'XJ' JLPeiiaocraiL v i - VOL 1 WATit'Gl DESOCHAT. . A DKVfXi.'iTlfV fin it ilr nruli... per devoted to 'the 1..t.r.ts- of V' -1'''" it tuntv,Sttft uml Xatiouj I Ihvis tl ue to d i-v cu c iiiul his section. He U ft i.'Itiut' sfnu'of the -. 1 V. . ' . . n n';,.,,,,-., v v,at " talks too rnmh in -j ! imiks wen ami su ii villi "--n t :?",-LIIA"S?V 1H-,i,',,4,, j.J-ftnl.rM-of flit- South iim j,e ' iSCIlfH'RIPTIO.y Katv-h 1 n '"' y i nil I km IV. i 1 copy 1 year .. t Ik 4 . A i u morn ns 1 ", 3 months..... ,.r,oe. ...HCc. AnvKRnsi.Nu Rates. note Ins re-election with great pleasure. It was as sured almost from the firxt X? Obs. 1 iuc!i 1 week, 1 month... 3 " .... 6 " 1 year 1 1 1 1 H 4 OC ...$1.7",. ;...3 - $5 $7 ..:...:..9 ..$i3.ro m ..$37.50 50 1 "oolu mil 1 week 1 month 3 " ....... 6 ....... 1 vear... For intermediate rates corres pond with the Editor. Ixenl notices 5 cents a line. -.......i,vu iiilllllilUll HI VAKceand advertiHniMits rmya le on demand. The President's Lies saga. A Comp-.ehensive, AWaand Pointed Document TheCongi-ss of the Unitvd III t M)S. ;1VU Ii . f,. ...., I. .'!! i . . . " I " lfV (JomiIh Vti- llr- II Llfllll 1 I IH.IUVIIII.i liitLi 1.... i t J .iviin, - . . - i ' " ,r I mn I HM kfMII lllifl ll.,i.. P . . U.on the:r pmvr. m.Mit. jiii.J : itii."- tl.. ,-n..,t r t a -x - , , J ' niouittu!. and inMhnt!ticsf,f its eronomi.-ai inJuiin- ,'u, t"r.v 'hll u Caiiners. '""orfuiimpcirwu. I ciin. jiKtrat ion tlio irovf-ninicnt " ,"Uht .iiKivelinof I 111 .ttu . - . ' r a civ ainutionrt of capital weii j su'hstanr-o of tin ' :,";l,T0id OP 'bl'OKK win,!,, nnappli,(j anl ! k.t ia iW. ,!. follow. ivn!atfd and !-'. "i!"""'"!,. i urn uarant in !govmiuentlsfriH offomi !'utiVo and this lueach of I no temntur fill nnl i -r 'I'K-.'v-ium uml! aim oun;ratKn ai d to Kvf-riinifnt -'n.innm.llue c"EXt Medicines & Drugs m..-.l. .1 i :,. i) . . .. .iiukea Kpecmlty. Our patients' nit.it wi II revive prompt atten ton from either. HHmaf be S "nvemeuttomtientii. A Eoasa Built of Paper. Thereisa pa jwr house in Allanta.- 'No wood, brick, nron or other material in used about the building., At 103 Decatur (street a neat lit tKtore, painted sky blue, ' .has attracted eorhsiderable attention rec-ently. The gaudy color is not the cause ofthfi little' building bein the object of so much, atten tion, but the matpi-il nf which it iscoitructed makes I r,0lloin "I the people. 1 :it a novelty. -: It is-injide enJ ime n,tllyr "(Jmonishw tirel.v of paper'- Tli store wi!.s i'H'1 ? y 0 ..Frera-huia n nameif Smith (npelled;. of course,"' in a French Jwav. v.ho ia agent for the p?tper of which it ia consti ncted. The raftr. the weathevboarding thej-aof and the: flooring are all made f)fthick,conJiftessed paper boards, impervious to water and as durable as wood. The house cannot ratch on fire as easily as a wooden building, because the urface of thepaperissmooth and hard. The building is nsed as a store of NpmI K oi ly, who says h? finds it warm in cool weather'and comfort able when the weather is viwm.Atkiuttt Journal. 6AVXKG7' . A man is very apt to de ceive himself into au idea that he cant save, and that it is of no use attempting it. lift .convinces himself that his income l little enongn ror present necessities and ts off the hop,- of 'accmnu i ition,if he torms itnt all, to that happy period when he shall le in somewhat better As you assemble for fhe discharge of the :uties you have assumed as the repre- pnrativesof ati-e"and gen erous people, your meeting is market) by an interesting and impressive incident. With the expiration of the present session of Congress the first century of our Con stitutional existence as a na tion will be completed. Our survival for one' hundred years is not. sufficient to as SUre US that We IWl Innmr have dangers to fear jn the mamtainance, with all its promised blessings, of a gov ernment tounded unon t.:u freedom of the people. The lies nsi to soberly inquire whether in uie past we liave always closely kept in the course of safety, and whether we have before us a way plain and ciear winch .ledds to happi ness and perpetuity. When the experiment of our gov ernment was undertaken, the chart adopted for nnr guidance was the Constitu tion. Departure fi 1U lines there laid down is fail ure. It is only by a strict adherence to the direction they . indicate and by re stiaint within the limitations! they fix that we can furnish nrpot to the work! of the fit imn of the American people for " self-government. The equal and exact' justice of which we boast as the under- lymg 'principle of our insti tutions should not.be fined to the relations of oui citizens to each other. The government itself is under bond to th American people that in tl i JIO functions and powers it will deal with the body of our citizens in a maimer scrupu lously honest and fair , ant! absolutely just. -It ha8: asrreed that Atum no delusion to the plain peo ple, wno, side by side, in friendly coini,etitin wrought for theennoblenient and dignity of man, for the solution of the problem of r... ii ee government and for the restrained. ju.sehs, lie dormant in its! ' "'P'ind Syiuj.ofHvpophos iriiuw.MininoiiH Livor lieirula- i tor. i!-iu.i-V ... i: ' Kydnev (arc. KephaliiiP, Jack wiii H Magic Ualsaa. Dr. Janes' ' ncee do, . lierlia' . z ,nh p shall b the onlv cr achievement of the grand destiny awaiting the land which (Jod had iriven tliMin A century has omssim! fin,. cities are the abiding places of wealth and luxury; our manufactories yild fortunes never dreamed of bv'th..r..ti. era of the republic; our busi ness men are madlv sti-ivim,- in the race for riches and in?. mense aggregations of (-api-tal outrun the imagination: in the magnitude of their undertakings. Me view witlr pride m,l saTisiactions; this bright picture of our eomiti-v' , , " lowtn and prosperity, while oiuy a, closer serutm v devel opsasombie shading. Up on more careful nsiwtir.n wennd tlie wealth and Inv. ury of our cities mingled with poverty and wretel lei Inpuu and un remunerative toil 4 crowded and constantly in- creasiir urban nnnni suggests the impoverishment oi irai sections'and discon will; Willi aaTlCU turn rim-. suits. The farmer's son, not sausned witli his brothei Mnipie and laborious life joins the eager chase for eas ily acquired wealth. W discover that the fo 'niizeij by our mntmf;,i. -.jv- .i- ersareno longer solely the reward of sturdy industry and enlightened haesight; butthatthey result from the discriminating fa vor of the government anil are largely built upon undue exactions of our peopio. The gulf be tween employers-and 'ih em ployed is constant! r wi. and classes ure rapidjy foruv ing, one comprising tin very rich and powerful, uhiie'in another are found the terri hly poor. As we view the achieve-! meats oi aggivgMh'd capital. extortion the danger attend mg the diversion of the cur rency of the country frwm the legitimate channels of business. Under thesame laws by which these result are produced the govern meat man any otlitr inerchaut in the we PAY CASH F0.1 OUB GOODS rent and can give our customers UUB" "f;ureis man many others We take in exchange for goods permits many millions mow to ie added to the cost of the living of our jieople and to be taken from our consu mers which unreasonably swell the profits of a small but powerful minority. I tie people must still be taxed for the support of the government, under the op eration of tariff laws. Ihit to the extent that the mass of our cithfensareiiKmlmnto. IT burdened beyond any us- Sltl1 ful public pwrnoses. m.,1 f,. nnTTlVTTv the benefit of n f,.v,.,..wi t the government, under the pretext of an exercise of its taxing power, enters gratu itously into partnership with these favorites to their ad vantage and to the iniurv of a vast majority of our tw. ple. This is not enunlitv fore the law. The existing situation is iniurioiis fn tl.n health of our entire bndv politic It stifles ill th(U for whose benefit it is iw. 9 mitted all patriotic 1 country and substitutes in its place "selfish greed and grasping avarice. Devotion to American citizenship for its own sake and for wh.it it should accomplish as a mo tive to our nation'sadvaner. mentand the happinesj of all our people.' U displaced by tl;e assumption that, the government instead of beino- the embodiment of equality rs out. an mstrumen A - - tnough which smeial- indi vidual advantaires are to bf gained. The arrogance o iis assumption is nnenn ifirii.jt ..... i( i- K-ars in tlje disregard of all but persona iiiinesis; in the refusal to abate for the benefit of oth ers one jot of the selfish 1'OtltWK.nl m. m '"""'K'-" enjoyeu, mud m combinations to perpetuate such advantages tl 1 A I If II II. .tl w ... Dr t. ( , Koo s Liver. IUieiinatic and .r.rla Cure ami varion , other methciiies too numerous to lnentiou. All" the above will betioH CHEAP rou We lielieve our facilities are Kiich aH to enabk w to sell irood as ... LOW OR LOAYER Davenport College, LEXOIR, n. c. A high grade home school for girls. FACULTY. SnIU-wba,,born Clinton A, V, Iey-1? Annie K McSwaim Mrs. W. II. Sanborn, Mrs. J, C. yon Buhlow, Miss M. C. idcfcmain, iriss Janie Tilling-- host Miss Laura Norwood and Herr Max Arndt. - ,.vwui iv'" tui- gins ironj' u 'i in uaroiina. I re-eminent in point of lo cation Higher English, Music Art and in home life! Term begins Sept, 20th. 1 888 for circulars address, Will H . Sanborn, President, Sept. 18th. 1888. 3mo, A COMPLETE NEWSPA- "The Pride of the Noith Caroli na 1'rVHH." Do you want to aid in building up a paper .hat shall reflect the greatest credit on North Caroli na, no mutter where it may be seen? Then patronize Til WILMINGTON MESSENGER A LARGE EIGHT-PAGE PAPKH ndg,;tadiscoI1ntoffron. 2 to , K?1fti!,i" Vr, i V(tvi1 a 1Y.. rj??! house e"X'?Z Gutter Kgjrs, Wax, Wool, Grain. Oeiwiua:, Honey, Featliers, Chickens. Hav, Wa Also Baal inliva l to ve; bu t li is wa n t I . ,-Q . extended as miu-h, and still the time for saving is fara head. Thus he goes ou , and on, resolving and re-resolving until he is at. last sur prised by some sudden calam ity which deprives him even of his ordinary earnings, or by death, which cruelly r.tc him off in the very midst of the best intentions in the world. Senator Morgan, of Ala dential neccsvsaiy to justly the claim of equality bea-rre fl IV Olwl Ln- rt ! tion in life shall iriveriso to L T,K tm,P to death discriminn.tinn i-t. "atn an iron , heel. Cor- ment of tho r,0r.,.i i .jporations, which should be we uiscovei tii.i ivi,.,,,.,. -..i'fnT.-ftJ i,. i . .. - ia'""" .i w i uuiroi legisialicn w., A.urisauons and I ana improjierly influence the "xnwjjt7ni-. wane tne citi zen is struo?'iiuv r.lf. bama, was re-eleeted Wedri-' nbute io ihp support of his P.Bday without ornRiti fnmt mearaml ment of the rjeople by -their govern aient. ; The citizen of our renntio in its early days rigidly in sisted upon lull compliance ji i,. .. . wiiu me jert-er ot this bond, and saw t ti-etching out bs fore him a clear field for in dividual endeavor. His the carefully restrained crea tures ot uie law and the .ser vants of the people, are fast becoming the people's mas ters. , : " Still, congratulating our selves upon the wealth and piosperity of' our count rv. and complacfiitly coritem-P't plat in chancre i j v n suffrages of the people. PERILS TO THE G0VEKXMEXT. The grievances of those not included within the virclo ot these beneficiaries, when fully realizsd, will surely arrouse irritation and dis Our farmers, long-snf;'ering and patient, struggling in the race of life with the hard est and most unremitin f -.a ,,.:n jvm. i.'ii, iu noLiaii r.o sik .n of mi.svTo.nre.sentntHvi and misleadinsr fii'm; iiinueci oi imniwuiiij; laiiacies j by the cost of it economical i '"fWe - from j tnat they ate obligM io no- l tu,iVniUail these condi ions. it.iH nni..in ri..i ... ... ' ' v i v -win- u. on srn., page.J Wehavein connttion with on other business a largest cireulation. and has for ril'ini.. a n.i-nty-une years been a fpart and factorin the growth and de velopment of the Old North Stnte? Thon subscribe for THE WILMIKfiTAW Urtcvtncn v . .i LU rri lm.rain Partes: the "Daily Messenger," by t"il!l4 months on trial, .for The weekly "Transcript Mes senger," (the largest and' best paper in the State) 9 I months on trial for $1.00 Hides Ac. I l j'sh in advance. Hot.h t,1"; oenu iosiai uard with the address of live per sons and I'ei'PlVu unmr.la i 1.1(1 lif T'r,., .' jO'-'t. ist.isss. tL ,, c AND r TANNERY where we promisa to give satis faction to th M Vl nii-t . - their patronage. Our Hotel i'm Hesdausrfers for Em- U!smi 'tea Traveling - rubLlU. AsaSumiasi;:e;ort the Climate is un. surpassd in the in HP5- a mm mmm I c . & t ta ib a m a www nr.sn Mbmih THE LADIES' FAVORITE WC17T"Ct nim -n s UAUIH, If TOII desire to tmrshax. . mtn.. k.. ourairent at your nlaoe for two nA pJWf- II rou cannot find our aatxit, wnw direct lonMrwt bui. , -. T1 ... . f II i ... Eznmi. li-L. Clfl A Kin 28 UNION 6C;LiAPf Ii y- n 1 iorsilabr Cat & Hi 1 Nathans Creek N. C. 'e ken ihn ' CII0OIM)0KS recoxievu i HE BV THE STATi: BoABD OF i Lducatic.v .-t LIST i.Bm Vine i. !,S,ss. lr. i SUBSCRIIJE FOR, !)d ADVEIITISE IN THE I) E OCR AT mum'Aui

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