7 i I . v v w w " r v r.- v- SI , 1-7 ft 1 Vi.iv t ' ivi'n 111 1 wsW NO ! ..vxn v i i: I'iH'vrV. N.C. N KDMi'Ai, ima . - nviu. i m . i . . - - . i ! v it t niuiri 1. .r rom. . . i. . : :.. . , ... . , i;,..r. t i'.,. i ao irov- n,nswu;ii auti:orit. in Uaoto.vndinM.nentUi.a.d. "'"''""' u.eo.M,- M);..v.,KHAT1r.f;l.Ml.v ... ,?,. .I,,,,,,, , , ,vat l...-llt . t nt with t ho Welt.l.o IIIL penh-voti-il to the nt.-lots ofi s.-U-lvspn i of H'jivrniu;-iit us t'oni'ty. Stiit. N;.t' ii. , n, ..-.j.,,,.- -.i tn at v ti e of the Failed Mate. Tlr I.l,Iisl.i..v,-n V..ln...l..v nt O, the ..In ... s t...U. iilh,,.;..-f v-f como.u- ,. ,. : l;Vll-.vsaved inlhedH- iim-.!i..u oomi ,ued cii.ii o oi oi... i .-- ... lion 1:1 ;... JOHN S. WII.I.IAM..ri i;:.i.-.:iv:i . .. I .1 II t I. ill t 111' '.' I I III f I I " J . ' " ' ' Mil-'tit )f :t 1!M. y1;?nliti;i" S.WKII-TION ItMKS. t;nlHM,f)1;s .,.,; , ,v- 1 -oj,y 1 y.ar... .,,ov;i ., ,.u!;st:uit iH.'twwt' t' 1 : HIOtltl.H lUMllll''M miilllMIMUMM....: . - icouiitrifs: nti'l ontinuitiiy 1m Auvkutisinu Kat;:s. Im- of th; onitiinii thiit tli", I tmitv n' Folnmr.v hs, that , T. J. Coffey & Bro. WcKkki'InStiku At Lu 1'i.a( i: Iry t'uxxls. Notion. Hats. ru. Hoots, Slu-vs i- ii. ...... a- Int!icr ' . i ' I ' Hl , Hill ..' ' i I... O !.. ii. . .f . I il HI I . . . I. I III l.l.i tu.iritiin;' i)rif liav l'su ,'1;..ir V(i '.. nn- i.sso. iat- invitol to iMilVr in Wa-li- j pI; u n.r riii iiinsnii.t sur- in ' ton in April ti-xt nin .:.. Hi-, a' of F. in.-il.-s 111 i 1,1 .i. 7....1,. ., wiMi-ialtv Our patients 1lM.p1a.-ti. ahihtyc)f,1..v.s.n- x ..f at our ,v- tnuf(M:n rules atl-l iiummiu tiv o'lin or iions vimi-i IW'(1M)T Vt! for tin uivMti-r purity ifli in-j to .on.-iili m m.l P ti-nt-; . I( )( 1 v VjO. ... I . . ... . t w il'T ! ll Will ,11111 ' I "j " I I.' With t!i- tajiil im-miso if in iVoia fitli r. n- may ' iimst 1 inch 1 Wi-J'k 1 " 1 month 1 " .1 " 1 " (i 44 1 4 1 y.ar 1 co'umn 1 wii'k 1 " 1 month.... 1 a " l ; " ..... 1 44 1 vcar For interim' liato rales Dond with tho Ktiitor - ,ncn uotiees o centM a Knlisnintioii invitiiahl vam Kami mlvertisiaeiits lile on (leman.l. In a u ssau ' or. i any ir.u' n'.y ajip'oval on t'ae ilay ofCMoa r last of .i li.l for the ex-hision of Fl linos: lahorers 1 lai.i before For. i.ii- i treat v o roouary i;im, " . ,..0 f,,n :r,,t-:r?tioii an; JfMil.Ml toiveeive tiiMTiv:," ,..,,;, tt,u.i,h:- ' 'I c . i... c ..... i .1 i,l win in! v a : . . . ... i i nun , .-i -1 -- i.( j(it i; llvn ol lite ueai i:naii-raiion to our shores at.l the faeiiili-s of modern ; travel, the alms -s of the rii erous jirivilee; alfonled by : our iialpraiization laws rail i for their caiei'til revision. '. ! I t;h: roNsri.AU sr.uvn v. linn oiix.-iin'ia to fatii'ins. -1 FiKti.rv .leans ami Cass'.mirs. The most 'Xtt nsive Ywit of Davenport College. I.KNOIU. X. F. , The reorganization of the1 FAFFLTV. ! Will 11. Sanborn, Fliuton A. .: . .. ........ 4 ' ' ' . the r.e-i)uaiion oi i.e-n' .'. i,.,,,,,!,,!-serviee is a 1 ' 1 ' wjh H Sanborn, t liuton A. satisfactory iraet;ial ami V" i wilf Fbinu .: lu.Ietl Mt this ! )r S(,ri();ls iinimrtv to "r'irm,,v Miss Annie I. M Swain nal adjustment upon a Ik-sis jr.M(i(.,, on th . V2h. 1m.v f ;,iional ititerests. The; rs.' W. II. Sanborn, Mrs. .1. honorableaml just to both,M , 1S!sS .U!ll xvhirli. i iniIliu,.r t,f xistinc principal j ('. von Uultlow .Miss M- ;- : r .lift!.. nt :oil . ' .. . . . , I t. n .liss.lame I illlllir- -:.;:.V:-3; " 1( '1,ll,t,V- Senate, with certain nsn-Hii. h(i;v;lt(,. lhjlll is at all nee-, vnU I corres- lat.nl. ami h.-,vmssnbsM,en- mtnts;w)s ,,.:,.,.(! by the rss;,,.v for tho ,-nmluet ,f the ; '' ' .hl ,:.tt,;for iHs from tlya.nl unava, .:t-:l.v-re,-om-!rl(iiM,H4 ,,vmnil(lllt, Tl.is 1(,lsii;iss, w;Xm X,,rth Carolina, i line. mended other legislation to . n)(,!.s.,t,., ,.()i;,ii,('d a recom- j 1Tj.at thoreeomendation ! lnMMninent in point of lo y in Ai-('0,viresswhi(-hl hM'U(nl:n,,lll(ati,,n thai, a sum of j1(,Ivtofoiv made bv me that ; cation. Hi-her KiiKljsh, ts 'u-iMsufIieetqmeet the exin-, ;U)i,n,nated asL,,,, !limi,)miations for the i Music Art and m home Medicines & Drugs kept in I'.oone. such its follows: (omj.oun.1 Syiupofllyjioi'hi nliiti-s. Siminon's liver ilesiiila- I . .r.. I i.-..w mi. I , , tor, Hiinici-h .-ni i'i"-' A hi.'ih nii.tl' home school . Kvilll(v ('ulv Kq.haline, Jack ;mmH Jlnpc naisaii. it. I Mtilii ines. brown's Iron liitteix, r (' Hoi s bivtr. Hhi'Minatic ami N'l-uralfiia Cure ami varioii other ni'Mlii ines too launcrous to mention. All i the above will W so' for !'ii TIZK SACKVII.T.K IXilPKST. vent ion bv tin i rbii.rso (.venr.'.;ent. It is ley evoated by the rej.vtion , 0 n'.n.,J,1j(m toFhines,n-ub- Fresidetits Messae-o con- j of the treaty. I now ajrnir. ; . 1;, vvu j1Mil sn,fp,('d iniu tiuu.nl from last issiuv ! invoke th:4 earn,t and unw ;jt t,)(i ,..U)tjs of iilwles- The seventh Fresidont of Siiate attention (.f (,nl';";s ;,,. xvithin our in. isdietion the Fnited .Str.tos, thesolduTj to the condition of this i;n- SU(.j, j.icpnation having and statesman and at all j portant question r iFu-nv" ,,...,n th,:y n;!,(0 th.e fund limes the' lirm and brave stands Uioro tl'.em ami . : .uv;its friend of the people, in vin-1 (Hmntry and for the wttle-i dieationofirsi ours;4 as the.; ,:;ent of which I am d vply ; . t 1 ... ft v.lfl! I L..l'l.it.lIK I l.rnTlVTOr O no (lino ; ..v.'i.v and the-iiami;.)'.' of tn;e A merican cit'.er.slKi) dei hned: Tim imbirion v.liich ler.ds iveimis an anxio.u-; desire of (Viobor last, occurences i m,,ut;s ,.ansP oiunkiad feel md fixed doteiTnination to of a dee-ply re-rettable nn- j in?? ih.0il jl0rr.un:.4utly re- ,,,toi-M t i t!:e neor.le, unim- tu;o were hrou-lit to m. lmm i It ii if n.v CHEAP FOR S68) the appropnauons , ; ; . . .. 1 umintainancolour .l.plo.n- ( 1 ;;;;!s :lll1(l,VSS) Will II. atie and consular service . s.inbonu iVesident . i reirr TJi We lu'lieve our fmilities tr such as to enable us to sell po! at - . j ktl IH 'I II, ' ' M- slumhl be recast; and tlKlt i sth. 1SSS. ,'Va.o. 011 ii,,. c,,.,.:ll,'d notarial or ! LUi? unofficial fvs vl."-h our) representatives abroad art n,nvi-nnittedto treat as! ()MlMjKTK 'EWSFA- ,,.-..i,i:.l o;.:-onisites should i x ' ' oi.'tM I I i , i im. . Oil LOWER than nnv oth.T inmluint in th? si;;c rely hojd that by. the i j,,, f,,,..,;,',,!,..!; that a. system j ..Tll0 pli(1(M,nhe North Curoli-1 fSAflTfit? Aq a ces:;lion of the ialhix oi ()f ,.,,MSlar insp.H-tion should j im IMvsh WW t his class of Chinese subjects ,M int ,,,(;n,nd and that a ; J y Z n-tio ' th- j of Ivvatam at larp- suou.u Iia, no mau.-r wm-.r iraj UHvfl I Uil U GOODS in accordan: with the ex- Wart! close of tho month j l1V!:s,(i x ,,f both ptvei n bi Miithorixe 1. I I a i..vi:ia; i,;(aiT-i'At;K i-aci- i . 1 1 1 . t 1 4 1.. n YIAU'M; 1(1 fY II. ' i' L III I .,.,...io.A kt 'i.-iX W ll!li:iI n-Sl . . . . i- 4 uv Vr.WjXl i VI' 1 paiied, tne .urai uiini iia-.N j .v. - - .v-.u..- , v ,u, Vepori oi m. VV((,11.1 IV.11H)( lr vo confided to ray ( harge; . pamnu nui : a.ei.... -.- the Ann-riean ua-v'n ii-y u ()f tl0 Treasury oxluims in i;iiit n,n;1is the tx-st-nas i tohoal the wounds of the to ibtain with r.s little delay ias ,KHn r(lp0,ted, and in ,ldslil ihi condition of our lai-it .-imilaiion, an.f fot Fonstituticmand preserve it as possible a new person as - ,.I)11W1111.M1,V measures to n;,tionnl filu,noos and the , 1 went Vh rowJl. llnd U,,- ..... ...! 4l,.. ....... M.l , i rllt.loni.l f !r ill- L 4. I .....l,,, our inn. .. 4.1.. 1 i1"1 '' UM 1 ''! 1 , V....O, from 'uture vioiaiton ; 10 j i uv m.. ......... , j,nn,.ul ,,,, mu.. oration ot me w,r"uUvlii'i;iv.':it t tw .on t,nrsnaromv cmntrvu3en so j tercourse in this country ! lwtati.;n f our innoi-ent , A 10S f th fiovernment Sua,? Thoti suWribo for j,ultor "in,,; that His not! with the pnernment of ; n)iM,.hant m,at have Uh. this donartmont. Ito 111 ,...,..-' ( Jii.nt ibiti'.m. i tie corres- ,wi, ,vi l mi. . i;, -,mii,ii ' . ... ,.,.,...- uv ........... i in- uMn. "i. ,1 - ; 1 111 iaiiv -,iv-.-..- "( ' ..lw.nia i ... . viini-,1 it l-ijiv be piiuiiin 1 int. ;io in. 11 1 ' "i.... i rPi,.vi i hi ir,i:i.e 1 a i..vi:ia; i,;(aiT-iu;K Da you want a! reliabl.) lalr-i ,U1(1 n discount of from 2 t. .ivins.vou all tuo m- i 1MT .ut. vatic lK'-.vspa .u , ,rt ilip1 nr hotisF rent ami can ive our customers closer figures than pian.y others. We take in exchanp tor poods ni a spu-nut-.i i i... wn-fnliun., pundenro in relation to tins oHies ami arist.n ratieal es- ineid, nt will in due course be tablishments that they .ill laid before you ami will lis n,tl1:1,iob,ess.orthei. Jib-v -j elo;e the uupanlonaole con- ...... ii ties prot.n-tion, but in a plain system void of pomp ..... in i ii v ii,. in... tho very crisis ot the '!:;, L.x.otJ ; ,m- , , in I'll iiiiriinwiv .- dentiai election then near at , , hand, and also in SU0Sl-1 all(i ti)(f iapso of time and insr Juno :10th. 1887 by ?7, quent publie dec larations .. uf ,.0mmom with tsG2.7.)7.1tb The ordinary justir.v his action Miper-ad-, ( ll(,iohbor Kepublie ,.XWnituiw of the povcrn-diii-i;n u;,ir.nent of Fae r,x-! , Mid;rn-(iit so ex- tnv the nseal year end- ..i.i:..i,.,w.nt .f .iiiiiinmica- . , r i. liUUIMIili' .u ' duet of the othcntl referred to ! tim l)y ni:U.ino(, ph in his intei fereuee by auviee ! , . juaiu s jso. in wmuvm j.w.,.,. i i.ii " won i.ii. ....... :..f,.ii nil iml Pi-.intiii..' ! and counsel with the sum;'.-1 .v;s,iniii of commerical favors to none-dispeusine,' Res of American .itizons ,n j r(M.ip-,-oeity with Mexico has itis liilessine-s like the dews of heaven tsn.scen J.ud tin felt iavein the fiv:d:noss and beau ty they eontributo to pro duce. It is such a overn nient that the genius of our peop.le requires ; such a one only under which our States niav lvmain for ajresto come united, prosjierous and free.' THE STATE OF THE UNION. In pursuance of a (Constitu tional 'provision requiring the FresicUnt from tiuu? to ' time to ive to the Congress information of the State of Iwj Union 1 have the satis int. - faction to announce that close of the year finds tin nited States intlie enjoyment of donirfitic traiKpiility and nt ieaee with all nations. Since my last annual messa ge cur foreign relations have been strengthened and im proved by the perform. nee of inttn-rational good offices and by new and renewed " treaties of a mity , commerce .iLiui.llllJl. ' l)V llir iiiiiii v.. ,t , 1 ill' liOI -Hi "(' ' " i i,...itii!'ioi-iisi'!itsti()ncr L.f lwi mu'i'nniii'iit for thei,11;,a inmatlison tnal, foi i" " i ... i-, ......... . 1 . -i : 4 . . i. I i ... r'- I ........ I ... I 1 .1 IJ - IT II ; V I I rorOinmeiK.a.ioii mi nscai year t-uu.-u ..... ..-......,-,. ,;, fM.w nu-'.,1.l...'.l...l.....lW.-1s.s4. a,ot,,l to Siltr.ri'uS nd senger, (the largest, mm best pa.por in the State) .) mont'ns on trial for $1.00 r.,w'i in advance. lioin jr,C,,074.7(; of which .210, 001.1 7''UW were from cus- ,nw.l,iti..s and 1 24.230,- 871,08 from internal revenue: papers are large Eight-1 age t-ixes The total receipts j sheets. N'Ud l osra v...u ,,,x(s- iU i .i !.iti, ti.-n.ldivss o h-.x per- fromxall sorces excee.nni , - , , those for the fiscal year end-1 ' . Messenueh. I (HUtiveaiHieaaieoi i.i ! p,rossod A comprc S. in connection with impo;- j hons; tva1 y ()f a))itv ai;(, taut questions now penomg t.omuu,1,.0 pcru was pro in controversy bit ween 1 (.lni;mHl olt Xov. 7lh. last, two government s. 1 he o-, . f is exllX.t that uruicr fense thus .-omimttwl -is, . . , most grave, involving disa. -i v oo, lllu!oiTtand trous poosibi'.uies to tl.e, . , good relations oi the Milled j auhorized by FaoFong- States and dreal l.raaui, constituting a gross breach ress, preliminary steps have ment for the fiscal year end ing June 30th. 1888 were -o-.o if.-i r,8 07. lea vine: a surplus of 110.fil2,ll( 00. Th decrease in theseexpena- itures as compared with the fiscal vear ended June .HMIi. 18w7f "was $8,278.221. ;U, notwithstanding .no pay ment of more than 5.000.-1 000 for pensions in excess of what was pant tor ir.ai , I m ..,v,. Iii the latter mentioned .. . T'l... ....... iiuiiia tl'.ll VeaiS liirinnimn ... ..... i Fivtritw i - VS .O-r.Xa je I I 1 t J f Sii ti!J. const.tutmgagross i.reaci ; b(on t.,k(n fol. ti, ..sS( ni- l.n of diiHonmtic pnv:legi and ; . . a,...,,, U1,lt uiestic affairs and .so.it.nl , South and ovV . I ,oon .". TOr5-: tttWU --htlnv nu-nt towhuhthetnxo.a. with thos( cf Mexico, s$( a ostimaeed for rrHETXcUEr accredited. , nvti San Domina-o to i V ' ... - .,-m keveh out or orbxr. ,Vi '- -?V-.fj! ' ' Ii I' Ufr It is believ d TI'OjtTlOS Ot .1 mil V. nmiiiirni. , a ivHptn cal extradition of prolongation of oik- 1,1111 1 l i 1wa nnu jiii aiitei . of criminals. Those interna tional questions which still await settlement are all rea son: iblv within the domain of amicable negotiation and .Having ni-st imn111-,, adrv just dm:ands of mternation-: ' ' al comity by ahwumg lull . thflt oomn,m.i;ll poli(.i(.s in. opportunity for Uer Aajos-: .. fnvrninhal exchange ty's government to act m . lncts (.,jn l)(Mliade ad- .i:.f ..oi,,;ti..;iw'i I eon- 1 . . i mmm uic r.ui....ii, ,.n,,i!,m,ns :iv i i rra 1 1 rer UV U IU On' .. ", j t llayti and San Domingo to j ' yriUin. , - t10 term, im!Hvl i amount to $377,000,000, and the actual raid estima ted ordinal-expenditures for the same year are $373,000, 000 leaving m estimatf-d j surplus $101,000,000. The; aoiir fi'nt at 'r 1"T ..V .L.,t wri.e ejffixs CHICASO !, t ,MH ,ni 28 UNION SQUARt,NX- HOLLAS, vti. TV"l8.Wo.4I-?'w'c Wax, Wool, (Irain. (.Sensing, Honey, Feat hem, Chicktnn, II ay, 11 ides r. Also Deal InLiva (?if.-ri Weliave in conm tion with on tlir business a AND where we jiromisa to pw. tactiou to tho' who give i:fl their patronage. Our IIf-tl i H9f?i!ers for Brera- !E8B ani fta Tisvtliig i PUBLIC. AsaSiwamc-riesttl ,o ClSmaio is ur.- saspised in ths sid.ered prolongatum ot , independautbut (-o-()i)erativV pthvinnHi receipts for the'.Nf cussiontobe unwarrauteil, i(.oisiation. In themodelast j nldni"- June 30 1800: and thereupon de-lined to . mentioned the, control of our $ 0o0,000 and the1 further recognized the diplo-( taxation for revenue will I ti.;iato1 u,1irulIT expenses, matic character of 1 lie per- lhvays lemim-u n m.r oa,. samMinie are $275,-; whose conrinuauce in . hands unrestricted by cn-, of amicable negotiation am destroy ventional agreements with Vr. ' ! there is no existing suniH-t . r",v 11 , .. , , . , , ,., ! i,lus oi $10I,232,oll.tu. ! &rr,r tr..-V..o,4th..i States and any foreign power : ("( : . Hr.rtf 1 Nathans Free'k N. F. m"tKlPE FOR, and APVELT1SE IN THE DEOTT'AT j Wkenthp ! SCHOOL BOOKS isecom ?! j lit lu -inc. j n ' Epvcation at LTS7 1- I T.J. Coney & Bro t . ..,.,.,!.. 4 lino 7. I- Fv .i i i