3 v: Jemocr Vk 61 "n Tft a V ? LCI; Li VOL! XO.40 11 V"' ; f i in f Y "f- iv V. lKM"K.TM- f.nililv li-'MSpt- deotei to the iiiten-st U t ': it t v. State au i Xetion. PuHNlied fi r .it I'.uoiit'. Wnt.r.iga I'.mm.i . N. ('. .1. l M'AlNSinru. Hi mi!!. JOHN SAYILU AUS.l't i.t i-ni i;. Sinsi i.'ii'tion It at km. 1 vr,yy yc.-.r 1 moiiOi.s iOi 1 :t months "i A!Vi:KTlSIMi tt.Vir 1 im h 1 1 " 1 month 1 .1 1 " i 1 " 1 year 1 .-i-hana 1 wick.... ..l.7e s:!. 7 .!) :, if .in 1 " 1 liiolitll 1 : " 1 c " 1 " 1 war For iii'.'MMiit'iiiat-' r.-itts coires y muI wit it the 1-Mitor. I.ccal mains .1 it .lis a line. Sul'K-iij tioii i.i vii' iiiliiy in Ae V M"i-: aii'i niV',itiiii''i.t.- ay:t 1 ilci..an(!. A lata and rellabla rwnnlf far HKADACHI, TOOTHAlUM aiirl KF.iKAI.iaA. A tun diona paiKwl ovur tha painful anrfaca Rlr Im m Kliate relivf, with tormtnattoo of the attack. P -Icn XSc. and 60r. pr botUa. FUK bALK B" ALU DKLUG1ST8. Aepared only by Uio KEPHALINE DRUQ CO. Leioir, North Carolina. dr. A. (i Coi i e ing Xorth t ill ii v. I i. (YYvcll Co. ( . r-ays, '"1 write this to s,ty tliiit I it tie bottle of uied'i-eim-c;ti!'i! Kejiluilir.e is ii Riul il remedy for iie;!l:H-he my wholi' t'ttiuily use it niul nil ay (lint it relieves tlitMii.'' Wilson L;inton, Kin;'-s Ciee!;, Calilwel! Co. X. Csjivn "i ha ve used Kephe.lir.e for li 'Mil.irlie, hiolliaclie iii:l ricmjilirt ttdd have nevr failed to lelieved. I have also used it for Coin- iu.doses of one and two drops with great benefit." Rsv. Sam Jones. ' EIIAS BEET? WAXING UP THK la.WiLIiAiVS. Soue Sayiugj of thu Ssur.sonian Sin- We t.ihe the fouowiti"- tiy inirs of Sam Jones from tlu Danville, Va., 'Times. Tht were reporletl for that papei l).v Mr. .lames W. l;i;ii,s dnr in;'1 the ivit evanp list V preaehin in that. city. To j;et the full force and mean hv of his slede-hanmierhitt-however, we should know tln eonneetion theapplieation of what otherwise niiuht ap jieiir to hi far-fetehedand un polished. "If I were a. merehnnt, 1 would not employ any yonnp man that drank whiskey and played billiards. I wouldn't know whose money paid for it. I don't say nil such will steal, but I most say so. Any preacher who would sit around and allow his members to do such things is not fit to manage a litter of pups. Did you ever hear of a man getting religion under a read sermon? You will say my sort can't get you the oth sort don't. You have had solemn preaching enough to convert every person in Dan ville If yon want to do bet ter pitch in. i hear talking in that end of the house, No gentleman KiPflALIfjE wo iM tai; in t!.-.t way no :igab'5;:! shall. Ilyii0. .iu'i l;vp quiet up ;::v -ld e.!ie;: ; ;ii:tl g.'t out .! her ' Y ill want t h:ie .1 jT'!od time; Vi.tl old fool, .Veil don't know what ii good lin e is. Down in in v eountry the iliain-giings are full of Midi, people. ! The old people are now nf t r money and the young af-: in- a good time If there is iMiything I do' despise it is a dude with a pistol in his hip pocket. I am uneasy lest it should go off and blow his luaii's oul. I know some of you don't' like this talk. If you don't : just walk out. j (lod is iowless to save any mail without the help of otii-1 eis. 'rhe Devi! is p.(,wl.-ss to ' damn w nmi! without the co-j ojti ration (f his agents. ; Some wouu'.i are surhi )1. ! calm christians they do not I want others to .xny "hallelu- j jah," and t!uy will go right ! home and raise thedevii with ! t lie cook al out bun. t biscuits ' Th.'re is not a t wo-yenroM negro baby wiio doesn't! know its much about wh.-.t ; soi l of a place hell is as ti e! finest scholar or scientist who; ever lived. A hundred years ago the Methodist Church was iu.-.t what the Salvation Army is i now only they were not able j to buy a drum and tn inborn- i j ne. I am a .ethodist just like I am a Jones; I can't help my self. Wy mother and father, grand mother and great grand mother were i'etho dists. The meanest men in Dan ville today fire members of the church and tin4 best al so. Two e.vtreems, and this mablesthe sinner to make an excuse on account of hy pocrites. The thirty saloon keepers i im thiscity. A white-apron- "!, bu1! neck bar-keeper has; more influence than a preach er. I would steal a, cent off a dead negro's eye before 1 would sell liquor. The general impression is if a girl is a, good dancer she ain't much else. Never goto a ball room to look for a wife. Never will I consider my self safe from a drunkard's grave until my wife kisses my forehead in death. The man who distills li quor, the one who rents the house to the seller, the one who votes for the license,-the one who sells it, and the one who drinks it can't be sepa rated. Ifoneis damned all will be. (lod beingn justtHod is going to send thewholelot to hell together. I have more respect for the man who drinks it than airr of them. (lirls are not as particular as boys, A boy .will not go with an impure girl anywhere; but a girl will go to a ball and dance with a fellow she knows to be as smutty and dirty as the devil. So-called christians who don't know whether they'll stop drinking or not ; don't know ttl.ftWr they'ii .-lo-.i.it.-t me. ;;i.d i:. 'il ut d .-.; ing or n..t : don't know v- In ilc r they'll -neap t!.U fin or that, ain't north tv.i cuts a do'ii. All v. ho cent' I aiv.'i.'m uts for a pr;iyer-hook ran take. the pauper's. vith and we'll j ve,ho.uone. j i.'.w.i; i...- . ; .i- : lOoll.dllie.vi IS SOiilltlll :-r; loiuoouwnal you ni! a 'ool,"nud it takesa heap to go around, for there is sever- ad in the world. .Somesaylusi-slangbei ausei Is iy d.og. l:og, and fool, t H'hy tliey are thenick-uames i of a magoiity of the people ti whom I pieach. Am.inister in town. I under-: . i ii n in iwn n, i mini I" 1. says he cant exactly rse Sam Jones. ! don't sr.ind eiidoi need his endorsation, tind if I had it. it wouid'nt do mean;, good. Wlsen tl:e l.oi-d ..-Ivexn n:iii - - r, .......... . i on him. Jesus will not stay in the hon-e where there isa pack of cards. I have the same objection to a liquor seller that I have A. 1 1 .1 to a louse, naineiv. me wav he gvis his iiv'ng from Hie h?ads of families'. I w.is born and bred a Dem oc:at, and remained with that party as longns I could. Though I have quit thai par ty, I want it understood, 1 never was low down enough to be a Republican. The ini'i-iuil saloons are af ter your sons and the thea- ties tire after your dau 'h.t-i ers. Show me the preacher who don't preach against liquor and I'll show vou one that the devil isbraggingon ; and help 4 he preacher who thede vii brags about. When you hear a man say that he's got no confidence in Sam Jones, just tell him to write that out, bring it to me and I'll sign the paper a ve no confidence in him mv si- If. I have faith in the L(u-d lesus and I am preaching Christ not Sam Jones. You Danville fathers who permit your daughters to drive out with young men at 8 o'clock in the night, may find yourselves mourning o ver their lost virtue. A city girl was showing a country beau how to dance 1 h German. She placed his arras around her, and then said: ''AYur go if."' That's as far as I have ever gone, madam, replied the country fellow. If mothers would teach their daughters to play on a cook stove, and make their own clothes, they wouid'nt have to push them. I don't believe it is a bles sing for a boy to have a rich father. To ke the props from under your boys and tell 'em to root hog or die. When you strike a fool and a rascal you've got about the worst combination you can strike. Too wet to burn and too rotten to haul out. If I had the money that some of you people in Danville has and did'nt give anv more than you did, thedevii would (i, f!, or 10 children he does ai'1 " "'. 'V . , . ... r i- , an old horse-pis, oi that bas ing t h:ng for him ; hutwhenjvnt ,v.e !uad-d since the He gives linn only a wile and ; war and run the wholeciiureh a canary bird, he thiows off: out of town. you old !;o -s yr. There are au-u iti D.ia vilV w.i th 'H)0.o( wlio would - nt giveNlt to i!;"Y..I.r... to pull t !.e h;y.- ait of hell. No man ev-r I f I the pulpit '' f-'f Coia-less or cm n "j1' ' bug intiii.tt Iv. I hid rather i J,,, . , T jl,.,,, Jr I like the ;;,ptists. ,ihI 1 1 caught one of the bet w ives j i";n vei uad out of their ' pond. I a 1 . t ; "mm-i s ana cairns gei so H'ixcd up son. times-saints : ' siiMiers' lalls sin-. ' ,,,IS tn Mints jirayer imits-yai c.m hardly tell 5ntll,'!' b'o;i whrch. i ne good wpl'' Danville, are afraid ' l,!'infi' 011 Jl I''hibition e- k' ion afrail thet hirt.v-odd j !i,tl: !''!! holes m your city I n ''l dean you up. Why such ' christ ians as that would let . . I ..' I 1. I . 1 . A. . I. There an- always some old la.y members (if the church who hang around on theout skirtsofa 'mci'tiug and do nothing' until the last day wh.Mi they rush around in a mighty hurry and "say, (), j (' !ost' 1 iust getting rip'.'." Well, I ain't got time . i to stay hen? and rack you up and down the universe until you get ripe, (let ripe now. TOWN stB3EUG2L. " In the Gieat Pennsylvania Flood. Pittsburg. Da., June 1 -The raging storms that have pre vailed through I'enn., n the past few days have resulted in an nppaling loss of life. The scene of the terrible dis aster is at Johnstown Da., in ; nillb,;l n.unty, on theP.al- timore Uiuo uauroau and the Canoumugh river. Two and one half miles northeast of there is a reservoir owned by a rich fishing club. It is the largest reservoir inthell. S. being thirty-one and one- 1 1 half milea long, and one and O1!0 talf niileswiue. Itsdepth 1 1, fnio p;!n's 18 1UU ,iH!t- It holds more water than a ny reservoir, natural or arti ficial, in the United States. The lake quadrupled in size by artificial me,-ins was held in cheek by a d.-nn from 700 to 1,000 feet long. It is 100 feet in thickness at the base and the height is 110 feet. The top has a breadth of ov er 20 feet. Recognizing the nienance which the lake had to the region below the South Fork Ciub, had the dam in spected once a. month by Pennsylvania Railroad en gineers and their investiga tion shows that nothing less than some convulsion of na ture w ould tear the barrier a way and loosen theweopenof death. The steady rains of the past 2-t hours increased the volume of water in all the mount ainstseams which were already swelled by the lesser rains early in the week. From the best infoi ination obtain able at this time it is evident that something in tho nature of a cloud burst must have been the culmination of a struggle of the wateragainst the embankment. The dirfi- nilty in obtaining definite in - f;;r.natio:i add.il t ivniej.di- ou-ly to the excitement and : longer, so they hmrS-daway. appivheiMon. The eu.ir-eof Tlie hu'-baiid feareil his wife, '. t' t orient of theb:okeudam would go crazy before he jat th too of the lake to. could drag hr away and I Johnston is ahno-t 1M 'nih'.-.. ihey left t he doonK1! list;i t j and w it li th1 exception of at j and went inland along the t.tio p.jint the water pass d Country road until tluv rM ih.ot.gh the narrow -V'sha-'ched ... ., pCtl Valley. I Ml C It 1 1 e. ,-l(l W dani lay the tow uofSo;:t h I fork, w here the Southfork its , projxi- to-day in any manm r elf empties into therivcr. Theiexcent to row boats. The, ! tow n contniiHsl about L. ()()(! mi,',itnnts. It has not been lt.tlVl ivuuu ,mt jt js sai), , :;,t four-Jifths of it ha.s Imvii swept away. SKt "( HIN(J Till DMAI). New Florence, June 1. The gray morning light does not seem to show any hoe of a mitigation of the awful fears ofrhenh'ht. We are where ive drove across the moun tains in the darkness of the early morning' at. New Flor ence, 1 t miles from the seem? of the desolation at Jonhs ton. It has been hard night to everybody. The weary, over worked newspapermen who have heeir without rest and food since yesterday after noon and the operators who have handled the messages are even now preparing for the work of the day. There litis been a long w rangleover the possession of a special traij for tlu; press between rival morning news paper men, and it has delayed the work of the others w ho are anxious to get further into the east. Even here so far from the washed-out-towns the hero is in our midst. Seven bodies have been found on theshore near this town, two being in a tree, a man and woman, where the tide had carried them. TALKS OF DISASTERS. The country people are com ing in to the news centres in large numbers, telling-stories of disasters along the river banks in seluded places. Jno. ('. Cartney, a carpenter who lives in Johnston reached here about 4 o'clock. He left. Johnston at half past 4 yesterday, and says the scene when he left was indes cribable. The people had been warned early in the morning to move to the high lands, but they did not heed the warning, although it. was repeated a number of times up to 1 o'clock, when the wa ter poured into Cinder street several feet deep. Then the house began rocking to and fro, and, final'y, t he force of the current carried buildings .across the streets ami vacant lots dashed them against each other, braking them in to fragments. These buid ings was loaded with the poor wretches who so shortly, be fore had laughed at the cry of danger. CLINGING TO BUILDINGS. McCartney says in some ea ses he counted as many as 15 people clinging to buildings. McCartneys' wife was with hiin.. She had three sisters who lived near her. They saw the house in which these j girls lived carried away, and t!i-n tht-- mr.M xtiirwl it r.n here, j ItlSSaidto le next to ini-- possiiile to gat to Johnstown, roads are cut up so thntovei. the coiintrv men refuse tu travel over tuem in their roughest vehicles. The only hope is to get within about three miles of Johnston by a special train or by hamlcar. They w ill be there by the As sociated Pi ess Agent within, the nextliour. TitrsTEii's Sale. P.y virtue of the power o sale made to the undersign ed by a Deed of Trust execut ed to the undersigned bv J. P. Fry and wife, M. K. Fry, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wa tauga County, N. C, in Book D, page .4;i, of mortgages, dated the 10th day of April 1 881), for the benefit of J. L. Hayes, I will sell for Cash to. the highest bidder at the Court House Door in Boone, N. C, on the 1st Monday it being the 1st day of July, 80 the laud described in said: Trust-Deed containing 123, acres, more or less, lying on the Southeast side of the Flat Top Mountain and both sides of the public road lead ing from Boone to Blowing Rock, 0 miles from the for mer and 3 miles from the hit-, ter place, being the home, place of the said Frys, to, satisfy the conditions of said Trust-Deed. Joe B. Todd.' May 27 1889. Trustee." NoTicjTi By virtue of an execution) in my hands, for collection, issued from the Superior Court, Clerks office of atau ga Co., in favor of C. D. Tay-. lor and against F. P. Wright and Win. Lowrance for the sum $13,15 together within terest and cost I will expose to public sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at theCourt house door in the town of Boone, on the first Monday in July 1 889 it being the 1 st day in said month F. P, Wright's inteiest in a cer tain tract of land it being land purchased by F. P, Wright from Win. Lowrance in Watauga Township, VVa tauga County adjoining the lands of Jacob Townsend and Alfred Town. icnd and others. Said execution being for the parch a s? money of said lands levied on bv me on the 23rd dav of May 1889 to satisfy said execution and costs. Thia the 23rd day of May '8'.). J. L. Hayes, sheriff. do. Hog Cslera Specific, Gaffe Porter, Siiesp Curs, . Cfelcfeea Powder, Cenditb Powisr, tm ii i mm a m CMsrociifig LiiiSnisnt, FOR S. JJR BV W. L. BllYAN, XlTMtUUlTfW Attorney At Law, Marion, N. C. Those having lands for ealo would do w ell to place tbem in my hands. I advertise lands live of cost to owner, mar 24 89 ly, 4 WiMMliWiatttiMaWrat'- a