A v. . Ux, .-r 'lv-, rk f7 Td 6" li W8 (CM) WiiM) ULf J) (LM) ;iv :i:iir-r i-tiiUviiH u ;. .1 ! tl, i InJ r.. 1 'm. !. i!i vi.r J i-1 NlV iOW l. a IliJ.tl - . . -r .1 ...1 ,.f mi 'IM-Ilf IIIIT ill" ."' 1 r- WATAluA Kt,Mr. '.. """" . .:,...!,., !. tlx.... .n.1 li.il ! oyi-k Lis country. . i 'Ul'leiny r?d?v;Sdt th- .." 'lVvl!nZuttl,' 1m,i, hilars in boi . . . r - ... . .f ti..ii u hi w.mii 1 1 .s-i ns-is I n.i I i-ill iiiwi . ;uv . . . . . i i .. .i i i l . . .1 ... ir dtvotm t.i in- i.c. -Yhat about tl.e !"' " - fu County, huww-j ; V.'1'.' ... j V, , ,r .fecial tax . fron, the . i,:g." t of mc, rubto ivrj - r i !n lo, Foicn "Haven't things come to prun- her lloont, Wutaujin Count,. vc. i,unds which Judge i owu, i v. . ..,., miil iJ-----Tr--r-;.-r-..-x II I'lftty pUKS V.lll'll IUI at- ptOWT, Mil! rr.srAINHOrK, Kiiiron. Cl1!l?1 'I,';; 0,rlJt! tcn.pt u made to denounce of the recoi JOHN B.WlLLlAMS.l'tW.wHEii. lt'rillo You Use Hard- ' ware? ScctcRiPTios Ratr. lecpyl year 1 " 6 morth8 1 & month. ...v 1 ....."Oc. ....85c. to him: tliat heholdsa dial U mortgage on the head of : owiy man, woman unJ child j t If mi look at those nice in .North Carolina, innd se when to 111" v. Uf ti.-j fi:nHMii!iilliaip ialistanIanlN-nlv,?2.;OporK' . i i....; 1 in.ii- I run. lie. !T lb. : 7 y ADVKRTWISO lUTEi. A inch 1 wwk. i vlt' 1-1 montn i , 1 5 ., 1 1 year.,...-. 1 column 1 eek 1 lnumtli... 1 3 rt .... j 6 ft ... 1 rartf For Intermediate rate correu pond with the Kditor. cent a line. UJ. Okl " Fubscription Invariably la Aa- tancb and aaveruBiueui.!' aj.- bl on demanu. Th Papen oa Thoiaai. if thev lunl tlit 1 1i ,v :t 1 !. f;lfi ivol from tut r.i.r. .,1(,,, ,,f tl,,. nvor.1 mp.'.I arts of tho Now.Thoau. :,: ,PUrn. I!lrtv.r,-.n th, j:, to , tutHciently i m y . ... - , m ? ; ' cd to know tliutJuu i t J,:,,,.,. ;,iM ,K.,i1.n,v tl,ii.:i:x hoiul iuo.l. Ivi MHHivinl one nui.'WTu .ii. ....r. c - - .. tl,ouin.ldullninlM.ii.!af'r-fiMii a pntty pas Tor .i ? rri... ' vi.ii I oiiiinv otherwise fiom tnerni-. i m- M,ili ik. after the musap ..l.nr.tl.f 7. I-IWS 1S)8-(U ihft omr.ih'Ua 1!1 ivuu."-- ... . i t:.:..J :.. .1,:., iu( hi: vkw nm ii .-t to m:T- noi : 'im i L. iu. , mv""' ""p . . .. i Tli..v imsi. it I want 15 I port U.o r Piu.;.. ;in pmiy, iar.- ana t n ; , , which liov. Jai u ooai in ... .....4: i ; , v . .1 . -.v 1 us. Mi- .I(:-1 1 Ul 3 T 1 () ...."0 the legislatuiv, Jude Fowle, "hhouUl always mark th iM-iontiously lu'lit-vi'd i! ' I . I . 1 : ) t . . J I . . .. 1 .. f MM 'l 1 1 I c I. I ill I Ll l;.'i I'.I.IJ . . . hiiin torn u ir. iiTunicn. ... ..m.r w.. .v. ..-- Willi ona'i nil.". j 1, , . . , ... . mi,lol to tt the consti-' it wit 1 you, Si v oftl, net. Ho Tonnuy? IIov;lmit turn vL a continent foo. ; -th you in your tt,t,,,.pti 12V, of the special tax 1,oiiJh b o rourne v.,.h Docki hi, partner, K. C. Badger, though tl.o i.ountan:. vJ rwivinff alike mun- nk agam, mat ou There were 11 millio: nshamo. of vrlf, mm if ii,, m,U involved in the! never bofore.'-Aoiwer- I ill V 1 1 . l'r.t t v. Tub e and 1 ockot to! jull.d to pay il, us Mr.Mc'.-j1 Ulv' r,llk.rv ourl.i st iiiKiots to do Vc. j ton l;op s io u.;;. r.-i pay, ; (jU!!.;) pistols, Cartridges, t !t! lUHioaiaeuiv j eiit'H 0:1 1 at i we niuui mi'im-;n. ..'.. "'';r.ioi, j wwh, v..,-.. i-nornnre, aad prejudiec of(il. New this i.-uo trillia-uiat jam! a CkkaT many other " t. .. ;m 1.., ....i.vof-w.rt tliinii-s in my line at eiuttlly As everybody now knows, Tom Devereux, at the bid ding of Doekery, ban taken it upon himself to abuse Judge Fowle and other repu table citizens of the State in the most outrageous terms. His chnrguis hive been shown bo fiilso in every particular but be has gone on every where with his infamous alaudera notwithstanding. Jle has asserted over and over again that .Judge Fowle ni-tAd imnrouerlv and unpro- foKfioually in connection with the special tax bond issue. Has he not known that he was (stating what wan false? We have hia own worda to prove that he has. In April, 18S0, he wrote, a letter to the Hon. John f;Vnv Hvnum. of Moigantou, of which the following is n cojiy : "HALEian, N.C.April 18, '80 Dear Gray The last issuo of the Blade contained a communication from 'Thoin U8, wliich Judge Fowle's friends here thought should be answered atouce. .Speak fnr them I enclose a re ply which we think should as a matter of policy emanate from the Piedmont region. Please give this matter your best attention. Who is fW.mA? If he continues to fling his slime, we will open i: on him in a way not peas ant to Jarvis. Things look well here and herabouts. wnfo to us. Yours truly, T. P. Pevkreux" Now what was the reply written hy Devereux and "emanating from the Pied mont region as a matter of policy?" It was the follow ing: . . : V Judge Fowle. Mr. EnrTOR A writer in vmir turner callinsr himself Thomas seems to be v-ery miw.Vi nvftppifiwl that Judire UJUV" V- J - v. lJ T.-.trio ftlmuld 1hko far ahead in the , Gubernatorial race .van'd therefore attacks him in L a waa indicative neither of a e-ood ' heart nor a sound un derstanding. When we saw the signature our mind in ee'nsibiy turned to the joke which Gov. Vance used with . fdch. fat, abrart-'a j?reat rur. dlorton N. V. 1 8uit. As thomas ih seeking information, we will tell him that in addition to the bonds ppoken of above. Judge Fow'e received as a retainer $r,00, ami m cum a ; yjrv ()Tnil.,Mlt rt,1,nMi,in bin eontinsiont fee, and his; ; , . , i, , , , riiii 1 K" 1 " 1 1 " ' ".' " MMitnev reeeiew ""ui- Wtiuld any lawyer 01 u people to enablo mm to in duce them to follow liis di rection in that, respect. He may t-ueceed in persuading m)v.c to follow him, but -"bfini facts rcniniu Uv" ihose wlio will I1.'.; sruided 1 er. It. ".M.loea Vf'l.VM.'iiCu.i I'....,,' ".) -1 " busmen to the people of thisowprues. l-aa ana boeuio v t 1 ... 1 . .v. . I f r'nin State if he h-'iui! .vac-d :n ins j l.lnns ami underlakiiigs. j Morton, IV.isii & Co. aroj : now in ti:e 1 e:erai toi.i i-?j i jM-imi' 1 ( 1 csii iililish I he vaii-; ; I 1 1 ',-1 ' ' reason, and true patrioii.-m,! diiv of t he pin-ial Tax bonds. Very ltespt. IT. C. E1ARTIN. TuticeV " 1 4 .-. frif n i : III . V' i v I 't the iiilt Oct. lGth. 'H j t-nr,j.. a,ntry. No To the Democrat: Sometime ago 1 hen id a iter I am a lhated the Soutli" and in ami a reader Mr. VA- f;1 .i-'-ri 1; to. of the Knirr n ,I,..1.H riv m ih'.S I . , 'l .-.-i'llllll 111! , 1,1.. ... :l i'.v viM 110 01 a power ui em won:.! be very important to , .t. 1(, J110 i,,. S. (Jreoim ''.vwi Sete government. I nnd wik Kmimv c Orwiw and i !,g;,!ative, executive ami P-. 0 fho nco?ds U'l.'i: VPS! i('Pl Hi V : i1 .!:! til lit) llh'iU VIM Mill. , f -11 i ; 1 . t a . 1 ' . 11,1 a : tv: k 1 km,i liiiati what theiei:. m the aeuv. or ! ,'(,uiid they ieel tlmt 1 nej T n '. iAv. tn o reply lie said that whoever tiP principles of the party it or.rd thdr (Vction to him, j -Vj rvt of landlyiiig A d 4,...... i.-i uu'iivi'ii note ' . '" vemu.i c. V v 1 1:1 (ill. CS iCCi lli 1 rvfciit((1 TO luc lv ctlu i"' said that ho ;nid any ntrh cent standing demand a less )t?e in a case involving ja thin,, to'Hi n false hood, large an amount? in r'g;ni'j j Xow fu. yAyitOT if . did not fl.o H'ilminaton affair, 1 t.i..o t' . ISOV 11 111 bO IIU....V unmuu- we notice that m another , h; nf)t m y notioI1s column of the same issue of, v.lii(h i. js ,omW your paier, you say that lthan Words, xvlu ti lio u-rn his .New Hanover time and in'.b.KT.cetoa.hance vpiko to Governor Jarvis,! i,;;,. . . , T UieeailM- e i':T and you might have said lor , .. . Fowle. What is tins n 11- j f its oarli(lst 0XIsten(.0i it mington affair?' W e v.ou.d o hjm ,j(irn m.l 1 . TA- ..,lYlU 1 I .toin Know. 11 o.t-iwo .w , . i-m 41... ninver 01 ills' f w luver atuonnna '. ,j ,i., ....a i,;u 4r.,H.nrf. with the lands of A .1. crklier, being a 11 s : 1 i'.: 1 a : rv o ii'.. ..one t i a.y. evn white mar.. I em tired of J t Republican Committe. , " 1! .......M I I," . ! i.Tli .'(II hearing repuoiicnn j-ajit-ir. so nro.n merit, tl; help the Judge amazingly. He must have had a similar affair in Granville. In regard to the Swepson matter, things have come to a pretty pass when an at tempt is made to denounce an attorney ior aiipe.un. for a man charged with crime. Judge Fowle was em plovcd in this cause after the death of Gov. Bragg, who lie.d been Swenson's counsel up to that time. Ht-, Judge Fowle, has now as Ins asso ciates in this case Juugej Thomas Ituffin, Hon. A. S. Merrimon, Hon. Jos. J. Da vis. 0. M. Cooke and others. Does this allay your itch for knowledge, Tommy? If-it dosen't, let us know and we ;n nt.tpmnt, t.n aid vou fur- HI" I V ther in your commendable undertaking. So fnr, Judge nd his friends have studiously avoided descend ing to persowalities in this contest. They consider it wanting in that true dehca- v which should always IllUl K the h'gh toned gentleman. ' .... But there is a poiht beyond which forben ranee ceases to ha n. virtue, and for the ben pfit. of all inquiring Thomas es or Tommies, we close this lettei with a quotation, Ah. Thomas Devereux, you rect antagonism to the in terests of fho Southern peo ple. Xow if nnv one douhtf that this is ko let him seaich the record of the acts of that party, and note the explo sions of hate, ar.it enmity made ho freely by its great- . and Hjieakers abuse the detnoenvts for not re)ealing the internal revenue syetem, wh.en tliey- know tV.nl they, ihemselves created it, and are opposed to it:i now. aid make labored forts to prove that the dem repeal ef- the tract on which the said ,.' ... . .. i; nnlilif. n III'. ii- j,. -.. lirii'Ill! IHI iniT, in I Uenowfce wi.enee comes. tion to the highebt bidder, for h ,5,1 Wwh-nst !Hdoor in Booiie on the ,ire Kcattermg luoaa. nsi of Nov, ,s83. it being Mon. over the S ate. Y e under- ( to HnljBfv tlie above debt in. . ..1 . ,.r I . . . c kImih! tlie new impulse m toresT cokt 01 priM--uu.. ihoir campaign. s,o - - "VsT 1 iniot. canvass wassuspc-n ded. We perceive the dan- y-vr before us. The signals i .1 1 ..... 1 oeratie party favors ti re j ;m. out. I Lie alarm 1& souuu trade, slio"-t-ig the awful it.j. Th.e people of North .gee. A 1 consequences tliereot, w.ic.i i hey know i! is a Talse charge made f;r neitirhpulilical pur- poses, and calling tr.e oe eratic party Carolina ore forewari NOTICE 1! Byvrtue of a Mortgage execute d o the undersigned hv V.T. M. Younce and wife , S;'.rah Younee said Jiongage '.)"ini' recorded in book (It.) of Mortgages in the registers loMice of Watauga County iV n, 171 1 HO find 181. canvass j They will sell for cash in hand est; loaders such as Mai; lngolls and S-ierman. lie will see tliat they signalized their advent, into power by pursuing a policy, which pro voked the Southern people into taking stops mat brought, on four years of bloody, war, following winch they gave the negro his free dom and right to vote, and deprived thousands of the best citizens of the South "of the same privilege. thus seek ing to establish themselves permanently m power, out. they see too late tliat they have only given us more power, to use against, them in our own defence at the ballot box. Thev not only always op- viose. or utterly ignore South ern interests, but they have 1 in many ways endeavored to humiliate, and degrade the Southern people, as for example: the passage of the infamous Civil Bights bill; passed by a republican pres- Ihe nrgro par- i Jndre lowles . .. r1 . ii .1 1 . '..iii.t 1 1 fill Km 1 II It j I 111 ty when t!;ry Knov; tna njimloast has oocn vwv- y - - 88. it being all th- '.;e: ;r: wcio taken onaiiv briilianr. Everywhere lUmny in said from their party, t horewouht .(. .Uvor-tongnod orator )f 1 U10nth, the following t de senmlv be a corpora lg'.v.ird thiH State is met by large bribed tracts of land viz: 1 w n: ,,,1 -IIrM il.viP on t ie; i- t nte t u -ki r i iu. mvn vs t he munumie v, nu J his eloquence as never before. Ho c,,i:'s the neoMle tniiiKiug as never before and he gives them food for thought in deed in th.e iniquities of the n.u'ieal on i t vand the reforms which the Democrats have introduced and still 'propose to introduce. He is thrice- armed, having his quarrel just, and vanquishes ecrj opponent. He is nrousmn the people in every county, every township, and is mak-im"- votes for good govern- meat. He is ably scconu.-u was nominated by a conven vent ion wit Ii a largo major ity of negroes: and yet they ask the white men of Wn tauga to support a ticket thus put out. Every wluto man in North Carolina should join in demanding some, few straight out candid reasons, why any one should support the state or nation al republican tickets rather than that of the democratic party which has always been our best friend, or that they ti. n.lfisjit inti'l llllil i 1 1 ; n - ........ . . v . . I ' .. . I 1 l..!.l.... ligent patriotic citizens how 1 pv 0n. 1 neo. r . i'a to vote. a. oil. . iti.e invorue son oi ofCoveCrwk adjoining the lands of Kienard neeco mm John Mi GuiiW heirs. Tract containing .10 .,L, i.n.r.-hf nf .Toheil S. Eir- o-ers ail on the waters of Cove Creek in Watauga eountv to satisfy the sum of $.291.i4 with interest and 7.t)sts E. M. Banner. 1 J. P. Taylor. Per. E. F. Lovill atty. for 4t, ident. and the irreat North have shown that you are ! em leaders of the republican . . . ! . 1 4 .. "r;i ,. minrf honrt nor nnrrv r:ever neMiao- n. i - a sound understanding" to j pr. Ps their hatred and con-1 x0 one could be more so. We . .... . . .. , 1 . ...iL.ii.,: attack Judge Fowle. Am t tempt ior the South, and on-1 only wonuer una ny 1 rnhingthe North Carolina Campaigr. , finr In test, New York advi ces represent Mr. Levi P. Mor ton, Republican . canaiuare for Vice Prerident of the U.S. as taking a very lively inter est in our N. C. Campaign. Mr. Aforton is closely iden titled with our people. He is vi-rv irmch int.L ro.sfed in us. rleavor to excite the .orth against us, instead of culti- you ashamed of y ourwlf , now if never beiore l "Yon niiidd. tobesuflicierit- ry wpII informal to know ' b-ti tJu- tiou not personally aiming us during M. a mll:.!(rn (HIT- DcOU.e I 111' 1 mu 1 , who h; canvassing wit Ii him and w ho is one of the most logical and impressive speak ers in the ranks of the Demo ..nnin nsivtv. He 'sneaks with power indeed of thepur p nf the West to stand by the East and in behalf of the supremacy of the white man and the maintamanee 01 em- dent and creditable govern 1 meat. AH accounts agree that Fowb and Davidson are doing a work 'that will tell vating peace and good wi'.l ; m;,y prove vei .All l.W'.n valuable ac-'most decideiy at th'- polls. . ... - 44 ! .. ' ...j-i-i.r ' quaintanf of;, as he sees fit to .Veu-.v-t f!si'rwr. Afortngoes. NOTICE. I.vvirtnreofa power of pale ,'ontninod in n wrtnin Moi-tgaw did ex'utwl to niyswlt and .... t 1 T... mill WlfO Mil. bfda. 'dated Fob. 23rd. 1888 and recorded on pages .jou nna 00c, v.ii.,17 iu of ihd records of yg- inoi - . tnnga county, to wx-um a note exo( utod to mo, rc'.'ruar.v . lSS8bv the said J 1 rry ior It -K " r ' l' .tAknv Hfu4 the HUH Ot .Til 0,00 wiieiiui uii-" ami seventy fivo dollars with iu torcf.t at 8 per cent. I will Bell for cash in liana to tne nignesr, bidder, at the court house door in Boone, on Monday the 6th. davofXov. next, it being the lii st Monday, the tract of land A Mnri-o-nxA. ron- t lining 123 acres more or lefS and 1 ving on or near the road leading tVcm Plowing Kock to l.oono, pome two miles from Blowing Rock, Leing tLo land on which said J. P. Fiy now resides, to satisfy above note with .intst e .t ard costs. i Win. Klrod. Mortgagee. ! I'e.r J. F. psinliour, Atty. 1 rfu.. 2". iSn'.s. Into. 1 I