut down by one Hugh Ciwyn. He repented! this indiscretion nnd being persuaded by the rather severe jenalties' of the law in such cases, very generously agreed to replace the poles. . It is currently behved on good evidence, that one S. F. Harper sent a paper along the line from Patterson to Lenoir asking citizens on the line to bind themselves not to give the Watauga Tele graph Co., right of way. The question then (strange ly enough?) presented. Pself, who are our friends, the ene my ? and what have they to do with our line of Telegraph from Blowii.g Rock to Len oir. 1 - Mr. G. W. Horner of Len- ' rmlitatdy' .reported Th "rivd line huX wiping t tide-d ho rnj'idly forward by the ImoIr nnd Patterson Telegraph Co. itho uuVirat ' result of snc.lt a spirit n the. pal t of any man who wishes to -n.o" any . iude pendent line t g) thmv.jJ1, Ins buinvss h;;use. Thv DtMouiur Jim.y ti.T !nco! ieacd . but tlTo :t Mailt. " . All I have id Wf t'''' ienturpii and disil i energy of the Lenoir it.eii:sts.Hl runtl Fflt able them to build up their pfe li-klL and (Vauberry. It the good work go on. J. G. Finlev,. A"COMPLETE "NEVYSpX PER! 'The Pi ide of the North Caroli' liu Preus' Do yo want to uid in building up a p(Ver that 'shall reflect th grenteHti-redit ou North Caroli na, no matter where it may b HtxT? Then patronize THEWIIJUNOrON MESSENGER A LAKGE El'..HT-PA(iK- PAPIH Do vou want a reliablo paper, gjvfugyou all the news of tho world a Democratic iiewspajmr Mint c-iJiiu.113 niu itov vw 4 . i .- i mrtijji lrciuauou, tiuu uun iur lie growth ami d- velopnieiit of tbu Old INortl r - yi t ? T,,n bwril ft:, THE WILMINt-TU.N MWKEXUtfr . Campaign Bartesr The "Daily Messenger," by mail, 4 months on trial, for $-'.00 The weekly "Transcript Mes senger," (the largest and best paper in the State) W mont hs on trial for $1.00 Cash in advance. Both papers are large Eight-Page sheets. Send Postal Card with the address of live per sons aud receive sample cop-, ies of The Messenuek. Oct. 1st. 1888. tf. NOTICE. By virture of a power of sale contained in u certain Mortgage, executed to me by: M. B. Miller and Jane Miller his wife and recorded in book; (E,) on page 361 in the rec-, , ords of Watauga county, to secure a note executed to me by said E. B. Miller for $340.08 dated April 13th. 1888. 1 will sell for cash in hand to the highest bidder. at the court house door, m Boone on Monday the 5t.h. day of Nov. it being the first. Monday, the following tracts of hind: interest iu a tract containing 100 aeras.- and Ivimr between Elk Knob and &iakV Mt. adjoining the lands of Allen Brown and others. One other tract on Riddles Knob on the watert of Roar ing Fork of Meat Camp creek adjoining the lauds of Elijah , Tatam and others and; con taining 300 acres. Another tract on the wa tera of Cove Creek adjoining the lands of Richard Miller, and others containing .20 acres more or less. Also an other tract iu the same lo1' cality known as theFrankliit Musgrove tract: containing 31 adjoining the lands.' of. Landrine Eggers and others Another tract adjoining ; the lands of A. W. Finley and others known as the: Rash tract containing 108 acre.--The ohove named lands will' be sold 1oa t.isfy above de scribed note, interest, ani costs of procerus:. J A. J. Critcher Mortgagee Per. J. F. Snainhour ' Attr. : SV1 21 1 h. 1 8s'. m.