i t v - 'V ' - r - J . " "V- f . t vol. 1' N: ). 47. " -V hi .' 1 1' ' 1 - .' , 1 : .i ;. " Ti i ' ' , i' I !t. , V; ;. a, ,Tt -; ,., '! !"i. ' !! P i- k- my-pk-a, S ;i v ai-''. -'.':' )i- : -. i . ' . . I - ..-.. 1.1. O . 1 . a- : :i : !.. t I " - - ' I..' f tt- ' - ': ' :,- a i '. o f " -a : : . I ... 1 : . -i ... .1 t 1 ... - . . 1 ! :'. : : t ; t 1 i':' i ' ! ( : ;;! :j ! i i.'l1. c.r P, ijKbi l;L.;v;iv J . ! .: '.!! .' i.!- L'i' I" ..Y.I A' lit !! I: :M t !!1 1- !! A lvoion N!)Ti;iMo:-lv;l!!.- i-- ' - '.! : -ni;.- M :ri ::-. t , , f - l I'ln-'i!'--. M I'-it ii ni.ifi !;.:. .!'! o. !,;-. u; !:.. I'll-K's' hihM"';miv (m .-p . ,1 : ; . ( a; !!. w.il sn-!i,-x trow V;..-5,ni'ricu. I. .u iy 2". ih" tn t:r..' S.-;; I'r - .... : to ' " . i .-k .1 i: ..-. - :t v ,r M l!; ri- :!! . . 1, ! ..i i i !- ,.. ( I,'-;' r.' ' ' :!;.: i- ,'1 j . : v -' !. : ;i t i. r i-i tin; lv. V.'c it ' v. i'itiitiii. 1o irt'-t i t ii 1 ! I "V i'li ( of)i. !n icoi-.itl;; - ( r.n'.-ti-v 1 1 i ! Mir',' i.;' ! or ! . i; h i At ; ;iTt:l f i i.-: i !. : 1 1:-- ii-.-i. -; tj. in ui' IKlVMi ril':';!'.!'-; :)S i? '.) i !n !oi't !ir -i '. i ill- '". : ! r: -. t !:. ' ' i. ( i;: r ti : .!: rs ail -. ;;. mi, iV J.lili-i Sunt!:. fil! !.!".! u!lljV.-:iI?r ii) JlUK- ,'.;!' U:r fun.!"!' v. vifin-tl'v '""s--:)n of in ilii; 'is of aerv i..t.!!;i-i:l o;i. ;1 1 'i; "i f:il l;UMi for soif-t:!;v ,, t i I ;r-( iil;tH'i on h ; -.o ' ; ! o -iivts ot t !. ir f.ums -l!- io-.'CT ami hjwvr cvi-ry . 1 i . . I...: !i;i t v. I t ..... .... i roni:KT TAinvs. , ' .... I ! Mrs ' i'v ri ' i ! . 1 1 - 1 f ii'tV!' " : list):1 1 .--oojcf A ii. i-l.i.- I'. .r ll,.- i i-- . i!!.i A (i.)Tul (;!;':; : ,K V fovprot- !lw ;) ft:'. ) ; ,f ' V ?'!,. Tii'-1 ':''- rl.i-;'!t:'t ! ' i A - ! : ' I ' tO il" ' A i i - . t. r ' -m." .--ry :, W" ;'! t-i,;!"(l oy ir.x-rui.niouss;)','- , . . ' ; ; - i r..i'v o:: 1 ;it tSs"' i-X':iim; ofth ii :, i ..j, I n i our ii' :!:' to -.-t o:: -i!':,'jr, nni t'l i:isivf.-. nil lir 1 1.- yo '!(- .!; .H.!.i! U' ii-, . i : ; , . ii i, i i it u . , I-.: n ! i nv 'i ii"- itiM oi I'V-ilMJl :!.- . - : : i i--, ,.,.vn .t urn. v, :i .t.iv 1 r o-.', 'n o Im' ui kivoroi uiotioj : f -1 . ., , .i. : . r, t , ii . . i ; :; i,i il';iy , O !: :.- -!' iOi i . '-ii mv" 1 1 '" :,',.,,,: .;;:,.;!,:;:::: t A !:.-'c:;i: !'o! ?tiI. nn.l tkit thriving tnl .. i-t-! :- -oiiv.l- v irh i.voti iid1 ijitr-r-.-sts tla; an 1 1 . , ... I : i '- i ,.H-.ii!:jh Mi'!., oirai'-! "' :..!!: ! 1m "ri.-i- ! n-"i!-!.' 1 . ;:;:On- !' Tn- t Vi."!!.v-!;'.-: ri''! iiii'i jiowM-fni ;oil jirn- . ,...-.;.? fiv V lii oiii : ;.-.!. -.I nt ilio o.viTish of tl'-c . .. .! T . ...... ., . 1 v ill" 1 !).. T i,. l i A. . ........ .-... i " , . . , . i . . iv ii I . ; . i . ' . . r I .ill , . i . , . ' ' I ,ii,. I ' I i. . (! !-';). iiuv :'' ' 1 tii;'t I'.-Hi- ai.-i :.!'- i-i . . ,.i ,.,.,r...... .... !-..,, Uv f ! i' wi: i:.ai 1 c inal va!- T'lcy sm a iivn.'i-al toinl n- iiavv --,!'!aan.-ii;Ma,rl!ail , '!!'" "-' f 'iM-i'-o-. ., . s. , , , j f i iii.v. i 1 1 j -, - m- ri.f.!t-... 'i-v to acvu'imlatioti of w Ii t:!i j.o!;?i.-.i! i .a i'li n Vfi- ai::t irl'-.v I'i'l ;0! - i i:" )'!! I 1::! ! it!' ! iV t i I'M -!, i- " - i i : i i i.:U-sUniif- , a.S l;!Kl-'i" '"i al ion in 1 ''.v. ; I ' ' i . i i' i -; i : . i . ; : 1 : ir. . .' . 1 a i '. ,i . , t. n r'l'vi' illnstrats .i i.iii;m:il. a.Mios l.ivv- i i.i: l.Mi'l-'i vi;m!.T Co., Vil.i,!", Mi'i'CHCI.I. . t !..- I i'ohm- a .!: a-!a! oa-:. or so ::;,( I1-1 ....i Mi. II : .-I i O i i . i , I or i-li -aril! r. r-ila--. t ;o irhairaaiu .of tlia rona.; i ! 1 -a . 1 !."i' --;l;-l lvr. .aa.l-r-1 .i.i rr.-'is ;ii;i tiM'oiM ;a,--i ' - - 1 tl-a nia.naivio ion was rain---: l'ar'r's ,; Ma, 'a a t ioa ... ,M- a ?;.;.- we -si a! air la-n.-y -.v.-i!'.',; ... I.'ao ccr. "try r.i the :t,!.'I ,i--tor (. ..-s.'har.iis of thaMv, and th.V , i i .... , . . i .,..-;:; , 'aiw , j-- ti i "i wofK ':!(', .UT i '-'' !iion' iim'.i hi i' ' . . i i I : 1 i . .. ......... ,aV. i 'i )a icl! 1 ii a:- ( I-;,; C I'la-'i:.); i,, i.-..-c aa- jsvi , -oa. M i utt. fi u- ? ,). what va-y t ii or w !';-a; aia'it oth.-ials, a:i'i carry cl." L,a rcalv-iuir aiv '..r-.i-t in o'.u 1 tia.n T''oy .-fi.d men toth;? ., i til. ji l;-()11(1s . n la" iiiiiva "-a- a':.a as tl.a ra i-aia.i nuTH ia.is'anve iia.is to xat.o care a i K-Mi laaiioa- ft!a ,rs Jois An'omv tlw T a i 0a I a, or:' : iv:-:M'a'---:" ::-( r. lh:M! l!HM-si-!;:ia: Hlal:-rai- lU (iauKv, t!" boy vaj '(! !!:af Irj haliav-"; ta.it :o i 'f.'iilc ot ill ovo iyii'''. la ! 1 1 1.- V. : in-- cat. !i''ll. i h'- " ill !aTi-'a ' ;:arav v. la- h want call of ! 1 -' r i v :tcv I jrrn'i? . Tiva .--nrv v;a- ra-:;'-i! m i i inijiw.M ,,-ai,.-, !,.., i.i . , iiio ai- ri .ioa.-- l'va):r . , l , ; l,, ; I i t,. , , ; , , 1 I cm cur Ilulav Crrrespoinicj't i j ,,,,.,,.. 1 1 , r!ii'.'l a ii-i" w ai a s ; ai:a! to - ouf oz-r ' t!a ;v;ai'-iaa,i r,iv- : I ' " i li.-is ti.j-I'-i to his pnrt.isa .i iTti-tp into t 'a ia'--'. '-a . i'lic . IHCl- la, !':HM-l!iH'a TO 1 -- ;ir.avt roit?. ia -a .a at V- '. ;::ai I , Tin- l.m-.Un of 1 1 intas i'!':i a-'ia ii i a; umv. no) an Ha Tiinn s hi'ooo- tha pn;t .- K : , ., . . , : . ! f a. ; i a 1 ion i, a ia'oi. silver hi 1 hr- ca-j, 1 l j wo tn..r.-: t i im' tln-if liny.- a i. a:-1" .''t;!a i -1 . , . . . , . , , . ,. . . 1 1 . , 1 1 , I .1. . t ...... .I,.,-,. liu.p 1 ..Ii ..., , i ; , l.'j 1 I It. . J In i-'.i'V i ii i ii.i llnava ! " ' ':-' I i l u.r ii , " i 1 i i 1 i i ; s t i ' i ' . . i .-, -1 the ii.-iiik. o-. or iiinntti'ac-iOf tha'r 'ntc-csts and , i i.i ill . .!. in as i a io 1 1 : a i , -'' t ;! t ' ' :!t ot:--"- , . o; i I a : iiai ) cor ri , pi a. I oy i ll "s i not) -,5-t ;,.!, t!V.v of ! a a aa a.a. if ,''aid '.; r:!o, !al 'Vy poyM ami (In-ir iMf'uJr-nci' -al': ? Hit are; as y; :.;,).; i.-av ii -'a:-. i 1 urn -! a a last tli-aa. : j,.,,- ' ;i we io i-i-o-.a f;- fy !.;' T'!ey -.'. ai! this ml think t ,o -a :la -o .-. vion-jai- ii (it;v o lav ai.le arainaiee ,oi' ,v!.,o .,. iv. '. .ivi nnroai'ship. ami nmto !M. A.. ;..(. . 'aa 7i- 'V . a-!i!t '' 1 VK . f' T 1 1 ie ail' I of t i:0 VM st Hia- i . - , : ; ' ,; j , M ! ; I -' " i a ", i i ..'p ' his t nsi ajfirity. 1 he love art I sia.ew of o;. ;. ;!;-ir '-es-. :,aa aav mil u..ake: the lam!, ami tl.Maan.'l f-T.ch : n-l:o aav'a t!i- vav ii is. Wei! ! ' nu aaui-aH as will bon.'fit, ami i 1 ' , . . It. ..... ,' ,-. . v, . . . . ....... ,flir.iii;l'.'ii-L, 1 n i nl'.I'l " f I f I i; -v ' " ai, T U a a-, a o " i a ia a ', :a--. - ' 'i' -.-v " to tl'IY-' oai Oi. 1 1 1 ' , , j " ' t ivl'iii:il.-i,. 1'viiv h- ina.oif 1 r,: I .,1 ,,,ri i.ii. .. . - ',; i t i. i. . . ,a. and J, uaiiK miiik' i'H.H.-.-,., ...... a.i. r ia, . ...s.l ,l k,,., ,,,.1,.. T,,: MM I 'I MJI I1 I , 1 . i " i ' a T ; 1 f - ' . .Mi ? i . I ' ' ' ami ye.avet . ami iiiov iiavo aav.a.v ; ..eii hns'n-.'ss .Iocs ' iali'ir. t.iia farmer who fee.i:- riiiphic interviews of mem bers of i i o iiapiilar bivMmh of Conras duriw t h-strmy fa over the latter . i-wnr siilisi ii ntion !' ! oii!nv. -Ian am ov.-riher a .atia-aon ;i. eveihtab!.' broi in---v. o!it ot who'i:. nmaib-ws. T:tl'n,tv a-'i- a i 1 ' i l-.i : ll .1,1 Nvoaki prov.eryintarotiu-: - thr;.e cu!c,.ca liVhvV, j - .-.a. m (rr,a-r : K?r.hWe BWcv-UVnt , ... - j, KUie Ihae; tha even tha ties-; ih,. I'ai'lol iSorna ol' 1 he; . .' . . , . - 'infill' i , . i i . i ' -: ! i i iii iii'- An aari!:ana!a- s!a!--i. :':is t ' - . . . none taore cnal- e sri onr. wia'C' ', , i o y-u ' o--i!J''-e ao- .-. .,, , . . , ., (.speaker was u'ienJi:i to am ,. .. , ... t. as v h -eve, and v.olaral.V , . t. ' .. ' "! here ea-! e.,,. r.!., , ., , ; that iy. t to searaia oi te.e, .... . , , ,.,,, von faroms as bit s ai.'rou ... ' , . v , n. ,, ! :! e.st o.-enaa ;-.!a ii..m. l)v tha h a vim.'.' of a red ram'. .Manv ir:.i,hi;,-,-rns eaada wr ' ' inaa, of i.iis-. That '.s th; faces and 1aik miieh :u!':is' . . . ' imkim! -a cut ol ah to ! ;i i I obiio.xioiis f-ai nreHofthebill. j ami woid.l ha e vol ad ad er-; hC-lv liati 1h"V po-escd Ilia- ... ip:o, Pitt coaraae oi Iheir eon vi.-tions. o lt!e rem!i,-a'le wIjomi f he re-j i-i i: 4 aa.l ...,M,.l.,,-.ir.n "mw '7.'" ;V " ,M; MthM- party. i lO V M l M I I !r' lu 1 i ' "III. ,., pah 'jeans naamd 1 he !ni i h ! . f !'oi t i "il'ar. a fa.' y -a r who is now '-'',iiii' ';! to lie. in 1'ili accord ".a i.i - ..rr.,-,";,', itud add aian-.kaU' to tisc ; th- world, and at thesaim . ' I ' '! . . . . . , , I..v ! i ii.ii iiiin;". o rttl'.t l.tiO;w!:l- ' .-d'taM'--'- "e .,-.-araa!v ena-e ,'at i i;ey make iy.tion occupation. p:!vihetn ve;i for so dohi-raula off li.oir imi-'ilaasj We believe that tho Far bur ri-a f;1r iii;-,! vV!ii:a weevil!. (. da :-i,i''aaIv;due re-Maers' Allianeo i: imateniinj: ;!Pv., v'.; p,,vi. (,( p.',,' ;'' ;:ipp- .Jn:-d . .-o h rhey ataud : the obliteration of the bit Uou'io I'iVe ni-a' V-'ost. of the'aU kcM.tiy. aad -ie low-1 ter liate. and sectioimlisni, e'oods, chao-s for iraaio;--':--oods -' !l pnt their , which has for twciity-Uvo itian. iHaaaa interest ,ai ! cap:' ai a:!" sa:net!aa;r thatayenrs aoan uie curse oi rim capaai iuvasa,i -nd sala i'i Pay the,, a -ooi proiit.iiiahoa. rw tiiatocl soi-ofsale-mea to s. 11 as the ; a ad mIno I "net,. ; he coma ry dicr who wore the biae, and . j l . . . . t t- l -v I l'f" ii'tw'i te n i'o i Pii l, leu I i-oi'l-ix' at iha I . i a i i a ..-,,., U. and liiett M'e ra i a ! 1 -' 1 ' ' 'i.e. .-.--. nnva v nois.-.-r vank- eNp. rl- neai i . o,'it aa iwa-dia,-- vaiah;"U '".etovy a-d !u.aa;fae!i'redP,r as bralhcrs: no liate, no ' 1 . . . ... . , i .11 .. .. it... is.-d! -iadit M!:djns; provided our wooi at a.ama Ceis partiaai ir.p. an acuuoau o, p ; , ,.,pi,' Th-m ii we make oijr v aai ia. biia'i.H. j a lo o for tlie wbolo country. f;,,.in ,,, ,.,,. p,,v!iieis oioM-s ;r,d tools of nil k imls, a ml on;; com mo'i interest to ai ana-ami . i-a-ii aeeaniia ! aiedi iv Kimkkm: of i w hn'id- a a - . aiad Iii." tlmvm a oka. if 'A at ni;-;xi r , :,.Ml. ., land tin o:i nc- r l..a.a ami i taiite for 1 he fu'.iov and for imatl; -the L ; 1 - o i i i o . a!" ah-- ne. -;; a v eosf o; prouitt l!-o!:saa,is of dollars ;Rv;. Urn past. ere are two cor. lest Oio.k ',vas followed by a see-: t nat m "m , osi ,,f k,lM- perJpad b llm railroads torj Now Mr. VAliov, I have ot.-l. had others until mim ' o,-:m' d. ia feres I on 1 ho mon-' brin-riie; stt.'ii idnv to tm j ir es soma o) t he reasons for .. - i -i i j i i i.i. . ...... 4 1 i . pretended nnronee;, that' '"' , . al'stiuai sho-ks laai bean f.-lt . y iMv..ied in tia- iami on aroai .so.-ia. ana laaiu ma iiinna. Wo.i.- nu.. u. the Seaafe will 'amend flm'1 l " ;A precuhar fa-iiuse of t he dis-: w iiirk kirn em., is made, and; money u.th as. or-amzar.iou: noc l;0 oroaK leHPOtlmtitrnnHcarcelvbei100 ,!'m f;'',!!ir,1,! 1 '!P : , m hauco w.is its hah,., ! in fartaia;.' toi.ka wovk si oekk ll ns have hotels built iown anyone ols", but s!tni-recoe-aiod by its best nnattr.ot tho two demo- ( 1(V VJU,,IUOil S(;.,0 (iis ! ami e.-s. --i kc-oia-r ii? eoforai! tho visitors who can i to take care (if Ihemselves. fnends ' ' ' Crats- f Ut tT."n'V-'t,''!1aneeaav from (he baild-iof iakin-if to mark.!.;, and ; be indimad to visit a.; ia the! I would bke to sae tho man Tn iU n.He tho ilvrr bill 'fo C'! .einet, ,s?en. ( nai-; v.1() ,S() tho,ldi(. , hoy i i ha,, we .houki haveva. r- :r i smmu-- :.ad winter, ami ! ho blames t hem tor that. lias attnuba nin.-h attea-'s " ('l1'' 1 ' f," ''i ' ' ' Xl.lM a oiad d:s-ern a .sound like' cent add--.! to tins, a.- our . leave tiothin.? anl . ' , , , ,. inn.- no, i laucn d,-t met an , . , . v , ; , . . t ton ; tid a tew ol the renubh-1 ...... . , -the re.sama: oi a t .V . jrait ".; we are mu aao,..,-.; u ;aa. t i.ett to "... ...a.., ,-.1...... bh,r no; las thraetertas in the: a. . -n. a-o . .,a,, 1 1 i ; i i . ' ' -f i i , t . , can Sena tors notably-Stow- art ol Xev.ada, whose lonp,' silvery beard an.. iroat i House. d!be in aimed to visit a.; ia the ! would bke to see tiie man .inter ami ' who blames t hem tor that. '-.li.'ilt i ..-in n-fii,n ioi( in ;ii.a'ue'. l:" v.."... iwi. i-.wvj'i. 1 1 . ..a,,, i,,.,.,. ,.,-.,,..;a.,-w.a 1 1 - conn-1 1 nt' ''- wn,-MurivM aavlhi'i ' at. all: bat '.-'tan wa ta There have bam a p;roat; ..,'. kl .ci)'!e s 'al. r im-,-!, i;-oi!i ' h) iai pad cyan i osi of p-o-; ,K !( i a ast tirad s w it! . . (ii.s-.Hic-.s ii, .im- .a.n.aa : - a n; , , -r ;li ;; i )'.!n t i - .(-I i HO i b. i ! n a their leejit iniat.e proy; onj,i do ileeca asVUfoy jileased. ! U'n ,.,v,t tliani Mi L it !.' mill !'no doa'.d "-;:v well, and ix'i ve ! - ai' o ..v ln ro-avaat if- , . - . . ., . , ;uuianei m u.ias:.c.-. in t ac , a" t :a ;i i' a s '-naia-'a ai oi- i . , ; .1 . , ,, , "' " ' 1 V. - In u;-ht make' a. rather met ur-i . ., , , ; -a, i i .a4'!,- I it i. ' atarlo-.. . o n;a r.-ason ,a.,l .(,.,,,-oVm,-ni to a.i wao "I . - 0 ,. , preset it I louse l dca f h. r.-s-; -a.im. ,i.u a ,; m .1. u. i. , , , .1 esnua pi-rpon:d;ty,.saul some' ! ,. , ' ... . . . ikian'- kio-i- am. ki.hn bah; in: we n;v not w niaip- 1 o ;i,o : wrk, anU a market! ,. .Naak-kk, ;'.,.,.- ' ', . ,1 -;-naiiuu and u::-'.i1 imj- t h; no ; ... ,, , ,-. ,., , , - . l( i ., , .,1. 1 f , , , 1 'I nm- l.nhi-s aic inaatne, r very j-hi in words by way ok . H r.-v,- stq.v r m ' '''i'T'"'" 1 "'u ' 1 ;lll' "s " ! 1" - :ny. k a- a ha t v.e kity aikp,;-t ha prodeats of the larin. -,,n Wli .,,, wivtxhed, reminda 1he lartv in now-' ..""'' T "V "U"' i ;that is asked U-y n. ano tarn- 5j- x,Vj, (.iU,:ot do anvtiia.a-U'.xen ii. the mn.-t -h.vifi3l KonVty. ,.r ?t . ' v'in!.lt.(l ,-,' , '.f... f; iv.l war. an pasi aad pris-: , ,.,',...,., ;-,v; my: v. uati-or moli-iad !or: t , . . - ;, i meloiu-hclv on the juii-ieHt o va ra its violated iin.'wU-.- , ;-., ,!, I,,!., inn. .n ' ; :'". . " la y t ""'4 ,!' 1 , ., , a a o,,, .: . mi iih Im h loaa slon-. .. . .. , . , ,. n., ll'-1 ,,!- l1" 'loi.o It a m s -. , i,.,1(;i, v, ., (a iik j i i-i' , ; u i , . a 1 1; , i .,-' -a . Is tail a - s, i a p- , ; Main. Pc. J, ih i-aa 8 hoar a.nd monetary retorm. J he sik , The ronfere's on 1 lie vexed ; ,It;i. ... ,j it i(.:H,-sflU- Wk.mlv cannot' afbn'tl to do it. ' icmpames. ami start, up ; K ja,,,. p;,hn will n t son i ibt vcr etat.estaaa even went so : .pie?tim. of pcii.-ii.at iep'.-ia- j.01rr e,..,, (ny do not .under.--! and 'soamthhiU' ) this ki.ai ai,d ai.iaiaf 1 .on par l.,Tt!", i M