;A A J 1 Utomocrac. VOL J A I'KMfMKATic family ntwspa mi d'-votcd lo the iiitcn M- of ils ('un1 v. Mate and Nation. I . 1 1 , . Kvitv Tliin sila v n I'.coi.e, V.'ntaugu futility. N. f. I). V.. Iur:Si!!'.KTY. la in ii. . f. !:!V!:i;s. r.u;ii:i. t Si tis iiii'i tuv It ti:s. 1 i-'jy 1 yi in 1 ' a Vain ths 1 " Months A In Kl.TISINd Il.VTKS. ...'(. 1 jia!i 1 vcc!c l' " 1 i. unit h 1 A 1 " i 1 1 year 1 .i;r.ii:i 1 wi'dc 1 "1 'aontli... 1 :5 - .... 1 - o " .... 1 " 1 yen i- i . sl.l.-j. i; ) , Jr7 -U l:5.."t) r-2T) S:i7.."D ."0 Foi- iiitcvmiliMti' i litis iwirs 1 ( 'i.l tl.c liite,r. I 1 1 iii.ticcM i ruts a liiii'. ''liiiN.-; i: l inn i.ivariahly in Au-vam-!: Mini a-ivci I iiua.M'.s jiya 1 ' ;a ;! -ii::hm1. A fe nrt rnll.-ble remcrtr for 1IKADACIIE, TOOTIIAI'liK and M l UAI.I.IA. A fi'W drops ptfKd over lh painful surface plves lin ineitiiite relitf, with terminstion of the attack. Trine 25r. mid ftoc. per bottle. FUli SALB BY ALL DliriiiasTS. Prppared only by tlia KEPHALINE DRUG CO. Lenoir, North Carotin. f ' V t:.C Mr. A. (i ('i peiiii':!,- North ( atawtia Caldwell t.o. N. C. t ;i s." ; v. i ite this to .say that the little bottle oi na'Ui cil;e called Kcj.h; iiiie is a j-plendi.i 7 iiiii d. :'or headacfh.' lay v l ol i;-i.ii!y use ii aini .-ill sav that il !; in v'sthcn!.;' M-. WllsO! 1. I ;1 !l I 1 ill Kiu!'i IJIUIll'llj Ciei-k, Caldwell Co. N. C. says "1 have ued Kt phidine for headaehe, tootin.che aicl liPuraie-ia add have never failed to be relieved, I have also used it for Colic in do:e of (.use and 1 wo dn.ps with lirent benefit. ' (lan'ield W. T. Jm.e 2V,. 1889. l'or the 1 jEMoci'A'i : A,e,aiu allow me space in your paper to wri.e soa.e thin that may be iy;tevst ing to ils nmny readers. When i ro:e my other let ter 1 was at Taco.ua City, tuul alter n luiiiiiiny tl.e'.eior about six weeks, i oa;le;ui.ea to that place, and came lo (Jarheid a. distance of 4.4 o liiiles. Tiie reason why i Jclt, w hat could ;i poor boy io ihelvV So I set lo work ou the. 'arm, w Inch Miirs me much better any way, be cause 1 wa.v rau.ed a laruier boy. The Lord bl s and prosper the larmcr, because they are the most honest and independent "people of this world. When I hist to.: -nienced work on the soil of the L'aloiieiu Country, (w hich is very fertile,) I thought it was the loneliest country 1 ever saw, couldn't see any thing but wheat and the blue sky. And 0 how odd it did seem to rne not to see a sin gle silvery stream Uowing thiough the land, and no beautiful shade trees under which to rest this plrysical man. Herein this country ihey have to dig wells with out end, ami many of them godry. They dig wells for their stock and for their houses 1 helped dig one and while in the ground, 1 felt like the boy that went a sparking and 1 lie pitiless girl slighted him, si.: ti pitiful tone, ,:I EiEPESflLaLjE UOONi:, VA rAl'(iA ( ()lTTV,X. ('., wish I ir.is to home." j nornnt of the value of the CCTiimiSoioners' CCUTt jion. disability. Fp to this date it has been pieciou-Mnctnl was the old j Fpo application of Gas so dry and hot th.it thon -fanner, tliat he even then nl- Jllly 1CTD2. j ton Hoi ton Sr. (Col.). The .-slclsi.r acres o u!.Mt are the dishonest (';M-; Monday, JuS-ls1,theC.m-nother-in-lnw j.f Daniel 1 aii'iK s t lii' 1 1 oil hopes ior - buy t!... niggt of 1 p.iissioners uu. U(run;iIllC 1(, Lit tie was allowed ?1.ht. a rop islost. V!ii!- writing 5 !'-lhy mimi o! 1 jns n.rjr.uriiment. Thcj month from date. Newt Banner i-Alu nu of his 11' Dv.e vnlu was as-ci iuin-f. n, ,,.;., ill(..,,l,,.is u. i-.-t.rm-i - tr.ptoluaho 1..0 miles. II,. 'says tli, people there re- i i .... f i mind h:m ol the Jews !oo,i- (iii;ras eager. y lor ram -s; I r icy iliil I'M the ronuiw oi ; Ii 1 . Tlu' dust r.'iiniiis ! me of the fo- that ris.-.- from I tln Uautifni .stream of Cove1 LjveK, ami we make a -i-.s; ii 1 1 1 1 i at ; i if i n ! f ivisi 1 1 i.i'iin! .t . ..i,.. , .'. .7 i.i.. Tl . A OI.-'W 11 tl 11 tl Jt.l4l ... m,, u-i..rt mie m in...,,,.; H,(lof ,lis f;ltlll,,.-H ri own, io wit; iiuly ;,iiM wlso ii.is iiciwi in tliia country : for sometime ami is lioiiiLi' uril;u!i Aiast who lately iiiumed one of the lair dam M'i;, oi 'i eiUM'.-see, ami utv sen. e staved mere aboii" i tliieeOitys, lctui iiii, uiih iojijis of wood, a instance ol .iIjUUI lii r.y leu. 1 1 is a j.or country timi can not .iiiviid uooii aiiii liacKl-r- i n o. Tie iiirmei s are rcat- . ii.s oura 'ed about t lair iiii.al flop, which, they say, : liii.-i aevt r liiaed la tins colla- i : try ami if it :.- whuhy a hji i , .... line, oou ij .Miii.oo, nr; auoiy ait' in oeul aiu.1 expeci i ilieir ciops to jj.ay ii. Am.i inu icy ; i. wou.d iie better lor !tlic liitjoiiiii' man had ne ne jcr L'eeii Liora, for he can not ,-t t ciaployuK in. i)eai-re;id-cr, it is not only here' that it is where. The great lire of S..i- attle, the great disaster of ready as soou as the building Pennsylvania, and theyoung j is in condition for its rerep ilood of Watauga areenougli j tion. to cause trouble. Hutletthe Air. Charles llobinson, of people be submhsiveand say j Yancey Co , 1ms come here as did Gen. Jackson, "God ! as overseer on theroadsthat knows, and directs always! the comnnnv is construct in."-. lor thebest." '-GreatfaUh!" ho'.v I do wish rtthoine A. M. Mast, m v.- v X0UT1I CAHOLINA COLD 1'TM). The story oi" the discovery of gold in North Carolina is somewhat cm ious. Near the close of the last e 7;lury the child of a poor settler, while roaming along the banks of a sinaii stream, disc(vered a bright yellow stone, which, with th-1 he!: of his phaymiites, he picked up and brought home to jis)ver his interests fortiielirst lather. The old man wholiine. h.-id evidently 1.0 knowledge of the appearance of gold in it s native state,saw nothing particularly remarkable in tin; stone, but not to disap point ( hechild hade him place it near the cabij door, which it would serve to keep open or shut at pleasure. As the stone was quite heavy, weigh ing nearly 15 pounds, it wa.i found of considerable usu for tvat purpose. Several years elapsed before any one thought of the stone's being possibly a min eral of any value, although the owner often showed it, to l.i.s neighbors, bidding I hem .,, ..u :. - ...... a mark its unusual weight. Finally, he was in- a j . 4.. a. . i4. 4. '.i duced to tfdve it to a gold- j tion of permanent foot-logs j V. L. Bryan's account not j Emancipation proclama smith iu tlie neighboring j let there be two p!.i( ed side ; allow ed, for furnishino-shoes i tion 1863- town ot L ayettevihe. whoup - (ou itoLiUg it, at once pro - nouueed it to be gold. So ;npie, However, and so ig- ' i iM.no. .. ,., vi.ooo ; " ; - ' ' ' was it iiiii i ;-oou iitcaiU'' a . , .. j.niMi,., ... i aioiaia. .Mii.V, ulll, Ifl'.l. ? ..... ..4 1 ,....,.,. . ..M. .Sl W.M ,,., -I. V '-' - "T " " ' ""- our it (nvn a inosr ra-i : if.vii?t5si-it met m V eves. - Mi-t. I met "Hob" Hran cows, as full as thev could! h i'd of luscious fiiass, while, th;'ir ba,s were ami even ' , ! extended. Then, i ijiht behind rheni, came nine of ColYev I'.ro'n. cows in like condition, i uese cows reinnaii'ti me oi ,as o, A,:M kwzvi, wh...:( d millv twoitv-fivej cows uc!ois;.i,in to one dairy. News co uies from Carter Co. Teiin.,to All's uiTownseii'l of the death of his son. Colnm- ite.s, who died la.t Sunday, ! '''' t mon I h s.;ickii('..s. lie !'" ::Vi im'mWri nuiiileroi veh lives t .us .j Hjl . . imn.eoiate lelUlt.V. Tle soun oi' the hammerl aini sa w ni learu Here tins week, as work on the hotel and I. oven's storehouse has begun. Thiee loads of unit tresses, springs, for beadsieads and blankets for the holei have arrived, and JainesMrCamp-b-'ll. of Hnkersville, is making the furniture, which will be The Messrs Gibbs, of Y.'ineey, iire here. .So, you see, we are j drawing men from all over I he country. Sickness is beginning to make its appearance among us. Jackson Gragg, he at Oklahoma hi me, was visited by Dr. l'hipps, of Watauga, yesterday, ami the Doctor was Winded at Mr. Allison Townsends,' where several are .-riling. Mr. A.C. Kieksecker, a mem ber of the company, and un- cleto Secretary Chailes H.'Danis,' 7,"i0; J. M. Shall Iticksecker, is here, loo'iim 1 I saw, at-Foscoe, that Dr. j phipps is building him an of - lice, and the frame is up for a two story house for Burl Johnson W. II. Caloway's new store house, which is ,G x22 feet, two stories high, is drawing ton conclusion, and will be ready for occujK'i cv before lonir. By the way, allow me to suggest that tvat crossing at the school hofcse, isaniot miserable one. Men can get along possibly; but w hat a bout a woman with great box, little box, band box and bundle iiml three bits of chil- dren ? I am always looking! 1 l i- 1 ; out tor the women, and res- i pectfully refer the construe - i . . . . , jby side to W. II. C.iloway, j Harrison Aitlntlge, A. 15., Burt and Ate Johnson, and otn?rs. J. S. W THURSDAY, .JULY ,..t . J. r;4.p...v,Chnir..um. ' J. II. Mat ami W. IV.IW 1 ; mil, and prun ed d to busi- mess. Mum .iv of . nm trria ri. . , ..OI1,M.1(,(i iH,(1 , ,1M.OVl ,,. I'tiiin aim hatiiiu. M ton 1 i ... 1 : i .. ..... ()f -l p.. , ;M1fm.n. ! .,;,, .V:l ... ,.,., ',,.-! , - i 1 ' hy, ioIi-tnx for the year 18 80, ;i n.l until further orders, reason, disability. (. . Hayes application for release of poll tax foi the ,,. ismo ,w,f .,..u.ti..i J " H "i ll'fl, 1 Ullllll. I'pon application filed with the I'oard for aid to Levy i 7-.j,li1,1 f Kik township, it (..i,.,i.l il,,f 1,1 H-. oi-' wi-,-(-ti i iiiii nt I". Hl.( Ml moni lis from date. Ordered that the act of H. L. II auxins, County jailor, be! approved ami a claim be is sued for the same. See act on ;ile. Amount Sl.! lT--.u npplii-atimi !IW ivitli v.,',. , f,,,.,, i,., ,,-.n i., v i eiMsei I li 0111 p.i.x ii i, poll-t iix ... a -i n lortne year lrs'J, re; 1 son. disability. The ii, plica tion of Sha dri(ti Greer, of VJk townszip, for release of poll-tax for 18 8(,), not granted. J. C. t arroll, was iileased from w orking the new road from Dine Hun to Fail view church, provided he makes up lost time. Fpor the petition and ap plication of Thornton Ingle, of Mowing Rock, it was or dered that tli" Sheriff issue license to said Thornton In gle to sell beer at Blowing Rock, for 12 months, com mencing July 1st, '80. Hoard adjourned til 0 o' clock tomorrow morning. July the 2nd. The Hoard, according to adjournment, all the members present, pro ceeded to business. The following tax listers were paid the a mounts oppo site their names, for listing taxes for the year 1889, in their respective townships: C. J . 6'uttrell, Hlue Ridge, $7, oO; II. 11. Farthing, Heaver Watauga. 0,00; S. J. Hen-di-ix, IClk. !j7.,00; John Ward, Laurel rreek,$7,o0; AlexIIa LU'nnian. Co ve Creek, 0,00 - Hanner, Shawnehaw, P?G00; W. L. Hrayn, Boone, j 9,00; James If. Taylor. Meat Camp, 7,.r0; W. E. Greene, Stony Fork, $0,00; A. F. Davis. Bald Mountain, 0,00: J- Stokes allowed $l.o0 j for registering votes in Lau- rel fVeck Township for the November election 1888. Ordered chat the petition ! h'led withtheboardforameml ment on the road from Sh ill's Mills to the Mitchell Co. line to be advertised, to be heard! U tll(J August term. . uiu .v ",,.",T1: f . ... i -1 . - n . i i , uio tuAm in imu e lun n ii , ! ni.rtH,ui h i.wi-'o ?Jj '. tor registerino- same 1 ... rr " . ! to a i rlsoner and iailwithl ! a bucket. YvMI. Ran-iin released from ) m()iith fu.. ,()n.i.,n(1 sta1 .sman orwiirricir poii tax for the year 1889, 11, 1kv). John Sevier. It-vi'iitly tli? ri'inains of (Jov. John ScvifM- vt-:v if- hnovrd fioin North Alabama jand ri'iiitcrcd at Knoxville, 1 r.ii i i ' i.im iiiuiMvas louaii in nw jil in w save ni'jiiMerinjr; hsIh-m. n liWli lu.inr .vifofnlk . ' . ,........ t7 tfatheied ami dcjiosited in an eh-n-ant colfin were trans ft red to Knoxville ami there buried in the presence of 20, 000 people. Cerea ionics be fitting the occasion were held and (Jov. Taylor made an appropriate and eloquent, speech recounting the ad vancements of the deceased. No figure is more prominent in earlv leiinessee history ever achieved tre iter success under such adverse circum stances. The hero of thirty nine battles he never lost one. niscourni'e and skill won the battle of Kinu's Moun tain ; his ingenuity andceas "Hivit.v foil.l- dm llldi- i i n (-oucci ve-J ; 1 1 f I successtullv ac- i: .1....1 a... .1 ...1. V:.... coiiiplished the destruction of .-ill their anmnit ion stored at Chicamauga and furnished by the. British ami prevented an attack upon Washington. We behave John Sevier ac complished more, all things considered with the means and forces ata's command than any other i foldier in American history, and it was fitting the legislature should have his remains transfered to the state he loved so well. Now let a suitable monument point out to tht! world the last resting place of a hero, who deserves to rank with Ceas ar or Bona parte as a. soldier, or Washington as a patri ot. Bolivnv Ii 11 He tin. NOTABLE EVENTS. First jury 970. Dins made 1450. Needles used 15 14. First cast-iron 1544. Matches made 1829. .surnames used 1102. First newspaper 1494. Coal used as fuel 1534. Lead pencils used 1549. Window glass used 094. First gold coin B. C. 200. Tobacco introduced 157u. First steam rail road 1830. First Postage stamps 1810. Kerosene introduced 1820. First illuminating giis 1782. Electric light invented 1874. Iron found in America 1815. First insurance, marine, 530. First wheel carriages 1559. First American expn sslS21. Musical notes introduced 1.3 38. Latin ceased to be spoken 580. Bible translated into Saxon 037. Gunpowder used by Chinese 80. Iiible translated intoGothie 872. Photographs first produced 1802. Old Testament finished B. C. Paper made by Chinese B. IC. 220. Kil)le 1 1'anslatetf into En- Jiin 15o4. N()L E. F. LOYILL ifcSON. Attoknlts at Law Boone, N. ('. July 4t H9-1 y. II. K. BOYER. Attorney at Law. Sparta, N. C. June 0. 88. 1 v. SCOTTiS ERVIN, Attorneys at Law, Lenoir, X. C. YY. C. NEWLAND, Attorney at Law, Lenoir, N.C. June 27. 88 lv. ' J.F. SPA1NII0UB Attorney at Law. Boone, N. C. Special attention given to the collection of claims. July 4th 89-1 y. M. M. PARKS, Attorney at Law Jefferson, N. C. June 0. 88. iy. T. B. FINLEY, ATTORSSI-AT-LAW, Wilkcsbiuo, Xorth Carolina. YV. B. COUNCIL!,, Jit. Attorney at La. July 4th 891y. Boone, N. C W. B. COUNCILL, M. D. Boone, N. C. Resident Physician. Office on King Street north of Post Office. June 12 88. ly. I)iCL.l:7rrLTYES. Physician and Surgeon Office at Coffey's Hotel, Boone, N. C July 4. 89. Cove Creek Academy. W. M. FRAN CUM, Principal. Next term begins Aug. 5, '89 Board, everything included, six dollars per month. Tuition from 75cts, to $2 per month. For Further pa r tieuhws, address the Princi pal, Amantha, N. C. WATAUGA HOTEL, BLOWINU HOCK, North Carolina, Tliefiinious Summer Ik'soit, of of the Mounliiiiis. Miigiiih'eiont scenery, icc-col.t water, nnd the best table in the Stntft will bo o len June 1st with Miss Bettie Willi iras as house-keener and L. S. Williams an clerk, both of Char lotte. NOTICE. 100 acres of good, level land, one Steam Saw Mill, Shingle Mill and plainer, for sale cheap For prices a ppl v to A . J. Critcher, llorton. X. C. ' febl4 6m. XOTI-'EI Is hereby given to Thomas Brew er that u certain tract of land, lying in Beaver Dam township.. Wat Auga county, was sold for taxes for the year 1887 by J. L. Ilay&j Shff., on the third day of Sr p. 1888 to the cha'.rman of "the boai d of county commissioners. The certificate of purchase hav ing bctn dgued to H. 0. Johnson and unless redemption is made by the third day of S?pt. 1889, the undersigned will take a deed for said laiids. This July 1 1S3&. H. C. Johnson.