J XyVV& b rts A' 's a ,0 ii'B tf, a i. , ()J r. ): m rtH " fn -M J? V.,. ;Jk i-.-. v r- .J Si'W A ', A ' A '1ST I !.-.!, i X(. YCA J V ..p.. . -; .i b t.p. A in.v.ei i;...e ay ' v.sp .1 '.!, M'UI. ... ji -i i'i r 1 .1 P C; i..a - ' ;:1 u ti . 1 , i( t' -u:i; v, i" o 1" n- " !' ' Flibadn-d l'.Vi I V Tl.l' : .: i I'cel.e. W.li.r'-'M ' 'I .V ". i. it. iMii'iiunrrY. ihi u t.-. 11. C. !:iV!:iUS, l'rm is i n. are; Ii !.'- at ! :' ! ; r . - i I ' - T 1 i'.' T'.'.ih'.l r.i.j.i.- i.f V:!t.iiii:.i V-':u lliis: ..,' I I' .! 1 I-'.'' Til ",. .. J)) ,,;) :I1V Si I lit" 1 HI! - 1 ::! :.!;''.'''''' .: HI nt tin' li"inilifi'I 1mvn nf i. 1 !; i' C: a P. C.-.r i : i : .. . tooN lanor an : ai'.rai v. av.es u !..' .ii-J. ; ' M f.'.IV ! J V.O i'l t!:f i-:. ...! 'I . i;.. ....... -K-A f.i. .:;,.! "i tt ti: -i : ! :! Is will: his ; .j. ! ' 5 t rA - i V- 4 Pi f -' i v. it h It's rhluc : IMIT!!!.. I! '. I i.-. 1 ,y 1 v:n- 1:,',-M!!: 1 " ' ti 'mm;: !..- - " . !; t h" i-i.i:! .v( hit; I ' ' i: i ; i ,.(!' IL' l.x :iris. i .' ', .!'.:! ? ! i-c.iiiis. -.- . ... . I !....- ..-kl'I. 11111 .- I1 II lll.l.- (..'' ... I I 1 1 1 i. r !-. it i.' .( .uiril.v : i,. I I Ml- I i l ( ' l I . iH.i;..n.. Eik Pail Ncrth Carolina. :. i.!....:l. Ai r.u risi' c Kat: v. u imi. lie . liol . I . It 1 it i(ur Mini v.-ilk lit. j - . .1 :il:'S ;! i!,iv tnl, li ! I -J- I. '(i '. r .!!:.! I.!-.- ;.: i . i : ; iowiMo one i "i : !,t!.;s I. s i 1 : !mt it i::;iy h." . u w. -t i;- ! ii r:.t :u:ii!.:-i-!i wi: n si i . , . , . . sj;, -0(ti '.ii.ikiiiu' ;!mu !:.::; ;.. ." ; f.i - ........ Aire with li :si:i'-s . i :i I.::',.-- -17. ". ismhv !;;; : v..)- : :.,( 1 inch 1 week r " 1 month 1 :$ ' i , 1 " 1 yen i- 1 ciluiiiii 1 week.. 1 " 1 month 1 " : " . " ( " . -I .. 1 J . : lies s: I in u i !i 1 ; For iiiteriiieili.it.' r.ilcN corres- i loui;.'!- iiml I i:r ' i jkumI with the Ftlitor. ! is r.i.uh' nun . ; : I , s ,. ,..;;,,,., ,... i;..iS tu i ,. , A.iia ... ei-'.. iuti;. in.m-oiuio!. ' 'v;ss 1 5iti;-.'Iy h'.-ny'.l s ! ,. j ;!' ,,,v. ; p;,-. ir-xMcr ix wortliv o. i :'; Aur. t' .".tli. . Ihitrly a full Jim of jroo.1 1 V " ' ;.. . , T-.vo ;'. l-sii:'l l!iii-.-IJ:t.V .f,.v.-v kiirl. iis::;i!h kei.t in a s-.ii- .'W.. '-A,' .1 !',,:!,!.: Mi- i:Jii"r!Wp.:,,.lllr, Whh-h we will lA.A:;,,,....,,, of '' A: i :,: ; i i ; i h- ui,,; lA'dl.-ti ! ,. f, r liolliin-,' hut the . i ill-.- o -i , i 1 1 ' 1 H .v; ! ;; I a- . ,:i ().. ;; i A t i'T ii.i'l !.n i i:c". ".Nwi'til (';,!.''::! S li!: iA: . hi n :;' iv. :: : i ;'.',':' u:iy. :"... h. . ;; . i' :. ?"-;ii i j !.! .! IH-". it i . 1 1 It MM t ;i !'. 1 1 1.; .! .;. i : Jl I 1. T !( is irvl (i with l' liu -!h t . tli"ii ? ;:':;; oi ?.;:ir, inth( v i l . "!l' :i;io l!i:' sli 'fii;. j I Tli... -il.. M : i:ii-."v; Hie ' i I.ocnl notices .-M-Hits a line. ;jv iXU( Ui,r.u. .... .... .-.. U; : . ;i ;,. v. .;, ( . SiihscriiitioninvniiaMy in A.-- ' r;,. T, ,', , .. . s i , .'.;i.t ;l liieoiMlennllHl. ! 1 !S 1 )! 1 .S I ( ) III"!'! : ' ' ; ,i 1 1 ; L , li! . I!i';': . I S( i; ! i ; i ; . : ( 'JUKI is ol'ti'51 i i'z c ! ;)':;:.v i n. .y ;ut i !.; . HOW TO ! i 1 ! . ." !"!:.: : : ; ; . ;,:;;! ; 1 w.ii le .... loses liours cf pie :..;;s sweet : i;i::' !i:s ;; M ' ;!( li :ii t.V ; ii! tii l ni 1 1 m ini 1 1-1 . 1 . -1 vi 1 1 1. . i.i : . ..: . . . i.i 5 . , r , , , . '''' .'i.i i. '"- .;': -I. I'.' , '.it. l'ii . ..Ill l'.'!!i''! I . ; .' I . ' i . A ffp mid r'l!alle remrrtv fur IIKAHACIIK, . . . TOOTH A( H K and MlKAI.t.lA. A fow th;t SUilK 111 li!-; 1 ! ! ! ! W.". l,' , ' i '" ' tfi'.V.i K'-'i t 1 . 1 (.':- t )) the dmps inn-fcil over the iaiiiful Kiirfnre cIvim hn- ' ; iiiritc reiu'i, wiin ic.i... ...I..".. . i. 1 1 1 1 - UH" run ! i'i. 1 ei iiir.i:i .' . ll.O.lill M ii(S iils e:,,l .! . "a:.,; ravem-ii,.-. wx. unu. viyv n st-T !' u! - u,y: SMt1.rw;iir.n.v,i22.;Ol V 1 WVOll. 1 ";:';,-'v- i.i ii,-;'.li.'W ufCov.iA.wIi', diedl .: j ai V ;i!iii;itcii N. tii tit li. I ! Th Feiiiteiii i.iry 'inii.vs! VA i!J .Jvoyu ha renins that j I'i hands in t'lt' si oc f.ie- c.-ui not he sur Mssedin thestnte. j Jury iiiakit:;;- -."i0 siiue:-, jut 'Our stock ronsists of a well se , iay, i lecte i stock of V ri. h svndi-nt.1 iimvc T- :.i;:'d to u'iiiv;:' .x.'iM;ra ' v ' ' ! 1 N ! ; ' ; i ( , : i . . "t i !.l e;l.-. a t ; ;! hi !,.': lil!.-i A:!'s. A l;i.U' nndi'itakiii. a A!i .A-. i .!i'i,:i!ii '. i::ve . . . ! , i . 1 i DRY GOODS J'rlce 25r. Mini Mr. per bottle. Foil BALK "rrrimred only Vy tho KtPHALINE ORUG CO, Lenoir, North Carolina. without ine fear ofheiMv; Ao. 1 i::;!k( I .i I'iii- .v:i 1 !' "!")ii k' .h'i-rv" Husk Ms lie A' i .!!(' ;!!.. j.is woikin up the i li.e.i d.-.y.: ..:;! ieiiil !!i-'Ml hnsiness very 1 n i.i. i ..n .i : ! ; i s ( ; i i ! ii M .in. . ii'ih' niiii.'ini .ii.' : e a ! ; ' it.: ' ih ) ved in cxihti-i (Iroccries, Hardware, cmociis- ..i :'..,.,,.. ,. . i t 1 ,A -i i hot Ii liocki 1 an I tnhle, Scythes . .i.f! .i.:e';ie, '. '. 'i . i I . i jy ; ! i . ! ; )', -i" i,i; j he. ldt'.i MS: . ' , . t. i , .i. ,1. . ii j -i I . ..'1 ;-.ia i in is nun screws, ,!. us"i is m,I rli'' ! ,i ;;i ii liv S ;'.1e aiil. , , ' Vlr-Iiii.-t wviiis 1o -''--i iMiu iiiiii'i saws, an oi , i . . i i 1 ai l... .....i i ...;a (;nv iiimvi'M ;ivn : i i o tro;j;, n 1,1 'U".-i !irj.- 'il l' O.iii lTS. At tile 1 h)v !(! iv ri each caudidatei Remarkably A il Hj hy llic slier: i' lakes h.s; ( '-.u-oli;!.!. F.ui I' ere ea:, !.. not ro'i;;1 lil.e rilie balls lYoin I-1;;'- ;,s Aure ;;ie i n re.idvl ;':"!' :; sl;A '; .r (a v. !: r !:. isaed t hat he ii WI.itvoHli o-u.rnvon-wr:.!;! a.:u .sS? jt u:-'jioi- a t ion hr !i;V: v vl'nv Iu'1- a:: 1 v:;" --l.-.-r.-I. Wilson WMS m.-.a.(j toiieidn-North r two. Tho wH!(,. 1rv.. lhll; , Th, ddi- ;t:;; . , !:!;v 'l';:; , ';! ;';,!'Iflltt:v' , i 1 i , 11 ' VP.. ... . .. v -u- m-M n iimI ( ,)V- " i;' Ml- 1 Ml ITS J U Si V ( i.tawliM, ( ;An- elK-o. N-( Ad tarinHfi. and loves it. lb :ii-r.f f llio dnwmt r-r " V V ""'i ?.'h' M-, a iWo-ntt iWr1 lili V! &o I, rvulf M the coinni-,- Aonof th.'Stat, would h, 'vnoi-iind siat, (),h.vt ju'tiuMnnn. A s:ssiou of tho I no. X Ko, li Ul sMciMl world, uhoro tuj allow- wonAeiAillv by the ,lkv':i LeiAat u,n will h, oallod.-mc Slleii!i(i rotllOilVIor IH-iKlMCllO .uiers iu namriui ui, man: 011111,111,4 !" la.nw.i.i. .1. - ,,'v wholofMinilyuso it ni.d ,t, wot woathor, short ci-o.A present t apj.eMrs to be a l:'Mi onut t.overn or 1 .u-..-.o board ot Luitea ,fi . ... aa if .i;,.v tlif.m , ,-, ! , . ,. , Oiiio will elect uovrrnn,. (ioniaelth" (tli to M);ro- iillsMythiUitH-hcyestlK'.n. or low jwos. 1 ho coianier-! easow!. to iipMid-Asaro wai ,,,,1 i-riale (l;e thirty thouJand Mr. wilson Lnitton, Kings jci.-tl world has no sympathy j ting for an ohjocthv jvihit. i " '.,1,', ;vJ.!;;l v:ii ,.,.,.( AaH.irs aeeiunulatcd in the Fi-H'k, (Aldwell Co. N. F.siivs' with the business man. The! If tho two ohtsses of on In-1 '"' " ' ' " j Ti'easury from entry h-es a.r.d "lhavouso-1 K.'plailino for (jM v his bills fall duo he is ex-i ,. rise ai!d bo cMrriod o:it in ' i' " , . i intorost (n tho State bonds. hoMdachc, toothache and .At(.(1 to mwt ,,,, if is t .()5nn,ti:)n. we mhrht: soon i ) I Ins anumnt Wal gixv oach nout-ii ii ii add havo nover , . ,- , , . 1 . - , v ,A , r ;mti t.-.to oi.ieei-. ipnpii in .. t . nvoeents, V r I V- i i i unable, Ins paper is liable to i see in o.:!orii North (iiroii- . tM- , . i ... i ... n -..i,,. i,.,.. a: tailed to bo leheved, I have A ' ' 1 . ,. , . t , , I lie (cr-'i oi I nue.l Si ates j 1m'. ia.lus ( a do lias ills- tilso used it for Colic in doses protest and his bus!, jna a growl h perhat.sas won- ., .,. r,,, ,-,,,,.., i pos-d if one t'.iirty sivond in ? of one and two drops with ' "oss to piee'es. Those wlioi;te!Ieriul as tli.it. in Alalia. oa :. ,.' f ',. A ; ' ; : est in his new telegraj.hir H. f v.'At ! .::-Ait." doing well in iiinA-ull ur.il .-vA T.,;ies---'-.-Ao!(!s!;oi-o A A"A',' " ;',A ' '. invenf ioii. to a New Yorker, QU f)ES - !,1K:HAa,in,1 I i A!.- ,,-.,:, a;i.-e tins year is ,n thousand tlollars. nULO liir'-TOILISKEST. A ; U , :nTi,' :.Vf L; : ; - Aifint r as bearing on na- U L iU,';;'' alo , - 1 ! ' '" ! XThi;t,,-c:y. Aonn! o -hAes only in eas; U 4 c,,,a ... , ... t;1 1 J",i-:'iA Ani:pAeop;del.,.Vv:aann--Av,-)Ma.sak.-iso!thel,egisla! . XOTbi:! LSIIOKS ! ' .il ! u,1" i,a' ''"'A'- J " !:!'' i-tlv tan.-d a Yo:k tn-oe!,o.a ihA; oar hold oej. 'l' ' i; not tine ieis.ao ' - i-; congr, gatmn by a ;. aa; :i. s, n., ,, ';,. S- -n-1 ; , . A f ,' ' . i ! , . A . .,,.' '., ; V , A ... . , . .... i ... !( . f ,.p. ...-!i.it .... ., . ; !; i li lull I a.' i m1 i,J! ii i. 1 nl! I bou with ;i-uo 4oi!.' ' " ; 1 ' " ",ulJ js-na'-n on W h;!e .Aa very, e; ; s i vt: a, in X,.;r York wii! i j Vrl.-'s o!ii-e of Wafau-a Co Tiiou thai would taste it, 'r'U' n ;'!'nM V"1";' Vn 1X V ! v. hAh the a-kouAg is a ;-p a vote faa-a I'.a'.A States S 'a-iki favor of Y. L. Ueadrix LOW. lmve u trenioiiilious stock of ftsrsnoES! shoes 4 ff? j , itii i na ,...ssi,!.; a. -a.ia i ! iiiiani I, van SHOES! ! SHOES!- I! Eo.th Ca- olina's PiOg-css black slavery there should be found time 1 o consider the suh'eet of white slavery. Wecui v-'ivo yon shoes in any atori.i ) b.aae-e,, i loa. Adnsr Eli lbuar and MaA'o"'".1'' WZH. or '''J- la.m Kii.iei-iorthesUiiloir).). j'a-.i Ti' you up m looi-v.an- irum '". together witl interest & jn Ta ft. hroiin to the finest X cost, 1 will expose to public j h-niti-ev.ed la-lie's shoeever sold ll.l .if 1... l..;i..- 1.,.-. 1...... TI- X- .1' .. "..II 1 n.. p. i"'U ,.f ..i ii.i.ilii.i. '!' iNi-Miiiu miuMi-miui.iiii we carrv u iuu uuu . ol lVl'"noe ;in Il()(;1)!,oll1ile2Gthdavofi wllKt,t (.f UCKKSSO.V S i'Ai'KJ:. dy Made CLOTHING. Mil! do thy best; Use it, not wast? it Else 'tis no rest. YVould'st behold beauty Near thee, all around ? Only hath duty Such a gift fomxl. Host is not quitting The busy career; Host is the fitting Of self to its sphere. 'Tis tli brook's motion, Clear without strife, Fleeing to occ,y After its life Peeper devotion Nowhei-e hath knelt; Fuller emotion Heart never feit. ;Tis loving and serving 7!l Il!f I I t nrwl 1 wt ! Tisoinuu-dl unswoiyiPgl "- ".i01,nt"i: ;U!v'- 1,.. ;.. A ili'UJi Villi eriff. !i!nl ! :il ixuxx ui... k, ; . ;. '-so WAV ti oi i's toiergi.-s to ; ;! -'e pr:a ,p.e ( Wm. ot,,-... f. .Ma-rct Low-1 su-li goods as the peopl .Jolin S uwigat. i-- " ! ! .i... sa. .se;'.;-.-;alig .or t :.e i.'aiie m its -party :n tlasStato. It hopes ';!'''' ol ataim;! Co.. and i-e-! -lecil and will h;ive- U e sell for .. loi its crest iis o; tiio oth i. i-,,n, pi-.a !H.,.-S 'ri,.,-,. , , -N .., .. i i -,.1 . 1 1, if i-e'ie., n h,..;c -H of mo; t.'ijie cash, tliereibre will not ba STAY ON THE i Alb.i. j 1 lm op- oM ontimaeis aa a:n ,v : , ..,.,-vb. -uai-t-a Uv- ' (,1 - A'- A-'' ' A 1 A iain.sior.ii tiiowesirra un-, .,,.;,i,jj!i.;..ni(j uunv) asjuit'i !aali'-e. It will be hot! 44. with interest mid cost, to si-l L 1 . 1 st;ttist!e;il review oi thomato! ... , :tl.. V,..-ei.,. Tlii in- "!,-!,,.i-u,i.e,1n,.f pi; p; : (i t Pis ci mutrr "l bonds as 1 "o i. i-i-lOi a f .. . x luh ja-Un t He iipei -lor ourt, I ai la- nai up...ui.'t1;i).g.-iuil ,V(llol'A s( ,.u,..(. ., -a r,-.., (-,. .,.',..,,.. i per iriil be devoh-d sp;-eial! v j i iarA and Mariiiin Kimer'sin ! mentof resources in vogueA .Q .j j,;'' pi. pia,i. Ao the upbuading of Aurkoj in oOO acres ,-,f land within tholimitsorourSt.-.to.l",'-' "' , A ' ;;((,;il,lv i, ...A-t.. i,vh-i:i U.-itauga ( ounty, iu;UVii ...a, i,,...,., ;,.,,. ...I,., il i'-'Vos. ivom-mg ess-idm, , '..n.O . u , Eik township, on t ho Eaareli uoy- uu ,! - ; '-istatiaeutsof d'eia ration oi i numey-u met" who wm piiy.Fork of Elk Creek. adjoiaimA tiea to know, has ltrar,Ml;. , , so ; fur its publi-a thai for 1 welve he lands of EH Kimrr and! coiismeraiMO nonce um ('(,i'-; .jp j1(r .( Hi.r Cities " ; months. The pioprictorsjoth.Ts. Thisi'xeeution is fur responiU are from the j:W y,'. nytt vu o ta at-!"' this p iper own lar-"i:iter-! J!l" j'!:!v!,',s. (;f N-li(5 siiid m 1 he monev centres of i , ,. , , , . i . . :,,,.!-,.,.,,, ,t,. ..;,.i i:.nus. j.ev;e-.! on l,v me on ti e v-a-th TN W- of i,,,illono: .-roar-!:rtKt an f - ' ' '.-' " ifhe2'! da v of July to satisfvL . . . ,f !!' ,l'J."'- lh ? l'! North is beii:-a t hist (mae-A "n-oa-i tohavethem dev-b; ...j (iV,,,.;;iti;, c .osts. Tlii'sl ome tnul oxon,,m for i"ourK,lf' .... mm ;e u, nu ,() hj!JHl.r,(.;,liS lf j;... ope,!, i'ohtieally t;.s iapor;.:dr LH)'.S;. .J. L. HavosShff ;aud inroducesit w!thth 'l.d ;o.v!! .t .r.; .n,(i ,,,, f will b-Aiopubliean. thou:-h it ! ' ' 1 lowmg i"oner.ius ;i;maei.l i ;l:i a no :ls own : (hat it s;ei:d more ii;i:a in i iri-kino-th,- -be.n;. from lis :i;iiiiii:!.--Tr.it am. It wars otl '. own eve' instead .,' dev::;; slock in the present ; Tratam. It NOTICE. We can suit you in any style, size or color. Nothing but first-clans udo ls handled in this line, and sati-fa lion guaranteed. the bandit b-An who have1, 1 " )V'U' "1'"' V,V h.-nv bout our goods in . , , , ..' i Ji i! -u-'' ' -;i e.vcu.e-d ; lie lowest Tiiaikets. e have () ; ae;i ai' i-"I tae pr;:a ip.os (a Wm. Yotic. p. Ma-i-ct Low-lsu-h goods ns tin? people want, The farmer's life is one mix- ;dary of Nort h Cai-oiiim. West. Capital: no siiaAAes so bind- j spiey and sometimes bit tor. !',Iiv Tlxsaid s:a:i. wiil sail for ed with toil nvA pleasure the in is eastern Ten : Sll;, !iS t'noso forged bv the! I "rice !.."( jier v.'ar. 1 Vf.U'-V1; k!'V,iH;?si u tlwHrh Thereis always wovk to be ! uesee, ulieieimme;, miner-1 1,, h;i5!. of sufferng' C. R sUKs. tZUo done on the farm a gate to al dev-'lopas-ats are taking!.,. r1-1 aiai uecc -it v. t !; Undersold. Ca'! and price our goods before trying elsewhere, t AYiitch this column next y (if k. :!e: is disgusted wit'; ';!;;'k i'.'iiiv. a part of acres! wh-k for ji. more complett'list of our bari;ain.s. uieiu, a fence to reset, an ox h railma Is are being ,;a,.L- VtlN hiUj .nngh. : Uo ;!dni:i.s rat iin of Tr..-ie. !!; u,'!' p-.,K,"!;?' n Vn'sA in thediti h, a broken dooi to , hui.l uud new cii.r.s ee.iatiislj ; y..zt 1:u U) b ' eo.a ai ed with l'e!i'' and Itelongs to t i i ' ' jvA J , f"' Tp.V j!,?." i!.' 'iVm- t "V repair, ii garden (o jdjw, :i !d, which v. ill make thecoiju-! t!, )v,.v,,t!(i ,-,aidiiio" f the AAkAg brigade of Wesiern ;':! s A! 'A. v i'.V.',':;si'r,p "Vh.d tank to I mild, a ciop todi-.v irom hattanooa a 1 1 he j, v r Mlji.jull.; .,';j - t'!!;!'ii;'s ;.' l)5',.-.i,,t v. a-.-. .,: !'. n-v Kik-a-ljoii!?.!-! Eespect fully, jilan. a crop to plant, a crop , south to IU isto! on t hema-f h ; ,;;it tlieir bv; s ia aian- hi-:! i"". ""i!. n: ICL'V.V . V!!i'Vv,I,r '""' I JOnGS Vance. to cultivate, ii croj.to gath-ciist a -real indu-lnal iiAdA timet m A. , si a'Ashim ais of urtsia building ui, I'buke Co. : b.o.r,a.,Vio; rgag-. July ,8' Jli! 18 1 ?. i L .. S u..

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