The ToiV and other ;ijts! K've v.notlier revival of the' I;il...;... ... I? l t .t..:..,rt1i it . the Company hc hough? 1 out South Poit or 5t tinn It lroiitar" ns tpev desire. Ia - itig .HO.C00 for said -t.- rr?y. We t'ltninly Im; that this road will If parsing through M'atnii'a county and down ttiver to Bristol, or Johnson City. Now Mr. Bilh ''iie - or miy t lir It imr yt u ! j Iv have oiir jw-r.iii ti budd a ro.itl jut where 1 It;isi' through VVatauir.t Co . i.rnv iil'il .l.tit 1 1 1 . - t:r. : w.. . :ii til I llllt. Mf rt.M ii.iim , you nt I'.ooiif with s'.d. 00!) or ?lOO.OOt) stiliM-i i. t:on. So lirri1 is our r.'ti i! '!' jiiuI our suliscriptittn'. I'.iin th.i ro.i.l tln-.,i:..!i .it in.r.. nrp.suffi'iiij'j; rLht v. v font. V, ' - '.v What Scott Says. 'li' 7'o'r"s t'sjiif'al fr!i'n.l. ColotiH Hanicl Moont' P-Hiu1. rrty, of the Vatan.'j:a ! - chat, hfsidos Wwr oni' o' tho hst nivu in thf worll. is. like all fat men.ooil ratiuv'i and full of the milk of Inunan 1 IV 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 ? i ( I 1 1 1 1 ' I nil I ill uiii.l r, I : 1 i I inn , -., what v 1 i staml in the way Sonthfrii eoniinv.nity wi'! 'X-i T.iinia.u-e. th r.'.-tt Divlu of his jj;oin to Ilea ve:i unless ; t n.! totl:,:n t!.i s.'mi warm ' t'-rooklyn. v as n-ady tc it should r that he will 1. just t:o lazy to ;;. I'ro. Scott onli! to iv.-o i lect th:l even cv.-ry ivood man, have failings, sonic la zy, some too smart, sonc worthle. s, soaic hard look-: inj;-, and a few that have n , i 1 t. . .,! ......... Ill' n nil .:'H m,i i i:i-(,i:i, : . me. a o.i iaa M.,., ; pVsen-e here, i, ; s it'it MHii it oi in i i :ie lie. ii . i ii-ss . editor of the 7o;.'ii'and agreed . ,;i.....f.i. : i...- i i ..I i i i he would 'oe p.;s ;.ilt!e ii' he i .. i i. : .i l .. liewoui.l oe p;js-;:u:e n lie. iimu su.iie wuiSAcrs .i no i iei . . .. . , . .. ., Ian v part ol t!u (. .s. tliev hairs on his upper up. said .' ' . ' 11 . chose 1() g'O t il Iro. Scott lacked m this nar-j , .,. , . .. , n. . , . ., , 1 wul eudeavo:- to ansv.e:- tuu'ar. e told -the lady . (, , .. . , , .. .. ' at some ot her t :;ne t lie c.u v. - that lie, waslookiulorso.-nei .. . , , ,. .. , tnais o'ii- irind pro; o m I. to grow (ait lielore u v. as -i-.). j . ' ! Icoaeermug I hveiand, jiuo unit niau siu-a ueiTi si -. i . i even in a good man ougnt j not to bt! held against hnn. , 4. . , M and to onlv think of h;s ma- , , I n.v noble qualities. Bro. Scott: this world is full of criticisms and none of us, however good, escape them. lie of good cheer my Dear sir, the editor of the Democrat will defend you 1 A ... I .11 1 . against any ami an assaults Let us l;oe th . . i i tin 1 1 . ij, i . i i older our failings w ill grow less, and that tin; world will not ho iniured by us living in it. TTTU PTTIlMCnttTlT Wi I V ' To the Democrat. Notwithstandimra disclai- mer in your issue of the 17th ins, I again assert that on reliable authority that the Public debt was reduced dur fng July and August of near ly twenty one millions of dol hu-H instead of heimr increas-!To ed over seven millions of dol lars as stated by others. Any one having any inter- est in the subject, can have all doubt removed by a note of inquiry addressed to tin. ' Treasury Department Wash-1 iiigton I). C. 2rnne and j opportunity prevents any ex : tended reply to the numer I nns tonics introduced in the! communication embraced in .. the tlenial or your ne. corres i pondent. In reality wecould ! snend our time more profita-1 bly in discussing affairs near-' pr honip. 71ter are several themes relating to the welfare of this community which need ! the best attention tiSall good! i citizens. 'tit our friend requires cor rection as xo his views of 'task musters" and oppress- or. A cat - fi.l Mirwv of ties region of N. C. will .itnin'y I f l.mi n'ti it. In iMit.u tntious. A Ian ' proport ion of ih iHtri!-. tli.n !..' ism.' liim. Thi re ..n '"'" ... ..... ....... . I lfie ; I T 1 1 tic ."lt!l Mill U.-st. with t!'.-ir r-ipitet for t.'v.'!op',i.!i? ft ?!i" "omitty: with th.-ir y to sid for et!t h: : t h.-r nr-?i: hr 5ro!u"':t v'th ilum .: irood eivie're-g :n:!:: : s ;: 1: :i !'.': 1 anyuh-'i' 'I'll, y si r iu t-i "1 i'. ii.ttodu. 'n r g-ind .-.-l.t e. an I l.t .;. -n:-; i'ii :,t am! m.-m v . " 1 1 : t i: tch n.fde ii-i!i. ti 1 1 :t i ! i 'iV:;i .. t ..... ... .i f....-.-. " j'l.i l ! -lor.' him all tli- fa-ts Im w. nt:! n-a-Iiiy lhat a f '.v su. h ..;-sons hit t!oi:i;i moiv t i . l,vttf ih- r;i r. tl.nt; tin. s. . Na nf !1 V;ll! ..'vrn shou! 1 it liio.v to !' as oM .-s a !!::;'.'. I..U1-. !!.! M pl-i!r. o : i vi :-; ifv s:lil ,.v,.,.i:. lt, ,.,,sts t!ni 1 iV. I think l.. will lin.l i. Talri.-i-M .-in ! aiso Mr. j ' J. I,. HA V lis. Sli.iiiY. ,.,SI, tMt u .iiin.l.s: I'ixo:!. MV says .'.'!. Uixor. i Tins K-tolx-r 1st iN.V. ' ni'.tivc to this -o::nr.univ ' 's tl:- In'st n';n!vr. Now j wck-oipc h.-s- p(o; 1 . a--.' !o Mr. D i a N r !: t '.u wlinian i Onlff of Puhiii-ation. 'ntt try to fot.r. ami !---.mi ''.v I'iflh an. I cdiicit ion. noi(i ;Ti,!.tN..St:pt'fii r llivt' unn'.-i-s. . !)':.. .r,.jn i;,...S!Wi' ac-:! Mich ln-n in North W'xrwux C.rxTv.j'n? t. , ,n ti uspi-ioits. Uf urscj t 'arolma? j p. K. sr:ii:i -i vs M. li. i:ri;i" ' tl.c ii.-w lfsi.l.'ats mi far as 1 i A g'twi lire ronnni:'il the! it , , t .,. , M; it know h not exp-i-t tmih'ri : h , ! is ; I- !-' I'X j ;! N 'i-iii and Wcsl. to llic: vrcat im:n!-c;--- t!ic;a ia ; e s 'rmot South, have oone tir.-i. ; wi.'? h v ,s u:a ! in a:a:;a io O'-cupy various posit ions: "'! in :!is ; :i j,s a.:, in; hiding n. any f-'.l.-ralti'iictv lit wa published and s-:r A lia! ;L.v wouid bis" to s , ! i !!!-i:U;-h.!Ut i ii i !! !. vlier i s more exa- t j'.istic shoi a. and not 1 ai ide i'cl that , . the mane interest tnat manv : eir presence lu're i v tliev uili! her'-htsof ciri'e,. it i..os.i i. u. .ii. i. and nil! ha re. in . , t!"1 mom u.n,i 'in .I : ,. , , , , .. . ... ! iiiv i ifiiiii.iii.i ; i i : ; ii. lit-. , : i aim ie:i wa:ir i t:now a a a . i uini u.i i.ii. ill i i. i.i. ii ... -' - ......... - ., . . ... ,1 .o,,,,..,! i- T,-a,r-. , - e 1 , .. .. ,.. , j , . i,,,!, ..,, 1V '( Se: rega nhians to o free by ..)'' .iu.ig .s ..-..a . . . I...,,. i -. i t., t... ' th present-Adi:.ii;st!-n;io;i ;l I -.a he ougnl to l;e aueg, s:,,;,,.n;.:Jwh::e tliere are manv who ally explain hoiv ii was that ' Clevehmd when President of I thcl' S.yent on! oHheDisti-ie. c,. i i iii ' rd viai ili,. piv),!. . i of(,;umliMoral.lack;ieo,.t,unl .a.. I ? tin p..... a. , and .appointed, and retained j '"''h v aroLim sin.' ie,e , iliini as Ke-.-ister of Deeds of ' , . , ., I u.J ;;i ci I I i .. ; i 1 1 ii "ii u 1 1 ; . ! . , ., , ill tiie tare ol t lie protest o the niajoilty of the whit. resident.-, o.' tiiat city. 1 have no knowledge or in- terest in the personalities in trodnc .-d in his letter, neit her ! ihave 1 any In sitatian in j-iv- j ing out every 1'olil ical Creed, ' which is this; '-the love and i service of the truth. 'Writ v." Mor:nIlork.X.(:.Ort.l'-?M). ,m IKAKK I'Oiil'iST LliTTIilt. the Democrat. Uev. Sam Jones closed on last Sunday his great revival it Diirh-ini C - hich only II Ulllll.llll, .. I.., H Oilli j lasted nine days. Grentjbe pubbsiied until '!';r,ij;j and.;;!. To sitisfv the numbeirs of people from all! sections of North Carolina i attended. (uite a number of students of Wake Forest, j went through the country by ; private conveyance to heir: the irreat Divine. They were ! all pleased with Sam,' and '.i .... ii..i one declared in.ii. it wiis equal to a circus to hear him. This was Mr. Jones' second visit to Durham, he preached several da vs there last year and the people were so well ' pleased .wijh him, tiny gave him 2,000 and made him ; (.,. ,,ri.,,1i. imiMIWluicuiinnn,! u,.u. I did not learn what he re- ceived this time, but at the collection on Sunday, Mr. Jul. Carr. g tve .-..ou I'-'V. Mr. Culjrpfr. jt-i-t- Mr .loiii-s in Us n ix-'Mi ' ;i!il Prof. E. ): Kxcei! '"' .'! i iih i I i -1 r- -!:Mi..i I i Mr. I go.- id , n hlen -ir. ".here Is" uiilhoM ' r-'viv.d. (.;:-. V,,.. i. v. i ciems );h-! i ! t ' l !: ' i' . v". Sn.vt !', i , i -1 . bun ! o;k City, is om of t!.. !; yo'i-r ;.i.m .-f lit'' :- V: " .. V.. as only is !ai.i:i.r a ..n I will" Cc : it t ? 1 s t del e. i; , i,:' i 'i . i . . .-i Mi- l v . . Mi. !:-. ... 1 1 i w . ; ts!-!K I :t !...-.! foiit.-n:'!1:; '!!! of ,. t j;.;-t i: ,r:i! :;:oiis w hi li :ii s.i; i :o 1' vt':y ii".- roilm-t imis. A i'.vii t l.-aifll V, !.o VIH ! tut' North so;in tiia s5rtokl.v!i Talirnarl. last cenvf i i-oay mornuii' i;;:i'i was i:. i ciou i.i jevei - t!: isj'okcn T'nc Taliei-nicl. .... l ..... I .. If. .. as ttesti-o;.e ! one bc.r.e oni, Sun lay ntornii - Dec. 1 Tlh. .Nil! in V nioruil.'r Uee.. l in. I ITli. ' The or-an cost :?-!!). I (;(). The ,:u;::h will here mint on the sa;;ie tlie! i ...a , , ,i-e s : s':,, Th,.!" :,.,. . ..,.,1 (,,1,,. 1(U, "k1 is s!ipesei. to ,iae heen I. nw,.i i... i;,,:,. ,,;.,. .(..,!;.,,, ; ailsi l.v !imi,.lhl ', Sli iKinp. hi,.,..,...:,., t i:e s; i i-e. t5i, ., li; ,lf ..:... 1 ili:e nie ( i. w - i .,,.., p.. :),.;,. -'..pii .-s.m .. ut i. j.,,.i ..i,.. ,, ., . f, .....i .. ..P , !!e !' 11 lAt .ot.iid g'ii!t, o - ..... ........ i.., .,t t..t l 1 1 "i 1 '. i o... ..:.,... ..n , I , ; iiiilk ut herwisc An iiiMall'1'''0 . , ! IH) (l.Uiiu a j -;;s taKeii i ; ii i";v trial w - i be iia. 1 : mined to see justice none. TI,,. ,,,.,ers l:ad lmnile -ail i -1 . te!!m I'm..- . i at at th I ". :! I r 1 : O. I iStackeaad i.-):ieat :.l )!-.-. n ''ntiil th'' n;MVS of ;;n)11'- j " lynching llash -d over the j wires. i.oliert l.erner, Wll was iit-t-u.-iiNl of killing his imttlier- in-law. and heesiuse the peo- 1'J tliougiit lie com. I not i;e found guilty, because Ins wife w;ts the most important ' witness took him from pr son at Lexington, X. C, at T.-'5() '"'clock the 14th, and swung him to :i tree in the out skirts of the town. ... It -I .I Win. 11. Dndey, ol nsir- lotte, has Writ ten a hist OfV oi . m ge I ou.l. it wil not H baileys tle.Hli. . Judge Cloua will be remembered m Watauga and many would like t o see a history of Ins life. Dniley should not wait till his death but have it published at once. j The State Fair is in session Ul.;., ....... 1, ..f !fl,.:,rli Tim unn ..... ..... College exercises w ill be sllsi pended and give the boys a; Chance to attend on Thurs d;iy. Miss Fat .Moove, of Globe,, N. C, Jade Moore, or AoH h ; Catawba, are lare on a visit, f, !i- 1':i1'm son llfti'. If. - , C. Moore, who is a student. ; 1 hey will also laKe in rue , Fair, 1). D. D. NU HE. j I'.y ii tu of an evvuthm '""'-i M'"' ,l" ' " 1 1 ' ; ,t .!m! ,i";ii'it K I'. Mil- ." . . ... :t hi i;im. ie p I . , r r! .! v. . I lionets ur- ! lor tin uui tif ."17.o!.) tom-ilr will. ...,. .1', s. I uiii i'nsi' i - ; .t. . !! for -a-h lo I ' 'z':- t I i .:'.'! ;,t ;!it' i oiii I !u r: i r..tni N. ('.. v.-.t tli'1 ! ili i iv of Nov.. ii I M iii.1; t!i" tiit Mo:i i.-iv in .:.i inonlli. I'. 15. Millrr's in'. -rot in t'f !'o!!. in;t i- . ! i'l'-il 1 tllll- It-Ill t IV!!!!2 it, p. ..iv.-r U.iip tow nsli'-'i a.i-, ionrnj: t!i.' Ia'i!s of (i. V.'. Calt'f it i . 1 olln'is. known as i ... i ... i ii i. ... ........ '" "in. o. .'i.m-l ll.nt. - ...,..,. 1 ,,.,., l.-itnr !.. C.n i;. 'I'. S.. on tln watrrs of ( .,'mV( r,vk u- t I oiiis of .1. L. Oi.d.'inii. .1. 11. !' ami ol'i.'is known -1 IV 'I ' ' U". ,"" ' " 1 " ; t ra t Icvmmi o . iv aif on no 1 i .1 f;.. 1 win i ' I S l , I Ii I l 1 1 ( l . . 1 . H fil I - : ii.lnii tlu.i M.M.Si.-.-.nsa i ! ii- I i . ; ; 1 1 .- I !i :i-!'i -sisj-'llt' o! . il.i.'ilil I iai. ;tH r ;!l U l I-.' in 1 i.'i'l ! !;;a ' Ii p' '-u h .,s ri a:; a In n ai I n i.n i '.: a ,n.-i I ( " ; :ic '.''.;! " 1) li v ill s i ;u i li'.i.til i.. t ' .-I '.ti-.' i.' ' H'M lli.e. , T !; ,,1 i. -!i ma in 1 1;.' 'A'.'--r.u !a..;cis t. ;i :.-wp ipe; .. ili isl: .i w k'y i:i 1 lie t . a m i )'. n: six s.l.ri'sM '.'.'!;, . . 1 1 1 1 ; i : ' inii In r la ; 1 1 ii e if a;: ;:is .i'i or lieami" . i in i.. i ii!;;iii'. wiii.'ii wi.l !. .1 jM , it- ' oi ; li. fit . K o: l .ic 'i; i.'i in; t . . , i,. . (Mli-t o ,i:.;r.;;i couni; i wit Lin the three first days o wii miu uie i nree in si on s o s.-.i.l term, and let the, Hen dant rake notice that .Isa. tails to appear and aiiswe: .,. .,i,,.., 1;..1,.i . f... i-..!i, as above required tf;" rs ! i . therein d.-aiaa .e l win i. Mi-anted. .1 or: it. ' (' NOTil'K! My vil't iieol' ii !' r )i s i'.M-e. tii.:iil iii a ceitaiii n.o.'t.t'.i;; :i i, ... .1... ... .....I . 1 -i i i ,. v (( i,t.. pi; I end .. M. .nii-r .( i ri,nil,s: ,,,.1 i... s,r..iMi to . . H. Mibe; . t . ! ;i , ..! ol A ! - s. ! i i -. e ! t s ii e l (! e . 1 1 ' . ' i . i . ..:-i t :. a r.r . i.i l.otiii; .y-i i :!.' -: i ; i v t.t .-vi.::u m- ... tV f-i:0....i.,.,;i !,,..! Pint o. ;; 1 (,i !;,"! I. hh.ig tltltl li. i . I V 1. t ii r.i'.mt v nt' v 'a t-i it :n!. r '1 e t c iM,:;)ia5 ,,, til, of Xj z ,a;, Vtli. y.. , ; ( t- alas will r.t.nv fuhy a, i :;:!!) uv ciii'-eiice t s:;i.i int. 1 . . . IV . . ... I . ... i;i 1.).,, ill n-ii is i-. corti.'i. A of !tr.).t.:a ai-s ing:-s -I'ltJ ;u;. J(57. To Sat i.-ay ( 'r a r.Mi.'ut o .'I liiiii n .t -s ;iiiciiiiti:igt -s2:i.i ,anl i.itere.t aud c;i.-t. This ad . t. UmS'J. Iv V. bovn.i.. ('inn. NOTfCIi! My vii tue of io vi v ef s;i!e on t tilled ia a i ontai.i. d i.i a ci-rtain mot tga-e d ed. executed Miv .bancs ('. Mrler and vif; .:a:llnt "I iH. ot t '.c i; . ; i. pte.l, and (i o bowi iiu.-e ol' t ll s vo!l:l iili t. 1 viil iro-:eei'i to we!! the foil. wing (lesci-ilied tin. t or pnrt-el oi land lying itiid being in tin' Comity of Wntaaga, a'.nl Slnte ot'Noitli Co ! o n: . odjoiiang t lie biials ol i,.i.;.,i i.- .i'i.o iiwiin II1..1. i, il l 'M'llhH lfl.. 4.11.11. ' Ml- I 4 r Mii!. w4ii:-li will unu-.- fully nin"nr hv to snid : ""i . u- m. .. ... ..-.i..... .. ... ii,,,; ',. of l!IO!t.;e.(.s. DilliCS wiin n is 1..; onled r.i payment oi a eeitaiiulclit ot -v'J-and interest on snnu', at the com t house door in Moone, x. ('. on I lie 2nd jnoiidny in Nov., 'S:. mid nil costs aiulexpeiic! s accrr.e ing bv virtue of sucli snle. This Sept.' tlieMi-d ?H(i. W. R. bovill rllT.-i. Attoi nev -n-pV nntrfim VJllJm ,t Last. j (, jioll villo X V K((,j)S (,'mst;,i;i;. 01, iiail'(' ail('i uil S(, ilt botttim prices ftrcnslt orcountrv produce, Moots, Shoes 11. its. tips. A special line ot Ladies Hats Ibirdware. (!ro-.-erie.s. READY MADE CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. ,.1,m,1,Umi..i1 In slmti-. n lill(M)foV(v9 tim.frkej.t ina first-ehrss country tor can ht !ouudlier'. (Jive him a call. j W. L BRYAN, ulilL J!A ildiiU Willi XX v; .n, H t" lilit Ol Ii1!) V T lF tilV-Vli Consist itur. in i..u t . of l'.;i Mio-s . lrt'.ss (Jtiods. Not ion Hardware. 'ri::v..t!". (Ii Oft 'J ie, Co V 'es. Sugars. IV-, . lint'. Ci.Tatvi !es. A- D.ug3 Zc-'j in i;(;'id variety. Also t:. I: all kiadsof HOOTS AFT) ' And count 1W ;r;)duce in ex : ii;!il.4'' lor ".O.ids. (ielit.- n; !ii.-.hi!i.'j.- u'oods, Micit i.s I dcss sh'i l s. (hoth hiui'ii.-.e.: j a;:-! mi .nii.iiri d ; ( o uu : , i i . . i 'ii'!-;. S i,..;. in. I in l.n-t. ; nost; n,, thia.iri. ceded in ih i. ne. -,-15- -r'T ieady-Mad" Clothing from w i) dollars per suit. We i.indle only !i-st class go ls, in ! will guarr.ntee prices us 'ov as any other merchant alio handles the same urade V. ."j, :oi J loods at almost your cwn ! once. 1 run in comiecion ' ,vn m.yotiier husiness it STABLE, which we think is .equal to iiny in the county, and we guarantee our prices as low as any in the COUNTY. Also furnish 1riinsMirtiitioti to Jiniities winding t';e Hume with a sntV driver and with nsgood a ttiviiotit is enn be found in the county. For the-next GO DATS We will niako sjieciiil irices, for cnslt, on all goods. Returning our thanks for past, patronage we will. ;is heretofore, still con- 1 j,;iie t i) fitviiish you good go .ids : j niid at as low prices as be.1 ! i.tnti.l Tnil v veins, I f,T T "DrTy-in v", P, BOBBINS, Si'.flsoK To RobbinsBros, M.ail sM IN N. C- Ket'p.s ftii-.t.i;;tly on l.ainl, ainl wills.'.lafUot k Itottom rri:is," foiTAsti or fonnliy ; product', such as Hoots. Shot's Hats Caps, & t-t. A spn-ia! line of jiOlES PHESS GOODS. ! II (Jroeeri . I j An I Druiis. a rn h lini: or hi:st BBADY 5MD35 Clothinu; evr hrouiihUothis Ctarritv, a;iH in fact, every liiin; kept in it first-das count ry store, ran he foilinl he;;'. All I .ask is : trial. Your frieml. J. V Kohhins. J.F. SFAINilOFK Attok.vey at Law. Dooue, N. C. Special attention given to t 'ic coll 'cf ion of chdms. inly 4th si)-l y. A CO.MFLFTK NKWSFA FFU! The I'.ide oftlie North t, .'e- li.l Press." Do yon want to aid in ' u l ling np it paper 1 hat shall relit ct the MTeatcst ci-edii on North aroli mi. no matter where it .li-i.v I e seen? Then patt'enir TH W1I.:.IIX(.T0X MKSSEX(Ji:U a i. .una: la.iui'-i'.wa; cai'ku DoyottwaT.t a reliable papr g'vingyon nil the news of th world n Di'iuocratie iiiivspa,ier that equals the best-the largest circi. hit ion. a:id has for twenty-one years been t part and f.u torin'the irov th an 1 dev velop.nciit or the Old , Not tit St t? Then subsi liie for th v.;uii:;(;rx .MfssEXii::t Campaign Hartes: ' The ''Daily Messenger.'' by mail, 4 months on trial, for 2 0 J The weekly "Transcript Mes senger," (the largest r.u I best paper in the Sate) U mon ih i on trial for $1.00 Cash in advance. Both p ipers are large Eight-Page sheets. Send Postal Card with t headdress of liv per sons and receive sample coj -ies of The Messenger. Oct. 1st. 1888. tf. W. I5.C0UNCILL, Jif. Attorney at La,vt. July 4th 891y. Boone, N. C W. B. C0UNC1LL, M. D. Boone, N. C. Ilesident Physician. Office on King Street north of Post Office. June 12 88. ly. DU.'L. C. REEVES. Physician and Surgeon Office at Coffey's Hotel. Boone, N. C July 4. 80. J B. HOPKINS, Jeweler Iak PiUk, N. 0. Watches repaired and all kinds of work in his line exe on ted promptly. July 18 89 (1 mo. W. n. NEWLAND, Attorney at Law, Lenoir, N.C. June 27. 88 ly. K. MOUl'IIEW, . G. G. EAVES. Morphew& Eaves, ATT( ) rn e YS-AT-L aw, AND REAL I-STATE AGENTS, MARION, Nor-M 'a':lixa. Ofic ou Main Uroet ovar D:ug Co's.

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