Watauga ft r.ooNi:, wAT.i'(;Ac)i'XTY.y.(nitM:i)AY. Ann st 1. ixm. noo. VOL - A 1em hath; family nevpn-jfeel ill at ease, but to feci per- J nature, without apparent CoL Uor A P Shot tad Instant m r (Wotwl to the interest ol ; fn-tlv at home, and I could icause. pass into the Walk,. it County, Statf and Nation. Put.lihhed Every Thursday nt Itoonc, Wutauga County, N. C. 1). It. iMH'OHKltTY, Kw-niH. lt.c kivkks, pniusntit. Sill -kiithin Hatks. .1 ropy 1 yenr J " '( months.... 1 44 3 months... ?1 .r(h-. :trc. imagine how it was to steal amd awful shadow of insani awav from the maddening if v. nnd consigned to the AUVKUTININO RATKH. 1 inch 1 week, . t " 1 month 1 " a 1 " "1 year. .. ...fl.7.". 7 throng, nnd enjoy a pood nop' of last' and biscuit'. So 1 hung in v hat on a lamp shade and sat down on the floor bc sidehitn. I picked up and ate . ii i i - i i 1 acruminne ivany nan oro ped. I did that to make him feci that I was his equal. I mn my thumb through a but ton hole in his coat and told him I wanted an office. "What kind of an office do you want?'" he asked in a tone so cold that it freezed the lasses. "Most any thing will do sir" 1 said with warmth. Well sir 1 will con sider you lie said, good day. I got up and starred out; 1 felt insulted, so I had but lit tle to say. Mr Harrison call ed me back. "Are you any kin to the Harrisons'' he ask ed. No sir I said, 'Nor to the Scotts nor HcKee's?' A ten i be shade passed over his face, but it lit up again. Are you any kin to Main? ' No I said. A Mfe ind rell.ble TtmeAy for HEADACHE, 1 frtoe flSSUmed a gllUStly TOOTHACHB .nd NKl KAL;IA. A few , ixril0"V1kh1:irfr,k,! i liue. "How dure you be so Price SSc. and BOr. par bottU. FOB UAJJt BY ALL DKUUU1STS. LOOK OUT, WEAVE STRUCK EOTTORI! ! Standard Prints, (i to 10 c. Worst hi! I2f4 to 22 rt. shville. N.C. Julv 23. Minis of dress goods at corivbpondirigly low figuri. iYA Rnm-r V Pmlp a nmnii-1 "K f,om 6 to 10 ts- M1' '! hat. 2.V. tof 1. Fur keeping of these walls; hen . )(,nt jawyer nn,j editor of te:nf,, lw-,b Ha.idware consisting of, plows, hoe, are dreadful moments in lr,.v I tiniH IlAzisUTtiX Marion X. j P'a nw '')t1. saws, hammev, hinzes. & etc & etc. & etc. 1 cL-lumn 1 week... 1 44 1 month. l 44 " .. 1 44 0 " .. 1 44 . 1 year.... 9 f2a ...f37.50 $50 For intermediate rates corres pond with the Editor. Local notices 5 cents a line. Subscription invariably in Att- vaxce and ndvertisments paya ble on demand. IE raaua Prepared only by the KEPHALINC DRUtt CO. Unetf, North CroHf. KEPHAUNE TESTIMONI ALS. Mr. A. G. Corpening North Catawba, Caldwell Co. N. C. says, "1 write this to say that the little bottle of medi cine called Kephaline is a splendid remedy for headache my whole family use it and all say that it relieves them.-' Mr. wilson Lanton, Kings Creek, Caldwell Co. N. C.says "1 have used Kephaline for headache, toothache and neuralgia add have never failed to be relieved, I have also used it for Colic in doses of one and two drops with great benefit." Life's Philosophy. Do not hurry, do not flurry! Not hinir irood is got by worry , l?.Mle the hour to make the Nnriiiitr! Take life- easy, that's the thing. Do not trouble, do nottroub lei Heavy hearts make maketoi ling double, Groans the back with loaded nain. Laugh, and 'twill grow grow bright again. Do not soi row, do no sorrow! GrM today is joy tomorrow, Life Hew smoothly afterfears Eves shine brightest washed with tears. Hark the children, hark the voices! Somwiicre everything rejoic es, Blasts without, of wintry ring, Ye niirti within makes end less Spring. We clip the following from the Scotland neck Democrat I went up to Washington last wEek to get an office called on Mr. Harrison. H. w as lying on the floor in the back hall sopping molasses with baby McKee. He seem ed muchembarressed when made my day boo, and baby McKee dropped a lump of mo lasses down his grand pa's collar and made his hand's photograph in molasses, by slapping it on his shirt front. audaciously presumptions then! Goto Maine." I went. Ie was sitting on a wooden rocking chair, rocking like the salvation of the adminis tration depended on his rock ing. He had a hand on each n m and every time he'd go ack he'd kick his feet out be ore him. When I first got in hearing he was singing "1 el j u st a s a ppy a s a T Vi g Sunflower." He learned it rom Harrison. He soon changed to "Johny Git Yo:irj iairCut. 1 went in. lie lushed singing, but did nt stop rocking. ell sir,' he said -'What can I do fory on?" "Give me an office" I said. Are yow any kin to Ren?" No but my name is Ben. He stopped rocking, "well what is your shirt? Vamsutta lin en I said. "1 mean what is your key board?" Ihavenev er had one, I do not like pian oes. He flushed. Which leg do you dance on?" Both. I gave him a jig. "Ha vn'tyou got a bit of sense, he howled, What is your tick?" A water- bury sir, he sprang from his chair. "Are you a Dem or a Rep?" he stormed playfully ninchinsr mv ear. A Dem I said. "Well sir, yon may go, at the next sitting of Con gress I will see what I can do towards having a Bureau of of Lunacy established for you." , With a heart beating high with anticipation, I left. Hen Roht. own life when 1 too am haun ted by the Misj icious fear of a diseased braai. and it may latitat I or some one whom Ilovelretter than my own soul may have to I war this greatest of human calami ties. I pray, I beseH-li you. g,)od Lord, to so enlighten the understandings and the hearts of the members of this board, upon whom rests the great responsibility of caring for these unfortunate people ami of ameliorating their sufferings by all possible means in their power, that they will be able to see their duty and have the courage to iM'iform it. So fill their hearts with kindness, with mercy and with the love of tile poor suffering men and women who are or who may be in mates of this institu tion that they will cast out and utterly Jestroy that ter rible macnineof torture, that blot upon the civilization of the 19th century, the bad stranip, in whose embrace good men and women have suffeied the agonies of the darned ; and let them send back into the shades of ob scurity, let them remove from this sacred temple him who makes use of this cruel instrument upon the wretch ed insane in his keeping as a punishment for nets or word bevond their control. Aews & Observer. BITTER WORDS. Eva ngel ica 1 Messenger. A single bitter word may disquiet an entire family for a wholeday. Onesurly glance casts a gloom over the house hold, while a smiie, like a gleam of sun-shine, may light up the darkest and weariest house. Like unexpected flow era of the Spring up along our path, full of freshness, fragrance, nrd beauty, so kind words, gentle acts and sweet dispositions makeglad the sacred spot called home. No matter now humblethea- Pbode, if it be sweetened with kii.dness and smiles, the heart will turn lovingly to w ard it from all the tumults of the world, and home, if it be ever so homely, will be the dearest spot beneath the cir cuit of the sun. C, was shot and killed at that placi just after alighting from the miil-night train which had brought him from Round Knob. He ad gone about one hundred yards from the station and was leaning on the arm of his friend, Judge Haywood, from Texas, while on his left wasanotherfriend, w hen some one came up and shot him through the neck, which was broken by theball. His assailant ran, mounted a horse and fled the tow n. A coroner s inquest washur nedly held, rendering a ver dict of death by a ierson un known. A young man who had threatened to kill Col. Page was seen following the dead man at the depot last night. Quite a crowd had gathered, expecting trouble, and indeed the rumor that some one intended to injure Col. Page was so current in town that when a pistol shot was fired at mid-night ma'w persons remarked that Col. Page was in trouble. It is 'said that a woman is at the bottom of the tragedy. instantly '.Cutlery of ali sort, at bottom price, last night i Yariety, ami as cheap as it can !. U Crockery in iudless amd in the Coimtv. ( jrocerii: ROCERII ;s, ( JKOCDitll "KOCERII inncERlFy Pi "ilOCERllA NOTICE. By virtue of an executior in my hands for collection is sued from the Superior Court, Clerk's Office, of Watauga Co. in favor of Joel NorrisA. sons & against Alfred Greene, for the sum of $S,1(), with inter est and cost, I will expose to pulic s.'de, for cash, at the court house door, in the town of oone. N. C, on the 2Gth day of August, '89, it being Monday of the Superior Court, Alfred Greene's inter est in a certain tract or par- el of land in Watauga coun- jty anjoining the lands of J. 11. Urown, II. r. 'Uler5cotn- ers, ir, uemg uie nome piace of Alfred dvene, Levied on v me on the 22nd day of Julv 18H1), to satisfy said ex ecution and costs. This July 22nd 89. J. L. Hayes Shit. Drugs, Patent Medicines of all kinds, at factory prices. Large lot of shoes in latest styles, Boots at prime cost. Always on Hand a la roe lot of Coi'iVy P.rother's leather, at factory prices. Jeans and Cassimcrs a factory prices. Tinware at almost nothing. We also have a lar'g. lot of DATERSOX mCTORV DATERSON IMCTObV ATERSOX I' ACTOR1 ATERSON ACTOR Yarn and Jeans at factory prices, to exchange for wool or cash. Don't be afraid to trade with us if you one in, for we will enable you to pay up back debts. All for sale ait, bottom figures at, Dr. J. P. Phillips & Son. May 1 ." mo. Sugar Grove. N. ('. " " 1IOWCAX Will W. Holsclaw sell goods so cheap ? 1st. By buying for acsh at the lowest prices and getting all discounts. 2nd. i y being satisfied with small profits. 3rd, ByAaving no "bad" debts or accts , as he sells for pay down. 1 now have in stock one oi the most complete assortment of goods ever offered for sale, at bottom pri ces, even the bottom dropped out. 2,000 yards of calicos, consisting of indigo blues, ghinghanis, checks, chambrey finish, all the latest styles, o00 yards dress ghingjBins, Satines, ll'ortseds, Victoria Lawns, nt 5 to 12 cts. Mull nainsook, cheese cloth, velvet, drillings at JO c. Sheeting at 7c. Alamance 7 e. Table oil cloth, Twilled drapery for IVIIwImW '11 tf fll tliJ (It 11 fviiMlTl rw tl'tiru foit anl KwiJ anouSmAiK uiuw o vui Utnio ciimi V'l (lll vrtvir) A II fill! V (3 ttJ 1 11IT7I 20 to 50 cts per yard. M n and boys' summer nats 10c. and up. Misses t rimed hats all styles, 75e aud up, worth 1$. Anything you want at the lowest price possible, from a paper of needles at 5 c. to plows and even saw mills if you will let me order them for you. No goods sold on time, the rotten credit system must go-pay down Low prices, instead of High is my motto. All orders by mail prompt ly filled. Everybody is inviied to call aud see my new goods and low prices. No trouble to show goods. Yours'anxious to please, Mar 13 1 m. Will II Tlokchnv SEWING MACHINES At the close of Mr. Whita ker's speech in prosecution of Dr. Grissom before ttie B'd. ofvirectors of the I. S. Asy lum, he made the following prayer: "Finally, I beseech you Great God Almighty, Creator and Ruler of the Universe, in wiiose hands are the' desti nies of worlds, nations and individuals 1 Thou knowest that the misfortunes, the trials and the struggles of this world are oftimes more than we can bear. It was but yesterday, tuat I saw a 1 uniiled my rea-ssureing man of bright intellect, great smile, and begged him not to I learning, of keenly sensitive- Even that Republican or gan, and blower formouopo ly, the Baltimore American, can see danger in ti lists, as well as wickedness, which is but another word for down right rascality. It says : "For instance, trusts are entirely wrong, and they seem to take delight in mul tiplying their own iniquity. Their securities were placed in Wall street. There were large dealings in them and big figures were reached be cause there was some sort o confidence in their Honesty Now it comes to light tmt the outstanding certificates of these unholy monopolies aggregate the enormoussum o,219.000.000 Mesttengtv. NOTICE!! Bv virtue of an execution in my hands for collection, is sued from the Superior court clerks office of Watauga Co. in favor of D. P. Mast com missioner, and against L. B. Miller & W. N. Thomas for the sum of f 37.09 with inter- est and costs. 1 will expose to sale. -for cash at the court house door in Boone, on the 2G day of Angus '89, it being Monday of the Superior court E. B. Miller's interest in a cer tain tract of land, situatedin Hatauga county, in Meat rami) township on the waters ot .Meat ca nip creeK adjoining the lands of J. 11. Brown 11 c. Miller and others, known as a part of the Isaac Green t ract. Levied on by me on the 22 day of July '89 to satisfy said execution and costs This July 22 '89. J L. Hayes This handsome 4 Drawer Sew ing Machine with full set of at- aenments and hve years guarantee from THE MANUFACTUH ior IMWITEEN DOLL A IIH cash. 0 or 8 other 1st, class Machines Organs for less Gash than nny house in Kr.ox ville. 20 years experience 1 n.t his busi ness. Write at once for circulars and prices. Needles aru parts for all Leading Machines. S. P. ANGEL, KIN OX VILLI , Tennessee. 30janl2m. ROCK BOTTOM STRUCK AND KNOCKED OUT J. P. HENSON, Dark Ridge N. C, is just receiving a largestock , General Merchandise which will be sold for Cash or country produce at prices never before heard ot. uive him a call. apr20ly. 01 WANS IV ' -:53 v SUBSC1UBE TO THE If You Want the Latest and Most Reliable :m. ADVERTISE IN THE DEMOCRAT IF YCU want it to reach THE PEOPLE Price f 1 per year, ix ADVANCE.