- create -- 1- JL i r V i"U' Ul Cli ng Jjo VOL 1 HOUNi:, WATAl'fiACOrNTV. N.C. W MI)NKS)AV,"()(.T. :. is.4 WATAUJ A HHC.UUT. , is 'VmudV have 1 '"' A Dk.mm katic. fiitnily iii wh';t, .;,, t,i.;,ntii'uiiv l". i.r .I.mIi-,1 .(i the int.Hi-ts ll'". . . . ., . f ......... i v. t here l'intr Iv it thnuoiiohun- I'liViI'V. evct WinMi'mIiiv nt ! dri ll to hear him I. !., Wc.tmijru ('.milt v, .. t . j ..J J. K. Sl'AlNUnl'U. l'.i'iioit. JOHN .S. W I IAA A MS, 1M hush ki nt a h fuS'y I iiui i!i no lirti, rh:iv foiils in m ilj if it were not round. , the bloody slnrt tin ! tliat we p. 1MH a unnt deal to :v me besieged on 1lf r'.xht. s;v.t for. Rut he canaii-i and on ihohfthy inegwamps MVor. .u 'g-ment ).iy will; MM - - I ..... ll .1 I'l a. i i ii. .in im a i-si nun i U-M-- ,.0tM to him as to oiin r nii'ii ; .,..., . . ..i i.. i .... n ii tilling "-.i-" " HARPER, BERNHARDT a co. LENO'R, N.C. t 1 . . I .... i .t . . ! I I"- Willi fin t th;it.lu,:i:i'rol.Miv:it'l laml s im ;'.; lias kii.mkihi ,.., jt wo t lie a eold i.u.v f Men liantn in ut,tei n N. C, '.iivii-siii ti th' all i lie w im; (.im oi i ii' iniiu i i,..!- ,,t for "O.d I Into h. ! ifv iiIwiivk a mi. auu coinpico mviit lwhu.-iaMii Si u KU-r;oK Hatkm. 1 ropy 1 Tar 1 " ' (i ii.oiitlrs 1 " : ijontliH Thai Now Yoik is Iv democratic: that , Ohio is doubt. ul. mill that we; AIVEKTIHISJ Ii ATI'S. 1 inch 1 wix-k 7."e 1 " 1 iiimith 1.75. 1 3 " :' 1 C " -r 1 1 ycur 1 roliiinn 1 vfvk 1 " 1 mouth.... 1 3 " l r 1 " 1 vr.r For intvi inedifitff rat i-ovitk. jiond with th Kditor. Aicn notices n nls a lino. FuWrij-tion invnriaMy in An VA.NCF. isiiit H'lrtHu nts j'.nya llo o:i iii'innn-1. JWVst. Th"'' rin-uti stain-i s s i i-s. I....HW.. lm.i Tti kiMiw ami fi l ll f!o il..f..a1. :;inl ho shows it i 1 . ii-1 liuloiliii 'l(l II1M lloisnwaivofthofaitlh-.t Tlint l.now-t ho..ii-i' sow his .ffursanfailuii'.siHxl holnnts Mahoiii'uiul J5i.Ul -hi i (iiniHit hi In showinir it on m-r M.'hmi.U-J and di"l in Post. C im Seek HcYengo. i omit oil Ilhlia.l.i. Tl. Itah'uh Visit oral yes t"tihiy annoniioi's tliat ('liar)cs I). Cniss, latn nv' i',it,rf tho State National i-U .")(. ?-f ..f:7.."t) .?:.) all o.asioi:s. , Mi-.iai, imiu i;,,,..:, l,:1,l wni in v'at- Ilun. W. H.:Kitii.Mrswo,k ,that wohavono UkuIw now ; r ui. JJjr.,illst Mossrs. E. It. intho Wrst has hcoii proilui-' that wo must ho scattiTnl as ( Sl , w s pHmroso. 7 tiwofjrr-at oo.l. ami hislshooii having no shophcnl to ; f,R, fonil(T JJt o!ie time ptvsi- lomarkahl''. Uo ; h.Mlovoinvil i.y lmuwninps ltl,llt n(1 .U(,r n iiviV. sucross is e . i . il . t 01 jioous murtii toiiK' hhuim oi th.iiTUADi:. Wo buy? so:mIh in LARCH qiiantitii's'j nnil hIvviivh for CASH. Jiitltfiii veil. 2 t'nr loads Salt. 1 " " Limo. 5 " " Korosi'iie Oil. .i) l'.ox.'H Tobniio. K) Putty. 100 Kcrs Nails. Soiln. wo tiros tor.v 1 1 'ih it out tho nanio of Joii- Avorv. .'cDonal'l Mrkol ! Pockery Dccla e3 Himself an Irde-j;eiident-Tho Teople Disapi-oirted. at HisIIa: acT!CC.owd3 of lcrs Thau One HunJ. ed Meet Him at Eve. y Place MncHiY, 0 t. 10. For sovoral il.ivs Oliver II. Do kiry has h.vn making v. lr.osi sltonuuns effort to con vince tho p op'o of "WcsUtu North Cari;:ina Hint. 1k is an iud.M'inlent. i-nhdk!at. for (iovenior. He says: "I rcpi atci'.ly ie djiK1!) thBnoui'i'ia lions ca evod in? hv ih.e lloiaihlican partly, and at Ihohust lle-puli- liean State t'oir. ention I was nominated, but did not ac cept tho position, hut as the Democrats failed to nominate S. Ii. Alexander, the fanners' first choice, and as tho fann ers had made up their minds to elect a (iovenior this year and having been urged to run by the farmers of the State regardless of party, and also requested in the strongest terms, being also solicited by many letters, a good number of which were from prornuont Democrats after all this I at last cor. wn tod to run and be a, cand idate for tho office of Govern or. So I am before you to day as such; being the beat farmer in my county, a mem ber of tho Farmers' Alliance and in sympathy with 'the breMiren.' If you elect me you will have nothing to be ashamed of, for I will make $ on an honest officer." Thus he poses as an inde pendent candidate for the highest office within the gift of tho people. But this be ing an off-year, is the farm ers call it, independents will have a poor show and this d em a gogicn 1 scheme of 01 i ver , My Son, will be of no avail and is really making votes for the democracy. His stereotyped harangue on the tariff and the revenue, and lnVt eulogy of Henry Clay and the republican party, as being the successor of the old Whig party, is long since l.i.o ilium mnvn fur Dolllltl'l'Mt i .'lllll WOUiv skulls. Now lli." WWII Ul"l ' - ; ic t.rha ii.Vs and in corrert-! ask that our sins am - - - - i ing and deiiouni ingthosland ers of Dockcry Co. than any other orator who has ever cum nssed these moun tain.'. Nothing absolutely is to i 1 11 to be fear.-1 ifom tlie Demo--; people or soitior inane or TjKl i nut (barges Mr. racy of t lie West. Ii is truodiunk whiskey and oh give j prjml.os(MYirh making false as the needle to the pole. All ', us power to ballot out from , statements of the condition the talk about th- internal j the book of reinemberam-e , ()f t,.(1 b.)nk (nv-nVy ti, vl.arM revenui'defea ting the Denn-Uhe name of I'.olkuop. Hayes, xxi sr. ;(. S7. s, ho era tie nartv i bosh, and non am Hon in t in nl.oi-o li'imod I I'OA viiurM injas- j , ,in,, T. ,V!11.,..inf ..i1!lt.f.w 2 nngs xne, r blotted from the his-1 Mr stninps w5th m;,king of this government, r,,,, n, linm 4!. I.i.fl- of sundry diseounttHl paper, and makimr fnlse statements (Srunler and all that walked j ()f' th(1 .olltiitioii of said bank in the sight of tin; ,.,,.. :mr iun to i,; f.,is crookei the eight against seven. svnse. Tliey usidersiand red it .Motnies Star Uoute thoroughly the denmgoary 'contracts and nunierous hyptKra cy on this point ofiotlc r v,ror:g uoing and the republican r,h;trorm of; give us favor with tl',eeop'!e. iliica-o and liavrisiai's 1 t- i dive u; back lice i.es-ro vote tor of acceptance. All the i ativi rt tm n us the .'-.outliern belter das of the white poo-: repuhlii-aus with tens of Aortt!. knowin,' he fal-e. -aid statements to 10 lUils., Sugar. (JO lleams Tarer. 72 Dozen Speller-H. 2.000 Itia Sole Leather. r00 " Upper Leather. 10 Dides Sheeting. r " Plaids. o.OOO Yards Prints. T. J. Coffey & Bro, We Keei Is Stxk At This Place Pry fiiMnli, Notii'mn, ' lints. Cnjrn, Uootn, Shmn plHr, llflrnesH & Soli Inther 'ai tory JeuiiM ami (?tutimm. Thr mort extciiHivo lino ef Medicines Drugs kept in Ilooiu. nni'h n folhs: A i i. ii... V.oilloullu PVlUiui ii) imj'iiwo hitc. Simmon 'h Livrr llfgula- tor, Wnniors Safe Uwr uml Kyihiev Cur', KephaJine, Jack houh ngic Hnlsnii, Dr. Janes' MoUii ini'H, Urown h Iron iHttorn, Dr. C. V. Hoe's Liyor, Rheumatic and Nouralgin Ciirp ami vanon j other mwliiineH too numerous to mention. All o the al)ove rill be boM CHEAP FOR 1 ,2."0 Jeans. of tin? Stale tho Den. a-vatie detsertei' ile of this par belo:!L; to nartv. All tin ba:iah;:s. rag -lag and bob rail of the;; mountains be long to the Republican par ty. The wealth, the intelli gence, morality and Christ ianity are largely on the side to',the Democracy. The west will be free from independents during the coming election, and is true to the present system of county government as the Democracy of the east. In our opinion if the present system of county govern ment is ever abolished it will bo done by the east and not by the west. We know the Democ racy of the west will never turn over the eastern coun ties to the mercies of negro rule. The white men of the west are as true and as loyal 2,."00 Pairs Roots & Shoes A full stock of Groceries, Notions and family goods. We ha ve a lino of mens an r women s shoos made, espec ially for IJ'ataug-a trade, we have those branded "Watau- Cross prints a card in which ! ga Solid" and warrant every .... ,.i..;,H ...i,,- ii.iri.nw.. ,,r pair, naming prices mm " ! . , .'f ,i ! put little good unless you go: -t mg iicsMK Stan ps .nn m, tlie goods, we do n,)t Pnmroso into rroume ami (.jjm to sell .1 v wikJ oi our of i competitors who sell lor cosr says: "I Mtnply wish to hlUt (J0 Hell anods at a .profit thousands m t-e (uveas stump rjieaKeis in j Noril. ('aroij i.y;)nd even Indiana ami oratvi-H :u Ohio. a (,n.stiojnf a doubt that (livens money by themiliem ... , , j.i s t() tll; e.llgivousa mmi! nf o,.. v.. j tional Hank at the time' 1 took t lie presidency of the same, also the manner in ,whi h i was induced to take prove in the good people of! for less than some !ii ""t- noil ihr Kf-;if( si.: i. ..... iiiv. v... ........ i . i, t As it is generally Known, wc and above to beat Cleveland lor Clin .sis sake Aimm. Seto. Sentinel. ''oib HtJ'tc j." " Everybody known "Old iiuteh."' of Chicago. ureat many wish they did .not. j Some even wish that "Old ITutch"' was -dead. "Old Huch" is a good deal of a hog. Nobody denies that. Rut he is a very high-priced hog. Chicago never had a more expensive piece of pork than "Old Hutch." He was worth millions on the market. Then ho fed himself on the wheat of oth er people.' He became worth $4,000,000 more. Men damned "Old Hutch." -Old Haeth" laughed. Wom- , lw.t.wl TTntfl. " "fV.l , .1 illlllllll.. nni i.iuvi-t v... to the Democracy oi tho east, j,, VhM as the east can be to Jtselt.j f()r bivn(, TWisnodissatisiact,oninjHutcli., . A chanie of said bank is true." We believe our fadlities arfl Hueh as to enable ub to sell good H8 are among tlie largest deal ers in produce in the S 1 A 1 1 we will only say that we . are now doinir a larger business than ever and are making this part of our business a constant study ami are al ways prepared to buy any stood marketable Puoduck Always come to see us. Yours Truly Harper, Rarnhardt & Co Sept. 27. 1888. Omo. Subscribe to the DEMOCRAT . mill. And he ground it very line. People said "Old Hutch" was a thief. Ho never asked them to prove it. He corn ered their wheat and got ev en. Rut he could not escape the interviewer. The interviewer probably wishes he had. "Old Hutch ' worn threadbare. Every body has heard it, and tlifise who have not, become dis gusted when they do, and come away disappointed, and many leave before his speech is over. Tha prayer of the Republican paity in the Noith. O Lord thou knowest our uprising and especially our down sitting. Thou know est our sins and understand eth our sins a far off. Thou knowest, we have done many wicked things in the sight ot told him the newspapers 4 if vi t .11 nr.H lliafivmln lid ' WCl't1 !l OUCk of HOS. "01(1 l lit " i'l" l.Hl nun 1. - I . . lon-er have fnvor in their ""h knows a he when lie . t , . . J sees -no. Or a pack of them sight. Thou knowest the,e.n.cr jje iaK )U.n )miia negro has iorsaken our par- fin,r ino ()1)g. no to. ty and that we no longer can j fhat lie had no Jre niake them believe our cam-'. Sp0(.t ior papers as they are pnigu tales, that the demo-' rmi nowadays. "Old Hutch" crats will put them back into ; proably thinks they should OR LO WEB than any other merchant in tho COOTV, As wo PAY GASH FOR OUR GOODS ami get a discount of from 2 to 6 er cent. , We pay no rlerk hire or hou rout and can give our custom-th closer figures than many otliers. We take in exchange foi gooda The Telsg' aph in Vrtiuga. Having at considerable ex pense completed a first class Telegraph line from Lenoir to Rlowing Rock, ample fa cilities will, in due time, be .afforded to its patrons nt moderate cost f or transmit ting messages to, and from all parts of theworld reach ed by wires. While the control of the line remains in this company all business entrusted to it will bo managed in a business like way, and with that ac knowledge fidelity that has ever characterized 1ho deal ings of the members compos ing it. and which has secured for them the enjoyment ot a full measure of public confi dence. The office at Rlowing Rock will probably not be open for tegular business be fore the New year.butn skill full operator will be placed at that point of a few days immetlia tely after the Novem ber election, when our Wa- tauge, friends v ill be furnish ed free of charge with all the accessible election news. The Lenoir and flowing Rock Telegraph Co. Murder in Pitt. On last SaturdaynightW.il. Rranch! families and allowing 5 and (J. P. Fent res, murdered ' -ii- - . . ri ii. slavery. Ah that we eouid i,e nm a.s ' Old Hutch' miwpivinuix near ureenvnie. jmll the wool over their eyes , a wu.at deal. We don't One of the weapons was a persons to each family, it is as of yore, and get them to ; know i board with a nail in it, which put us into power once more. ! jjPiS; 'eth'n'verelikthebible'lurated the skull. All Thou knowest that the! bpiieve u .i , ni iir,,u 'rr., )v . t 1 i u a ud t he d i fficul ty a rose out Southern republicans no , T ints "Oh Hutch ' a 1 over. ,.. u (,..,f m... Lver since longer cleave to us. 1 hou ; it's his only hope of salva-t (l0r8 are in iail. Scotland Butter Kgfffi Wax, Wool, Grain, Gens'mg, Honey, Feathers, Chickens, Hidea 5cc. IF Y0UW0ULD KEEP Posted As To The Politics of your country. IF YOU WANT TO liUY Oft SELL ANY THING LET IT 1E KNOWN THROUGH Our Column and You Will We Also Deal In Livs Wehave in connction with our other business a , -1 k HOTEL, STABLES AND TANNERY where we promise to give pntis faction to those who piv.i xi their patronage. Our llot1! i Get Your Needs, OUR PAPER GOES TO he M t the town of Asheville, :: kr owest the people of the tion. He would corner the Neck DempcraK reLu by 4,250 of the best people of this country. Headquarters for Drum mers and the Traveling PUBLIC. As a Summer resort the Climate 5s im surpased in the STATE. W pfp the SCHOOL BOOKS pecomenv de by the State Hoaud of Education at LI?T prices T. J. Mey &Bro June 7, 1888. ly.

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