The Watauga Democrat. u ----- D. B. Doackrrtj, tditr. j are now on foot whether they and nn.v person no offending ECR,,"":an In? luroinplislirtl or iiot!shall, upon conviction. be ' , we will have to wait the re- fii.e-l ?1. for each offense ami A Pkmockatic family uewspa-' - A. i . pr devoted to the interest of s"'t, but unless some of the costs. County, State nnd Nation, l'nb- republican members of Con-j On I. 4. That ail men liMlied ewrv Thurwlav at Boone. ' p.ess .j. tj)eV J)ass th, living in the coi p.. rale limits Watauga County, X.C. Tliuiythr, May. loth. ISiHK . TheT. 8. ones one billion four hundred million dollars, The interest on this vast sum id $48,000,000 each year. Senate to check the Radical and any person f.ulmu or re The present venr over one Iieed crowd in -heir m'kless fusing to work ;;s u aired hundred million dollars wns'nnd mad career. jby this ordinance, . hall, up- The Republican Congress-: on conviction, be fined not HUIVI OUb VII i'v ll'-lM" year one hundred nnd fifty million will be required to pay the pensions as the iucrease has run it up. The southern States have each .rear paid $33,000,000. not ns much us u million dot lara of this amountisdistrib nted in the south, over $32, 000,000 of our money goes North every j-enr from the hard earnings of our people, and very little in return for nil this. While the North re ceives all themoney for pen sions, the South has to pay about one third of the vast amount every year. How long will republicans of the South vote to keep the present extravagant and cor rupt party in power? No wonder the farmers of the country are organizing against the present corrupt legislation. Why is every ncal awag camp follower of the late war, put on the pension roll? Simply thai he will hereafter vote the rf publican t icket and keep the ra d icnls in power. If there is not a check on thismnd and reckless expendi tures of the peoples money, we will soon be ruined. Jl CTN'TERAlIZED government. The Repnplican leaders of Congress are driving toward centralization Speaker Heed's ruling in Congress was first brought to the front by a Caucus of the Bosses, and was put in motion by a strict party vote. These Bosses are able, so far, to whip into line every member of Con gress, and with great unan imity they pass every bill in the interest of the party. Thy minority have no re spect shown them nnd have no power to check the extrava gance of appropriations, pension bills eet. The Presi dent is controled by the Bos ses. In a few days more in all probability, Congress will pass the election bill which will give Congress the sole rtgl t to hold election in the Southern State?, completely ignoring State authority in this matter. v Speaker Reed nays: 'We must have our own Registra tion." "Ouro-vn counting." "Our own certification." This means that the republi can Congress will pass the Hoar bill, or Sherman bill or Lodge bill, one or the other, giving the Rep. Presi dent the power to appoint supervisors to hoid the elect ions for Congress-men allover the South. They have an other scheme on footin taken the census m next month, that is to undereount the ne groes of the South, so as to reduce the population of the various negro districts in or der that the South will lose 18 or 20 Congress members, and the same number of pres idential electors. This is Mr. Quay's plan. Heclaimsthat the negro vote isnotjeounted in the southern states and hauUJ . pOpULltU not be unttsl m population. AH tlH'se plans election bill. There has been' n kicking of consequence yet. The hone of the South now in the .Senate hoping j there is wisdom and patiiot- enough left in the I. j men nun to pension all the federal soldiers so ns to make, each day he shall fail to them solid voters. Thenuni-! work. b -r now on the pension rolls, j Ord. ". That all jieiUlers with the addition of $ L"0,-: or salesmen shall, before sell 000 that the new grab bill ( ing or offering to sell, any covers, will make the num-; goods, wares or merclinn ber of pensions over nine! dL-eofnnv description, obtain I 1 1 ...1.. . - 1 iiumiiru imuisioiu, uicnn.v one million; ot pensioners. Who ever heard of such ex travagance before in any country on the globe? If your kidneys are inactive. you vill fevl nudjook wretched. even in the most cheerful sorictv, meloncholy on the jolliest IMr;,. sions Dr. J. IIcLeuifs Liver and Kidney Halm will set you right nguin." $1.00 per bottle. Sands. X. C. .u.,v ' JOi,u' M l...i i onn i I j i lie HEMOCKA 1 . Your Correspondent X. from Boone, has put in much - for Easter, but failed to give it all, which I mnv domvself. Easter from Eastcn. nSnx-j.1llv sjons or legal notices or on goddess of light iUid 1 str'wt lanq.s in said town spring, the Tact that theAllV ono convicted of the feast in her honor coinenhd s;1!no hux i,0 tm SI and with the Paschal feast of the'Cosrs Jewle.1 to a uTong insertion ;" ()n s yA nn;1 oi the word, Easter in the . ... i ,n i .. . i , i ' " V ,!! garbage (i'th oi offal has been corrected e.mpt ' ,han b(l 1)nnid OI. lM,tl Acts, 12th. (liaple. a-.nHln ! n v ,)(,.Mm ning to com verse,theIsover.( j,,; uit!) t,1(l f(1,,()ilu h(1(.. W) first c.l tlu-thnv great, ti(ns ()f t!)js OI,ilKin,,, annual 1-estivals of the E'-S1Mii( u,,on complaint, be brews celebrate! in the j 2. Monti. YiV, -v f vol ii t t.: 1tb ' to the 21 st. But the month Nisnn or Abih (April)ibeing themonth of flowers, in Greek, Myth thology. It was the custom to decorate the graves of their beloved ones. The cus tom of breaking eggs on that day commenced with the fourth century, or in the day of Constahtine. For the truth of my statements please read Prof. NYheeler. Author of the dictionary of the Bible, Prof. Eadie, Bost, and Kits' commentary and history researches. Yours for the Truth. When you are constipate! with loss apd -tite, headache, take one ot Dr. J. II. Mclean's little liver and kidney iillets. They are ll'asunt to take and will cure you. 'J ceuts a vial. , . ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN B00NE, X. C. OF Ord. 1. It is unlawful to use any boisterous or profane language, or to engage in any kind of an affray or fight, in the corporate limits of the town, and any person convicted of such, shall be subject to a fine of $5. Ord. 2. It is unlawful for any person to put upon the streets, crossingor sidewalks of said town any obstruc tion to public passage or to put upon the streets any filth or to otherwise injuie or impair the streets or sidewalks, and ' . a in pei sou wo oiicnu Mia u, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of-$ 2. Ord. 3. It is unlawful to discharge any tire armsorj fire-woikH in the corporate1 . it is necessary in lnit hermg. of the town, 'lie age of loaml jo yeais hli ill be; mm i red to work m the' streets of the town, upon notice of the u-wt owi seei - ten days out of each year.i less man $i, ami costs ion f. t m.n,. 1 ,'i.ns. to exercise their trade in said incorporation, and for said license they shall be requir ed to pay the sum of for I each day oi part of a day tlult ti'10V ,n.,v t.e;, j"n L i i ' n tlieir business. Persons vio- ' lating this ordinance shall upon conviction, be fined $10 and costs. Ord. 0. It shall be unlaw ful to hitch, ride or drive on the side-walks, or hitch to the shade trees. Any per son so offendinir, shall be fin0l y foi. wu.ll 0ff(.sc Ord. 7. It shall be un lawful to deface or mutilate i:-i;.n, si. on o- ix- ,ii i.i-a.i. ;mo urd. y. Any person taii- ing to pay fines, taxes or costs shall be imprisoned or put to work on the streets of said town, until he works out the value ol said fines, taxes or costs. Ord. X. Any person found drunk within the incorporate limits of the town f Boone shall be fined 3 and costs. Ord. Al All snows, or shght-of-hand performances or other entertainments for reward as taxed for State laws shall pay a tax of for each, and every perfor mance. Ord. 12. That no stock or geese shall be per mitted to run at large with in the corporate Kmitsof the town of Boone, and all sto-k and geese found running aj large within said incorpora tion on or after May the 20 1800 shall be impounded by the marshal, and shall be released only on the pay ment of 2.Vts. each for hor ses and cattle, and lOcts each for sheep, hogs, goats, and geese, and costs for feedin. the same. And if stock b impounded by the marshal and not re deemed within three days the same shall be advertised for ten days, and sold at public outcry, to pay fines and costs. OaI. 13. It shall be un lawful to sell, or giveaway "!nv!e !t or any intoxicating drinks, Within the corpora ie limits of the tow n of Doone. And any jierson, so offending, ' unon conviction, shall be fined $3 and costs for each offense. mints of tin town, except as o,-, It 1 1 . 1 1 1 Im nn- I;i ful to rot k orinanvwnv injuivor 1 fact, smv bnild- iim npied or uno'ccupitl, f,.Iln within the corn. h i. ! 1 1 nn' ' oi.oi.. f,n .,, nnv ,H.rson soofi'en ,linj. upon conviction. (, ss 1 ;,nd costs for ,.; J, t,fiVnse. rij j- -(l M-ivor .i... . mi(s h) ,,ai t) U11(,T ,rrt.,j ..j,.,.,,,,,,,,,,, T, , I II- in !o: ! on and after their ratilieation. Ratine 1 this 1-1 til. day of May. lNOo. W. f. Coffey. Mayor. W. L. Bryan, .1. F. Sp iinhour, Coins. R. r. Rivers. J F, Lencir, & Co,, DEALERS IX General N erchandise, We have now, on hand a complete line of GENERAL MERCHAN DISE. CONSISTING OF, Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Tinware, Glassware. Crockery, Medicines. o which we are oflenng at We also take in cxdmnge for goods, Wheat, Corn, Ifye, Oats, ! Butter,j Chicken! Egg, j &etc, j SO blYE US A CALL. S. F. LENOIR & 00. May the loth. 1800. TAKE THE Ghieago and Alton H. fi, GOIXU West and Northwest Emigrants goiiif; to any of the Western States or Territories will save time and money goiiifi via. Chicago and Alton route. It is the quickest route to KANSAS CITY, DENY Ell. PUEBLO, And all points in Idaho, Wash ington. Oregon, L'tah nnd California. Filifst ;ilJ(J I'i'xt Equipped Horn in the West. Only line running Solid Yesti huled trains between St. Louis and Kansas City, lteclining Chair cars and Tour ist Slecjiei-s free of extra charge. 1 will meet parh.'s at any rail road station with through tickets and baggage checks. For full iiiforinatioi.,maps and descnp ne panijihlets of the o est write to or call on 15. A Newlaxi). Traveling Passenger At.. 19 Patton Ave., Ashei,.e, C J. Chahlton, (i. P. A., Chicago, 111. OhLuople sutler much from ! disorders of the urinarv oiyans. and are alwavs gratifie1 at the w ondeHul ffeects of Dr. J. II. Mc linn's Liver anil kidney balm in banishing their troubles. $1 per bottle. m GOODS! rniK.rt-4 McLendon & Moore Ri.ouinc Rock, X.C e have, and will keep on hand all kinds of goods that our cn. totiieis n-ed, nnd will NOT BDr.NDKRSOLD BY Any regular business mer- Chant in the county. Our -o.nlsnreall fresh and new , , . and areas ood as can be bought, (iive us a call, get pnees 'anil buy your sugar, coffee, Hour. bacon, lard, syrups, molasses, soda, starch, canvassed hams, confections etc. Cheaper Than they can be bought in j OFXKW YORk. thecouilty. Esi'KCIALLV dols-. mior,, H.....I, - we invite the ladiesto giveus a call and examine our full line of Spring and Summer Bresss goods. Notions, notions, to lease the most fast id ions of our fair friends during the summer. You shall be pleased in qual ity and prices. We are Located in the MOOEE BUILDING, On Main Street, and areevei ready to give our cusloiners prompt attention. Orders liy mail promptly lillled. Do not fail to give us a trial, nnd ire arc suivofyour trade tlicivattcr. With many thanks for past patronage, and an earnest i appeal for a cent inuat ion of j (lie same in ,. future, we re I main, Respect fully. i L :.4, 0 mo. J. B. EOFEINS, deau:k ix GENERAL KEBCfiANHiSE OA I' CUKKK, X. V. DUY000DS, CEOCEEIES, BOOTS & SHOES xC.,&C. For Cash or Produce At Remarkably Low Trices; Goods First Class. JEWELER. Watches repaired and all kinds of work in thislineexe. cutcd promptly. Mmdwrlrinr"rf1. Hookn Vrni4 in iiu T. m.inml. all urt ol l he kikIi". Pi.ct:ii rinr A. iuUbtw, ll FUUi A. K York. Finest WOODWORK "I.V .; 11. '-Vs- ti LNiUNbUuH.-.L.NT. itit,.r ST.L0UIS.Ma UAlLAa.TwX. Cox and Hart, Nathan Cn e'; uty, N. C. : -"n:i -Tin I' $-a i.'4rf'cli in Oi riJ. IVrffrt oi.ii o4tj n hunt ms raw. I B!b ladiri and icut uztB. workl nnd maa of "acta locality can aacHr ana 'Mmi rsln. PKKsORia Zs'jA&r frff. toifrtUrr with oar Urjrt i. J JPr md alubl -ncoflloitbold nAflAN ,i'HlwIp,mlea. Tbt sample, aa well aa ttie waich, are irr. an tot wr ro d do ia to thow what we aend too to tboae wbo call your frmida an4 aetrhljon and tboae about yim that always retuita im valuable fraiie fur aa, which bold for yean when once mmd, aa4 Ihua wa are riaid. We py alt prMt, freiftht, ale. After jtm know all, if ya w-nlJ like to fro to wtirk for tie. roa ca tr from Ct24 to HV n-r we-k and itpwardi. Artdreat. frUMva fc C.. Hm Kartlaatd Maittc. " . HB a cow m fy,'Wmt I ' MM fSfe l MP ISM , 13 WMMm) J. ft. tflLBAR, i) i:tist, Vl.K PAKK, XMITH CAR31 1X1. Ofi. rs his r.!. M-rviii's t ili- people of MitchHI, V ';! ii.ljominjr mini- ties.r-f-Wo l.mi iii.ttt hi! iisfd nnd .ill work gn;uint,-rl:- 1 M.iy 1 1 y. In -ns H of f.'-r and nii.. tlie blood isas. ir.ttu.illy.tlHM-lnn.t ho iliMipToiislv poison.-d l.v the ..mivium of tl,l atmosphere ns it could by tin deadlier poison. J1'-;l L n.,; ('hills ad IV i er I 'lie will cradiratc t'ns ooi- ; KOII fl.OIll th(, hv,((.m -() mis ft j bottle. I,-. .... (' i:el THifli i ntien. tihx 'oul iliidall ( lie coiiinion atlii tioiis oi the throat a'id liuies ipiicklv re li. ve.l l.y Dr. .1.1 1 Mi L-an's Tar wine lung balm. INSlKi: AdAINST A( CII)i:NTS I.v Tin: U.S. MlTl'AL ACC1HENT ASSOCIA TION -.-.www . wi r i .o i lurni ti Loss of i.inilis S2.."(ll) for Loss of i iinh or sight , ar for ivrmanent Total nisaMl ity. '()..() for the Loss of one i-ye. '"J" per week.ui to ."2 weeks, for Temjiorary ToCd lusaMlity. Costs about t dollars p-er year, in one sum. or i'.i in installments ot two dollars. Membership fee ." doii.irs, j.aya- ble only once. .MKMiiKusmr. ." '2', n . Losses aid during I sO, ."iS J (. S;s,00 dollars. Losses paid since '7', 1. "."'.), V). Insnrnce in for:-e,.J:v.i. 1 "Wl, J.i l.:tl:5. T." O. dollars. Asset Is. December :tl. 1NS;), o 45),7:l.."o, It will pay you to iusuii. Ac cidents hajien only when Ihey are not expci U f . If thc.eisno agent fori his Association in your town, write to the umlersigiied. We want n:i active aueid in each tivu in X. C, anTw iil give 'V i ; alrei nis. Corn SjHindeme. sol.--it d. ! !i:i.D KoYSTI i:. Slate Auci.t s Tor X o tl- 'ai i.Hn.'s Oxs .;::.. X. CJ A COMI'EEVE NEWSDA i'Ell! The P rii' ( i' il e X, i ?ii Cm r!i na Pi s." Do you wart (o j. id in litcMing ip a j a j-er i,at s!;..ii n !e : i !ie st ci-! fiiT on Xoiti. Carc.IU ua. i.o i! atter w i.' ie it a.ay lie seen? Then at 1 ta.i. The Wilmington Messenger, A ;;: Kn.iiT-i'.wa: CAi-i.ti Do you want a reiiahle jiaj'i giving yen all tlie news of the worhl a Deiao'-ral ie ?k '.vsr-;i):er that (p:ais the best-1 as the largest circulation, and lias tor twenty-one years Pent i jiait and fat t( rin the.rowth anddev velojiineiit of the ( i!d Xolth Slide? Then si.l Kile for THE W I HUM; TON JiLSSEX(.'i:it Camjiaign Bartes: The "Daily Messenger,'' by mail. -1 months cm trial, for $-2 .00 The weekly "Transcript Mes senger," (the largest and best paper in tnn. State) ) months on trial for $1 .DO Cash in advance. Both papers are large. Eight-Page sheets. Send Postal .Card nil !i t headdress of fir pcr sansand receive sample cop ies of Tin-: Mi:ssi:.a Oct. 1st. tf. One of th I viFREE in w (ur ! une(ntl-4l. and to hifrotlMMt- our ujf n f pxx we will tnArrt UiC 1 tK-o m Mih IcK-alHy, m ftbov Only tboM wb writ lAuiit oBririn Biftk sure of rtropfi tbe ehanr AH you hfc to do tn f mum it to how our pood t irtnninir of tfau advertiwasrat ihnwD the tmali etid of tbe Wl- nd tho round you Tht aeopa. TtefoUowm( eat appioa of it n4mA tm jwliJFii,.-' Kn.Urr- i.-nrrtn-.rTr W. ..II rtow y". koT" Mriwt .W1I1'W' E fcv(. ami i ..:e- em t'il r.: C":ii'.-J; f.i II. F mi:u ivc c.;in nrj iu .ii- l.t i.: . . . : . " r.-:i:'ile fro n A a "id mol"l. i;nm:ff " '-i' . " 1 w ti.m. We adviHj. if i if .r i . -I et.fje. Out l?f df tut tt't.m fvn-L- A tTOtIT, 'II'IK lo'X'tif I'J'.n-.'. na:nuit uf ti lua! cliL-iit in . ur M -e, ei-nuty, of tu .U, IH.-Ut llM. All 'JV t, C.A.SNOW&CO. On Patent omct, WfcMi6Toti. B. C.

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