Y-v J 1 I OOfY fK O IVs T lira J r f VOL 1 liOONK, W ATA lTC i A .( '( ) IT S'T V, N. WKDNKSDA Y, ,1 I N II T, lh NO, is Town and County tei at H.ioiK. He luul sin-H i ing a livery stable neur his ! to the (iovernor of the Slate : xrni:!! j nsranresof thephiee that'oldone. ami n failure to make li'r . 'UIU'IMI1"' . .. ... ilO I'll I1W tft I'.irtMIt) fIlt. Jill TWe hope cur leaders',, His ;1.,lloilltn.ent wilt excuse the size of our pn- fajI(H, lo(.om,; limV(,V(1, and )r this week as we were thrown behind on our work the latter part of last week by the ivnteraml irregularity of the mails. GSTlloone is thoroughly (leaned out for onee. fiSo tar there has been t wo eases before his Honor, Mayor Coffey. TSend us the news as to now the understanding is that Mr. Winkler has been dropped and a petition sent up for Mrs. L. L. Greene. How mueh t't-atnant like this will it take to sour a re publican? BOOSEWASHAWAY. Boone, the quiet little vil- 1:irro ''iwnt-liwl cm Knunlv n. i mongthe hills," and famed "7. a " " ?vl;k' I bands for ool'eetion uiie Ti.rsTFK's Sam:. l'y virt'.v of the power of - .... 1 . ... I., . .. iL. " .1 - ... tion ismjuI fom the suirfTi..!- " oi ir.e inasej s:rii- lioping that my items will : re.orts made the rail roads not be thrown into the wast,; liable to a penalty of .0M,!(.lirt(.ulil .,, . v.-,.,.-., 'd by a I):-d of Trusterut basket, I remain, yours &c, j whieh should go to nnv ( it i- ,.,. .,tv f., tr,. MMil ,,fiwtv ov i,','itJ'i-1!t"l kv (' A- S- Jwn who shouldsu..forit.Thei!o!,,,s ;!! s-vn'ty-Uv.. e:Us. . I 'v, f i'n noof Programme. st;lt ""Vr Uvn ohser-! e;,i:i,; uuw.t Wikitvjii i-.i. j''. j..lt er of ?eeds of " Wa ved by t!ie railroads and Wil nxim an ! k. it. Miller mlv ' lin:rlT'oun v (' in Moolc For Watauga Co., Fnion j Hodge has instituted suit a- 1,A, ' a;it i-:i'.l hem th. Is, ,..;r,. .-,4:;, ,.,,., .r;, , meeting to be held at Shu'd's ! :ust: forty of tliem to get "!v,,i"r ""t H.'tkY. ie!i.-- i , dnied t he Huh day f' -Aii i! Mill, beginning on Fridavbe-'.the ienalty. If Huvesslul hei V,1U,S ''u!,", v M-":,s 1 r 1 ,V ; T ' uv 1 ',' ,,,,'"t V' fore the 3th Sunday in dune, jill gain an nggregate a-! ,E- f" ' !" ' ' T.l.V 1 V" tie .... , '. f t ; el f.ii:-linn, i.-d .it. I I!mi v tli,... ' f ?, -l lni-t at tl,e ft'J, H.:-ludM.g .Saturday and, ount ,1 J ,OtH) Ai.iunS!ilil!ilM1(liI tU(.iv ,lMl ( tllu.s, i.ir in IJuone, Sunday. Introductory sor- ronds sued are tlm r.t ,r-il.-1 will m. ,M u..ic : " '"' :'" ; ,M Mmday it moil bv Mlder .1. .1. L. Sher- tern North rarolina. tl;e At-'.i' .:'. V ' bei;i"- I !,: 1st day of July, S. - - f t ir- up r f . 1 .... i it ii' 1 the damage done by the re- j f,)r ti,t. highest county cent freshet in your section. tMr. Stevens is at work on a yaid preparitory to making brick for the new jail. lantic Tenjiesse it Oh'oand ' . , ' ' 1. 1;! Cii m Siiui M I U 'l'Ii t U W I I I I t I i I I ! I M I 1st Oruiization hv ehn . : the ttatvsvilK & Wostorn. .ttun oflu,n,. on t!,- i: -H-tv,; tip Chairinan and a. Si.i-o- J Liniilmnrk. Mou.-lay in july riIu.M ami ; t It-? S( Hti'ccv-t of tl tains, nas vi.Ited OUj , . Hig1! Prauo of Our Fellow-Citizen: T ,, , - 1 f !, the 29th ofMavbvone of - Should our Assoem-j Judge. i f ;..'!. .. ...m.;,,-. ,.,,- of the the most terrific rtorma ev- timnnmutes show but one! 'l' . : ; . r k. , ' - thotimatoshov: tho yubij,.. hid.itanls oi tl-.r. piaee It ' ';v ; "'n'- !! 1 J,:-,r i : : :: " ''" ' !' ' ",., 1 U oS viuit yoi-t of s.ju: y.)n arei-w ""'s'-'- i ' 'n- ;,( , jp.id, ' !y a s 1 i day, l.ui. at i o'-:lof k ! ' . '; ' ' A..t... , , ,. the storm hurst m ii! its! , , , . , ,;. . iurv: ;t:u1 it truly xeoieed tiir;t . , '.xe.'k ha: -hi : :'y-" We .:-,:! John tai'sb..' UteS ';'!! rot ! v.-i;,y n::i-' lis anoroarh vgs h-.'i--' i.-)U a,- u;.i!ef ; i;"?i' r ! ;:d; i ' i '. (aw ?-' ''d-r ,!. !m li;:'.:-a.:d .!frv : , 1 'i., ..!.- ! ' ' 'or. i ' ;)!. j d.Ji:- : 1 tHi: ' ay fa;;; i. .:-.?: t -at .v-.r : -ii.i, , by t;-,,. i.w.,s: tevriile J ; vo ; pea. is o.f ilr.ind'-r. ai d i 5 ; - i tt;e eaus." of Ciiri-i ?-(). S. 'h hii T finocoits killed for l.i;a b.v : g2iig lightening, wi.h its ! n;"',t: ' "; ' 5i:,';i;:!,M " i ;VJ-:: iighter.inc- h few days moe. ; tiiouiaud Hry to.igr.fr. sm-j ,f j "J V'.' i''1"1 arHoirc oftur..b.ata'ams)!f " P-'iut liellon the sky." i ',"p''' ', r!;',1.", l' '.N ' "'''(:"' i' ":!' . friends, when !a -theani ft -.u, ; ''e often hear t.he-xaggerat-i " '"..V,,,!,! I I . , . f I1 J - .If .!.,'- 1 i ' 1 . ' . .1.- 11 '7 .' i a :o-i Me"-: Mi' i tv : a .' - . i"' "..a;-, pa i s;::,a-; ; . a !i a I o i l it - - .v ; i the fnv.iw-t itad. carr.'".! t t.rai ; but on uu- uccasicu o s -em-; . t 1 . ot:'. ,ed me aMaig fiu-:i. i n-' lit- r , ., , .- . t ! streams vvai:-!i jv.eafioer' ,. r.i-i-o: u un-j'-ioaeM-s. ...ag:s-. . . . , . . : earilntig. , ' : in , f o i i ti:vvju ; ; re row!! rie. a.iv. .o , ,. ... truKK and lioaru ot I'.dr.ea-! , . .. . ; ',;. Js r.ue :ati-e-.-!- o: . ,,... w , j mueh to iliepicfuiVi-nucbeau-' . .... !!:; ' J : i ::' i .. ; .'( i . ; u ; :.-:'-:i:: loia;,: ' f r I Y-i v- T. !. Wnc!.' .u- ' .i.'iU. : ! -.vi5; t. ,;l ;!-pi'-,,H :') . . .' I '! ion if.?', in I'oniie ..Io::d..iv. ; , s;o!is ot su!''te'".a ::an:i,' mm. l:- :-' ;':'; :!; ' ".'! see pro..eeasi:igM in another: .- , , . th.at al; iristiai:.'-:-"::uh -um- 1 ; pipi-v ..: u-oiaae i , :t. f-aj: , O arge fivers carrv.ng- d :-: ., , . . , ' 1 . . eoiUiun. ! . . , . v. ,j . ( it-inure, to its snnoor t. -J. ! a -sit :'av f-a- e, 1 toe. ' .f- ' : va station end ram in Itaar . . , : . Varioi-a est:rr;ateRha;'e ,,-, , r,.u., l.-ia,..,, i r i;;aour. ' " :k's Otn, . mty P1 -a-, --r f.. a. !-..' -a; '; ! --."-f '-.a,', i.ii.vi'sr ! is' id;. ria."-re..-- til" iurv m-.-j ' ...d f ..-.-is i w'p r .-;;) aat sip-e j y;idiKe ;-i.'e at ' 1'.-' -art - v ; .'..'a f i tlonr- this eou?t v bv t.h;- iVesh-; before I ha fury of die storm ; . , lilOtiewe. i':,!;..-V'- ,11 helhav.1 nevec ia:: ';;;. -ii n' ii : p r et ranging iro.u lO;0'Ji.) io.w lodged ir the c.euiov f:f 1 ;'t:J!ru to i'ttem,, vo.;'- a.i ar--, h.-.- I,e?oo.-. $2o,0(-0. jil( fow-1 Hova!(''s K-oh i-jdly invited, and h-i.e, ib-is sp.-ie-a ih if:.h;vv Opp ;.iaal bu.yUi'0 -Acropoos- of P ,oae f:' ;; ! ' ; ;';'"'' :,r:''.i !' ' ! ' '. ' ;' looking alter ;:ai euiofnig m uslav; t-.s rugged salr ua!.! ; 1 T , r t . ; .. .. . " . . tha Rtoek :a.v. Kfe;-, !:0ni . uX. the debris ot eei:t ure- ir. ! ' ;v,,r,!V-( ;jiiare. ' la- C-a off the streets mdess you ; fa r !.(.- sneers. Aiar.y )l the; A.' i:aie ). ; , !T " 'J' ; ; wei.t to -pav trie t.ev. ! a-atly kept gavdet:s were rd-' r ' , ; ; 1 u;lv ,: 1 ! -- : i I; a i p '' a. a :, -;. 'i.'i ' f.. - : -a la.-.dit: i.r, t; ip.-1 w ,:P - .- i . i'ovt.-snd t!'' a f . r..j otia'1-- a : pa : ,':',i '.':' - a t.-a atiiv a t'p.'d i j 's i o asr i : ..v),..,,,,,. p..,., ... most entirely ruined, the soil I , ' r.v,,-, v n v, ' , ( ... p : being washed oh uatd t,c r;,M l,! 1 u'! ! .P ve SPiii 'tari ;U : ost, (-..(. a,i --' ,.-o ....O.I: . . , . .. i -oi. r. ,v, , r v ;l beof! ftloWTVi-vto the!14-' I-i.up!1aan::popK..:-a! ...... .. . ; a ,!:;:. The m( rmt a m inraa-; I 00 -' a-1 U1 tl!lS J i.aaaong.i.xoaataeiaai'to; it having appointed a eoior.ddi-: rdte5,,...r. I" Tlo It ..V:"'. willte mtKh toil to Jn1aittotheohi.e(.iv,,.Pi,,itP,yaP,ht.pl, I i'1- i"iJiU-it-la,aintheir(!a,,a!aa, plight i tl;e Distriet of Clami,-;. ; -d almost ? 5:?i.very Uody, fron tl!e'0l,(. roo( (;it;;,tli:, v,tIlt; to They endeavored in tips vay stdl um:v,v. ': ni-heat to tiie lowest, puuect j v;ork noxt ,,;(,r:i;r,.-.- wiih a i to 3--io l'oiudices o:iaio:t ii:e ir.ar. i !r i . piage t w'ii.t n-:o,i t'-. . : .1.1 ..... J 1 . . . : . . I od ' 'ili.i" At :ph :; ts ta.'-.kh::! oj '; J'.-oiPig , ".r- h-'ino.- Pi . Ada, - M". ipeesurdi. aaa oi ;;e ii: ' e oili.'; : i n -p- 1 i !i I v'i. '. : i. i'l'ivM;.' a a . t ! . '.' ' : !!!' a a m ap'P P :op : .. .1 ; , , a,- veal ; .: ., : . 1 . . ' . 1 : ."'. I V o- :e-: peSS to ):: ; "!! ffi-' .i Vr.,1;..,. .i . r . is . ; i : , P ; . .-. I r,i i . i '. f i . ' ' ! . '( I . -v i i ("Cs !"0 ') .r . t! wtate vote a . ( 1 1 : '. P Mr. i caa iap.v, ep : Cleveland. And yet in one ported the- oar. week (last j ,v v ( p.:i wrek) rifpadna-i'a-p- in trhuapli aapd i.he! u7; r c oU.f.hair coats and went to vim . (J.,til t;viii:, io H;,. T. uork ori t-'' Greets vvii.h a j rnrt, h.;s ghar3 0f ,-.,, n,,;f, v ! witi tnot. hay put-things in a i n w.i- oa,.,,,.,, ,.-.ri t I . t.' L. . 1 1L , V I t I I I i : r I , 1 I r i r , i . . . , . , . . -, . , . . , :..,o'.. .1 , ii. ii. . . . i t r : . .. . . . . . . i . i i i ..... . t, . i -' ' ' 1 ; . 1 gniiv Mowium; j tfoms th greater part oi the iiarriso.u afjpoie.ieu uvo oii-i"'n" ' w -! -u, -' : pa,. , Jf-eahct left, them in. . ;lay to remove the rail:, alone. ,() i-;o-i ' nv! ecu Jior-st-. ! la ip'v. :h usirV.Vuro vow fcorry, in- j from the sidewt-.ik in front of j ddngioa. Oae c" ih-ap; Ad honor r stp-ia a ,hp, :p::.i:,-a ! ' deed, to hear of i hey ilppfioa! the Dkmocii.vt ofjiee. We i Ta,'!t To;va-nd. of fudi.-iur. j P'-bac s-rvaa;. .May Cad ; o . ... a M'Capt. Y. V. Lenoir. He j hop.? the rubbish will soon bej w,ts apr-ointeu to the ouivei npare ni.n :.-airy y.-:vrs t eeeived a. idrokeof paralvsjsj removed from the streets nud :of e1'--'1'-'- of the. Uen.-r..i veoui- ;.'.opie saai a I - X I. :.ii l" -PI t a: a! hia- a ,-p.-. i pv,,n,.r tc, e i -.... ; ..,:?" pr,v,.r a1- : 'A' .'W;C',e oa .a' v'. i l i r p,c ' 1 '-; n i;L: ii ' iv- -.; : ' 'p : :. .- .a ;:i - .OP ;. 1'. ' -t? . . a Wy l . a ; Mill TiO.- '.'1 a 1 , . a. o reeeiv last Tuesday in his left shb vv We have not be?;! able to i tliat iMaone will soon !e 1 L;piu OKic-p itiid Jiir-; i:l i.rofiear old btat?. stoied to its usual quirt and UkerkR oifi.p r over aiiont I'rn ih'"1 tierticrdais. exeed ' peatiess. X. that he hassuiiieiently rceov-1 TdTTiT" (' cred to bo uiovea tocaKi'.veti, t o h is brothers!. W e .sit; eerel v b.ope that lie may recover and II be spared vet manv yeai'S. Afror all Mr. EU mis ten does nci" g:t the Post office jit Blo viag Hock . I !r. Carter. Il Tf I.N,,,---., 1.-,1. W . I . 1 1 . iV . 1 i . . .1 r. .-1 . . - '.V V P t .1 ago for his health, is the aaa.i who gets there. Certainly this adtainistration doetv not intend to give a Southern man be he democrat or re publican any thing if it ear; possibly avoid it. May 30. 1839. Editor Peniocrat. f have "noticed in reading twenty e whitp lady ; l- k The other i.? Jchn R. Lvn.-ii, Au.iit ov. ')-.' t N !ap the a - a.. Oi;': i . ' I "X i.v' ;:pp.(:: L : at ir-' poP!t i 1 : ft t ( . II 1 oi .uiiii-;!Mppi. who was a?- ported to the r rpop'i'-h-! jioyition of At2.iit.0r in the! www wtvwwava -o pr .i aa.p a -or. ? i iii . '.', 1 1 a:i.:aip tj:; THE CROUD : ! , r...- a 0:0 pi 'V'' :pods : ..-.-.., r . . , Oii i ,- j S . i ..ae- uu.aeu in leaomg TlVfU;urv j, .m w,e;.0 iavat, .-.laaoag Po l. , ,s 0. j r;1 ; ; ;. yr. p.,,. your paper o.at no .one nas , aie ;sla5!, n.hiteii- 2 -" , y ' roli iairtl- th., labay nt.tenanytaa-iro;n;Iadv do!,.s Wo jV yrv he? orchard., f onsiptiagi n ot A. J. Mrvorz I.. P. Ilaspairo. go I thought 1 . ,,0-n , i5 ,.,. . , ! of frut of ppka.P k:ad;p A !,:o ; - to.s a-.av, opp t p-. vrip we; Id give you a tew items. , ' - verv t-ood buiirUr.---s -p-r! " -i : V'v-p-' - 1 ' 'p ... V u t '- iaaprs win laa.v cenotineo - .mu. ...... . ...... J , v.-q. p.O; -, Mr. L. M. baauer ts at ',1 ' . .1, Lx-e , adioiuir.s the h,' N ctu'.'.C-'' '' a.-'-- p i, tr .,, , . , 1. tJ arrive a as thev aid tievo- tv ' - iJ.;i.;R:v i.:J exr-.-n ic-a ;p.' :'P. .a; - ICnoxvihe buyir-g good-.; air. W. W. Carroll and fam ily, of Ashville, N. C , have moved to this place. Mr. Carroll will shortly put a sash and blind factory here. Dr. G. C. Lane went to Joluiscn City on a Hying trip 3a nd Chatham BccorJ. 4frn. One of the most extraordi nary suits on record war? in stituted in the Superior court. A Ik .ba.pson rrd It. AI- j rcao s? 'U d ridge, we'd wa te red find very ecavraieat. I -d .. oner for 6:-:-j.e niy personal property ; GFtOOERIES Xwiilaiiend ai'jaipt Ei-L COaFECTIONAHiE?.. .a.,v u.-e o. c.t ! to lp f-u::-i i:1 liar pnrt of ah- t T, ..,,.!.,.. i( J i-i , 1 ... ., 1 ... II T . -1 1 I i. ( : -i f ....... .4 .wl 1 .1 o . i '.-i ' is lililiii- 1 ,4 '.tr r...u-, ri...rtei, i i:.i;:i ; - ; n -, of Wake county last neek j ij.;.;- (:f)., hP;a ;V,.,iV. i "aor : oa Mop.day t.h 17th. ! tai?. by W.T. Hodge, citizen, ofjjahead of boa's. The- &.? nd-i ; -!-i,y.M- ";v " JVp.-.:-;- ,;pi ; Ibo.P,-. that county. . It seems that ' ?0 v vev--.ai. v -i ;.. ,.-.-.! .k' V!d r"b::i:. 1-''r K''"'' "''-' about twenty years ao a , ( ;Ui;,. Upphi do vpal io rvru ' ;. Uv Panr;- pp Bcpr: cs-- ja sew weeKs ago t.natout Inend , , , x t ,. . ., , - a ; h v i , , , ! mg a post- ottiae baei; oi th-uaga;! the railroads t.-cra-; whore Y u u'k'' 'a?- aa ooa j dru store; on main street. ! ting in the Kuue to mak'-an-1 f'.s at-uoiutei.! then. Post Adas-1 Mr W. ('. Wahth m wt- i tm.-il !-;.rk-,;pw .a ,!,;,.,, , :ora ou it-g ok'.iM MPK i -vr '.pt?a' .-. ISoa " M V. . -a p - " W. L t'ryaa. :lKk. X .;Ip ,,rc:hi, T-,;dic-tev. ; Mipv.i'U.-'-l'J n,. i ' . 1 V j y