"1 4 -w v.. 'A v VOL J HOONK, WAT.U'UA COrXTY, X. .. TH T liSDAY. NOVKM IJKU, lit - X ) ) ) uga W i ! ' V Ctii v ; v. i w v. i : i . ' I f r ? v. A Ikmn h.i ; .'..ii.l'v iit-wspa r di'Mitttl th iut-ivM of. itN Comsf y. St.it.. iiihl Xiitioii. Iivci v Tiniisdi nt Iiunnc, ntniiga Count v. N. ('. 1. It. ImU tiUKUTV, Imrrou. H.C. P.IYPKS. Pnti.isiiKit. St itMiarTioN IJatks. 1 ov 1 year 1 " C months 1 " lliniitllK Avi:in'isi(! It atks. "tic. 1 iiu-h 1 wiM'k 1 month... :t 0 1 year -f.". .ihann 1 wii'k 1 month... lii'r.o :' 44 1 -() " lvcnr... k-.o!'-' "r 1 ,T 1 '.".;,,onioeaeftin-)se tny are; Vilas X. V. Nov. Kb, '). To the Dkmocuat: Ilavinj;- been silent for some time, we njjfain wish to be heard. We all know we should educate and do all ia our power to build up our conn i y. mentally, iinaucially and ia every oth-r j.oial par ticular. Akla u'h we some times complain of our coua- t 's ret ro;;r.-n line.-, but J think if we would lookback a few; years, and draw a, picture of her condition, ami then com - pare it with now, we could very easily see to the reverse. For instance, compare Blow ing I'ock now, with just a few years back, and you can plainly see. Then lands a- round it were were not even in demand at :. live dollars perl acre, it beiny; so hiih and eold. Now, there are several of the best of hotels, board inir houses, stores etc, and lands are now worth twohun d red and fifty dollars per a crv. are! quick sales at that, so we imderstaml. Now. in our judgment, Pator'' 1 1 1 1 1 and iJIr P.allol the Itich Mountain, could be made far .superior to Plowing Pock, as a summer resort, scenery ete.rts they are both places of considerable altitude, from which you can see sever al miles in any direction to which yon;- face may beturn ted. And then she has, by far the coolest and best water in our mountain country. If those who wish to buifil ho tels, both as summer and winter resorts, would but make a start, those beauti ful lands would not remain at five and ten dollars per acre long. Hope some one will investigate. Our schools are also much better than heretofore. No tice, while just a few years a go, we had no academies nor first class teachers, but now, we have several good acade my buildings with good fac- uities. The best in the conn- ty, of which we have any knowledge, is Cove Creek A - cademy, an I it has no f ictd - ty this year for blow and , sfiread, but of tl ue principle andgonhead, as they have been showing since the oth ' t , ,,0 rr ... ofAugnsi Juinun is a third lower than it was da-' l in1; the past two years, an.f lu:ii-il alrto low. Hone those! who desire to go to-a good i5w " "' school will come in. The. J'rincipal is Prof. Francum,i ami .Miss Maggie Neal ns.-is- taut, who is a graduate of (irivnsboro Feiume College. ii. i:. i'. HASHINHTON LKTTFdt. Fiom ou.Itegr.lar Coiiespoadeut. For the Pkmocrvt: Chairman Calvin S. is a strong favorite with Dim: jocrats hi'ic ami th wish 1 that lu-may licsi-nt to tin i nto frin Ohio is hat(io!i :';!.' ! all sides. It is aiirmd that "."...:jjh has the good will oi nl! jelasses of Ohio J)cniovrats. ''laid thathis election would h'ave no jealousy to make iiull in the future. I President" Harrison is Ktill . , . . " " . . .imijv-ii, uriiui- i uii i the recent elections did notiSm ha law will nevar b mean. a disapproval by thejed bv the next H;ai e. people of his administiation. ;.re a numb:,r of d-.'tiu-:; The word has been passed : D.-aiocra rs in the hi to every prominent Hepub-j l!at . have pledged th ia.. bean ollicial that he must ari'o fil!ibust"t' mdil e,ueatall times that as no j federal officials were voted I for the result of the elections ' meait nothing as far as the I administration is concerned. That is for public consump - tion. In in ivate, the shirt sleeve brigade, that is always relied upon to do election I win k, and which has been 1 snubbed almost until now, is I to speak figuratively, bring warinly embraced by Presi dent Harrison and promised any number of nice fat ap pointments if they will only ay,ree i-j resume uusmess a, i j the old stand. P.rother Hat rison has waked up to the fact that is the members of the shirt sleeve brigade that carry elections, and that the carrying of elections. is the great end and aim of politi cal parties. It were better for the Democratic party that he had not found out so much. That Mrs. Cleveland has lost none of the great popu larity she enjoyed here when Mistress of the IPhite House was fully demonstrated last week, when she and her illus trious husband came to Washington to attend the marriage of ex-secretary Bayard.- After the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland drove to the White House and Mrs Cleveland left her card for Mrs. Harrison, who is out of town, while her husband went in .side and paid his re spects to President Harrison It was a graceful and courte ous act on the part of the Cleveland. The cry that Fo raker was knifed by the .Sherman men in Ohio was no news to the regular reader of this corres pondence, who will remem- ber that the organization of a, plot to "(town" Foraker l)V Shernmh ;)nd his friends was noted many weeks ago. i If was fixed up here in Hash 1 iat on. and unless all a'gas rajj Hie genthmien concerned j,, jf i;;U-e bitten off more , than they can chew. Their . ml y desire was to 'sidetrack . L 1t Foraker, but the result! shows that they have made i Otiio a ilouluful "State forj the "eat content in 1802.1 with chances decidedly in ia .. vor of the Democrats. The Pepulilicans here had i !:ir .' iii' listing .- 'c;a! ay.-, over the fat- ;, Sea : 1 !r .tlii.vin, of lo.v.'. who v successor will li .m-! i. I !y tr legislature choon lat I ii s lay. Alii soil won., the It- ..- i vc a o;g gup oa ! publican side of the Semi'. : 'lti"il hi, fur anyrau-i' h tv' ! ;ro. It is fcati'u lv somr S tut ii , i a !).anM"ats that th ' i". ' ouMiran defeats last ui ;- I wiil havt a tcadancy to ca- i ,urate th more laili.-a' j i!c;tuitii:-aii Cot;lvivss:.:.-I) to ; p;.ss an olemxio'is f" a! of ; (., tion lav in the hoiif ainim; eu:ai:di ineaibei-; .,. House in the SauMi at i ! i'vt l'mimwmr.i! ,1.1 li' .-Wl ' .'.4..-( -T..'i v.I I . ... . cci'i a nl lo loose is a : tSS I; -re :;; as-'. X'i- I ration of th ii;-:.t C.ai-1 i,-ress, if su-.-h action nlionid '. become necessary to preven: ; the passage of an obnoxiou ; : Inderal elect ioa law i j The Superint.Hideut of iiie ! (Vi-sns has madeareaort o; j what has so far been don", 1 an, what is to b done in! the future to un-.ke the m-x:' census a success. He want' the printing; of the census re ports ;;i van out. by co-'tra;-'. to private parties instead o:' beine; done bp the Govern ment print inj- office as here- ; tm,ni tins can he (lone without raakini!,- the work a polilical " jap", it would be'j very desirable, as it would I taA'ethe (loverum-nt pri'.'t-j ing office years to do th1 work, and keep up , wilh the constantly increasing cur rent vcrk. If the reports cannot be gottea out faster than t'aey were after the last j census was taken they had j just as well n t be gotten! out at all, for all the use they j will be. Montana was formally ad mitted us a State Friday morning by Presidential proclamation, and Washing ton, the last of the quartette will follow suit, as soon as a correct set of election re turns are received here from the (io vera or. The All American Congress will complete it'slong excur sion the last of this week. Next week it is expected that the Congress will settle down to the business for which it was called devising some means of increasing t he tivtde between the IjiiU'd States and South and Centra! America. Just how that ca n be d o u e u ml er o u r p rose 1 1 1 high protective tariff is not very plain President Harrison is un-! derstood to be down on the; German's for the loss of Iow a : and Ohio. He told Senator; Sawyer, who asked far an ap, pointment for a (Jeruian j c(nstil uent t hat tv.c (iermai ! had no right to expect any-! hi,,; "v ing tVe pattv m Ohio and lo-j -,lsi,!nt.on, I). C.1 1th. ' j j vVheii nattu-o fa' tors mid n quires help, recruit her eaSVebleil ! .-.:...!.!,. u-iH, I).- . M,- ,'Tis - !streij-th('iiing('()rtiial mid b'.oo 1 1 ! punti'v. .-j l.o'J iier b ttl, J of Ma,a e! Iiiias. '! !,! J i i n : it l by very f-.olirii a1; ! S it i stui !: !:;;s .-;'i';s') 'd ii t li lt '!U:i!".!a tt!-a!. '.I..- .V; . ,i'l)rir;tll i'- i''.-'t . lie make:; a very V. 'i-n-and iafamon.--.as -an!-: n;i-:; the A'H,.t; ts. i . or.a.iiau ; i-iaa:.:; r.i i -t.s.ii ii. i aa-i ( '::.; ;;,! i v.-; 1 a !ai!ot s'.ui.'rs and t h r'miii i! class ia t!ie v',', i-.-s. T'.is tv.) rro;a a Ij'.'.ted Slj.te.-t ;.!iatr). frun a man of vdu - ai.oa ,-,o.n his owa 'ieliL-lits to ho:jr. i ! iato i"a- U ',,- Hi:; vs the ImM ami n )!;!..;! D.rni ;,.,., writni-or makii:-war i,e ai;-. (lov. 11?.., of AV.v ocrafsnn a h vel yiih the,,i;i()n j,n.n., Christian York, is a -ood D.oc'.-ar, tlneves aa.l ..ccnr.l:-;-5s of Ma i pHHph-s; i;,Muiy Ilarrisoa jbut b as well asothers.we.l !o!i "ev i ar!; ard (Veair) i ;,.: .,:.;,,.,,.!' .i . :k i ... j . j;,. s.!Vs t a traorant ami va f-ams tl it I hv in t:aiuril ,av.- oi ..leu- ne!i:;v. t.i.'ir :: - i ;:ia! :Iac.' in t :iv' I) ;a ( rat- . . 1 . I na:-ly. i nr-v too oo.a a vi!i;i j;.i.a"s ia the slraa.-.!' 1 HI :i, aea oulh- era States wrre ra I ta rut ilito ofiic nim.r and ta wea and sra- iiav Iro.a a I'eilo v who rejiii''e.-i ia iii... mean little soul that liar ri-oii was elected by fraud, intimidati-m and pu.-eh.ise. Thi ; from a fellow who e par ty rt'joie.!s in 1 iie lea di'i-sliip of laine. Fiiraker, (ua y, F.i kias. Iteb 'S(a. Sher'.a.i a and the remaiiuSer of th ''"pt cre-.v. Sa.rae! Siiaiie ! V ii at a disgrace to the Unite States S-nateis such a pohtlcr,! tra - ducer.-md c-urmurdgeon! Since writ ing the above wej ,,;,f()rtunat' in la; vitriolic have read the following ;;" j p.foraiance. He should re ken from a decent tepubli-; .., i;t)r that can paper in Pljiladeiphia,!..:i,iy.)n ,.(.;nilrkaiiotherss:n that dares to ted t he truth j thme own couscience look and to Inrn oa the nglit. The Tch'.:r:ih says: "However painful it may bt to acl" ao .vh'dge it, the ac knowli'd ;;ment must be made th:;t it v. as not tin iicmo- crats but the Republicans, ia the last national campaign. that iriea the iat. our. or tinij man.ul'acturers to be used, and which was naed, to buy floaters ia 'blocks of five,' or five hundr.d. The most en ormous political corruption fund ever raised was raised was raised by Mr. Hoar's par tisan friends, and employed in destroying tlu absolute j (lny (m hLs u..)y to y ushing freedom ami purity of elec-jj,. stpeakin'g of hvst'weeks' tions, which lie .leclares tl e j ,.loetio:i results Mr. Carlisle country run .-efc oa.ly from L;(i(1 . ()f cni.Kt, HK.re were his party. jmany reasons that led to dis This is fair and most com-1 ast0I'. (() the plt,pUhi,..,llK ;lll memlable. Put the able and j ()..(r th (.nmitry, chief of honest iviegvupli '.oes "f1 - sron ic; stop t It goes en to say with exceedingd:r"ctnessaud ; P"1,: Itvzeal, vote the way fhey "lie ignores the fat-fryi-.g tjlhi!; Prohibition was an cir ular issued bv the Prft-i- ()l!l(T fa-t.a-ia bringing a dent of the Leagu of Uepub- b(ut (1r t es. lican Clubs; hecSoses his eyes, ; , , T() show ears and memory against Dnriiey's 'blocks of five' let ter; to the political corrup- tion lumi, a single conn ma-: on,y t() stn,ly the r.. tion to which, was nearly sijtum,. The prohibit ioa sen half a nifllion of dollars: to j n,,,.., H Wrongest in the ra the millions ol pay envel-1 1fll ,;iSt,.i(?ts of the State, yet opes which were given to j (he rotu,.ns howgreat Demo workingmen, enclosing tli'-1 ,.,-atic gains in these locali wages, by. their Republican i ties lt is p1;,jn tiiat the far emjiloyers, and which were so nuM.rt .jc-opdain-e with many threats- and intimida-! tl)pir a,.-; (.()nvictions, cities tions against votingt he dom , fvrta?r.l.v helping out with ocratie ticket; and vv...... - votes a'jaiiisu nro.uuti ion. , .... ' shutting his senses to these; T, s.u,1;M.;i llt, 8a( uf ailhtj"u"!l' nal1' " . ., . . , . i ae sa 1. 1 v. scan m promptly an :i,?,f. ( ably cranes against thebailot box:()jllt.r States. "The hea vea : .iished bv t)r. J. Tl M.d.au's crimes which every honest, respectabi-j Republican con - d-;..mi a hcarC'y as any ........ - .i, ... t'te san-f.fie.l tone of .o.v, X-.Tai-e. says: TI box tha'i i".ev Icid in 1 .''.) j. Al v.'i 'i-. t!i Aii. ii. au iti.',n tlunih r.e,i!.u!. was not easts iiis r : 1 oul.l in' as the originator of tari:f re sa as a j-a. rani.'ntnl ves form, h ernjiliasized an tntei r.'i I. a--r atim; tti hi-as Kiii.Mj inji-rest in it. I will say s ".-..ed Im-Ii f. o: y hy keej ;n- ; i;:.t l a.i s !:e Presidential e- s ty hi ji.M.vi rean itssa - ( if.1 i liarai-tt r be tnaintr.iie ed." S.ifan r 'bu'via.r nin : n-!ic t Ai ut.ld tnatimrof oatri-'after . otisi;, . jj,.,, Iut V-r ta!kia;v (if poiitjcal iiitt'rity.and ' i--, lal b.onestv. ('limn Sher - : ' li:,4 .M 1'HIIH: plIII'llni 1 1t) h,.p him run the Hadi.al , t-iiw. m,,n i ne cxaoeo . .. '.. I' ' ; p!;i;i (if !)nayism an 1 Iilaiue-( ; i i-,., ! ',, s; ,'.J . i ! 1 , 14 . I I 1 ' IV ' ' j t . 4 1 k i..,,, a 1V . .,c , , i-,v,. , o; i a mm iwi if . in iv 'on hi junketingsou that sr.- Mr. Carlisle thought in view I cred day; Crank .'iair deliv-jof the recent c! 'tion Mr. M--iermg a creed upon wisdom j Kinley's chance:-, lor the spea land statesmanship; Ingdlsj kership weruru.h' r faded. It ! weeping because he was too ! pious to shoot poisoned ar- ! raws at his brother Senator; .John Sherman palavering o- j Observer. I wr a "fair count" of the j Washington Di.s;i;tch, 11. I voles ia the Southern .States, j The Supreme '-ourt of tiie i does not cut a more iiafort u-. I nited Si ate, to-! i.y ' reuder ! nato and absurd ligure than led an opinion aliiiraiaig the i d "s t lie veaerable, vituiiera- iudii-me'at of the fUmi when ledips hi j ; in ,.()r,.np'io;i to write of ; j pU,.j(y ;,,! lumcr.ty ot his'; 0. party, putrid and Fatou ! throughout. Hear is very i w l :hiu." Jt'x.c'. e.re , mi r; :;t',i s.; at laglit, and hm l assed In' n had cougli? I'se i)r. !. Ii. Mcbeeii':; Tar Wine iaing Paha, it will Nd-are you .-or;,, 1 si -iij. and o'TVt a prompt i;:d rridii-ai 1 1 1 if. S )Vi, J. (. Carlisle oa the F lection Iteturns Cn'e.uai, Nov.. 12 A dis pat( h to the Timet, fom Kan sas City Mo., 'says: lion. .1. (J. Carlisle, who, with his wife and son, has been spend ing tin last month in Idaho, i oassed through bore vester- ; ;vhich, was the tariff issue. It is an ( if year, in which the people, untrammeled by par- ; i ith.'.L this was not the prima ry cause, howerer, of Ilepub- iican defeat in that State one iirohibitioa. ()f tariff reform,', r.s ('lev.;- 1 Jand has said, is workingout, the!irt f. u'Js of wlmh we,.' 1 1 1 1 i . i j.i.i Th" vl"; t",ta in -ans ao more 'J.vtio - ; of la' 'ear been re. j j -at.-.! a in ..a aiftei-ward ricveinid wuh! hivebeene- (. ,!. ft is i'u'H.'di .ielv th ehi-ti -a ?!,, i ' saw thewaMh v ; .-ii ;,.4 . vote 1. 'a-,v i, - i iti- I v (' v ( land. ''1 ".vian 1 is ia iijiHiH illU II IS Vlv. t ..I U' I ! ; h-.-m t !;e pm, !e .vaat an I w lava ; ae '. e w ' nave. 1 A I ? "II t 14 Vou aave i I: lioerty to say v. ...a..,,:. a i !. .,,, v. '.. ill'" i4l.'iili'. ill Ml mm. - ri.n.J.,.,,1 , I. i i iiujm, lay, he thought, between Messrs lieed, ot .'laine, ami ; Cannon, of ilht.ois. AVinv & the Supreme Court, of North Carolina ;n the ease of Cross and White, r.'side;;t and cashier, ivspa-tively, of the State National I'ank of Rab eigh. N. (.'. Tlie erime with which they were -barged was the forgery of a promisory note and making of a false entry on the books of the bank for the purpose of de ceiving the national bank ex aminer in regard to the finan cial condition of the bank. It was contended in behalf of Cross and White that their offense was cognizable in the Federal and not in the State courts. The Supreme Court decides against the convic ted bank offi ers and in fa vor of the State. A I'm Cold hsj. News comes here today of a rich go!dtiml in Montgom ery county, by Tebe S-'tm-ders. Last wcck lie took out 2.000 pennyweights, and sent besides, seven pounds of gold ore to the Charlotte mint. In one rockeriul of grit four ounces of gold was found. The go'd i ia pla cers' grit, and is the richest ever tound in the State. Two peck baskets full of gold and sp'-cimens were Taken out of the mine yesterday. Pebehas one hundred hun laat work, and gets so much gold that no pretense is made at weigh ing it only on a pair of gro wer's scales, or to measure it in a half pint cup to pay the royalty, which is shared by the hands. Below the grit, small veins are found that are more than half gold. There is no fraud about this, for the gold shows for its self, and it has created in tense excitement 1 ere. Salisbury D'i6t:ntch, 8th. Sift; lieadncho. warl on the Tattle laver u-inl Kinaey Pillets, twenty five :ts. a vlul.

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