To The Wat.uua Dkmx hat. 1 ojyl yt-nr ?!. 1 " (t'lllulltlll 1 " : month AlVKlJTIlU It TK. inch 1 w--k $ .T.j 1 " 1 mouth I T." 1 :j a.tMi 1 1 your T.00 1 .i-Iuiui'i 1 w-k !MM 1 1 mouth l:i.."o 1 ;i 2Yh l ; ' :t.."o 1 " 1 war ."iMMl Kntered ait tin Postollhvnt Roono, X. C, as second-class mn it nint tor. LOCAL NEWS. Pay your subscription. -Rend II. C. Martin & Co. new 'nd.' Trade with the man who usP8 printers ink. What is worse than a tattler? Xothinjr. Ladies, that coffee at. tones & Vance' is elegant, try it. Dr. Con m ill is off on a visit to .Salisbury. "Humming Rird' flour takes the load-sold by Jones & Vance. When you want shoes go to Jones & Vance they have and will sell them. We regret t o h ea r o f the critical illness of Mr. Frank Wike of Brushy Fork. Misses Jennie Council!, and Maggie Coffey left town on last Wednesday to enter school at Hickory. Are you going West this spring? tf so, and want the cheapest routes ever offered call on J. C.Kay, Boone, ..( .. The proceedings of the Board of Coins, will be pub lished next week, also the ju rors for spring term of court. Col. J. B. Todd is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Mary Moore, of the Globe, who has been quite ill for some time. We are much pleased to learn that Dr. (Sentry of Ashe, is thought to be rapid ly recovering. Capt. E. F. Lovill stall ed to Johnson City last Mon day to see his son W. U. Lov ill, who is reported to be quite sick. Married on the evening of the nth., Marion W. Sto rie, of Sweet Water, lo Miss Julia A. Xorris, of Sands. Jont. II. Brown officiating. See the new 'ad' of that enterprising young merchant A. P. Smith. He keeps a nice stock and asks you for a share of your patronage. Capt. Jordan Cook, has moved his family to Linville, where lie proposes working , for the Linville Improvment Company. It is reported that our friend J. W. Farthing is pre paring to build on his lotsat Linville, where he will move this spring. . One of the prisoners con fined in the Boone jail, made his escape last Friday morn ing. He had planned the es cape well, and succeeded in completely fooling the jailor. If this issue of the Demo crat appears to its many readers, to be light, they will please remember that 250tt)s of editor is absent, and has been gone for a week, on a mining expedition, so you will please not criticize this issue too much, forit is rath er hard for the "Devils" to furnish copy and to do the office work, at thesaniclime. ' Th l.idi.'.- of Bonne aro ivory much picas..! over thir pits of lowly flowers. Thoy are keeping nicily. Look out ladies King Cold may nip thetn yet. ! We tiear it rumored that l'rof. Spainhour is going to move back to Boone soon. ' We aire glad to hear th's. for ; we have missed him and Ids interesting family. Coin, court last Monday. Quite ai number of our Co. gentlemen were in town on that day, and some of them remembered the Dkmocuat, by bringing in that mucb needed dollar. Jones & Vance have just received an other lot. of Clo thing and still have more on the road. They have an e normous stock, as to work manship, style, quality and price cannot be beaten. Hov. L F. Jones has been elected pastor of the Baptist clnreh in Boone again. We are truly glad of tins, Mr. Jones is an able ministeraud holds a warm place in the hearts of the people gener ally. "Theground hog saw his shadow on the first, so you may look out for bad weath er," is what you often hear now. We guess some of our citizens would be glad if Mr. Hog has told the truth as they are amxious to iill their ice houses Our Cove Creek reporter informs us that the great re vival meeting that has been in progress at the Cove Creek church for the past two weeks closed on Monday. The ser vices were condetHl by Rev's. Sherwood ami Farthing If we are rightly inform d. there wore "it baptized and one re stored, besides quite a num ber of -onverts who did not connect themselves with the church. We lour from the Xens and Obsei ver, just as we to press, that Sec. Tracy's residence in Washington, was destroyed by tire on the morning of the 3rd. His wife and daughter died of suffocation, and a maid of Miss Tracy's was burned to death. The Sec re tary himself suffered grearly from suffocation, and it tasked the skill of his physi cians to bring him to con ciousness. The fire was discovered n bout 7 o'clock in the morn ing by smoke issuing from the windows. Every effort was made by the fire depart ment possible, but of no a vail. They worked valiant ly, knowing that the mem bers of the family was inside. Mrs. Wilmerding, the Secre tary's daughter, and his gra nd -daugh tor j u m j od f ro m a cecond story window, and were badly injured. Among the first to visit the suffering man, after conciousness, re turned, were the President. Vice President and several members of the cabinet. The President left the room with tears of symyathy trickling down his face. It is thought thatthe lire originated in the parlor, but whether it origi nated from the grate or from the heating pipes is not known, as no one could Le found who could tell whether there was fire left in the grate the night before or not. The residence of Judge W. S. Cox, of the Dist. Supreme Court, which was near, was badly damaged by water. The Senate adjourned when the recent affliction of the families of two of the mem bers was announced. RCMlNlSf FWES AND CO ITATlnVs. M'mi:::i: v. Ljnviu.k. Feb. I. To tin' P-l)lini:tt : Jaiin-s i. I'i!;iinc Jr-. told tin' l'n s i mivh ni. Ifiil that In ! was Hid. iiz, ii:iir tin M vif.t trial of hi liv. IJ. wan Iwaring up sl li'liiilv however. N-v Yi k Pailv Pns. That word splendid is one i of the worst aibused words in in the English language. It i wrongly usiil by all sorts and conditions of our Eng ' li-ih-sH'akiiig eople. It is defiuiil in the dictionaries n.s bright, beautiful, brilliant: jyot we apply it to a horse, ;i i load of hay or any other in nppropiato thing. Let us. i the writers for, and the read jers of, ihe DKMonm'dropits preposterous use and apply j it properly. I Wo have here in Linville a J fire that never goes out, but j is ever burning. It is the j sawdust pile ait Blackwell & I Welds sawmill. No mat tor if j the saw mill is idle two or j three days, the lire goes on burning, yet. it rngeth not L. T. Kelsey received notice from his son in law, who re sides in Volusia Co. Florida, of a Christinas present he and his wife had sent to him in the shape of a box of Hali fax river oranges. The box was received only last week, and when opened they were as sound as fresh nuts. Vol usia county is particularly celebrated for its growth of nice oranges. It lias a town known as Port Orange sit uated on the sea coast. The oranges sent Mr. Kelson wore large, smooth and of ex cellent flavo". La Grippe has made itsap pen ranee here, or a di ease supposed lo be it. La Grip pe is a French' phrase and "la" is enni valent to "the" in our language, I do not know what "'grippe" is, but before I write again I may learn all about it by experi ence. I do know what domi cile is. Denngue, too, is a French word, and is equiva lent to Break-bone Fever in our language, and there-by hangs a tale, which I may unfold in the next Rominisen ces I write. Waitsell Aldridge, who re sides on a good and large farm lire or six miles from here, in this (Linville) town ship, has b"en engaged team ing all the fall and winter, lias pur-hased the companys blacksmith shop, and is our 'village blacksmith.' His son W.iHiani went home, a few days ago, sick with symp tons of "La Grippe." Mr. Kelsey was unwell two or three days last week. To be sick is very unusual for him. I think he believes his ailment was the widely pre vailing disease. The last I heard of Mr. Hugh McKae, president of the Linville Improvement Company, he wrote that he was afflicted withai bad cold. He was in New York city. He is expected here daily. White Piercy is under the weather with a weakness of the lungs. Maukied. In Aaron, near Linville, ait the residence of Rev. Lewis A. Rominger, on Wednesday. Jan. 29 Mr. Bud Bannerand Miss Missouri Carroll. In Linville, at the residence of Mr. Joseph W. Mann, on Roanoke street Saturday night Feb. 7. Mr. James II. Mc-Campbell and Miss Mar garet B. Brock well. Rev. A. S. Church officiating. J. S. W. JS:-S FECIALS ,vo.-.' Slit!.' Sliot's.'H I have Dow, the largest amd best selected Mock of shoes! and boots ver brought to the County, ami ran suit you in prices and styles. 1 pro pose selling my largo stock, in this line, for ier cent less than the same goods have ever boon sold for, in Boom. Don't fail to se my goods and get my prices, tie fore buying els where. Respe tiiilly. W. L. Brvan. PiiuK. Imskttk'h Memory Sys tem is creating greater interest than ever in all paitsofthcceiin try. and k i-soiis wihhiiig to im prove their memory should send for his risHi t us fi-e' as adver tised in another column. There is much that needs to be done in, and around Boone, that would add much to its general aipionranee. The academy of this place is sadly in need of repaiis. It is now simply a target for the negroes of Boone. We think if the citizens of the phwotook proper pride in their town, they would go to work and repair this build ing. It would cost but. little, land if each, one would do his proportionate part, no one would be injured in the least. This must look strange to visitors here, to see so many children, and learn that our larger boys and girls are off at the neighboring towns in school. If visitors had any jidea of locaitingin our midst, this would be a serious draw back. It seems to us that this is calculated to injure our town, more than any tning ' else. This ould be made a. handsome building, beautifully sitnated as it is. in the' most elible part ol town. It is to be hoped that the good citizens of the place will seriously consider the a bove, and take steps at once, to repair the building, and then secure the services of an ergot ic, live teacher, and pay him a living salary, and keep him. It would add so much to the tone of the town. Some old huts, not fit for habitat ion, should be remov ed, they give the place a rag ged appearance. The shade tre?s, on the streets, need trimming. The wood-piles should be remov ed from the walks, and the paint-brush industriously ap plied to some of the dwell ings. Rickety palings need to be removed and replaced by new ones. As winter is about over, we would suggest to the citizens to give the place a general' brushing up, and give it such a neat, tidy appearance, that visitors will be glad to spend their summer in this quiet 'bird's' nest', mountains. aimotu the When the Russian influen za first made its debut in A merica. it went the rounds of the press as "La Grippe," putting on foreign airs! Next we saw it as 'la grippe', (minus the capitals.) Then it was abreviatedtoMa grip', then to 'grip', but the very lai est spelling is 'gripe', with a very long'i'. We pre sume that Hie latter is cor rect. It seems that it is no respecter of persons, ais Queen Victoria!, Bill Nye and D. B. Dougherty have each been visited by his grim maj esty. When nature falters and re quires help, recruit her enfeebled energies with Dr. J. H. McLean's strengthening Cordial and blood purifier f 1 .00 per bottle. BEAD ! GREAT REDIXTIONS. In order to make room for our si' stock, we wilt close out our Winter goods at greatly reduced prices. special bargains In heavy Shoes, Boots, Hats. Shawls and Overcoats. Don't fail to see us before buying. We still keep our ENTIRE STOCK in all DEPARTMENTS up to the demands of our customers and Guarantee prices as low as any-body. Thanking our Patrons for their liberal Trade, we are Very Respectfully H. C. MARTIN, & Co. A. P. SMITH, Successor To Smith & Miller, HALE, N. C. To the people of Watauga. I am situated at the Ford of Klk Mitchell county, with a full line of General Merchandise, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Glassware, Hardware. Candies, and Patent Medicines. When you are on your way to ELK PARK, Give me a call, as I am able to duplicate any bills sold there. My goods are bought for CASH and I sell for the same. Hoping to satisfy you in goods prices etc. I am Itesiecfully, A. P. SMITH, Feb. G. Gino. A. G. Grayson J. H. GrayHon. Grayson Bros, TRADE, TENN. And SWEETWTR, N. C. Dealers in general merchan dise and country produce. We wish to say to the pub lic that our stock is full and complete at both points, and that we will duplicate any bills sold near us. Step in and examine out goods in this line, and we are sure to please you in presents for boys, girls, sweet hearts, mother or sister. Give us a call and be convinced. Thankingour Patrons for past favors and seliciting a continuation of the same We are Resp. Grayson Bros. W. L BRYAN, Still On Hand With a Nice line of General ' Merchandise, Consisting, in part, of Boot, Shoes, Dress Goods, Notions, Hardware, Tinware, Gro-eries, CofftHS, Sugars, Tea, Rice, Cigars, Cigarettes, etc. Drugs 8c Medicines in good variety. Also take all kinds of ROOTS AND HERBS, And country produce in ex chahge for goods. Gent's furnishing goods, such as, dress shirts, (both laundried and unlaundried.) Collars, Cuffs, Slips, and in fact, al most any thing-needed in that line. JUSTIN Ready-Made Clothing from 8 to 25 dollars per suit. We handle only first class goods, and will guarantee prices as low as any other merchant who handles the same grade of goods. For Gash, You Can Have Goods at almost your" own price. I run in connection with my other business, a Hotel and Peed STABLE, which we think is equal to any in the county, and we guarantee our pi-ices ns low asiny in the COUNTY. Also furnish transportation to panties wanting the same with a safe driver and with as good a turnout cts can be found in the county. For the next 60 DATS We will make special prices, for cawh, on all goods. Returning our thanks for past patronage we will, as heretofore, still con tinue to furnish you good goods and at as low prices as be ound. Truly yours, W. L Bryan,