Watauga VOL 1 IIOOXK. WATAl'CiA COl'XTY, N.C., THURSDAY, NOVUM UVAl. 7, 1H.. NO. IS A I;:.i' i:Ane f.nuilv iifwpa Jnt devotM to ll.e i..tcnt of its Count v, Slat nnd Nation. ruMifhtil Kvrry Thin m lav u loon at.mjra County, N. ('. I). 15. pnnillKKTY, Ki.itou. H.C. ItlYKKS, Puiusiim. Si usti.-utiox Hatkh. 1 io)yl year $1 1 ' C month r-. 1 " :i laontiiw Aivkictiin; Hatkh. inch 1 vo'k "ro. i " 1 month ?1.75. 1 ' : :t 1 " 1 " 1 tywir $7 1 .t-lumlTl wt'vk l " imontii ,...fi:t.ro 1 " : " flM 1 " C " $;J7.50 1 " 1 year jr.O UTAH AND POLYGAMY. For tho Democuat: It was tin intontiou ofour Constitution not only to se cure the greatest good to the majority, but also to pro mote justice and right, and nnd repress wrniiR. Hither to our senators nnd represen tatives have in the discharge of their varied duties, shown themselves equal to every e mergenoy, but one. Whenever the Constitution needed tin amendment to guarantee to our people rights not already secured, the Congress in its wisdom and patriotism atonee nuwe the necessary provision, and presented the amendment to the people for ratification or rejection. Several amend ments have thuaJUum added to the original Constitution; and it seems to me that one more is now badly needed. It seems incredible that our great Government has been baffled and defied so long by one little territory, Utah. With the requisite popula tion, she demands admission as a state, and boldly claims that she can not be refused admission as the Constitu tion provides. Why may not Congress at its next session add a clause to the Constitu tion prohibiting polygamy in any state or territory, and submit it to the people for ratification? Tnis would not be lega ting against any religious sect or denomination, but on ly to check and suppress a growing evil, whose tendency is to destroy virtue and bring everlasting disgrace and ru in upon our country. The sooner this matter is dealt with, the better. It would stop the immigration of the hordes of Mormon proselytes that are pouring into Utah from Europe and other parts of the world, with their sen sual and develish doctrines of nihilism, infidelity and hate for our Government. Don,t. admit Utah as a state until polygamy is wi ped out and provision made to prevent the recurrence of a likeevil. J. S. Hill. Butler Tenn., Oct. 2(i, '89. WAKE FORES LEETTTR. To t he D mo-rrat. Foot ball is a new game in the South while in the North it has been played for mary j ears. The game U a, very i laborious one to n:y the I :Hni!-s below h : re the 1 ' h. lejwt. A large bull the size'of Nov. Mid continue for -.-ofawatermelonnr.il the same era! days. Khape is US4 d. To a h; -ta- Tin- mj'.cthI p.-.j,i.. hav tor, who does not uaderston b en in a leg way t .'l.:s'.w-' . the "points" the game up- Tie y hid a Fair j.t Ih.'.eh jears to l under a hard and .-wry ie'ro one nav fight among the yce.ng mn '""'t 'd !o go. Gov. 1'owle for the ball. Kveiy Collemv a the op-, in ti c'i and in the state hasu team. A;1 his audii-me v;i.i the Inter StateUoot I!alll."agii';i" in Amvica Has formed at Ralcig'i last .n ! -v; rybody beKev.il .t. week, Chapel Hill, was a I- The .State I'air was said to lowed the Presidency and jh ive been t he best for Never elected Mr. Lv, Wake Forest jal years, the Secretary andcleeted Mr. I Frost has c t shoit lb Sikes, Trinity, the Tr asurer cot ;on crop in this seeli hi a whMi was filled by Mr. Dan- guod ilea!. I. i). I). i-ls. Wake rorest lias, re ceive! a challenge from the Richmond College team and will play them on the 9th somewhere on the. James Riv er near Richmond. There was to have been a match game of base-ball at Raleigh this afternoon be tween the Chicago Ft male Team and the Raleigh team. The rain I suppose will break it up. The Prof, of Physical cul ture is giving the students and a few of the Profes sors all they want in the way of exercise. This feature of the college is a good one,stooped shouldered young men will be made straight and the weak places developed. As the Prof, was coming to Wake Forest hist summer he took a carriage at Richmond, Va., to drive to the hotel and created quite a sensation. The ne gro driver was. hailed on all sides and asked if that was Kilram, audit was with diffi culty he succeeded in getting to the hotel for the throng of people who crowded the streets to get a glimpse of the great sluggar, as they thought. Prof. L. R. Mills gave a very interesring lecture on rain storms and cyclones last Tuesday night. He had sev eral requests from scientific men for a copy of his lecture. It would be a great advan tage if the Prof. Mould make prediction of all the rain and storms especially such a rain a s i s n o vv i n p r ogress , The Y.M.C.A.of the College is in a very prosperous coi d -tion under the management of Mr. John L. Kesler who will deliver an address at the district convention which meets at Durham the 8th, 9th and 10th, of Nov. Wake Forest will send a large dele gation. Rev. John Mitchell who has for several years been Agent of the Ministerial aid association of W. F. College has been called to the pasto rate of the Baptist church at Hendersonville, N. C, and will soon enter on the duty. One year ago the two so cieties and the college did away with medals, this fall each society has put back the improvement medal. I light C. Moore, tf Cald well has been very sick for two weeks but is now much better. There are numerous cases of sickl es inthecol- lege now, more than common ; kins public the report in re for this time of year. . jgard to the .'jdministration The aptist State Conven-jf the pension of the Pension tion will meet at Henderson. I OiWw by Corporal Tanner is TANN'EIGSM. Tannerism is but another name for iiieo.iqieteiicy, fraud, waste, scandal and dis grace. H.uras ..n appointed the corporal to olliee know ing all about his character. He had been told just what he might expect. Mr. Franu lin Woodruff, as we learn from the Ne-.v York livening Post, is oueoflhe mos' prom inent Republicans in Brook lyn. He told the President "if he appointed Tanner, he would disgrace the adminis tration insideof six months." So whatever disgrace has be fallen the Radical Hood Ad ministration because of Tan nerism is to be laid at the door of the partisan, weak President of the Republican (tarty. He deliberately chose his tool with his eyes wide o pen, and after a thorough revelation of the fellows char ill! i r i acrer naa ueen made, lie ue liberatel.v sinned against light and knowledge when le put this fellow in a position to waste a great surplus and bring an incurable scandal upon himself. Now thisisnot Democratic lies and Democrat it; preju dice, but a fact easily estab lished It is known in Wash ington to the officials as well as to the men on newspaper row, that Tanner has sjCeut nearly or quite one hundred million dollars by "rerating" pensioners. Thit is to say, he has not only expended the .f 7,000,000 allowed by the act of the Congress, but helms added $100,000,000 to thatgreatsum by conupt means. Now is not that a blistering disgrace and shame Now for proof. The Philadelphia Inquirer is a leading Republican pa per of Pennsylvania, it is not a blind organ like the Press, but is reliable if Republican. It publishes in its news col umns, and discusses editori ally the seandallous transact ions under Tanner and de mands that all the facts be given to the country by the Administration. It is a ter rible revelation of folly and crime, and Harrison stands before the country guilty and responsible. IVe give such parts of the rnquirers statements as are necessary to make the start ling scheme apparent. It says: "It is now stated that the hesitation manifested in m;i- oa a- o:nt of ill' i f.'e -t vhi.h th I'.Iue.'i.Id t.r.g.-dy, all.g -' th uV Vati i:s iei:ht !riv:iiig iliat Ih-.v, McCi.y Mid i i !h tiriair ial :-.n I bu-i- Hat!! -Id. w:Te 1 : i :- . 1 to kill ii.-s interest.',- :; the romiiy. little Al P.iU!;;fied. and that Th" v.hol 'sal. i -rating ord -r ihey re-ivd ."00. or v.eiv which h.isj.i-t b-s'ii re, i idtsl. Jo. when th- job was romp'.-' involves untold million, an ! fed. The attempt on little it is not certain yet Cat th" Al and his wi m wt V kno:i :i (resent, revenue.-! of the Gov-j and that t he progi a ;nme was; jenuient will 1m equal to thej not fully carried out was be-! i.'UiaiM!s created by t h 1 1 V uw th e RruniflH's were too ' Jhwim p of Tanner's pei. The hot on th.' tricksif then-! Se rctary of the 7Veasury h.-is, sarins. The report further j railed attention to lie-rnor-'savs that the result of these I ' niou- increase of expendl-. lisilosiires h is b rough tj tares f. a pension allowances j.diout open hostilities, and ltevo 'd te estimates for 1 he1 th it the entire dist rict isnr-' ear. auo nas vie.iriy indica - ted that th. 'existing income! of th" Government can not meet the drain upon its re tources. "A statement has b'n pre p wed in outline, intended to show the extent of the mon ey involved in Tanner's ivck- 1 -iMiess. The amount is pine e ! not far fro!n on" humlred million:, inaddirion toabout that sum now expended on pensions granted in accord nice with some regard f law and responsibiiit . It is , and his wife. This shooting very evident from the toneof j occurred on a Sunday night, conversation that great un-jsoiJ both the victims were easiness exists in ofiicinl cir-j badly wounded, Mrs. Rruni cles. A demand for more rev; '"'id being shot in th" bre.-jst enue with whicli to 'meet these and her husband in the leg unexpected drains would ci-e-j McCoy and Haley escaped ate a popular revultion which 1 1 Kentucky, but not until would put a ston to nension ' there had been two more at- legislation, ii it did not. wipe out some of the radical fea tures of existing fU'atues."' Up to this hour tin re has been no attempt made to re- jded. The two would be mut cover the tens of mUlions ' derers were arrested in Ken thus paid our. by Tanner paid out wickedly, illegally, corruptly. The man now op-! crating in Tanner's place is; actually in possession offO, (H)0 he got through Tannner. S ) says the New York Time.. .What a stinking kettle of fish I It: says with r tinging appropriateness and direct ness: "If the President, and Sec retary Noble really desire to make reparation for Tan ner's reckless and unlawful acts, they should find a less objectionable temporary sub stitute for Tanner than the chief beneficiary of his "rera ting" policy." A d waved concern! Wilmington Mess&nger. A Desperate War. Wheeling, W. Va., Oct., 29th. Lincoln county, or at least that part of.t around the county seat, is now in a fer mente fexeitmont concerning the fearful tragedies enacted within the borders of the county Thursday night of last week. There is quite a degree of interest manifested to get the accurate details of the double killing at Queen Shoals on the above night. Intelligence from that sec tion is meagre, but enough is known to satisfy the most credulous that Green McCoy and Milt Hally were riddled with bullets on the night in question organized force numbering sixty determined men. ine latest report, re ceived, and from a reliable man who was detained sev eral days, is to the effect that McCoy and Haley implicated oaer pro mi:i .'nt par lie., in . rayeil. eillier on one snle or th" other, and they arecon- gregating well armed and the aspect is of a mostthrent uing nature. Holey nnd McCoy are r.a- ! fives of Kentucky, and are allied to the McCoy faction of outlaws whose murderciH feud with the Uattiel ls is j i genera ly familliar to the : public. McCoy about a month ago, in company with Haley, ambushed and attemp r;tedt murder Al Ihumfield td.ipts at assassination in the rounly, in one of which a man named Adkins, a friend of the Rrumfields, was woun tucky and on Friday they were brought to Lincoln county, (W. Va.) jail. About midnight Friday night a mob surrounding the Lincoln jail, forced an entrance after a . snort resistance ov the au- thorities, took two of til prisoners Green McCoy nnd Milton Haley and hung them to a tree a short dis tance from the jail building. Fanaticism and iutteuness. He clipped last week a de liverance of the "Abe Patter son Grand Army Post " of Pittsdurg. Pa., but failed to note it editorially. It isthese bloody shirt performances that aredi.sgustingand mean and that react on the shab by fellows engaged in the dir ty work. Such actions on the part of the G. A. P's will be sure to bring them into do served reproach, and to make the Radical element in the North still more detestable. The Pittsburg bloody shift ers are raving mad over the erection of a monument at Gettysburg in memory of the men who fell in that battle, who belonged to the "Second Maryland Rebel Regiment," as the Pitsmrghers put it in their fiery resolution. These f u r i o u s f el lows d eel a re that they desire to enter their sol emn protest against this sac rilege, and most emphatical ly denounce any such intru sion by traitors upon sacred soil, etc., etc. The dignified and able New York Evening Post says ol this ugly and inexcusable be havior: "It really seems as though the Grand Ar ay Mahine x; ..... f..f;.j ij.-s !j l" ai! adi.i'rati n of tli l"i:"o-f soldi r by ho in j l.i a n - worthy oi admirati n. " 3 Tl." true soldier would ; 0. rn :,-! tl;e fa t. that rvr-y good iti.'.i is i!itere.-ted i?' s:-'ii:g 1 1. ai the po.i upon the (Jettysburg ittle!ie!d marked by great achieve iii. nts. " lietli";- on th'N'a-' tior.al or Conf..,.I.,rate m ie.' are prperly marked, iua mil. h as the greater the rvi diMiei f bravery on the p.iru of tlw ilefeated niin,,'. tii' greater is the tribute to t.'i.' victorious army.'' It notei the interesting fact th.it (Jen. Grant, in h'i last book, his "Personal i r.iories," never refers to t',e Confederates reb'ds and Iraitors. He says that bot't lidos fouuht for ''principle.- they d'remed dearer than lit ' and that he, the success'ul rommnnder of the side that finally triumphed, died be ieveing "vi' art' on the eve Of anew era. when there is t he great harmony betw -e;i the Federal and the Coiifedei' ate." Fanaticism and malice an' born of the same pnrentsnud no brave, just, and lionora ble man can afford to cher 1. s'h either of them. They would blister his sotlh Messenger. The Two ( 'a mel ons. "Am" Cameron is as cohl as ice, and when .i visitor has the rare good luck to s-iv him he often wishes he hadn't Ixvii so suoeessul. says the New York Herald. The de ceased Cameron, who was1 tho friend and at times the patron of Democrats and K;'publicnns;alike( concilia ted everybody with whom he came in contact. Someyenrs ago in Pennsylvania, Don, who was beginning to run things withthedynastic force of the family, told his father at. Donegal one day: "I'm going to put my man in as temporary as well as perma-1 nent chairman of the Repub lican tftate convention to morrow." "Don't do i:" said Simon. "Why not coik cilia ie the other faction by letting their man go in as temporary chairman. If cazt do you any arm. and when the time for real work comes your man will go in gracefully." Don refused tif heed tins sapient counsel and vowed he'd have both places. "All right," said the old gentlomon, "have your own way. but if your man gets licked don't come to mi? for sympathy." Don per sisted, and 1iis candidate for permanent chairman did pet badly licked. "Don" said his father that night as they took a glass of wine togeth er; "Don, when you die yon will be richer probably than I will, but you won't have hjilf ns lif- afuneral "Ex. F. MO MMEW, O. EAVES. Elerphewfe Eaves, A TTO UN E YS-AT-L A W , AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, MARION, NotiTH Carolina. jfccnHain Ltreet ovs. D.Ujj Co's. jta. July 13 d9. 1 y.