t V. . V f V. y ' ... - t 7 "T ' -' ; - -J r - , A p- - I :":-!' S ' ,. A S "1 T" y- - . .. ;.v t ? ' ' : t l'i L I r.i . . . - i r. ,.r - . .it i v : . vi m .- ; a ) -. t ri' "V-' f,.i. v' VOL 1 J MM ) V v wat u ; A ( i ' NT V . : . t. M ? : ) n ; ; s .Y.!':! 5. I . xo:u 'i t ! i! c. ;!) i I. i.. ! : i - t -I !.-... ; ! . '. . '. t . ' i : . . li .....-, -1.. its IV. J v. -.t'' .ii : i;. I .i'li. . .. (. .'Vl-; , . .V,,,- ; ; y , . ,' ... . . ;.. i ... i . ,:'.i'"'-,.:M s hons. !;: :iot -t I .1 I 1 i I i ' I .. . 1 j'n .1 - r i 1 i- ;;." 1 ' i,- .f l i-; s'u'f in ;roh.;r Frc::i hv 1 i-.i'-ir! v L .... 1 'l Ti!..:::r. ... ':: :: .. J ) 1 " J ;:. . . . .... .. v. i .-. . ........... ' N v ' ;,ii.:v( it is ciriiiiri'.v-i of un- ; ia !;;- si t.-.- .-tn-' ; i- v ; ,-.m'-J : -.. 1 1 ''ii. : i. !.: . -.1 . . . . . t . : . . : i t .i- 1 i . i I ;i. .i. i , i . .. r . . . - ; Kl - , , it t , j ,t ; i .. j I " - ' ' " ....... y-,r ;:: ,',,! oft-:tri.rMh;:;S:r of the .,.! ;. j ' J-''n-! .,.!5t l.ss; ,,:.;. vs..,!;. i, (!i:ir as a for. ' : i ) . '. f : 1 v. 1 j ;5 - . :t !$; tii.-t'ii- ;ny S!..-.v r..-t ;!- : i ; -- i . r. r.i.-.-l. -i- , m- ;r i-.'.-ir. w ,r:. !m:!: t :. .. .' ;i ... . ,, , , ,. V.i it ror(;-..i, rli:ii!ov bnkt. , : :.. il.. i. t , t. .,..-,!.-. ' ' U!.-:-;.,..;... J,;,VT :-.-:-.';.'iU SKL'S; ....... , . , . ... ... . - i " . ......... 1 v .. . . . ' .. . . - .1 Jl,; ' ' . . ... . , . . 'AC,!1; ii V il'i'M ' !''-:-t' M MP-: , . ,. ' j I ,... ; , .. !. ,. , , ii-v v.v.T:.j:;r.n;if-Ut.TJHlnml ,,. i ........ : i,. k, i ;s a v;-:v i,H;'.":t- .j'.'-'M"!--! ?r.v. ;..s ! i.i t.;.t . , ... ... r tuJuiv homo. I.,,-:.! r;.!i;.-H'iJ-.Ttu !1:k. . 1:1- i:t.-i. o:j 5!;.' In-.: itxi s it .1 n-,., n.i!-, .-v- ; . , . A hrMo U:t-T not, for four J -i;.:u-. i-V;liii-'.! iii ..'- t!:. iti.-Ji ! . V, . :''.Mi . ..V i'l'i'' 'tir-- l- !:,'! ' ' '" " , t:; j, i ,o .. ':;.,) ; !.;fi'l1 ' ."; tv I ii"'! m.'UTl-lJCf-, x.s,..:,;-..i - .i h j.-t-.;... j;; i..' I hi.-lv f M o-i s V. h : !.v. o.! ; ..v,,-iy n -" ; ' -ti... h.s,? in which iffePHMl Pl3 !.;!:' "' . .v-r.h l-Mv.yv ,n,vv whi.-h 1' s,t'' . brth tor li h ho &'4&i i33S6i61 ! lor y.-.:,'. vii .):. .roo v..-,- a, m. .. ;-; ' , ,., ;!; : , , .,v -. ,. lr;t. iw th-.' wiil suroly be r, .... ..u.Kir. ia..u.' i... iiKtKAC't::. !".( or :!.' ' V':i I: V (.;.:! ' JviilltHK and KH(,!...!i k i-m ' . . . . Jill' I ...II' I fr.i-.- !!! !.;': as ! rsra...! Mi- ' 1 ( 'iiv y ; ':.' ca x t: .' ; .. ; . . . ;f. .. . ' 1 ' c ., iusmrrol !o(woen htr and the , t I ;rro;::). drop nsuutrl nr tS pimlui nr:v -w- Oi'll'lT '' .- l .lU' i . , II ' - i 1 r:;' "...-: . . s ... v . . . . . , . , . i,.f.H.;,t r..!l.'f. v.itll teru'.:r;.llf-n nt the nt'.-i.-ii . , ;,..! ' l 1 1 ' r . ' . 1 t j : ' : '" T7 ! : . I S I ( !' .' . . ' : ' '.c I.IVl' I.O I'l.r if r.iM ?.v.!ii.Jr.v,r6,iic. K.KS..ALS .,.V,.. . ; r.-s !. t . I : i . ! . 1 ! ii 1 1 1 1 ; .- . . : a J 1 ! o . i I 1 : . ' ., ,1 o-irl tl.t i Tinrl-'A-itiT of nv all Duri.inViH. n- , . .,( i, ,s..;.;,' on -; .'tin !i. ' t o - t ( :'; 1 ;; C i h'o; !(' a i ! A ln I XthlT 1" pnrtaKUig Oi lT,.r.l oni 1t tio KriKALi 0tU CO. ,,!..: K ...iwi vfV ",'."V' .:o. -51 1 ! SiM.fVoi " 1 ' ,l X ' ' ' " 1 ' ' ' ' ;t, , , , , . , , ? n4. North CireHna. p. . I . . , - u . ( . u . t 1 1 . i . . .. , , . J ; ; i. j wi v . v . .. , , , , i, v , ; ; y ;.. ! , : ,i t : 1 I . ) . O)!' t O ( ip f ! " 1 ! ! t ,;i st 1 S' ! 1S t() at ftt . . ............. .. . . . : . . .. .i. . . . . i . . i !. ; . I-.- 1 ' i ii 1 1. 1. . ... vi I T . ii ! : " ' ; ' . i. , UL,, if-.i.' WV t'-!' !"-"- , . ' ,. . , --j- over roo::i ... rv ( o i. ! oa-! v-.-! i1 '' iatr.pr h novu-o pivvious 5-arf.LtUv l$-vM.hutu, ;S(! ,i.,s.. l.ryr,r t,u a .p- was a ;a! t::,,, . (v , I o ,y m.rri, s at the iora H'ia K1! s 'i :iis ! co a i i.i' . v.u : . A 5 (N in;:)- ..-urio ,.!.'..';; ;!"!!. it wiil i!;oro O; oao I f . til ' .. a,.-. l In -1- " v - ""'.. rr Uvi: that tho sr,.y.. ... .,- t !;.V u h'l't'ii t hi' ''.!.,.! ! Ih'.s" 1. r .... .': J i svm I ,)( sHoltl "ToW !t.s 1 h-' luillAs cin!"T.-i.(I Kf,!-hj'!i!;o U a aai.t Htu.';- uni'ihl aony .ut-a faiiMt.st r.im.--. lay wiioioainiiiv i:: i joal : ,j,,J,), 7!:;.,:.;-.;rul- j stJS sav il;it. ?i r;aa i:.;a. ,,. ' i ',r;?n:iV ''0a;i;:"(; 7 ."Saoiiny haiiaa o-iln:.-.! LT-:aL UVWa.riO&ri"lAC i tMl.h -with parents and ., ,.,.;..,....:!. i-!if. run. . Shiit hh. is r- ;r- K-ncil: aau .vt-a'. -a-s : liU . s TiiUM, cai I , H, T a .-.oil. Wltlt ll." s-a -u! ! " 'li:'M .'lit! io.i.jr.i.i.-r.. v ' of ; enb. Ta-' !n'!i:i- (M'r dal.'irt'a is v ty cir;;i' tairvor of i !'. i.iot-i- I ( )' on a t;:ina'.v I J is Irani sl; anv:"Iy inait-rk'..! in h.UManiof r?ci s?t boforo her. else hor j (!.'!-:r(aro wili be followed by i;,i;1oi; ; 'i';-.;'- ariaa:, who oo;:iinua1sean itv in the dom es iai'anilai'icoin 1703, at loilo sho is ioavin. 7vZm'aiuMK Toi'-r. th-y Irv.r - o;a t,,y ana j t of , was unlv,!- j - aii sa v i I'm i . n l i.M ;;' fs ,, i J r-u ll'V: rial 3:H-:n to " : i . I tft8 ar,et-r uxe-piecsn. "I l:av..iiM'S K-pivilia-- to, : ..-,,,.,,-,,., o kfaMI'at ov. r Kvii nays: -! i-vcr -l - 1 1! .-.-I ivn.au. ........ i i. i ?k -than a live rent piece, vhieu a.:Vi'V!M add havener! ; .'- t J ; should b,i-v-n.nuaa, to i ilaifa-aa, opaao, o, ; h.s a s vo 1,., nas over- ab- W. 1 ho so much 4ia ft tailed to be relieved. ! ha v-1 1 o' .t.o, ins m uv. .... . ... 'lithat chiia .w i.aa" a' t:rii-.i. H-i:t viioiavn 10 awko ;;ay i . ; ' Mb.: nsed it ior Toiie in do,es the r,-.i ofth, compa.ay ,ere any one eiso n.a- Jura. ( ! L ; ; . ,IS;tJj u !;Ihalin.; ,lfi,k. '"itisj t''?ts ' ' , ' of oaeaail 1.w- droj.s with j s -ari. t with lneirhn.-nl a but I 'van, rata to r-i t ;iat i am u;e j n aP ;ns..(1 .j,.,,.,,, of .,VI. la tne great mneum at ;rr.--jt bea.-iif." ; s r..st ii- w.-,:s t-M--- naeoa.-yiotis j b-fc i'rietai ie has. and yet j A .;ii;N;.v,;s. --Old t.i-.l...', i I,o;id'.ai is n ssnn'l watch, a j S HAT? IT. ;i the fool he was nuikiii-of thai he mr.si taaio last, un t.v N0 i J!Ja!M!li( a h buihiot tiic.on ais.'nes. .i.i-' .'.IJ 11, j t. UK' .Vl l - 1 ".'"'"(I ' '..IfC. , ..Ili .ij,......'. ' .....' iy T, .. " .... Ihiias-'if. On !heeo!i1ra:-y.h;b';-:ois.' we:av evu;. ft i :!:,. 1 , , Meiio-nild, " Who "lUvt Hia'a It Eojori.'- ' j -!vw jiroudei-of liin.seh cvevy atr.K eiieoivii na:;-ew i ..f i, ;..,,.,, v. :s oo r?-1 i0 a Ii: 1 diilieiiUtodweliiniovo ; ntameiit. W hat is tie' u-o j -y- ; "l month i-: Mel'ia-? .V le-hel s t ,,,.,. ol takiiiudasasaai i.v, ! vvun -ra!1 ! T'! :in- and RadSv v.ith the nam who j tryiap: to stab a rhiao.-M-os j do too many thm, ifjh'' j joinj.-c;on;. lletotes din- n, ;,.a j)M;i.,j.,i;UVd for iam i 1" a Swiss miiwim is a inevitably eapsyour Inst I to d-.-iMli witli a too;4ipiek ? j de:oie- in stne.e t -ilba i mi:- tn t(1 u,,-n and doi-s hi-:n ,,.,.),. a,.(. ,iH .,. wat-h only three-sixteenths rv wit h the ViMiiark, "Yrs. I j Host on Transcript. not bing afraid, and o i'-y j work .,s (V4;j asaror.ki.i' with j t,lf, canned inhe i '"' in diameter, inserted have heard that beiore," and - - jl-aru dioiu-di.-m-e. A nnl'l a jioay - OiiKi do if. i lekixov j ,v,; . . , i;i the top of a pencil ease. ,;! .,. a. , shiin.ired voars old or more aieid iiiCaiid.rid-n iu-eoiUin-i i?l sh:,J I'f- Thl; a, to i:.;a-,P. i.5Jt in-'." " "N artorned v....,.-.i ,i a.t;...,i.;w!....o, i witii aram- o: aean. wlio iavariab! has sc-n in ! tl:e i;ii'.y wliatcve;- opitaoa you have to offer upon any of the moue'iu 'oib questions ofihoilav. i Tasvir wasoae (dthi-kin '.;hlera I beai a AiGAUOO siiot:ld be made - dew -very i i,",,, HVun v ;o'i..':;! tos' are a uTeat i if". !:: no. t he sum a.na t:io! .... i !...., , n;-. 11 i en.i ; ; ii;, i in Miuti .ii'i i.it ...I.. ,,.,:... i .... ,..1. scoiifp;e to the tar; ens ;n .u:n-a.t alike, but 'dtonid net j ,;rom beia-at namit.reridy to ,,. some parts of Australia, forj n.veivet.ooi'-.am'onh'rs. One j ,)0 j0.u1..j ,ij)V, n ti devm) J 4 hey ticstroy 1he grass and L ; .hedLeie e is the rather oV;(vk ;.ro is a aumster, j j; literally starve the. sh.cop off I nnother, and p-i fe-t di'i- .l?1a the ema aers ears rest, at j!,' the pie. ins. This forces t.he piirc iaoniy o:d;tined by eon- ;,. sadcty from y' iarmevs to d.nnse moans for i -nanliy hndstimy m o'aedi- j ,t .-O0 it., canj.V ,(; t. a .. at thedvir.s7ifhiivM.!ltiu.v dial not only iadicat- r,i pv,iii.'.'' i !i i-.-.io )- es boars, inmutesanu soconas n. fa rraveiin-hi'alwavsibutalaothedayofthemonth. seal his old servant, earn My- The rarest etdleetion of old m!. on before him to i be ; wa relies in the United States, hoso where i; intended to ) if not in the world, -is owned i,at dson. ,000, lie had exuberated jl' P1:!,n '1!S 1lUvr'ri ;!u i' e rwly oaiaini,, by eoa-1 uit ;,. lHM.fl,., 8;!c,, fr,aaij;)iT U) ;i;i,nirbv (iiovavnni P.Moj'osini V,,-g re,Mb,l!y. until for-1 1. Ihmaay lastm on k 0; !t fl)f, u, citr, wl;.,(iuii. j!nvof jhw0(tM1IU!,lt, I lvip.gton, on the Iiuds tearance had erased la be a j X'Hu.g tla-m oib am, a -drivo ora:e. Once a c:u!a knows ae ai; ,.;!:MM.S ii; t ;, .po j ,.J( t h;, n;,0s Iio hns frotn .,00 to 1,0 drtue; but Fog;r was pretty ' the one uenennly cnaloy-1 ..nis, mmd .;e yu-.d. mtahiy j (;rdo.s. ,u,; or.Id t nek lei Thi, KtV;illti(l!1 iUrorth about ?30,000. havtl on Iqistir wh-n, he did i ; A yaru vita a atg.'ieuce toautlioriry. ' a b.ar with aii ticeonkne, .vo,jK, ;;v(.n in OMlium.y Aboi;t-one hundred years strike bnok-thomvh. to ted j bn;it on he pkoa. ana two , Another -1 aat nonty ti,,.. wor-d.-Ilhin-haeier rmon, ff(),r, (1is,aso. and, I r.go a man nnmed Prozmade thetrth,rr..tir hadn't,enK,1i;.es run from :t tor a hmgisnbnnls the iom,wn..g: !( Wisconsin ) N-w North. 1 .tranter st id. if persmswere av.-v ,-nriouf clock. Upon enouAh to know what rough ' "T I " 1 "an.! !' ? !,;Ml'ViKi t "iT;'Z. . Un i,fMaoa,-hina-and , sri the ton sat a negro, .hep- handling he was getting. IVnt we untie' pate. i I-.-, i an aat..r fin. a i n j moil, boys atid b!a(:ks in th, iwv,r!t w ,V v..Mn M-kabl. ! Jir;glilorhood are mounted t'u.fib.l we'o wbi.e evrsos-i W- h;'rseba k and soar t he ed'lo tlie weatha.invaviebiy I country for miles around to !arn t.hoai aii inn ininnio. ! cox.-red in ilns:eH county. bni oae ai .a time. Insist on j Ky. He lived in a nnleind ..!,a. I i'..n-'.i!.. v.v.i ii...t':;it.lef the UlOt !.!-niUliVe eoil- eil to tlie weiitna.ii.vaiiein.v i""-".' ' i ; . . t ,. face the wind, wia.-h if they ! They drive the kangaroos in-1 y iu some one pro1 imbu; nn- j snynon. H 'v.v i,m,.,i ti.m,.aJ,.bvi ;-vv,o;M;t(x the jaws or' the V, and blow under their hmr andtl-' i'vio tee vara, wnove chill them. ' ' ! ti.e blacks eater with eiubs rPstirVes. 1 saw that in i beghitheworkol slangh the paper last evening, iter. After an interval Fogg haa . ir. hnox tiesei mes a .air- you wouid teaen nun ms lei- .- ixwium i;.vm... . - , - ,.'.,,. t,.s You d.ei t ea, : t hiu'. em-ious b aarav has I,,-.!, ,i,s. !l o-o, mvh..-.. aeri ano ooM. urn u.u lie (Mtit 'Vii.u ii.ii i . j ( ;0' S r , l l.i.r. nit; in-n faithful S.oa was per, t on in j played six tnn.es upon afiute, aiivaneeof his n; aster to ask i tJ. dag moved forward wheth-or they hadthoni0aVus tluuigh glad to fee him. anv other infectious dis. ! The Swiss watchmakers i!S ,e gets d ieunmo, 'As ,U1 -adilv b, im-1 ha v invents, a watch for take up soothing eiso,. :u,d , l.s " nu,K NU,h jnou;i,;.w wr,J the blind, ,A .mail peg r, set S(Vmething.to say about the i "drive"' his party had e,j tariff: Sav what vou will, nop heir own aecount: i ner - , , so on until, instead of mind- j few rags tied around las por ing on oo a day. as at. 'art, no J eon with strings, am. ms ic-r ! were, n-e.ked and t)adiy aost- bilfea. All that he wonld obey. evt;ry inanarioii. New York San. no. always ery mvo.vaiy lit-n the !ttair hand is mov received. ing towardsa given hour the Yet t bix a:i s i iii' niro; v.bom t,y tV-.t tmnrdvon Tlie ! bitten. Aii tnat no woum , r .................. ..... .... L a j. !,:,.,,'? r. ' thoixre.-it. (Iiansel or Kent.de-1 person find? the peg 19 down, iiitvla am.seii v,l t n.,t - ,. . f!,a fhn eceoits back to cation fo tit. iii!.'. traci- oi .- - 1 X- lTv .-.- urrt v t w n;.'fA(' i l .ii;.,, t:r... " Tj,O...J f . o,,v V,V!4 Vi.n .;u ,in i heir own aecoimi: i aere 5,..-...vv ......... ip am o.i. ,, , . v twe ve. tailTi. .l. .nai.ou .nu, k) . . .. rr,, . ... i . . , lf!.enrvnnon lu- tn .'vv l-.n --1 ' ' ' . ' j. ! i ..-.x v t nv i ii ii mi s v. 1 1 1 i . .. -.nn o..'s '. nnnnM-j i 1. i . . . . . svfitomof impost duties can l(J" """"'""""'T ' 4, V". i i. . . '., : , V .hard"' i Ciitharine 1 of Hussia had a , . i i 4. tiViimf "'net..' pan we were 1 1 1 1 i i.mj.. h.h n u;v n- ai svs e i "u p mui. i he yermnuent tvhieh (loesnot i ie" "-'j. , ' . , 1 permanent . tvij-eh (toesnot a . c...... ...... v.. . ...... - . Unizo the ri-his of tbe!w5thina W bundred yardsing me cotoeaof ov:o o: nor j r ;s heeurod area taken t nnss'-'s 'of tiiern !)etoro tbev were. ania-oaes -o,;'v.i . j , caiaiiy v.'aere ne. iioan-Mic. uuhocm air r.ui: ''i'pstir ThatN just what a ware of it. At the very first : bor pee sing stopped in for a j .vj.;i be ca.ro-d for.- New York to come npotYone whttmarri Menkinsop says in his troa-1 ;o., ,.m pi10v rose on their hind !.oial c!m t. A large woikj World. fd within a hundred days af iseon Commercial aptio.-it.i0anijt(;oj.aj00. njt. j basket, half full of buttons.! - tr a funeral. r KVbkol 1 tluun.and a second later thev I at on the floor of the porch, j The lb-1 duty of a- preacher lf a ,,nn;. no,!CT. g0f. U ow-ii arrived Vui the' o'dd of i ro 'mvay, !Iow they didAfbn' various remarks of ajis to ke; v the coeg'-egiition s.e a bride the visitor ish.ok IvTilrrloo the First Michigan jjumnl Tiiey seemed to so j gossipy untnre i.!i visitor j iuvaKo. fastruet tlie sexton od u)ui .as the. oati of mo avahy. whidt w.-- nearly 1 thirty or forty feet at n time said : o H in ph-n;.- :f f:a-fb air. ' calamity that may follow. ; musier.l watch. In the inter- .. i. n' .-. j.-- - Domestic tromlles are sur- j ami the Komi-n guard. By tOU';oT!g a PprUJg tut; Mwiicw moved away from the-door of the sepuieher, the guard kneeled down, angels appear ed, and the holy .worn an step ped into . he. tomb and sang the Faster song of trie Uus- ' sian churohos.

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