K 4 L A: . f-1 -L VOL I A I Iemochath" fau.il.v iipwwju jmt devoted to the iiitmtM of it County. State nn1 Million. Pu'ililul vxvry WediirMlny tit lloonc, Wntnugii County, N. ('. J . Vf SIM I X HOI K. Kimtok. JOHNS.t'ILMAMS,ruii.iKHKR. Scnseim-riox Ratks. 1 cony 1 year.- , 1 " ' 6 month ?1 ...:i.v. 1 ,T months AnvKKTiMi.vu Hatk. 1 inch 1 week, 7."e 1 1 month f 1.71. i i:i i f. i i veH'r:.:::...r. ?7 1 column 1 week..." 1 " 1 month $l't.."0 j x ;j 4 $2," i " o !!!'.!!!!!".".!!.:i7.."i( 1 " 1 year ? .'() j For intermediate rat oh corres pond with the Kditor. Local notices fi .cents a line. Subscription invariably hi A vanck ami advertiMuents paya ble on demand. . 1 A Mh tmi rallkbl tmedr fof HEADACHE, TOOlHAfBl sad MKt'KALUlA. A l. InH u4 oTr tb painful torfc glrM lm BdtU MlUf, with Ucalnatlon of th attack. PrU. . d 0i. 9 kotUa. OB 1AXJI BT ALL DKUUQISTt. rrparl only br U KSPHALINI DRUI C. tviotr. Ntftk Oarellna. kHlALifofc 1 fcO I iMlihl-1 VItM-k p. m., Susna Kee Q ton, at the advanced ap;o. rtLu til years three mo-.iths and Mr. A. (i. CorpetiMig North j u d iys. Slie was the widow ( 'a tawlia Caldwell Co. N. C. i ol t'iilton Keeton and had hays, "l write this to say that the litth bottle of medi cine called Kephnline is a plendid remedy for headache lay whole family use it and all say that it relieves them." Mr. Wilson Lantern, Kings Creek, Caldwell Co. N. C.says "l have used "Kephnline for headoiche, toothache and neuralgia add have never failed to be relieved, I have also used it for Colic in doses of one and two droits with great benefit." From Washington Territory. For the em(X'HAT. On the morning oftheloth ofJIareha vrou of 50 in number, from Watauga and Ashe, left Johnson City for the far west, home looked pale, some were singing and others crying; so, we went on journey until Sunday. The 17th we sjent in Chicago, the Queen City of the great north w est. As it was St. Fatrick'a day, and the Irish were going to celebrate it, we went out to see the (I rand March, and grand it was. There were a bout eight thousand in the march and all wore uniforms, it was the most attractive scene we ever witnessed. In t lie procession were four bra ss bands nnd other musical in struments. When we were reAd.y to go back to the de pot we stepped around a cor ner and left one of our boys, he did not see us lea ve, and instead of going back to the depot, he turned in an oppo site direction and was finally lost. After wandering over the city for some time he ac cidently ran upon us. Ilis name is Mon. We saw much grand scenery while crossing the Rocky Mountaino the many high bluffs and pinna cles and snow 10 inches deep. Out here it looks like sum mer, grass is 34 inches high and all kinds of vegetables are plentiful The peach aud j apple trees are in full bloom, blossom of all kinds are. o- llOONi:. V"A r.lT(i A C)l NTY. N. C, jk'H and everything is green nud lovely. Farmers mi nil i through sowing wheat, some! I.nvea hi tin h.nlev vet to1 smv. Wis a wonder to see the emigrants comhur to Vo.xh - iir-toiiTv from nil pari of ; the world, every train which i passes through Wnllo Wallo carrier f rom 300 to 400. 1 will mention the name of a few of the party that left on the lath March: lloone Deal illltl 111 IHII.y , J. a. Hill IMII il llll j "in nn 111' imui mihi'-m-: i . n , wiill-n hit- I inn I V1- family,.!. It. Fletcher amd cent removal of one cf hin J 1-h Iai:ti repeatedly that aj((1 i)Lno( ratic victn-.y in wife. Mis. Kime and family. :P.ves. and very sorry toknow ; 'l' "' vimlA be Uhodc Island where the i)em John A. Miller and wife, - Will I that his neral health is jfdvanta-eously disposni ff ; ocratie candidate for Gov Patteiron and wife. J. l. Ar-! not the ht,. He is very m r-1 b-v l'" hj;s. s of government ; ,.norha-4 ohtninwl a plurality nold and wife, Y. (. ("iiurch vou.s and while stmt looks! t)n,!,is-i The Democrats ar-. 0f ov,.r 1,000. Even the L and wife, Mrs. Xorris and i f-eb!e, and says he does n.,t !R'd that tlit was a lame ishiture is in doubt with a Mrs. Ilacknev. L. V. Fatter- i feel well, lie did immense la-j d-vie. as holders of govern-: probability that the Demo- i:on A. J. Triplet. M. t. Xor-j l is, Y. 1). K ilson, (1. YiIson. Vx. Ii. (Jrnpjr, (J. Y. Dotson. A. M. Mast, .J.A.Sutherland, I). I. Sherrill. Y. Swi;t. M.M. Norii, Y. D. I?iiii!:er and D. Must. A. A. II. TrijiienVN C April the 10th. 1HS:). To the Democuat : Died in Elk township on 'I'll., l.i r Aiit-Mlli. (It!, ,il.t drawn a pension for the ser vices of her husband in the war of 1812. She wan a mem ber of the Ha pt ist church and had been a 'bright li.iht in dark places for many wander ing feet. ' While she was able to sit ujshewasa great student of the Bible atld pondered its pages day by day. A friend.. Moraviar, Falls, X. C. To the editor of Democrat : We, the peopleof Moravian Falls, desire to be recognized through the columns of your paper. We are having ince dry weather at present, but will not grumble at a shower of rain, as oats wheat &c. are needing rain very bad ly. The school at this place is in a very prosperous condi tion ; it will close withtht an mini commencement 'ay the 21st. '89. We hope to a full attendance from Watau ga at that time, especially our old teacher and school master. The farmer's Alliance has beer, organized in Wilkes, and seems to take well with the farmers. The lin J'.varehavinga live ly time, they want the offices. 7Vue enough, they can't be blamed, for t hey all have been promised offices. The 11. It. from Winston to Wilkesboro seems to be move ing along slowly, but the Winston paper says that they are coming up on the It. R Christmas to take dinner. "I glory in their spunk, but pity their judgment." Long life to the Democrat. En-masse. Senator Vance's Health. Senator Vanei wlio has been for some weeks at his country ! home, "Gombroon," in IJun- combe county, went down the Western road Saturday on his way to Washington, (To a gentlemen who got on' the tram here he said ho had j Ieen engaged in preparing his laml fa-a c.on and in! iliw prir-g pl.ii'iii . hut that he. had gotten so hmesoine all hy lam'-li out in the ! tm.ur.t'.ius (Mrs. Ya-uvh n:, till in "'Vsbmgtori) that 1. couldn't stand it any longer, 1 and hud to lea e in senivh of companionship. Our readers will le glad to know that ; j Senator Yance isentirely freej lor duriiie- ihe short sesion ui the hist Congress and las."P e.vor.nranr. prices n, present condition is doubt- j there was noaliernativefor j I less the result of Yt- hoi e with all ovci-vvo. k. our liMit ... tii.it the Miaiii.er's quiie restore him. Senator Yance was asked how he accounted fia- (he rcsuit of last ueeks ehn-tiuiis through - out the North and West, atal answered that it is cleartleit i'-f omebodv is dissatisfied -Stnt s r;e I:t!iliiinrk. Tuning the Kaltis Out Corporal Tanner, Comniis-j Kin mot i it' ! Vi r, w :i iinon hcmw i that Democrats in that office must walk the blank. In this policy he is fully backed up by the Secretary of the In terior who says: 'Commis sioner Tanner is not a bit more radical in his politics than I am, and I am in thor ough accord with the Com missioner in the matter of making removals of incompe tent or inefficient Democrats and the selection of Republi cans. Tanner believes in tur lnA" out theex t'onfedeiates whenever more competent ITnimi soldiers e;u, heemolnv ed, and so do I' Secretary Noble goes on to say that ISO special exami ners, all of whom are under stood to be Democrats, will be dropped from the roles at the end of the current fiscal year, and that the work of turning out Democrats will not atop t!i"ie, as a great ma ny more will have to go. This is politics. This is jpst the talk that should have been heard at Washington this month -i years ago. The Republican administration has the power, the privelege and the right, to constitute the civil service of men of its own party, and it will avail its sell of the opportunity. We had the same right, pow er, and privelege, but did not exercise our prerogatives. Then; is where we got left. Inste.id of t urning out ail the Republicans he could lay liis hands on, Cleveland contin ued to appoint them to the day of his defeat". The President actually ga ve commissions to specialagents of various services, in the Summer of 1888, who roam ed the country in the interest ot the Republican campaign IHnomits may have cause! for indignation at their treat meat at Washington, butthe cause lies against their own, and not the present adminis tra tion .Messenger. V I j I )N KS1 ) A Y, A.I Mtf The Prciicraf PoliryOr erUsi. , Baltimore Mm. retnry Window's refusal ; ,n !,l.v over IO.S for 4', ! "'tit wibstantiaUy the rate j ! S-ret:iry Iairr.iihl .aid i.- j !,I,,n,Mh "'kuk. Iowa, nnd UvansviUe, 1 tween now ami th-m in oIi-( i ,irS- V'1"'1' I'1 si,'r,,t,;'1 j 'niiip.iigu was in piogress . ,,,!'' veryiio.iy asking what ; crown the trophy dej-eted ; to. 1m non? w,tli xUi j Democrats will he di-posiHl if t,H' ta,iff ti,x's w'viti enit over these cliTriu-r j ; I;',Mir '".' woum run tiiem ! ph'thorie trea;u:y but to buy I u'duuigs. Aiidoithas:lriwli,iv0enllv in the list of i i h i i.. . ..Mi, i . rest vi!rof.!'l''1"cu. i loiuersoi peri ' "t luein lSl)l,want lOSJi: 1 ':Yt " ll)-:2 ir tnebomls ! interest. wliileMr. Windom ' "'iniot w his way to paying ; OV(: 1()S nd iioldersof 1 per '(-i;!'- ';,"t ''e whereas !s,,',r'tn,,.V I'Hircliild. on dan- ua'y the 14th, did not feel justified in pacing over 1:27 . It is to be feared that the bond holders, in view of Har rison's declarations and in ! ""iwqnence f the refuel of the Senate to pass the Mills revenue-reduction bill will leave the Treasury in dilem ma. It may be the. policy of the new administration, it is true, to hoard cash forexpen diture by the next Congress in subsidies, pensions, &e., but that is a policy theeoun- try would hardly approve, The Secretary of theTreas ur,A is right, of course, to re fuse to pay over 1.08 for -1 per cents., but if he is right the Presidents campaign pol ''' was Very wrong. Pittsburg, Pa. April 0th. The heaviest snow storm of the season prevailing this section about 10 o'clock last night and has been snowing ever since. The snow fall is about eight inches up to ten o'clock this morning but in the mountains the 'railroad men report from 18 inches to 2 feet. The trainsarebehind time but no accidents have been reported. The storm sems to be confined to the western part of the State. Afcsrw ;inrl Observer. A Sa:ieiofD3ji3:.'ati3 7ioioriai. The Democratic success re cently in municipal elections in various parts ol the East, North and West are very suggestive. The first notable gains and victories were in the town elections of Connet icut and Ohio, butthesehave been lost rjght of in the hitter flood of democratic majori ties in other States. St, Louis for example gives a Demo cratic majority of 1,020 in stead of the overwhelming Republican majority of last November. Other important towns in Missouri report similar results. More sur prising still Chicago elected the Democratic municipal ticket from top to bottom by a majority of over 11 ,500. Nor wasthe movement which L VlI SS!." plVe the capital of the North west to the Democracy con lined to Chicago, hut extend ed to Springfield, Illinois. wlierell.o whole Democratic J WMJ4 th sef . Leavenworth, Kansas, Dubuque and Keo- liMliana were the scenes of similar Democratic triumphs uu,i.r the pivsent week. To j,.,.., v.i: control it on joint j ballot. I'rovidence under re.vnt. extension of the ; f.-.-.H-his,. ,:ls arranged itself Doajocrat ie cities. Almost ! tw wlo number of recent lv enfranchised voters, it may be observed voted with the Democracy. Explanations are furthcoming in abun dance to account for the fact that so many towns and j cities of the first importance and in one case an entire State now give Democratic majorities in lieu of the Re publican majorities of No vember last. One class of ex planations brings local caus es solely into view. In this place it was the pestiferous prohibitionist in that the evil minded mugwump and in the third the labor element that did the business for the Repuplicans. The personal unpopularity of the head of j their ticket is often mentioned nsthe reason for a diminished vote, but the activity of tha saloon-keeper is not forgot ten. Those who look to the field of federal politics for reasons for the Republican discomfiture find them in the disappointment of office seekers whose "claims'' upon President Harrison are not jet recognized in the disgust of civil service reforms at the continual decapitation of Democrats to make way for hungry patriots, in the dis content produced by the ma ny recent, reductions of wa ges in protected industries and m the resentment of fair minded people at the Senate's rejection of Mr. Ilalstead. All these factor operated no doubt to some extent tofro duce the widespread disaster but collectively the were hard ly adequate to a fleet so much. The true reason for the fall ing off of the Republican vote was probably very simple, and consisted in the fact that the corruption fund was ex hausted last November. The question of reducing tariff taxes was not the prominent issue in the recent elections, and the tariff lords did not therefore see the use of rais ing the bribers' fund employed in November. They refused to have the "fat" fried out of them for local elections, pre ferring to reserve themselves for emergencies like presiden tial and congressional elec tion. We have no account j of Mr. Wanamaker raising $-400,00 for the enlighten-; N(M1 inent in the recent elections of voters in doubt about the beautieH of protection. The "floaters" in a word wei-o allowed thin time to vote their true sentiment nnintiu once by protectionist, gold in timination. Something, it must cone eded, was due to the circumstances that the present is an "off year" in a double sense, and it8"offness as respects the tariff is the significant thinir about is when this week'n elections are to be e.vplainetl. The Haiti more Sun. Live and Die on the Water I took a ride ou the river this after noon. Canton has about 300,000 people who live on tlx water, and there is no busier city in the world than this city of boats. Crafts of all kinds, from the small steamer, the great Chinese junk and therivercargo boat to the sampans and thelittle tubs rowed by spoon like paddles, move here and. there or dart in and out through forests of masts. Whole families live on boats about twenty feet long and no wi der than the ordinary city vestibule. Here children are born, grow up and die. Marriages take placo aud the whole business and ac tions of life go on. Little chil- dren swarm over them, and tots two years old with cues hanging down their backs play about upon their decks. The boys have little round barrels ordrumsaboutafoot loug and six inches in diam eter tied by strings to their backs, and many girls of the same size have nothing. IP the girl falls overboard it would be a good fortune to the poor family to get rid of the expense of raising her, but the boy must have his life preserver. Frank 0. Car penter. Fall of Black SnowT An Aitken, Minn., dispatch of the 3rd inst. says : A. peculiar phenomenon oc cured here yesterday. Al4:45 o'clock it became so dark that lights were necessary in business houses and the air was filled with snow that was as black and dirty as though itjha d been tram pad into the earth. Six ounces of snow and one-fourth once dirt and sand were found in the bot tom of a dish. The dirt is very fine, something like em ery, and contains particles that have metallic lustre. This dirty snow fell to the depth of inch. The atmos phere at the time presented a peculiar greenish tinge. There was a little wind blow ing atthetimefroin the north west, though there seemed to be considerable wind higher in t he air. Solid chunks of ice and sand are reported to have been picked up various, pla ces News-Observer. The republicans in Chicago died hard. They caught ut every straw as they went down. But the proposed scheme to keep democratic mayor elect Crozier out of his office did not materialize. The democatic city govern ment will go in. AWs nnd Cty.seTer. '

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