i J j ilemocraic. rf w 7 . i . :.v i-. Hi :r- ,,. ,,.v..t..l t. tl..' im.-r.-i .t its -. ,,itit v. rlMt.-n'Ml N : : t i n. i' Kvi'iy Tt.in.-hi lay lit p.m. i.e. .Villi'"-. i Cmni'v. N-1 i. r,. rortiiir.KTV. r.-t-i: 15. C. Hi VI. US. l'i m.is, n::. Sit lai'Tios I!ati:s. 1 . 1 1 (-.j.y 1 y.-ar.... ' (5 .i i.snli ..( ir. lliCI:! lis.... AllVKKTISIXU Hati.s. 1 iinli 1 wtM-k, i " 1 month.... ;! ( . 1 year. 1 .t.lunin 1 week 1 " 1 1 ii nit li 1 " :i 44 1 " o " "1 year ...5ri:i." yj.t s."() Fur iiiteriiiedinte rates corres oim1 with the Kditor. horiil notices ." cents a line. Subscription invariably in Aa v.vxi'tl mi'l iiilvcrtismeiits iaya ble on ileirtJt'h 'jj?'-;:.:.- 3:S-S?''I f"i', t't the other J,r; . J ..II..M. .nm.4 flirllKAUAtlir.! n..M lat rcllvr, .V.-III. wrniina. .. . ... ;- I'rin. 5'. hihI nilc. 1.T bottle. FoK SALS 1Y ALL OKl-tiUlsTS. .,,.,. no,5 rn ' l'ri'li.iri'il .in Renoir, North Carolina, ly ny IUW IV H l.u.iw wi.w vw. IWilM. J Oltrlll Mr. A. G Corpenlnf-- North Catawba, (alduell Co. X. (-. says, 44i write this . to say that the little, bottle of medi cine (-idled K(phidine is a sjilendid remedy for headache mv w ho e tamilv use it aim all ,;av that it relieves them.7 Mr. wilson I.antou, Kin.us Creek, Caldwell Co. X. C.says 44I have used Kephaline for headache, toothache and neuralgia add have never failed to be relieved, I have also used it for Colic in doses of one and two drops with iTent benefit.'' Ir'r cftlr.p Heve'atiowneRaTdiDStha Iccc'le c:.a.pEif;U in I'o th Ca.oliaa. Thedisconteiil of 1 he North Cai-o' n i r i'ublica:iswit!i the way patronage has been ha.n (led. is lesidiny; to some in-!,.0mbine or trust here in our terestin.n disclosures, regard-j V(.jy i ; l i r 7s t . It is composed ine-tlie canijai;iii there last , ,,f Iii(M1 w, kjlow, iUyn who Autumn. SeuatorQuay claim . mised amony; us. s tl at he put into thehauds:'pi)0V uf.lv ,m,,e ;1s tioor as of his private secretary, Mr. Frank J.each, :i().H)( to save the North State for liar i - r i i 000 to Mr. Ester for use in the district- ofChoaihnni, the neirro: So.bO J to .Indye Set- die's son to elect Hrower, and $5 000 for use in Congress- man E wart's district. The other .f.17,000 was used in other districts in the State, according to the claim of Sen a tor Quiy and his secretary. 7 he curious thing-a bout the matter is,.that nobody can discover how the a.OOO in each of the ropublicm; dis tricts was expended, if it was expended at all. The Quay faction nive been intimating pretty broadly that Estes did not use the money prp - erly, (Hen. bstes denies bav in it an.lashewiisadlvi-i'o'i superintendent in the railway mail service, they their good friend Dostums- ter General Wauaa.aker to turn him out. E..tcs is a fair nson mm Aiorton. ins secre,,,,,,,,. illto ., tnist nl. ,.,. tary says that he jva ve U . 1)aTf)W Hcher. The Sou . - .iiii'ii -oi t iM1 ni'-'.i liurr.i i h- to tl - niH.-.i.v iii.r.l nj'v.iv before lb" eivii h-; i e i :i a took eiiVct S o improve, niv. i !;'! to the rej u I f 1 1 1 journal-, its c.iw !'li' V and tone, Mr. Iv '.i s was 01;i' oi the m:ili:l"eis for (ill!. Alli.T at ci i.i ..-..j v:, ...... i i... .....!. i ua'ii ii ii.mi i H' Vi; ; .,.,. a.,, ' i i v which p.t .-..hout, that lie, .... . , . . I I . 1 1 . i I 1 1 1 I I. I I '. 1 1 l U1 har-ed iheA'-f (li'Pn;:ll,(.;1(! in v-,,. li; Tu, y- I 11W, , , u- l ti... .1 .1 'u, r:lVs i,r" vm ' ,i-ni'si..nv hul!ll.sV Hoes the Mm tj. !,..: 4 Ho vou mean that 7.V. ,ra,r. V , : ! 5lv"!1 shit,.' out your ihvi'lli.. if I niiulit ho it w- the n.on- 7(.Vat,s,.,U(. was, 1 ifno.vfieate a wann :ls ,. ..s I)( the sueet. 'ey requi.e.I to carrv mv onlv eoiisulereil a e,UI!i);l !e lalst-jt .sff.v."S';'ilf.'- . I .. wi-i l ii-' , , . i " ' , . , :,. s t.-o i -tiMii hi t rrio ln ' , ' ; ki-4 ivinr rays ol tliej.son throu-h Ishounl 7 w i .r,-, o-ee I HMMk,'!':Um'SS 1 ' I)!,1,"-'4ifMi;i-!!t of t !.e worl.l , meet ; not lo it ?" Yes madam, ,,UtHs ,I,.j. tl nli;Vil i li(!;lly Xv;m;ed tl:Mt riWsti; hrijvhtuesJi meat, exactly that: I mean '(ua 11,01, ;ui ,J,!,. Kei.nhli.an admi.sl .r-: f(,:i;I,: .ssbea.ain-fron. 1 the Imnorahle. manlv ' sense ...v;;- toiUa.mi. .wr. Lm-n i 'Wi!: W;!l ('o Jill it canto heh T.7 ..f , out. of-a job bee; '.'.i harl t!ie temerity to dei:y lhat had ever irceive.1 :V.!iii t l:e rosmasler (lenral's i'liemi any of the money t m cliai-ed h.iii. Hut iie sai;:' accvat colli..' from the !u riel.-. o! Messrs 1'rower a ; 1 liwart. '.Mr, Setth', the.scc!- !!i"!;,le Iiiup' Settle, ndiuits tli;:t -v received .:i,(H)(), and t hat j kiiw.insj t ii 'n itrotici v :!( ."laip.- . v. . - I I (-,. ninkl SCOlllS to IKIVC VU .'Us! ,('(!. ( Oil- .. i. I-'m nvf , h n i, w ll.ltlv i-r inn ii A A ...i' .....' that tfoAHM), or hah of that sum was ever received in his district, lie says that. tfl-'OU was collected by Colonel I'at erson and was 'wisely spent, hut that was all. T7;e matter narrows down to a question of veracity be tween Quay and Lea h onthe one side and the tnroe Con Grossmen on the fit her. The "money wasrais.ju,an.i wnecii ei-pocketed by p;o-bet. weens. or spout in corruptine,- the colored voters is not very in a teial. The story simply adds to material for the history of the maimer in which the pres ent .administration was fois ted upon Ihe country, a ji'ainst a majority of fivehnn dred thousand of the while votes. New York Ih'iuhl. A combine near home. It seen-.R we are to have a any of us, but by the opera lions of a protective tariff thev are now rich, and are i thein Plain Association met jn Charlotte on the Gth inst. ,M1!i .wlonti d the short time i movement for the purpose of .... , . ! ri-l jcurtauiny: irMiuction. l n-re, has been too much protec- tion and the rtsut is over-i I irOIHK l H Ml, Mil l I t II I ll. III l lif L- i. i..,: ,. . f' i..,.: l 4..,.: v a,,. li M ie i in i ii nut nun ii i hi i- tives' wages. The manufac turers are not to blame for this, but. Congress is. The Itejtheir new nronhet, deliberate publican party has claimed j lv Hi!((,mi the gate of tlie on to favor ,irotectioa to Amer-I (jf (h.; !n,,u,() iU,d nish lcaill.ioor iiliu jieie e .ee Iw,,,. iiLm .u.ni-:il.. ii - gainst that labor. If wasde cided to shut down all mills, both sriiniiiiig and weaving i V. i- '-!( I . 1 i o J ii i iw I , n i i . . 't i' I , ..llviniY , " 1 1 H1 llt lh; U,t hi-h irices. That sann lleoublican party claims' to favor the fa rmors" in forest, hut this action ol the protec - induced!1 1 . . . , , . f ...i i.i.i.mt.n.i in...: ii iw ii.tT I'm1; :1 look at it. Deo' v m ' r 1 iti int; nn mil Lt. wake up after awhile, -Dress and ('fr)!iiii;u. i::;iTMi!A!j:Ti:!-:!:s. l i is iM-c. a;; ng.ng t o s:i- 1 1 l:li::ili.'- of business f.:i!'.:: i .1 .; .i..H.,t. ,:',!!, v.'.v..,l iiii-iii-al or ti:-1 fact of, I reduced material to work on. 1 1. So .!,...,.....,; ....!, ii, .1 VT.i iimlinc t,. tiV oiiM.i.m il.:.t it . . iea!v Ili.lH ales a Im tterlriai:- . '. ' . . . .... i ... , , ,, i . i ,, , ., ..huso-ins niM iii.-.ttlie moir.i inieand nobU' Hepuhlicah j m.-ihoils that were mk- j IV.! in Mm- di.Mjrraeeiul cam- ia!;rn oi ia Indiana .! 'Hi e;sw uei e, lit u;. re".-;n- ed i"i Virginia purchase p van's1.-, i'.it i :n:o';i t ion and 'blocks of f.ve." Next v.;erv the I):'aio:-r;'. ts will nominate their candidate lor i . i ... i :u ! ... (!(,ven.or. There are a Ii;'d! i ii -en or more oroiniUeut h - aiaiidatcs for the nomina- I tion mimed. I lie U.us a: e counting on caiyine,- Virgin ia by the aid ii Democratic iTotectionists. 7;at a name! A Democratic Dro- tectionist Wilmington Mfx- IN A FIUY FUUNACE. A cuazy iticfiimors Kii:nFMu IN Al.AUAMA. niicay;o, Aup;., ! A stiec- i.-il from Hirmin'liain Al.i hama says: A most remar kable religious craze kasseiz ed the nejiroesnead'essimer. and the country iutorinedi atebetween that riijiidlyrow in.? place aiid Hiriiiinp.'lnun. For some t'unopnst an old;;e ;.-.-!'o na.tned Tol.-ia .Iacks;n, has been prochiiniiiip; him self as Daniel, the Prophet, and. doiniA ail kinds ( f sinu lai, wild iind queer things. Darkies in tas section are ig norant and superstitious of Jackson's actions, and g-roat lowers which he claimed to have. The simple minded negroes were aw-v7 by him. Saturday last, he persuaded three young negro men that they were representatives of Shad raeh-that entered the fiery furnace of Nebuchadnezzar of old. He claimed that the fur nace where i ion is melted and cast.iuto.iill kinds of ,Oi!liS, ! wns t lie lurnace ol Nebuehad- I , , I ..I 1 in-z::ai-, ana xnai iney cou:!i j 'lir jf jind pass through w; mat the smell of lire. " ' n--! p i ,i ilii'oe negroes cahed them selves the three children of Is rael, under the influence of )t . t iOiI -'eiidiong liltO the white heat of the melting iron. When they failed to come out .Jackson, the prophet, pro claimed that he saw them ri sing in the air, with the smoke of the furnace, at tend- led by angels, and said that ! ti.v would revisit the earth ixt Sunday . The negroes - . , propose to moot at eiieeliureii j n4xt Sunday and pray whi!en; 'awaiting- the descent of thein : .i.e. .i u; .i D .1 i !.e iui! J(V l! oljC I f ill. "Ml S'lM v l.-i, n-;':...! !'!.. i:i:i1- I I'M- v.- :.s i!;: i;,v i,..v n ...,. ;i .1..,. !. - .. s- n -ini. .Liekso:.. de i -ophet . - iti ii 1 1 : ; ; !' walkdefiry I'm ma v ami he I.imii(! to'- h:v biie -Neus ... i M.W. . ., ; 'I : we;e taught, w.-at, is thees Sim Siiine. 'senfial wvMWw ! A or widow asks me, fiooi! lieoiile !-,:i-i sllll- . it!i i-,.!"..i-,.mi h t. mv fii-Kt :1V- i i vii n ; i if i win . J' (tl4 (...1.,.v yr ';1(VS .;,. yv iVien you h.ok in the mirror by ehMice, do th , ,-i ,,.!'. ! in,,,,,,. ii. coui'.tenances? And ii tvere is sunshine ii) the jarlci-, is there any en!ive.v:u-v ray of it in th" kitchen? Is there rvniTimejt ;r.u laughter in the sitting room? Docs, il liud its way up stairs where i the children sloe; Are there anv rooms in vou: louse which are dam "looirv ' (oh and inhospitable, from the nek of the inflowing of domes! ic sunlight. Throiv open the w indows; set the door ajar, let the fresh breeze of purifying cheer fulness sweep through and blow out tje disagreeable o dors, the infectious melan cholies, the cobwebs of suspi cion, the dust of fault find ing, which hides the beauties w hich lie beneath its distast Jul mantle. Let the clean, searching r.ir find out every nook and corner in which have been hiding doubts, or hates, oreuvies. Let it filter through and make sweet all the places where selfishness has been breathing. Send the I'r.li noonday sun of charity of trust and truth into it, and then invite your friends to enter. Let vour home, how ever large or small, elegant or simple, be scented continu ally with the flower-like o dors of tenderness and con sideration. Decorate your parlor with courtesy, spread your table w ith generous hos pitality. Let sunshine greet every one in the house. You will be surprised, friend, to see how light and airy and i dole out its chair of instrue merr.y apla.ee such a house is. tion among the ieading de It will be the nook to which nominations of the State isa you will turn naturally and gladly, ay the dearest spot on earth. It will be one con tinual Summer day indoors. It may be dark and gloomy without, but that will not be cloud the sunshine within. The season will not. change your roses. They will be fade less flowers of perennial fra grance. They will grow and carry their sweetne.s-.s with them, and the flood of radi ance will follow yes even into your graves, aid make added light in the mysteri ous world beyond. Messt'u gvi . Education. I i . - , . . ! different religious denomina - T ie prevalent and grave; . . . .. , .' , 7 it ions are jealous of each mistake concerns not tM otilel.'s ase.nidenev in the Wf - value of education, but its;i(S.jj0n of instructors, or the nature and scope. Half our V-lection of directors. We a re tellectual, asjiiri-ig boys f.lliry that, to ! educated they imi-t go to college; w h-a. in fact, so:i!c of mil Wl.!!.UI Md. some :;st '.u.Mt!' : men mnei 1.1 !t.nt ;i da v in (.!!."'. whi! m Mile who U ore worst qua! , i'i - ' . f 'f -1 m s or I'css h.ivc gradm-i a pi- d. slir.ll ( l.uMlot l'i ) 1 In 'if ili- 1 i .l anas. Not v.Ihm - yon .... I. i. . ... - ....... f III' O 1 II w 14 ow n son now feels, would be, unwisely exchanged for eolleiie education which Llll- der.ed him with a sense of ohhr;u ion evermore. I mean that when you shall Aave uiven your son the best edu cation that can be paid for with the means it has pleased Cod to ';ive yon, you have done your whole duty in the l'nnses. ar.! may, nuiuhly I'.ut trustfully, look for the i''v'li(' Idessiny: on the result 1 moan that the eduoatioi you can give him while he remains an inmate of his be loved homesubj. ehvtonll its chastening, hallowing- influ ences, is very likelv to be of greater value than that ho would .('(luire by spending; four years even at Harvard or vale. Has not Deniaium Frank lin educated ? If not who has evT been? Look ,,;roun you and see if you cannot in stance several who had no more schooling than Frank lin, who like him. abandoned daily labor when twelve to fourteen years old, yet who have ever shice been useful. efficient ,!respected, intelligent if such men as Shakespeare .and rrankhn. and Lincoln, are to be deemed uneducat ed who need fear to be class ed with them? Ilortwo (iivclcv. Denominational prejudice. In the first place there has been too much (enominition nl bickering- to make the w hole system ofpublie schools a success throughout. The fact that University has to shame aid a reproach, not to the University, but to 1hej"". E. li. .Miller s interest interest that makes- it neces sary. 1 1 looks too much like having- to throw a bone to the dog to keep him from devouring- you. Theotherfact is equulv discreditable, viz, that some men of strong- de nominational influence have not oily stood aloof, but practically discredited the public schools, w ithout ever lifting a finger to offer some thing bet ter. There are sev era! communities we could name in which excellent school buildings are shut up! from one years end to the io.ner. sunn v oeeanse the; repeating: tne experiences of tin' H'tty principalitiesof Hu rop. a hundred years ago, hut nowhere thai we know of out :ilt of ii few Noi tli Ciiro lilia towns. are I'loilestiillf s. - cts, at present, so disgust iugly jeal nis of each other in iilvfin-iii.'- tlif I'llucational ill t Tests .if the S ate. U ) ii M not -auiM.-auytlnnjr us ; people as lolix as theMi t Iliads ai-e so, mid the sooli rwe foi l-ear and forego our petty jealousies, tho better it will be for us and for our pos teritv. N. ('. Trr.rhor. NOTICE! Hy virtue of an execution in my hands for collection, is suerfroni the Snjx riorCourt. ( lerk's office of Watauga Co. in favor of .Joel Norris &sons ..v. against Alfred (Ireen, for the .sum of Jfs.10. with inter est and cost. I will expose to public sale, for cash, at the ( on it house door liithetown of l'.oone. N. C. on the 2(th duv of August '80, it beirf Monday of the Superior Court, Alfred (inen's inter est in a certain tract or par cel ol hind in witaga loui tv adjoining the lands of J. II. Hionn, II. C. Miller & oth ers, it being the home place of Alfred (ireen. Levied on by me on the I'i'nd day of July .SI) to satisfy sad execution and costs. T'his.IuA22nd)0. J. L. Hayes Stiff. NOTKE! Hy virtue of an execution in my hands for collection, is sued from the Superior Court Clerk's office of Watauga Co. in favor of W.'L. llendrix, & against Eli Himer and Mar lain Himerfor the sum of$G.". Oa, together with interest fc cost, I will expose to public sale at the court house door, n Hoone, on the 20th day of Aug J 880, it being Monday of the Superior Court, Lb lu iner's and Martain Kimer'sin t ei est in mO acres of land ly ing in Watauga County in Elk toivnslup. on the Laurel Fork of Elk creek, adjoining" the lands of Eli Rimer and others. Thisexecution is for the puiohas money of said lands. Levied on by me on the 20 day of .July to satisfy said execution and costs This duly 20 '89. J. L. Hayes Shff. NOTICE! Hy virtue of an execution in my hands for collection, is sued from the Superior Court i lerk's office of Watauga Co. in favor of I). P. Mast Com missioner, mid against E. H, Miller and W. N. Thomas for the sum of $37.09 with inter est a zjl costs. 1 will expose to sale, for cash at the uourt house door in Hoone, on the 26th day of Augn.st '89, it being Manday of the Superior in a certain taact of land sit uated in Watauga County in Meat Camp township on the waters of Meat Camp creek, adjoininb the lands oi J. H. Brown, II. C. Miller and oth ers, known as a part of the Isaac (Ireen tract. Levied on by me on the 22nd. day of .Tiily'89, to satisfy said ex ecution and costs. This July 22nd '89. J. L. Hayes Shff. H VNNElt HOUSE Mrs E. Walch, Propria TRESS. j yAjK pAUKi Noktii Carolina. '...a nontmniric nmt i i,uv;-i imi, uv ui luvuii'i uim 1 polite attention. Agoodfeed i' ..-j r,. .,.. of..1-- , ,1in ;n anuiixeiy stc ' un in ' connection with tne HoUd by.W. C. IFalch. j GCVEUSACALL. .July 18 89 tt. r

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