7 t-cc ' J ocrat ( o a n 1)ie V V HATH' til DLSOfKAT. A Pkmo li at K . family iicwtpn prd.'votod to the intmt f iu Coui.ty. Slate in i Ni.ti.n. I'l.Misl'l evi : V,' (!ii-htt v r.t 1'mmiii". Wat.itign Coui.ty, -N. C J. S'.KI'Al.N.lOlK, Ki.:th. JOHN S.'.VII.I.iAMS.l'ii.i.iHiu:!'. Smiscuiption IUti.h. 1 copy! cvir 1 ' ll lllOlltl.S.. " .'I lUOKtllH. $1 ."Oc. AnviCKTisiNti Uatks. 1 huh 1 wtvk, ... 1 1 month... J o 1 " 0 " " 1 year l.iC ?i.7r. ", 7 1 tim ii 1 week... 1 ' 1 month. 1 :t " .. i " ; " .. 1 ! vear.... ?i $2.-, ?:7..o $."u For intorrm Iiato rates corroK pond with tin1 Kditor. Local iioti''( H " cent a line. f-ulsTition invariably in Ai-VA.(-aiul advertismcnts paya ble on doiiuutJ. A life and rrliahlt romortr for IIK A DACIIK, TOOIHAtllU anil M.I'ltAI.i; IA. A f.'W drfi'g pattenl over the pnhiful surface Rive Ira n.filute rnllof, villi termination of tlm attack. 1. !. 3S. nud 0r. per bottle. t'UK SALK HY ALL DHIMIISTS. rrrunrml only by the KEPHALINE DRUI CO. Itaolr, North Carolina. KEPHALiHE TESTifv.GKs- Dr. J. M. Spainhour, Le noir, Caldwell, Co. X. C. says: "I have used Kephaline for more than a year anil have never failed to be relieved of the severest Headache by its mo. 1 cheerfully recommend it to tho.e suffering in this wav." Mr. John llouck, Collots ville, N. C. snys: I have used Kephaline myself for Neural gia and have also used it in my family and believe it to be the most effective remedy J h.'iva ever tried." Kephaline is for sale whole Kale and retail by Coffey l'.ros., iioone, N C. Flat Top N. C. Dec. 17th. 1888. To the DEMOCRAT. Mr. Editor, not having seen any thing from this neighborhood since the dis cussion between Mr. Ilartly and Miller, 1 eon; luded that 1 would dot a few items, for publication (if this does not lind its way to that miserable waste basket of yours.) We are having rain and mud plenty; although it rains it does not retard the hauling of cabbage but little. The people it seems haul cabbage from a sense of duty they owe to the Lenoirites, Hick oryitea, Newtonites, or just any other ites, where they enn sell, or half sell, the pro duction of their last year's hard labor. Surely the peo ple of Watauga could afford to help a little to build a Kail Road through the coun ty, as easy and with much better grace than they can help to pay off the Morton bank. "This Mr. Editor is a question it seems the peo ple se1 tied in Nov. last, but how they feel now, or may in the not far off future, is something that I cannot tell, all 1 can do, is to abide my time in patience and see the answer. Christmas has begun a lit tle in and around Wowing Rock Dept. Sheriff Edmisten made the start by marrying iiOolS K, V A TA Miss th'ir Yi.T.n Sherrill. May, iuth thiouiji life lie one hi i t n il with .1 that never 'all or i!i . I lld- h.'iii that a Christmas will 1k at the Watauga tel ;.t H'owmj; Hock for the. school at Skylind. Cool Spring Church closed a series ot meeting yesteriJay with favorable results; the min isters in attendance were II. vs. W. T. Kultfht, -I. M. l'iiyne, .lohn Norris and James I'liillips. There were tm additions to w church I by letter and (J by exjeri ence. Amon the latter wen J. K. (irec-Tie and his son Mc. (iivene, also John Hartley son of J. M. Hurl ley who were made happy in a savior's pardoning race. Never was a comimuii!y nure rejoiced than this at. the conveision of the above named three. They wereood kind oblhrinj;" nei;vhl:ors before their con version and now we have reasons to b.?lieve that they will make rood soldiers in the army of the Lord. The church appeared to enjoy u revival of their religion (lur ing the meeting which lasted about (lor S days, when it closed there was several ien itents still mourning a Sa viors love to" know. May they never give up to the wicked one who strives to de coy their poor souls. I would aa.v in conclusion mourn on "lilessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted. Success to the Democrat and its Editor. W. E COUNTY ANNUAL STATE MENT. (continued.) A. J. MoretzTaxIt'r6,15 S. M. Clark Jordan Cook " N.LMast W. C, L. Hulcher T. J. llagaman " 6.1)0. 7,05. 12,15. G,15. , bo. 9.15. 7,05. 0,15. i ,b. 0,15. J. C. Greer 1. T. Calloway " H. W. rresnell " W. II. Calloway " Wm. Vuncanon " 80,40. SHERIFF'S FEES. J. L. Hayes summons jurors 10,05. J.L. Hayes 1. day charges for Court House, l), 15. J. L. Hayes holding the Co u r t S pr i n g ter m 2 ! ) . 5 2 . J. L. Hayes, holding the Court June - term 81,25 J. L. Hayes Executing capi as 9,20. J. L. Hayes fees on sale of land, 8,15. J. L. Hayes holding Court Fall term 80,75. J. L. Hayesde livering road orders, 75 cts. $183.02 DEPT SHERIFF'S FEES. J. S. Culler delivering road orders 75. Thomas R. Mil ler Executina Sub'psiiO. . II. lU. Kent 41 45. Gran. Norris " " 1,15. 1). F. Raird ex-Shff " 2,15. T. A. Cable Ds.," " 1,15. C J. Cotrill Exec't papers 00 Jont I Wilson ' Wm. 11 Edmisten" C M Hodges !' C C Smithey " Allen Green Cons. " Abner H Bfyd " 4.20 4.95 5.80 3.45 2.90 $32.10 H'B Couneill atty forC, 50.80 i 1M E:qn.. I (i A ( 'O U NT V NV YW. 0 l)NlSi) V, "Vl AN. T.J. Coffey & i o. powder j and fuse 3.22. A. 1). Co.vles powder and fuscJ. W. H. Nor- r.x SfiHl 1 ' V !. 15iv.ui . ...... ...J.... ...... .;. .. ..... I r ii t i... iimut-i mill iu?- ii.o.i, ju- ' ........ i Dolibllis powder and fuse i.x-t w 4 !i- .-.. .i. .. v nsp pH K uut' lolal Am't. .32.:U. Jail Exteuse.i, T. J. Coffey & Rro. work on Ja;i7.ao. Will Austin f.MMi ing prisoners 3.75. Will Austin feeling prisoners ! 1.78 JeNseH. Brown feed- imr prisoners 8(5 (if?. .1. I) Council I work on Jail 1.15. Total Am't. 100.58. Fees of Sup. Com. Clerk. Joseph h. Todd Dooka and Stationary 8.75. Joseph R. Todd Rooks and Stationary 5.15. Joseph R. Todd whole and half few 140.t)2. Total Am't. $155.02. Printing Expenses E II. McLoughlin $24.Dtf. Jno. S. Williams 15.55. Clerk of ioard ('ouh! fees. E. J. Rlackburn ( lerking ?.l 00.90 E. J. Rlackburn makingout. tax. Rook 140.04 Total Ain't $255.9 L W. C. Coffey ()mmitte Fi c-- . . - , nance 1 2.30. J. E. Fin Jail Committee 10.15. There has been no unveri (led accounts allowed. The County has no outstan ding debts. The County has a small surplus on hand in thehaeds of the Co., Treasurer. W. W. Presnell, Clerk Rd, Co., Coin's. n m n t Tliis s)nco beloiifrs to Joe H ('lalke, who !;:is no time for writ- J ing an advei-iisenient, he only j wishes to mfonii Ins custoniern tliat ho Ims soiiie gmuls niil o;i hand. v luYh tie is .j!.,.Jii;::vcry!ow for ra.-.i; or gnd piMdltcw. All pe; Swiis ii.'icht.'.l 1 h are resprftftiiiy asked to .-oiio forwurd t once mid nifkp tsft- tleinei.t t HMheoMawr;tHnnist hKttll 'tl i"fore new on s are made. Tiiankinv: his frj,n.i fi.r past pr.ti eiu.;ir, 1 hy fair dea'i.if;- in ee nt a coiitiaaar.io of the tril l.; 1 new euj y. Wis?; ingyou all a happy now year, 1 am yours truly, J. li. Clakkk. notice. ! I!y virtue of u powcrofsale' granted in a certain laort- g.UAeileeU executetj hy Will lf i'i:.i II (invrand wife, Elizabeth I f f t Ii.a lilt rftlt' f it . .j uue looo in .. ii. i ow les to H m-uiv the pavme.it (f a cer- j ... . . : ........ r.... i lain pui.insorv noie i iJfUH.W.I. l'nncij.al with in- ie"esc oi ani moriim're nr jiiSf'ttl ! Medicines & Brugs the Court Hous in I'oore;, . betwen the hour of lOo'clk j i t k l a a. m. ami z p. m. proe.H.Mt in , lT ' ."".tor, Warners Saf Liver and 1 1 - 1 . a a y I t llii f . .1 li-tlt 111 rr ' i ulescrilvd tracts of land viz: 1st. Tract lying on the waters of Mast's Mill Ci-eek and known as the Johnson farm, containing 100 acres conveved to the said Wm. II. Greer by Harris about 14 dav of March 1877 and ad joining the lands of R. V Raird, Henry Taylor and otheis. 2nd. Tract on Rocky face granted to the said Greer of 75 'cres. 3rd. Tract of 30 neres con veyed to the said Greer by David Baird. edjoining the lands Jed en Baird, David aird and others, as will more fully appear by refer ence to said mortgage, which is recorded in the Office of llee-ist. of Deeds in Watauira 'MCo.,in Rook I, pages 500, 507. 508. The said describ ed lands will be sold for cash in hand 1o satisfy the said debt with interest and cost of these proceedings. Wm. II. (.entry, Assgnee of A. D. Cowles. Wm. R. Lovill, Att. Dee. 1st. 1888. NOTICE. ny virtue of a power of sale contained in two certain mortgage deeds from J. w. Floyd & M, C. Floyd his wife to F. T. Fuller, 1st recorded in book "F" pages 405 and 400, second recorded in book "I" pages 558, 559 & 500 Registers ofiice of watauga Co. 1 will sell at public out cry on the premises on the first, Monday in February 1889 it being the 4th day of the month to satisfy certain notes with interest from date of mortgages and also furth ei sum furnished A. C. Flovd as per second mortgage, one tract of land containing 40 acres more or less and lying north of Boone adjoining the lauds of L. L. Greene, T. J. Coffey & tiro, and others and known as the Floyd place and more fully described in said Mortgages. Terms of sale 100 to be j pnicl on duv of sale, J bill due , - enn i , , JU".hirst 1 890 with interest of six per cent remainder due Jan 1st 1891 without inter est, F. T. Fullfr Mortgagee. Fr E. F. Lovill Atty, Jan 3rd 1889 GOTO COL. G. W. RAY, Jef ferson, Ashe, Co.. for all kind FURNITURE Such as Red steads, Bureaus, Dressing Cases, Tables, Chairs, &a IT is work is firt -class in mat e- i rial and finish, Jrices very reas souaei-.'. U:io j iece ot his furni ture is worth halt a dozen piooe of the light, shoddy, machine made i'urnitare find the finish equally as good. Give liim acsli June 12 88 tim. T. R. FINLEY. Attoknkv at Law, .r. 1 h f"8 V T.J. Coffey & Bro.i We Ki:i:i Is Stock At Tdis Place Dry (imm1h. Notions, lints, 1'ajm, HiMits, Sluxn i . ii t I . I .1 . I T I I M j Vj I I I'actorv JeaiiH ami CasHineix. ! ti... . . 4. i;.... ,.r a II." llltfr. I'A n "lini 1 1." llliv in "1 ! V ' 11 ' I v 'i iiri i ii I'll una ii i inr an m ,,hit;.Si:mno;, Livr Itula-1 f i m Kvun.-y , uiv. Kepi.a ine, .iacK son's Maj;if Itulsan, I r. Jane' Mediciiif-H. Hrown's Iron Hitters, Dr. C. V. Him 'h Liver, Khemnatic and Neuralgia Cui-e ami varioiii other medicines too numerous to mention. All " the above will lie sol r . TP T) vyj..L HJiT.X FOR a' rx- c! We In'lieve our facilities ai-e such as to enable u to sell good as LOW OR LOWER than anv othr meri'liant in the iM i 9 PAY CASH FOR OUR GOODS and get a discount of from 2 to G per cent. We pay no clerk hire or house rent and can give our .customers closer figures than many others. We take in exchange for goods Uutter Rgg, Wax, Wool, drain, (lending, Honey, Feat tiers. Chickens, Hay, ilidefi &.c. We Also Osal In Live Wehave in eonnotion with ou other Inisinesfl a HOm, STABLES TANNERY where we promise to give sntic laction to those who giv their jwitronage. Our Hotel in Headquarters for Drum mers and the Tisvgling PUBLIC. AsaSummerrosort the Climate is un- surpased ia th3 STATE, We keep the SCHOOLBOOKS RF.covtEM. tE bv the State Hoard or Education at LIST prices Ja-i T. It. N( 1! (V. F.J. McMillan & Son of Mouth or Wi'-'. Vu. ManufuctarcD all kinds j woolen goods, vhn li mt-y will 'send to vourdoor in -Xf hung; for wool, 'friey n'hti k-.-jj a full liim ofcofHlson liaiidn at VT'TlllIM Wlisi llll.'l. vr iThoy i.:iv liigliift CASH prut for wool Davenport College. LENOIR, N. C. A high grade ho' school for girls. FACULTY. Will II. Sanborn, Clinton A. Cilley. MissAnniel'.McSwain Mrs. W. II. Sanborn, Mrs. J. C. von Ruhlow, Miss M. C. McSwain, Miss Janie Tilling host. Miss Iaura Norwood and Herr Max Arndt. Spe ial rates for girls from western North Carolina. Pre-eminent in point of lo cation. Higher English, Music, Art and in home life. Term begins Sept. 20th. 1888 for circulars address, Will 11. Sanborn, President. Sept. 18th. 1888. 3.no. A COMPLETE NEWSPA PER! "The Tridoofthe North Caroli na, Press." Do you want to aid in building up a papr that shall reflect tht greatest credit on North Cnroli na, no matter where it may '. be seen ? Then patronize Til ;WILMINGT0X MESSENGER A l.AUUli F.IGHT-PAUE PAPER Do you want ay l-eliable paper, giving you all the news of thu world a Democratic newspaper that rquals the best has the. largest circulation, and has for twenty-one years been a "part and factoriirthe growth and de velopment of t'e Old North State? Then subscril e f or THEWIUUXUTON MESSEXUKR Campaign Rartea: The "Daily Messenger," by mail, 4 months on trial, for 12.00 The weekly ''Transcript Mes senger," (the largest and best paper in the State) 9 months on trial for $1.00 i Cash in advance.: Both papers are large Eight-Page sheets. Send Postal Card wit h the address of h, per sons and receive sample cop e s of The Mkssengek. Oct, 1st. 1888. tf. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. KEVBR OUT OT ORSSK. I f you dcire to purchase a aewinf marhlne, skoaraarent at your rlac tor terma na ni-inn. 1 1 win Mnnot find ot!r fla1. rlto I direct to neajQBtxl'lroiin to you balow patcfxt no? mot mm. tmmm. Cc - a UJWJH 5iAIKE,HJ6- "win i sale by Cox & I Nathans Creek N. C. I Ilarte SDBSCRIRE FOR, and ADVERTISE IN ti !

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