7 I it TK Td TVo 6n VOL J liOOXK, YVATM CVVJY, N. C, imTAY, MAY, 15,1800. NO. 44. f . y I (ft! LL mI7Jj 'TOILS: WASHINGTON LETTKU. From our Eegular Correspondent For the Demon at: There was a cry of "Kxtru ttoutwell, nrguing ngninstj black siiL ron mgak. ' a ioiLAMsicniETOtsCEsis. thp adoption of tin fifteenth! i nmendinent to th Constitn-i " is r ut ,,,:,t ,h, 1'WM'; The U-puMii-mw are build-tion-ilfcljirinatliiittliHriuht:"1 ,hf rit4-'l Stnt('s ,i,v, ing hi-h on their ability to of snfTrnire should not be .; paid nnnu.-dly at h-nst "it.v , so ,ls0 th; misus n-portu as Ml1 I II .1 ' " I i i ri ii iii i- in Mir i ii"i , ... . . I - ', i ..... . million tloll.iis tn Aiiirnenn ... .. ...i.... I.i. ....' on tin. Ntl-wtM c if IM MgeU Oil JKCOUIH Oinur.j , IIJK""" irai uiiiuuuir . . : Inf NM-v tnde-on ihe irmund U( " ,)UM, "au 11,1,1 10 I'-MjcwniiT prophesied this that tho regulation -f suf-for s'uu" I""'1" J'1"; tust as soon 11s it was nn frngr should be Mt to the:"1'"' not provonttMl alnouU)V(, that Portcri the Stntw ifu11 1,v:,,,-v "f f",,K' ""! Knli.shinnn, had been np- Ueing elected toth.Fortv-!k,'ts- "'wl'Ut ' ',, n'! pointed nt the head of the second and Fortv-third Con-1 1 1:mk nf t tiiat Kepui.nenn ; l)Usim.ss. H0 j8 utterly un- ffress', Mr. V(k served on the Ways and Means Tom e Here ib came under rare noner lor a riennior 10 - . , j ning, and it was soon known throughout the city that Senator James II. IWk the Senior Senator from Ken tucky had dropped dead from heart paralysis in the Baltimore nnd Potomac Railway Station. There has been no more sudden and ap palling death of a prominent man for year's. He fell and died in the depot in which den. Garfield was assassinat ed nearly ten years a . Senator Heck was born in Scotland 1822. He received an academic education in his native country, und came to the United States with his parents when a young man of seventeen or eighteen. They settled in Kentucky and the future Senator im mediately started to work to earn a living. He was em ployed in various minor ca pacities. A story illustrating the in nate honesty of the man, even in his early days, was related last night by a gen tleman who was thoroughly well acquainted with him. Mr Heck, the gentleman said, was employed in Cynthiana Ky., about on ofthestables there. Here he came undei 1lu Breckinridge, who was at tracted to him by his intelli gence, industry, and good nature. Gen. Breckinridge was one of the leading law yers of his .section at this time, and one day he brought down a copy of Blackstone and gave it to young He k. He read it thoroughly nnd showed such a strong desire to become a lawyorthat Gen. Breckinridge took him into his office at Lexington Ky. Here he entered the law school of Transylvania University, from which he was graduated in 18iG. When General Breckinridge went into the late war, Mr. Beck, who was bis law part ner, took charge of his affairs and of his law practice. Gen. Breckinridge at that time owned a. large tract of unde veloped lands, in the North west. Mr. Beck managed the law practice and interests was subsequently able to turn over to Mrs. Breckm lidge $150,000. This inci dent, it is said, becoming known, aided materially in his first election to Congress. Mr. Beck devoted himself in his early yea is to the law and to business affairs, a inassing a fair competence before beginning his political career in Congress. He was a Whig in his early years, but when his law partner General Breckinridge went into the Democratic party he carried Mr. Zfeck who was devotedly attached to his interests, with him. In 18G6 he" was first elected to Congress as a representative in the Fortieth Congress from the Ashland (Ky.) district. He was re elected to the Forty-first Cou gress in which body he made an ablo reply to George S. mittee. He s udied tariff iu' h 11 n'irn' million dollars more than thev would nave questions with great assid uity, and became a recognized authority on these mattfrs. He declined a re-election to the House in 1870, he was e lected to the Senate. Among those who entered the Senate at this time with him were, Messrs. Hoar, of Mass; Ben Hill, of Ga.; Da vid Davis, of Illinois; Plumb, of Kans. : Garland, of Ark .: McPherson, Coke and Harris (mT and ex Secretary Kirkwood of Iowa. He took a prominent part in the Senate in the legisla tion which resulted in the passage of the Bland silver bill. He was always an ad vocate of a liberal silver pol icy, nnd at Ihis time offered a measure proposing the coinage of not less than !?'?, 000.000 monthly. He was assigned to the conimitbes of the Senate. It. is a very re honer for a Senator to tariff in ten years has taken s( rupuOU The Radicals from the people more than j n0n t us1 xw CPnsU, re. turn and the Foree bill in KiK-li si v:iv thev hoi ip. as paid if the sng;ir markets of)Smn Kat!y strengthen the world had been open to , tllfi,. ((lfl ,ratio jn the House them. It is safe to put Jt;jnti,(1 next Congress . 1 1 t - t more tlian a hundred million ; ...:i DobGnniPs, " 2.15 j. a. cilhams, " 2.15 Leander J. Hartley, item. 2.72 Finley isbell, roll Esq. rresnell, wm. f. w ike, o. w. Molbra, jerry Lenoir, . F. Moody, John xorris, joe oxendine, Mack church. sid ratterson, Double 4.30, Keli Horton, 44 4.30, Elbert Horton, " 4.30, 1 t 1 i. 2.15, 2.15, 2.15, 2.17, i'.13, 2.25, 2.15, 2.12, 2.15, R. A. orngg, j. h nurkctt, A. J. Isaacs, j. c. nthison, J. d. Mathison. nuston Nelson, John Norris, caroll xorris, w. a. rcrry, calvinnoarak, w. c. Thomas, Hugh Wilson, additional for in 18S0. the They very sure to lose lipMvilv in the North, nnd advance over normal profits, tljpy "se(J tu(iy a.e forever was more than .5r,000,000. (()(')imHi uniosa they can get .Mr. Willson. a good authori-L.ont.0i of the Fiftv-Swond ty, says, that in 1880, thejroJ1 s l)y all sorts of jouj black mail iail by the peopIejan(, l SW,iiv measures and to the 4'.) sugar refiners was S80.000.000. These linns actually reduced the wages of the workmen, and they struck consequence of the outrage. The probability is, that since 1880, tin; actual black mail would aggregate even hundred millions. Whac a sum ! Now of this great sum the 40 firms, pocketed how much wages, think you, were paid to their working 111 n who were forced to strike? There were 5.857 workmen pnnb ved. The tariff was methods. Their hope is in cheating in the South. There is not the slightest doubt of the fact that the Harrison party of corrup tionists are banking upon the success they hope to achieve by the use of intimi dation at the polls and the manipulation of the census by the active connivance of Porter and Company. The Washington correspondent of the N Y. Times says: "It would creatlv surmise a troo 1 manv Democrats if the negro population in the Total Amt. " M5.7G. BEAYEKDAM TOWNSHIP. j. D. Dishman, " $2.15, o. a. orahara, in Tenn., 2.15, David Hamilton, col., 2.15, j. n. nillard, in Neb., 2.12, uufuM shpron, Total Amt., 11 $70.75. BLUE RIDGE TOWNSHIP. $2.15, 2.15. 2.15, 2.15, 2.15, 2.15, j. w. nradshaw, j. h. cook, w. a. cart is, pleasant church j. w. church, w. F. FOX. Julius Triplett, double, 4.30, ewis porch, " 4.30. Total Amt., " $21.01. Blowing llock Township. sile Edmisten, col. $2.15. Abner Green, incald. co 2.15 Total Amt. . Removals. Atnlers Drown, a. J. Drickle, j. A. carnett, J. d. Davis, j. t. Dishman, e. a. ouy, sam oarnson, j. J. iienson, c. A. Aarbin, a. m. snider, Total Amt. 41 $1964. Watauga Township. . Davie Brack well. 11 $2.15. charlie Banner, 44 2.15. James Harman, 44 2.15. James Newman neml. 2.15. d. f. wagoner, Meml. 2.15. a. l. Miller, neml. 2.22. Senator Beck was chosen be cause of his acknowledged in dustry and ability. He was the leader of his party on matters Hating to the tariff and was chairman oi'theSen- atorial Democratic caucus for manv years. lie was re elected 111 1882 and again in 1888 for the 'twin expiring in 1895. In person' he was tall and powerful, being about six feet high, with the frame and depth of chest of a giant. He was not a fluent talker, and frepuently stopped and hesita ted for a word. He was a rapid but jerky speaker and when excited would empha size his remrks with vigorous gestures. At such times his place of birth became plainly evident in his enunciation. Notwithstanding these de fects it was universal1' con ceded that he was an effective debater. Washngton, Muy oth . MRS. (iOV. GRAHAM DEAD. The city papers on Sunday morning last, contained t he following sad announcement, "Died in this city last night at the residence of Judge Walter Clark, Mrs. Susan Washington Graham, relict of the late Hon. William A. Graham in the 75th year of her age. The funeral will take place at Hillsboro at 11 a. m. to-morrow." Biblical Recorder. got but ?2,rt7.Vi:VJinwag-i's, t j . lt iu PXmjj, ()f the or less than o per cent, of th 111;(St extravagant calcula blacivinail the whole people 2.15 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.30 $25.80. compelled to pay to 49 bosses. Is not this infamous? Is it not rascally? iS'ach is Radi calism a Hienk, a. Iran. 1, a lie. It deceives the laborer by making him believe that thH great tax laid by it is for his benefit, when he gets but a pittance, nnd then is driven into striking because of in justice and wronr. Messen- Frequently accidents occur in the household which muse burns cuts, sprains and bruises ,for use in such cases Dr. J. H. Mclean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for ma ny years been the constant favor ite family remedy For sick headache, female trou Lies, neuraliric pains in the head take Dr. J. McLean's Little. Liv er nnd kidney pillets 25 cents a vial. STATE PRESS. There is not a more honor able calling in the catalogue of professions than that of journalism. The man who engages in it should possess a love for it, coupled with the highest principles to ele vate the press as far as his power will allow. Durham. Sun. It is strange that sensible people give enough credence to the statements of sneaks and malicious back-biters to affect their judgment about men. Vile slanders whis pered behind are unworthy res j )pc ta 1 le recogn ' t i on . Henderson Toma ha wk. Politicians who labor sol idly to retain place and pow er are not worthy of the sup port of honest and patriotic men. If we desire to better the condition of affairs we must supportonly good men for official positions. If, is time for the professional pol iticians, of the unprincipled strineto take a back seat. Hons, of African increase. The Republicans propose to prove thnt they can elect n i Republican in ew.-y district in the South wheiv the bl ick population exceeds the white. The census will help this plan if it increases the num ber of Republican distrcts acordinir to the party scheme. If the Democrats were in power and thu possi bility of the perpetration of such an outrag were .hinted at, it would be believed by a vast number of Republican partisans, who are now awaiting the reports of Southern outrages in Flor ida which the Republican managers have skill fully and, perhaps, rehearsed in advance. "That the Republicans will be able to find persons who will be willing to make the census applicable to party uses cannot be doubt ed.1'' If there was ever a time when the white men in all Southland- should stand united, firm, resolved, shoul der to shoulder, it is in this hour of trial, temptation, usurpation and corruption. Messenger. e. c. Moody, Alfred Pearson, niram Teague, j. H. Pearson, j. w. chirk, John Bristol Total Aint.. Laurel Creek Township. j. c. iiellems. 44 $2.15. n. 0. Dier, Rejnl. 2.26 w.A.Day, 41 2.15 v. x. overcash, neml. 2.15 c. p. Hommger, uemi. z..o Thomas nominger, D . 4.30 nruce Farthinsr. 44 4.30. -Monroe Register. CuoiVHuflbeation, lnuht coughs and all tho common affections ol the throat a'ld lungs quickly re lievert nv Dr. J. 11. .McLean s J wine Inn balm. The Following Insolvents are Ordered to be Published by the Board of County Commissioners for Watauga County The following is a list of insolvent tax-payers and re movals returned by me for the year of 1889. ' BOONE TOWNSHIP. G.w.Brown, Poll, $215. r're 1 wiley Folk. 44 2.17 -1 ai I . . n ir Marcus risncr, j.id, Total Amt. 44 $19.66. Elk Township. E. P. nodges. t c. Hodges, 11 $2.15. 2.15 Total Vmt. Shanehaw joel A.yers, Brison Evans, Lee narman, c. w. Kime, John Moody, w. o. pots. Elbert Smith, .lames vestal, vance Mastpn, j. l. jonson, Finley Johnson, neml t. J. vines, $4.30 Township. $2.15 3.36 2.15 2.12. 2.15 2.15 2.17 2.15 4.30 4.30. 4.30 4.30. neml. Total Amt, 44 $31.44 Bald Mountain Township o. s. church, 44 $2.15. j. m. c Davis. 44 2.29 g. w. cilley, w. M. parsons. m. s. Robisson, o. w. south, j. H. wilson, j. s. winbarger, sam wood, neml. 2.15. 2.26. 2,15. 2.15. 2 15. .47. 1.69. Total m Meat Camp Township, $17.66 j. v. Bryan, j. r. Bryan, John Campbell, Isaac Green, j. d. Moretz, W. M.Gaither Not allowed as to it (4 (t $2.15 215 2.15. 2.15 2,19. 4.30. W. M. Gnither. Amt. $4.30. J. E Finlev. Chm. Brd. of Corns Total Amt., $15.09 Cove Creek Township. 11 $2.15. 2.15. 2.12. 2.15 2.15. 2.15. 2.15. 2.15. 2.15. 2.32. 2.35 2.15. $26.17. i 11 ! 11 11 ti i 4 U II Total Amt. 44 $12.97. Great Total, 44 $250.75. I, J. L. Hayes, Shff. of Wa tauga County, solemnly swear that the above is a correct list of the insolvents and removals returned by me, and that I have been at the dwelling house or usual place of abode of each of the tax-payers and could not there or elsewhere in the county, find property where with to discharge his taxe? or such part there of as i re turned unpaid, and that the persons contained in this list were insolvent at, anddtiring the time where by law, I ought to have endeavored to collect the taxes to the best of my knowledge and belief. This the 5th. day of May, 1890. J. L. Hayes, Shff. Sworn and subscribed to before .1. E. Finley, Chairman Brd. Coins. "NEWS WHAT IS NEWS." Many of our subscribers will be surprised to learn that Queen Victoria ir nego tiating for a granite shatt from the Mt. Airy quarry, four feet sqire by one . hun dred feet in length, for which it is stated she is to pay $160,000. The superinten dent tells me he will have no trouble in getting a shaft of the required dimensions. but that a special car will have to be constructed for shipping it to New York. (What did you say about the mechanical arts of Egypt for handling huge stones be ing lost? News and Observ' er. Imperfect digestion and assim ilation produce diuordered condi tions ol the system which grow and are confir med by neglect. Dr, J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Dlood rnnfier, by its tonic properties, cures indiges tion and gives lme to th etoio ache. f 1 per bottle. If your kidneys are inactive, vou will feel and look wretched, even fn the moat cheerful society, meloncholv on the jolliest occa sions. DrJ. HcLeau's Liver and Kidney Balm rcfll set you right again. $1.00 per bottle.