Democrat. VOLl rooi:, V ATA V ('(H'NTV.X.r. U l .D.N km V. . S7 Ml NO lis" EP 11 E TOOIHACIIK anil Ml KAIJ.IA. A fr A . . .1 uttVl - J ... Bk a v medial relitf, with trrmlntt.a of Id aiiark. l l- S-. m4 (M. par twill. FOB bill B ALU DKlOlilBTH. Pr.;rd only bf U KEPKALINC CRU CO. Lm, Nana caraltaa. hiiAL;(; lESTiMGit!- t: q ftU. M. A. Ci:ri)oiiins North Catawba. Cn!d will Co. savs: write this to sar that tin II i i ii- imi i ir ,n .i.'.'iv iiii-i .int'ii i;..i . i... ..I . ..r n ...i Jki'jilia iijii is a spuii.iiii ivw - o,ly for Heaths. My who c fainih- ush it ami all KiY , ii'.u ii M 'iCHo uinu. i ' '.-. ........ . . . . .. . .'.ir. Laiiaoii, Kins Vv k one i!ol twenty four c. Cahlueil Co. savs:"l lia eJk 4 . r i - us.,,1 Kt-pha-.n- o H,,,... t'it of one Immi.e.j ache Tootiiaciio ami Noi - 51,1(5 twenty acres l:.-.tetl pa anil have never tailed to, ly Hrown .1 W tax nine dol be relieved. 1 have aU forty three cents cost twenty usetl it lor Colie in ioes of ! total nine do! sixtv three - - J'ii'jftwi lis - .. .. . . - . I lie Ki'iwill I' I to V t h eo.i Co low witli deaiors att as in No 1, Kepliiiiine is for sale whole- . nale and retail oy v o.iey ihvh itoone.N.C ! Miss liuia Jin,! aia of Aiaantlia, desires to infonn h.rpaUoi.s that hr ttock o? mihenery is.r.ow complete ami that hetweers now and she Christmas holidays w,ilhhowvou tht? most nt - ... i :.. l l lici I e Joi i raii .ui in thisctaii.ty. Every l.-aly who desires floods t-f l;e latest style nnd heifiht of fashion will do well to rail on her. A tract of 74- acres listed by Church D. WVtax 82 cost L!o 'total one hundred ami tU). A tract of twenty no res list ed by Dnnner W. V. tax two tlol and :4 cts cost twen ty, two tlol and ii'tv fou: ts. A tract of fifty acres listed by Harp L. C tax two do!, and sixty five cts cost twen ty total two dol and eighty live cts. tract ot one hundred acres listed by Fox Sarah tax sev enty cost twenty total nine ty cts. A trart of seventy five acres listed by Foster Lon tax iifty cosf twenty total twen ty.' A tract of fortv five acres lis ted by CialliorY (J. tax two dol ami eighty nine cts. cost twenty total three dol. ami nine cts A tract of lo7 acre - lifted by Ciilliland Pat ninety three cts. cost twenty total l.Kl. A tract of 4o acres listed by Hannan Emilinc twenty sev en cts. cost twenty total for ty seven. A tract containing three hun died und fifty acres listetl by llnanian T A. ninotwn tlol. and fifty ct. cost twenty total nineteen tlol and seven ty ts. A tract of loo acres listed bv Moltha R. W. tluee dol and fifteen cts. cost twenty total three no) and thirty five cts. A tract of thirty live acres listed by McLean J E two dol. and forty 6 cts cost: twenty total two dol. and CO cts. tract of twelve acres listed by Moody Susan twenty listed by Horton J. B. tax UstetH ounciii I.. K. twenty eight cts. cost twenty total : three dollars cost twenty to- five (Jollars and fitty eight cts forty eight cts. -t hr. .1 n,i ' cost twentv total twentv five A tract of thirty two acres! is- fn,4 P;,vl,f 1 "P .11 and twentv one cts. cost i twenty total two dol nnd : forty one cts. . . . Shook ). M. two dol ami for- tv six cts cot twenty to- till tVO ai!U SiXtVSlXft. ....,. ..4 1.... ........ " ..- , , i w. j. 1 , ...... .1 . I'Sh'M rVM.Ok .1. TWO IO i . , , At.a.-t (.rr.ltvnclvsIisto.Ihy tw,....y . ,....; J -um.v... j ninety seven t. A tract of 15 a-ros listed I''"' V"Mrt of '",r,-v ' liM,,' 1 . .. ll......: .. it . . ... Taylor A W twenty threect- cost twer.ty total forty tht e ts. it ,. . ';h tract o, .iy acres as ( h.v Ashly .1 I- tax oi:e tlo!. ; if, .,.! ,vt .., t- im,P ' ' - "- idol titty threee. cost t wenty total three tlol seventy three cts. One trart oi July acres listed i . . . . . .y l:.rns tv in. tax one did. ici-liw Jlaee cts cost twtutv j total two doi. three its. j One tract oi ninety six acres! j jtcd l;y iaoAji Charity taxi jtwodol land twenty three cts! j cost Iwentv total two dollar! Klit-jaml forty three cts. i Pale tract o! ne veil tv aeers h-ted by Ci nson W. I'. tax two dol and sixty seven cts. cost twenty total two dol. ami ei:;!ity seven ts. One trad ot hlty seven acres listed ly Counciil liens heiis tax one tlol and n-venty sev en cts, cost twenty total one dol and ninety seven cts. One tract of sixty one acres list'-d by Canter (j V tax three1 dol and sixty five cts. cost twenty total tluee dol. and eighty five cts. One tract of one hundred and ninety five acres listed by Cowlcs C. J. tax one do! nnd sixty seven cost twenty total one dol and eighty seven cts. One tract of v'yt two acres listed bv MIrod Hardin tax Ihree dol and sixty seven cts cost twenty total three, do!, and eighty seven els. One tract of forty two acres listed by Floyd J W's heirs tax three dols. cost twenty totiil tluee uoi and twenty cts. j One town lot listed by Elliott j J A tax sixty seven cost) ten total seventy seven. ! One tract of twenty fi ve i Blackburn 7 dollars and 77 acres listetl by (dliiani Eliza-j r(ls,t tweut Y total seven dol beth tax sventy seven cost . )ars ;UKi ni,1(,tY seven cts. twenty total ninety seven. j A tract of ninetv six ai res One tract of twenty five listed Krown Win. two dol acres listed by (jraji'j? Caro-! lars and sixty seven cts. cs't line tax seventy seven cost twenty total two dollarsand twenty total ninety sefencts ! eighty seven cts. One tract of ninety eight 1 A tract of one hundred and acres listed by Green Eli S. j nineteen acres listed liaird tax four tlol and eighty cts. j and Miller two dol andsiXty cost twenty total five dol. i seven cost twenty total two A tract listed by Moore Da vid ! dollar ")i eighty seven cts. one dol fifty-five cosTTwenTy j A tract of four hundred and TOTal one seven Ty-five j fortv five acres listed Cowles A TracT lisTed Amos J Fprop c- J- two 1-Irs a(l ninety erTy tour dol forTy-xwo cost I S(VPn cost cnty total three TwenTy Total foureigliTy-Two lHai nd seventeen cts. One ti-jiet ot fo:-i,- fnnr ,.a ; A tract of five hundred acres CIH. 0ne trnrt of "'ty-five a-, creH hsted by llagamnn Sal-1 lie tax six dollars nnd nil. ety .... A X . A. 4 A I "'u com uwmv i'"11' so luionars and s.-voni.-eu ' n tlaof of sevmt v-live 1,'I'S listen 1V i 1 .1 L' . HI I.I II I'. tax -!-.- -u i! s ain; s i-t t v J A.i COl t' ii v tot al !! v 1 1I U ,,m tliirtv-tilniMoM tvu'htv i(4i.;!JtI:it,'i!!i!-ir.nii.I thirty rt:-. ,,m-x UI" t. .... . . . r , . . , . ' , ... , . it t of leu acre- ..y I . i. taxom - lar ami i-vli'-.v live cts., co: 4 i i i -m i v ii.i.ii uu i live cts. ()ue tr.i -t , ontainai- one liiu.i!n-.l ami sevea acres Ls tetl l y Ilod-cs Wil-y taxiio ' t!i);,..s ami two cts, cc4 'twe"tv tot d 1: ve doll'is im.' jtAeiit'v - tv.ocrs. " ! v . j i 1 i i i ;;;.e trad o: nve inimiri u a ! rrs i,v HlMlf,n n' ! u...s ; ,!V (i'tr.'i: coil coM tuciity total liiteeu dollars and twenty cts. On; trad of iifty acr s listed by liorlon .fonaliiou tax thirteen tlolhirs i'lid seventy nil:,: cts. c-t i .vctiiy total ihirteen dollars and ninety 1 ill.! cts. One trad of ninety acres lis ted by Ilortou i'lienix'sheiiv tax four dollars ami twentv cts-cost twenty total four dollars and forty cts. (J,.(. nu-t cont-iini-.-r twenl v live acres listetl by Harrison t . t'. tax two Hollars ami thirty i ts co.t twenty totai two dol and iilty vts. One tract of on;' Irmdred an 1 5i3 acret iitcil by iliiuiunan Jelnw heirs, tax 3.33 iwt 20 to: a! 3 3 Out' tract of 1 f acrc TiHtcil 1a Miiinlay J. 1 . lax 2,73 -.vat '!) t. tal 2.J !. one tau t of I, GO aari'8 hstcil I y Milkr ii. I'. fa. s,GJ cost '20 tutal s.Hi -iicMra- t of 40 acrpfi lifted bv vSmith J. M. t..x 3 ,43 eet 20 total j ;J-(i;J j A t,i,ct (,f ,;7 ;urt's ii,t,(' ''.v ',vil ! ' JIll,T ! i,ur:t taxiwcesi iu ntal 4.2'). A trail ol 10 ikt.s listed l.v V lut tin;j;toii 0. W . ,.".7 tost 20 total 7,77. MKAi' CAMP. A t ract of liftY acres listed bv I Hurket U. F. three dol and ' i-lvtr L-iv etw' ....... t- 4-it. ii i tal three dol and eighty six cts. A tract of one hundred and twenty acres listed bv YV. W. i iio nun KPvnnTv -i . a . eight - " J cts. A tract of one hundred and two acres listed Counciil & R ,g;.n Connciirsintero-d two dol aid fifty two tUI ami seventy. trn-tof ls." acres listed ' h-i : it. i J. lo dol .-im iriif ty ' - -i i-;st mst t . :uy to- ;mI 11. '7. A tlMt offlftv f;mr at-lts li. iifii Ailit't! i !i:-( '.!;. -liars a ii i t'u its cost tuiiity total A lr.ii t of 1 .vo .r,;itiv ami a-rcs iistcl Uanlin Kav ivo collars as.; tui.ctv ; J(0.n)st t , , - . ,. ,.,, f t' ailu li:llte.-.i cts. A tr.n-t of lift "!' s listed ilarum and v .iiisit sretv .-even cost twenty total So even. A tract of four acres listed .Miller Win. (Captain) ten ct ost t went y total thirty. A liact f loo and So seven m-res 'listed .Miller J. C. seven 'ol'ars and ninectsenst t'.ve.i ty total seven dol, -nid t. vent . nine cts. A tract of Ihiib acres listed Murfgrave W. I', two iloUars a;.ii finy live "osl twenty to tal t wo dollars an:l seventy ii v.i Ira't of eighty six acres listed .More! Win. three do! ami ddr eight cts cost twen tv total '-' A tract of three hundred and hirty one acres listed Morel z J L. six dollars a.nd Soiiiree cts cost twenty total 7 do! and three cts. A tract of 1 acre listed Mor itzJ.D. two dollars and o cts, cost Twenry ToTiil two do! ami TwenTy 8 cts. A tract ol fifteen hundred acres listed bv Miller E B thirty three dol and fifty sev en cts cost twenty total thir ty three dol. and seventy seven cts. A tract of sixty acres listetl by Miller Mary one dol and forty seven cts. cost twenty total one dol and sixty sev en cts. A tract ol two hundred and twenty nine acres listed Miller Wm. six dol ami twen tv eight cts. cost twenty to tal six dol and forty eight ct. A tract of two hundred and bltv five acres lised Miller II. C. one dolaml07 cts. cost twenty total 1.S7. A tract ol lo acres listetl Morris S S two dol and eigh ty five cts. cost twenty total t hree dol and five cts. A tract of ninety six acres listed N'orris .Joseph II six dol ar.d fortv cts. cost twen ty total ,-ix tlol and sixty. A tract of fifty acres listed Xoiris Wily three dol. and sixty cost twenty total thru and eighty cts. A tract (ifSt acres listed Norris Richard three dol and thirty s x cost twenty total three tlol and fifty six cts. A tract of 4o acres listed Noiris J F three dol and eighty seven cost twenty to tal four dol and seven cts. A tract of Go acres listed Red Wesley forty cost twen ty total Go. A tract of thirty four acres listed Ragan R F two dol and fifty cts. cost twenty to tal two dol and seventy cts. A tract of sixty two ac;es listed Winebarger Laban -thi.-edol nn.l Hit v five ct . -.,si rtuvntvtotai'tiuM. .ii. , ial.ii M'Vi'Illy five. A tree ol one hundred nn.l ntv i.e.-. list Mi Winebar-er.' ' ..Vah.'im three dol. cot twHi- i t v totrd th ! did and twen- :vcts. j EaI IIKI I'lilTK. ' i .in? tract if 20 .i-i-f bv i i r.hiir.i eKanl lax :!.ti'J. cm t 2 t j- ; ..I a io. A t-a.-t f l" M-ri- h'-tci l y J5il ' Yu-.-X- ll. F. tax -.07 A-st 20 t .1:1 " At ra. t of 2 .rros I st,' l y 'J .1 F tax '."7 c.t ay totnl 4 17. V !rao- ot U: aircsli.te.l l.v Craw- lev liiiliuiil tax 3.74 vost '-0 total ' ' , , , A lra-t ofcei hsteil by ("V e . . . . ... l.. . ... J 4 A tout of 8 acie.s l:fttt.l by Guy W A ux i5uo t -o total i aactof lO -a-r ii-te.l ty jr. I T.oc aa 07 cos! 20 total .'7. ... , ,, , , ,... A tu.i t o 4'U lu-rtf ilSit'J 1'V ilal - i ,t ,1m, ... U ai.i . o. lax ti, co-t 20 Sal bl lra,:t nf IS a .t s Iistcl by Janes Insipn ta; 2..J. L' i 1 ofioo ai-es liMel l y Kel f r Wm A tax S8 co.t 2a total 1.08 A tnv t of -0 a1 res listcil bv Mitch ' ell Harvey tax 3.r cost 20 total -'-J. A tract of I:!0 acras lifted ly Mi' lorV. II ti..4.iiycot 'JO total 5.11) V liact of 2.1 at lis listed by MilL s,)-; Klizi an. I U l tax 07 cost 2o total 87. A li'aet of 3")ticres list il Uy Mil-,' H:ins W yi t..X 2 A3 cost 20 U'tal .:.;5. A tract of 100 iur8 li-tsl ly Ma eral r.iiil MminCe. tax 10.07 cott 2l toial iO.S7. A tract of I "20 acres bn'O'l ly Tres aoll Na-iey tax 1. Uioht 20 tolai 1 7o A TraT tf TwenTy five acres hsred Routiuger (. l two dollars and forTy five cost Tweu'O Toral two dollar and sixTy five ces. A TracT of lil ry acres lis'ed tra'-t containing fifty acres .isted Trivctt W. 0. fourdol- aud Vil'-y three cos"- twenty to 4 j;:, A tret, "f 100 acres hsted Testoi 1). Harrison 39 vohS 20 total 4,00 V tract of oc'es listed 'Kfiter !:. Ni. 2,:7 nt 20 total 2 77. A tract oi' 75 acr-v listed Ward joi.ii V. 2,07 cost 2J total 27. A tra.-t of 70 ncros lisiiil Wan! i (like Oo cost 20 total 80. UAL!) MofXTAlX. 1 tract tract containing oil acius of laii'l listed by Caslle and Morphew. Tax 1.00 cost 20 total 1.20. 1 tract containing 45 acres 'listed bv Calloway I. T and Miller tax GO cost 20 total SO. 1 tract containing 1.00 a cres listed by Cowles C. J.. tax 100 cost 20 total 1.20. 1 tract containing SO acres listed by Davis 0. J. tax 4.7 cost 20' total 4.47. 1 tract containing GS acres listed bv Davis Ellen; ag't for Phillips' heirs, tax 1.10 cost 20 total 1.30 1 tract e-ntaining- rQ ted by the Elk Knob I opier Co.. tax G8.33 cost 20 total 08,53. 1 tract containing 95 acres listed by Howell Wm Sr, taxi 1,00 cost 20 total 2,10. 1 trac t rontMiniii 00 acre !H;",f,'v I!;,rtolV 5,,iltll,l?Hi li -irstaxX) cost 20 total J (in 1 trad contnininir l.dOnwn i: , i i . ii ii . " ' '.oo cost L'IMotal J.!2t. -, tract containing 47J acres listed bv Eeppard Mrs M. A. tax l.lOctt 0 total 1,:U. ;1 tract cont iinin S." acre listed bv .!c(!uire .1. A. tax J.o.Vco.-t Jd total 2,78. 1 tract containing 4 acres listed by McGuirc J. T. tax :;.gs cost -jo total :.b&. 1 tract containing Go acre listed bv McOuire R. (. tax jl.ol cost 20 total 1. .54. i tract containing 00 acres j list-d by Mctiuire Jnimthon ! b(' I -tax 1.13 Cost 20 total i 1 tract containing J, 24 acres listed bv McOuire J. O. tax (,,st 20 ((.till 7.51. I 7 tract containing 7.4Garre 1sted by Miller E. B. tax 1.- ! J() cost '20 total 1 ,00 One tract. coiitainiiig'Oacres listt-d o.V .Noms . J). tax G i !('(,st 20 total .87. One tract containing 100a- i ,. . , . f res listed bv Aorris Alleys t;,x le" One tract containing 37 n- '..w . i .1 - tax d,2.i cost 20 total 3.4o. , One tract containing 145 a- i "'s listed by PhillipsC 0 tax G.lScoyt20 total G.33 One tract containing 38 a civs listed bylMiillipsSEtax 2,00 cost 20 totivl 2,80. One tract containing 114 n. cres listed bv I'otter Enoch tux 7,21 cost 20 total 7,41 One tract containing 90 a cres listed bv Potter Jacob tax 4,03 cost 20 total 4,23. One tract containing 65 a cres listed bv Potter Abe P., tax 4,83 cost 20 total 5,03 One tract containing 107 n cres listed bv Potter .no. O., tax G.23 coat 20 total G,43. One tract, containing 900 a cres listed bv Patterson S It tax 14.67 cost 20 total 14, 87. One tract containing 42 a cres listed bv Phillips S II 100 cost 20 total 1,20 One tract containing 363 a cres listed bv Ray Thomas Sr, tax 4,43 cost 20 4.03 One tract containing 0 a" . res listed bv Rav & Co., tax 1,27 cost 20 total 1,47. i Ine tract containing 80 acres listed tiv Stephens L. H. tai l-r 27 (osc'20 total 1,47. One t met containing 200 acres listed bv Sutherland T. II tux cost 0 total 0,53. One tract containing 65 acres lis 1ed l.v Shell on W. T. tax 3.G0 cost 20 total :3V80. One tract containing 145 acres listed bv Tucker Calvin tax 0,20 ..,:.t 2uYta! 0,40. O.ii' tract containing 50 acres iisle1 bv Winebaiger John Jr., nix 2 .)0 eost 20 total 3,10. One tract containing 20 acres lis. toil bv Wiuelwiruer A. H. tax 5,. 53 cost 20 total 57.5 One trart containing three hund ro I and tifty acres listed by Worth and Thomas tax 6 oo cost 2o total G.2o. One tract containing acres listed by Winebarger John 8r., tax Go cost i'o total 8o. 0n tract containing 3o five a cres listed by Wilson C. 3- 11 cost 2o total 3.dollars and thirty one, Respt. J. L. Haye's Shff. G. C. LAXE& (0. Drt'oists and Stationer Elk Park, N.C. Dealers in Pure Drugs, Chemi cals, Paints, Oils, Varf lish and Toilet articles. Fine a ;ationery a specialty. We keep the latest Novels "'if' P'iodi'-qV ;n Stock GIVE US A CALL.