y : - - s A VOL J HOOXK, WATAUGA COUNTY, X. (' THURSDAY, SKITKMHEU 2(3. s NO. 13. A Pkm kAtic fntuiiv newspn jwr devoted to the intcntd ol its County, Slate ami Nation. Published Kv ry Thursday at Itooiic, Watauga County, N. C. ). (JIIKKTY, Ki'iTcYiTT" It. C. MYKKS, 1'riu.iHHKK. Si HM IJIITIOX K.ITKK. 1 copy 1 year 1 " (l IIIOlltllH.. 1 " :t months. 1 no,-. :t.v. Al)VKI( I ls(i Hatkk. 1 inch 1 week,. 7.V. ' 1 month ?1.7.. .1 :; i , 1 " 1 year $1 1 ..le.inii 1 week ?! 1 1 month $n.r0 1 " :i " ?2r 1 " ( " y.l7.." " 1 year 0 For intermediate rates corrcs ptd with the IMitor. Loral notices cent a lino. S'nbsci iption invariably in AD VAN K niidndveitismcids paya ble on (1 ii:;r.il. Poone N. C. Sept. 21. 'ML To the Pkmc ( kat: Will you k'mdy allow me spare in jourvnlunl le paper. to comet, and denounce, the vile l ( port tluit is being circu la ted on me by some of my personal enemies: the sub stance of which, in, that du ring tne last' campaign 1 bought votes, and otherwise disposed of my goods in anil legal way for the purpose of maAir.g my election certain. This report is being circula ted by men who are either too mean, or too thoughtless to investigate beiore talking, and I denounce it as a false hood, and defy any person to bring a man in Watauga Co. that wilt tell me that 1 ever bought, or offered to buy a single vote during the ca ra ping:). I have earned since the election, that some ofmy goods were squandered for the purpose of buying votes, and other purposes, equally asotvaind detestable, but this was done without my knowl edge or consent indeed, con trary to my express orders. How many of my goods were used in this awless and abominable way, I can not say, but have reasons to believe tZat a considerable a mount, for this, and other vie purposes. If any friend of truth and justice wishes to know the particulars, I can furiish them. If, during a heated, politi cal campaign, my political enemies w ere to circulate such reports on i ne, to defeat my party ticket, I could look: with some degree of charity upon them, and never ask space in a paper to denounce them. But almost 12 months after the election, for men, who pretend to be blessed with a reasonable amount of common sense, and to be liv ing monuments of honesty, to thus try to injure me, be they Democrats or Republi cans, I can say no more than to brand them cowardly li ars. Then, for some Republi cans to talk about my using money, when they know, I never did, (more than to run a paper at au exjenseof a bout $400, out of my limited means,) being induced to do so by the sweet promises of ulout 30 01 tht Jr.-idrn;, say- ing they would pay nie from five to twent vlive ilu!l;irs, leach, not more than half of which has ever Itevn paid. Ill the lanumige of a ' Wntaugn Divine," this is uhat I caill tlie "Quint essence of vile in gratitude.'' Then, to "rap the stark", some, of the patriots, who never did so much for the He publican party as to go on a county olliciar bond, tobe come di.vgustcl own use they failed to get the position of a fourth class post master, and 'cuss in for not having, for not having some Demo crat "Wanamakered" (for great is me of the 'Patri archs!') and fall into line, and go to circulating such stuff, for no other reason un der the sun, only that I fail ed to make, a 'stamp-licker' of some favorite son. This needs no adjectives to quali fy it. as nn act of 'pluperfect' ingratit ude. The kind read er will please bear in mind that I do not charge any po litical party with these vile i falsehoods, but a few design ing men, who are not fit to belong to any party. To the good people of Wa tauga, I desire to return my sincere thanks for the gener ous support they gave nie last fall. How well I perform ed the duties, that they de manded of me, I leave for the public to say. I have been both criticised andcongraiu la ted for the course I pursu ed. I am not ashamed ofmy record, and under the same circumstances, I should vote and advocate every measure that I did, if 1 had my work to do over again. No nutter where my lot in life may be cast; I shall al ways remember the good peo pie of Watauga, and look up on them as being a part of the best people in the "Old North State." Resp. J. A. Crisp. Federal Interference. It is apparent that there is to be a strong effort made by the Republicans to pass some such bill as Senator Sherman introduced at last session, with the purpose of controlling the elections at the South. The provision of the Constitution that applies reads as follows: "The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Represen tatives shall be pescribed in each State by the Legisla ture thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter sue; regula tions, except as to the plans of choosing Senators." Tne members of ihe House of Representatives are to be chosen by the people ol the several States; and the elec tions are to have the same qualifications requisite for elwtors of the most numer ous branch of the State Leg islature. The Legislature then is to fix the qualifica- tions of the voters, and flie ,u unless ui.i.x iilikc icfcuia- taken therefrom, persons who ; country. Our la res ae sufh- provide for the gent -nil wel tionsas to the time, place were j,ejj hicustodyto await cient to punish very crime. 'fare. Th's bonu. is no part and ma'mer of holding thej the trial, guaranteed by the Let all our people h ok to 'of the debt, nor does it con elections. But it does not. Constitution, to every citizi n the better enforceiie t of t he tribute to the general wel appear that Congiess can 'accused of crime, aud murder 1 iws. and all wronis will be f.ire to lricp it ;i:iv to the hold such an election. Tne mi difference as it ap'nrs to us j is plain. It may lix the time, which it lias done, it may fix the polling plan, awl' it amy prescribe the tnanc r I ut the Constitution docs thereby they hive, so far.' imt saty Congress shall nn ivjescaied airresf and punnish- ' power, to imlil the i lection: to have oflieinls present toj count i no vote and on-in re the result. The question may le asked j ''f 1,'L why not ? The reason is plain. What ever power i invested in congress in re gard to the el wt ion of e rc sentative.v is also invested in Congress in regard to the election of Senators, except as to the place of choosing the senators, ihe Igisia-jCiiroliur., do issue tin. my the negro to stop. Tin ne ture cannot be required by proclamation, enjoining aill 'gi'o attacked the Judge, but Congress to )nw, ait amy i officers, amd espwladly those' thelntterretaliiited by knock place but the State Capitol, j charged irith theatdministra-j iag him down. The negro Lean ing out thait difference tion aiud execution ofthelaw1 was then disarmed and ar ais immaterial, the power of j in the lo-ailaties where the of-(rested. Meanwhile, te blacks Congress to provhe for the j fences mentioned have been hearing of the arrest, deter election of Semi tors is thejcoinuiilted.toenergetirally ex j inine7 to rescue the prisoner, same ais in regard to thejert themselves to arrest aind A few white men ra'lied a election of Congressmen. oring to justice these offend- round the Judge There was Would it be consistent es against the stability of a hard fight, in which the ne with the fr.'ime of our d upex (society. 2'nel.iws must, -ind Igroes were beaten back, and system of government I'oijsii.ill bemaimtained. The V, j one of the ring leaders arrest Congress to appoint officials I ecu tive is ready to exercise'ed. The prisoner. were taken to count the fcaMot caist by the Legislature and declnre the action of the Legislature at an election of Senators? Hardly. No one will saiy that. 2 he powar, then, does not extend to holding the ehvtion for Semi tors; but w e have seen that the power in relation to Congressmen is the same as in regard to the Senators. It is neither more nor less. If, then, Congress cannot hold the election for Senators, it cannot hold the election for Congressmen. It ca'n regulate both. It has in fact undertaken to regu late the manner in choosing Senators, jtnd it maiy regu late the umnner of choosing Representatives. Rut it can not hold the elwtion. That must be done in both cases by tne State officers. The bill offered by Senator Sherman proceeds on the as sumption that Congress may hold the elwtion for Congress men, and it provides that the President may appoint a board of three men in each district who will hold their places for life, and who may appoint the precinct officers That also is unwarranted by the fonstitution. But we need not go into that now further than to si.y that Congress cannot vest the ap pointment of inferior officers except in the President, in the courts of law and in the heads of the department. News and Observer. Proclimation by th Governor. State of North Carolina, Executive Department. Whereas, information has been received by this depart ment that recently, in cer tain counties of this State, e vil minded and lawless men, havebandfcd themselves to gether, and under the cover er of darkness and disguise, have terrorized and assault - ed the officers of thel.iw 7n-n ! kei open - prisons, violently - . ' ed them. And whereas, the erj!etrai j tni ofcrimessocowvad them, selvs thait their iiiitucs audi present whereabouts have! ; not Uvn discoverd, and, uieiit. And uhcrens, the growing n c ueucy oi tnesecrum s ami the apparent immunity from days ago a St. Lewis negro punishment of their jmm -petm j named Slick came to town, tors has caused giave appre-and Saturday afternoon in a (tensions among the ilitelli ! quarrel with a white main at g"Ut and virtuous citizens of) tanked him with a knife. The j the Staite, and halve brought great scandle and disgrace upon our community. Now, therefore, I, Daniel Fowle, (Jovernor of North ali the power conferred upon j him, including the offering of rewords and the employment of special agencies, to pre serve the peace of society and protect the good name of the people of the state. While it is a cau.se for pro found sorrow t hat these erils shouW have any existence within our borders, there is some consolation found in the fact that they are confin ed to very few and restricted localaties. Ihe great body of the people are sober, indus trious n::id lawabiding. They have ever been remarkably distinguished among the States of tje Union for rever ence for the law and steady support of its m'nisters. To this people I appeal to aid me, am their other servants in suppress'ugthe evils refei r ed to. A sound public sen ti- menf,makingitself heard and fealt fearlessly on aU proper occasion., will not only en courage those who aire charg ed with the difficult, and of ten dangerous duty of execu ting the laws, but will soon so impress the criminads themselves, t hat they w ill not dare attempt to accomplish their wicked and dangerous purposes. Done at our city of Raleigh the 17th day of September, A. D., 1HS9. and in the 11 Uh year of American Independ ence by the Governor. Daniel (J. Fowle S. F. Teefair Private Sec. Our excellenttiovernor has taken proper steps, we think, to put down Lynch law in our State. The recent lynch ing of two men in Morgan ton, 1ms caused the people to sjeak out in strong lan guage. Lynching has bwome too common all over the laud. When iwkless men take the law in their own 1 bands they inaugurate a law le.vs spirit, and camse men to (disregard the laws of the ' legal lly punished. WAU IN ILLINOIS. A BLOODY FIGHT BETWEEN' WHITE AXB BLACK Chicago, Sept. 10. A dis-j patch tat w ivneeville, III. says: j a race war between the 1 whites and blacks own mil , here satuii lav mr nr. A tew i ... - ; latter escaped after receiving two wounds, and then Slick jdnshetfdown the street slash ingot everyone. Judge Darns i of the county court, ordered o the county jail, aud tne sheriff amd his deputies were ordered by the Judge to guard the building. The ne groes quickly organized, amd made an attack on the jail. The sheriff wais ordered to tire on them, but refused and the negroes forced their way into the jail and rescued the prsoner. Judge Barnes or ganized the wn'tes amd at tacked tne blacks at t he jail. There was a bloody fight, in i which pistols, clubs and knives were used. Judg Barns was cut and shot, but his wounds are not fatal. Dr. John La ruby and three other white men, were seriously hurt. Two nrgt)es were shot and haill a hundred heads were broken. The whites won and the ringleaders were a gain put in jail, and a heavy guard placed around the bail ding. The riot has caused grea t exci temen t. Observer. In the past two years the government has bought 1200,000,000 of bonds at a cost of $231, 533,366. It lms bought, 80,000,000 of bonds that are not payable 'or nearly twenty years yet and has paid f 103,000,000 for fhem, making a bonus of $23,000,000 given to the bondholders by the people to retire bonds not due until 1007, and beat ring only 4 percent interest. Money is worth to the people 8 ier cent, but to catll in 4 jer cent bond. we have given away $23,000,000 in two years. All told, Ihe bonus is $31, 000,000. We had thought it was better to spend this $31,000,000 on the eduea tion of the poor, rather than give it to the rich bondhol ders who do not need it. We do not believe that Congress has a right under the Consti tution to give this bonus to the bondhobcTS. Congress is invested with Doner to lay taxes to paiy debts and ----- n j - bondholders, he News ;vA Observer is tlnaltenihlv op pose.! to f-rch methods. .1 letter has been receive I at Ilnleigh. fiom Hon. Jeff erson Davis, in which he as serts posntively, that, hi health iK'rmitting, he will ( present at tliecentetlpial cere monies ait Fayettville in No vember. Expected to Let Stan icd But lidr'J. Last Siuing nn old in:ot who hailed from Indiana)::'! eared in tne Brushy mou tains in Wilkes professing to want to buy nronertv nn 1 settle. He cared less for the hind than for the improve ments; he wanted a comfort able home. Haingingaround the neighborhood of J H. Ojmbs, Ksq. He became en gaged to n maiden lady of abought 40. tuid they weifl to have been married last. n eek. He went back to In diana on n trip to settle up Ins business and and a few weeks ago for his bride. A day or two before t he. mar rmge was to have taken place he caiused her to be pre seated with a marriage con tract the terms of which stip ula ted that she was riot to elaaim any part in his estate after his death. Thereupon she kicked aud kicked hard. The old man insisted and she said if those were the con ditions he could call off his dogs. Persuaision was of no avail and the result of it oH wai- tmt the mountain nnn'd tin fw the Indiana man overboard. The old man started back to India last week (he is sa'd to look all of 80 years) and a citizen of north Iredell at whose house he stopped for dinner on his way to States ville to taike the train, navs hp lni.-. ed very much "cut up." L,admnrk. Notice of Incorporation I I hereby irive notice, arem-dincr to law, that under, and by vir tue, oi section bi of the Code of North Carolina, mid nets mncn. dutory thereto, I have thia dnv (juiv incorporated THE ARLINGTON mAfPAW The business proponed is to con duct, transact, and carry on, in uu uru iicnes, tne busmen of building, buying. selHnr. lensin--. renting, equ pphig, furnishir:-'. managing aud c-onductinglioteis. cottaiges, residences and oth r nuuauigsto build equip aul: u;i livery stables, buy, sell, and !mU real and nersonnl nrnnertv f v- erv description, whatsoever, in- clu'ling stock and bonds and'et ti er evidences of indebtedness, iu cliidiiisr its own stocks and I Utility subscribe to the capital stock -f corporations, loa-i and boi r i.v money, mortgage pledge and hy. notliecaite anv of its urniu i ti- (iuarauitee tlie faithful perfor in in ice oi contracts and obliga tions of every description, what soever by whosoever made. I:; sue bonus of indemnity and sure tyship. Grant indemnit'i'H mnLc absti-JK-ts of I itle aud guaranty. i ue tit ic to property. Lwiors notes, drafts, checks and bills of exchange. Form partnerships with individuals and with e r poi ationrffor doing any busii.i ss mentioned in these articles : Triuisaet ti general nurcantilo business and etc. The place of business for sail Company, shall be conduced in the town. of H owing Ifcvk, Wa tauga Cpunty, or elsewhere. The duration of the corporate existence kIu.H be for the e;i jl of thirty years. Theowners of stock in this cor poration shall not be individual ly liable for iiny contract indebt edness for lhibility of any kind whatsoever of said corporation Joeli. Todd f' : .C. t. 17th. V.i-.. '

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