The Watauga Democrat, ft. B. brrl;, Editor. B C. KUrn, PtblUker. Uieflevcland Adminintni vice in inaugurting h mJi- of rigid economy, in leaving, behind a large surplus ns the. evidence of their success, and J in demonstrating tuat tne burdens of the people could and should be lessened. De feat was their, jwrhaps, not unexpected reward. It was hardly to beanticipntedthat such sturdy blows could be strneL- nt the nlnnderers at Washinton and nt the pro- tec ted trusts throughout the country without begetting a Afurvoo nf rpfn lint ion that in the then evenly balanced con dition of parties would give the vic tory to the side that benefited by the vast corrui tion fund t lint determined t he last election. The bat tie will lx? fought over again under different condition. jShi Francisco AVira Letter. notice. All j-ersoiM ui.-hing to 1)1 r for Confederate iHnsiin . are mincitel to file their im plications on or Ufor the 1st Mondav in.Iulv next .mid on that day the board ofe.v-1 amination will nievt at !:.10. a.m. for the purpose of ex amining said appli ationx. i .Ml subscribing w itneses mil Ik reqired to be present. My order of the board. Boone, X. C .1 une t heard '1H. J. E. Fim.ey. Cum. NOW COMPLETE o So after nil the blowincr to the contrary Brower and his two brother cantankerous Radicals in the Federal House from North Carolina arecommited ton Force bill They want the polls to be un der the control of Radical bulldozers just a s Fat Tom, the usurper, proposes. We do not know anything in the characters of the trio from North Carolina to lend one to expect anything but parti pan manoeuvring and willing iiess to second any meanness and deviltry that will cheat the Democrats. The signs all look to high handed movements on the part of the Kadical gang. The Dem ocrats will find themsel ves in a very bad fix if thev aban- J i i oon party lines now and go OUt after false cods nnnn hn. guiling theories that in the 1 Ml . enu win only land them deeper in the slough of de- a 1 epona. Messenger. Col. L. L. Polk, President of the Farmers' Alliance, said to-night that he wis not the author of the McClammy bill, introduced yesterday, Mrhich provides for the tov ernment to lend money on lands at one per cent. It was, he said, drawn upby his private secretary D. II. Kit tenhouse, and he knew noth ing about it. "Indeed," said he to-night. ''I have not considered the bill critically, and am not willing to express an opinion upon it yet." "Then you have not aban cloned the sub-treasurv?" "No; we shall not abandon it until it has been squaiely defeated, or until some bet ter measure has been propos- eo. we considered land measures before thesub-treas nry bill was prepared, and decided that such measures would not give to the cur reney, miffieent flexibilitv. However, I have not made a careful enough examination of the Mc61aramy bill to give you an opinion. If, however, after examination, we find this bill better than the sul)- treasury, I should be perfect ly willing to abandon the lat ter." "Do you know the ways and means committee have decided against thesub-treas wry bill?" "Yes, I have heard it, but if this Congress adjourns witnout doing anything to relieve the farmer, you will hear a howl which will tell on the men who failed to aid them by legislation." nut hi: By virtue of the power of sale contained in a mortgage executed by win. m. Youiice to Miiriraiet i.mirance. nf; watauga county and regis tered in book li, of mortga ges, pages .'12-1 and '52.", the unuerMgiHHl to satisfy a debt of?,"3 44 with interest and cost, to Mt'iire the said sum, will sell for cash in the premises to the highest, hider on the 5th day of July 1800. The nroresaid tract of land beinir a part of Go acres more or less known as the Presnell tract, bemcr all wood land , J .... j finely titnlered. The land is located in Shawneehaw town ship on the waters of Ranner 1 I , . . . . . ... loinmirt he ami of Phil. lip church, Nanev church and others. Mnrirare't i.ourance. June 2nd, '90. Mortgage. I have re-ently refilled niv storc.buildiug with a full -in.! complete line of the choicest SI'IUMJ & SlllJIEH good ever brought to the I otinty. Consisting of wors teds, ginghams, cashmere-, lawns, muslins, ;md. in f.nt. mi.v tliinir yon wish in theline of ladie's dress good, lam also to the front with m full line of (iroreries. Siiirnr coffer. ru e. molasses ijoiii , bacon etc. etc. H AltPWAKK. lilt lib line I am sure to please von Hammers, Saws, Files, This els. Horse-SIMM's mid nai's. i i l.i ss- n re. On.vnx-u ji if Cutlery, both table am) pock ei. i wish to thank my pa trons for past f.i hope to merit the same in the nu ure ny dealing fairly with inem, and by selling them iroods as cheanlv thoi- can In bought on this mar ket. ICesp. . B. Baird, 4.24. VaheCrucis, N.C 01 ul NOTICK. North carolinn, Watauga co. Ett HartU Wily Howell. Bv virtue of an eveentmn issued from the office of tnu Clerk of the Superior Court of Watauga county in favor of the plaintiff in the nhnvp entitled action for the sum of 20 00 with costs. I u ill sell to the highest bidder, at rne court nouse door, on the tn day of.ii v ifs )0. it ing (he first Mondav in said month, Wily W. Howel's in terest in a certain tract, or parrel of land, lyingon Brush y Fork creek in this countv, ndioininir the lands of.T. P Councill, A. L. Wagoner and others, containing 50 acres more or less. Levied on hv me on the 27th day of May 1890. to satisfv said evwu. tion. ThisMay the 27, 1890 J. L. Hayes shff. C D. TAYLOR Valle Grucis N c NOTICE. By virtue of a power of sale, contained in a certain mortcratre deed executed hv wm. h. nam, wife ai d others to J. A. Mcnowe . of Knox ville Tenn.. trustee tor th Freck company, to secure the . i purcnase money on a steam saw mill, and recorder! in book 'li.' pusres 554 and .rrr. of the records of watauera, county n. c. i will sell for cash at public out cry at the court house door in thetown of noone on Monday July the ui low, it being the first Monday, the following tract or parcel of land. 42 acres lying in watauga Township watamra countv x. c. ndioin. ing the lands of r. d. Hollo- way and Others, nnd mnw fully described in said mort gage. The above lands are sold to satisfy u note of $548 with interest and costs This 5th day of June 1890. J. t . Spaixuour Atty. for MORGAGEE. Coughs and colds come unin . rited. Dot vou can nniplrW rid of theee, with a few doses of - r. j. h. McLean s Tar wine Lung r&m. ' NOTIcE. State of North Carlina. Wa. tantra countv. Tv v-irtno C3 ",J - - 'J . 1 M a mortffacre deed executed hv Elbert Wells and wife, Avis P. Wells, on the 15th day of Auir. 1890. to Fredrick Shook I will sell at public outcry at tne court nouse door, in the town oi noone. on the 7th day of July '90, for cash in hand, 100 acres ofland lying on the head waters of Dutch Creek, adioininsr the lnnrls of 7 4 CI - John Shook. James Brewpr and others, to satisfy balance oi f iio.uo due on notes. Une note heinir S75.. daterl Ki.v 16th '89, the other being $50 aatea iov. tne lotn loao. This June the 9th 1890. Fredrick Shook, mortgagee, per W. H. Byrd, Constable. If you are suffering with weak nr inflamed pvps. or DTH.nnlnt.prl eyelids, you can be quickly cured by using Dr. i. h. McLean's strengthening Eye salve. 25 cents a box. I nin now ready to show vou a ini-e selected stock of stiiiwhir.I prints. Indigo Blue, bimpHoirH liiacKH. Prefs oinir hnniH. Kisvu suitinu. Chnllies caslimerps. nnd brocaded goods with the best lot oi ju ci8 worsredson tlieumrket. Ladies' white dresc goods, cross- on r iinnunirg. Uncntnl lace, rib bons, gloves, Indiis' and misses' hoes, corsets nnd corset jeans, Damask table cloths, lace scini and creton goods, silk thread, button hole Twist. Jeans cloth from 12 to 75 cts per yard, iiais and snoes HARDWARE. in the greatest abundance, such us hoes, plows, clevises, grass rods, heel bolts, horse shoes and nails, i uhle cutlery, hinges, hain- iiiers, fales, run knot, ocks, butts ami screws. Coffin poods, silver mounted handles, screws liimi-ps and ornaments. A very fine lot of QlEEXS-WAItE Hold band china, teas and plates, howles and pitchers, n-lass-wiire. lanijis etc. (iKockkiks. Extra (' sugar 12 lbs for $1. Gol den drip syrup, rice and spices. Oils, tanner's and engine; tur pentine. .lust received 500 sralkns stone-ware, crocks churns, jars jugs etc. (Jive me acaii.Kesp. .;. jj. Taylor MONEY- li. A. SPAINIIOUR, MOEAVIAN FALLS, N. C. 0 Has recently enlargel his stoivhouseand stock of goods, His store house is now (0 feet long and thoroughly filled with new goods, which he.proposcs to sell at PRICES that will Surprise you. Highest market price p.thl for nil kinds countiyproiliice. JIOOISAM) U Kit IIS A SP1-C1AL1 Y. Write him for a list of Roots. He rbs. ami nrice 4.24. When you come to Elk Park get started off Just Right, by going straight to Jones & Varices (Jeneral store and buy every thing you need from them. They have got the bigest stock in town, nnd always sell a little lower than the lowest They have just received an elegent line of CLOTHING Embracing all the choice styles in makes and fabrics. whi;h will ga DIRT CHEAP Come and se our fiine line of i Gents, Ladies, Misses and Childrens fine SHOES! SHOES 1 1 THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. I am pleased to announce to the nublie that I have hist, receive! n large assortment ol general merchandise. I have nu endlsa vn. riety of dress goods, 5000 yds of calico, from to 7 & 8 cts. (ling ham, 9, 10,'nnd llcts, satine, 10 and 12, worst.-d, 10 to 15, black casiniere, double w idth. 35cts., tarracotta. 35cts., jeans. 15, 25, nnd 40cts. and up. My stock of ribbons is complete in colors and prices. Ladies casiniere jrloves..i0 and 35 cts.. nnner 5ct nor quire, envelops, the same, SusjM'nders, 10, 15. 20 & 30cts. .My line oi nouons and jewelry is fine. IIAKDWAIIE ! Farmei-s Friend plows and repairs nlwavs on hand. Oliver chilled points. No L0 shovel and bull tongue plows. Best pitch-forks on the market. GiasscUhes, g. ain blades and whetstones. Hoes, nails class nnd lantern glolies always on hand at lowest cash juices. I nm nlso an agent for a large wall-paper infg. Co., and promise you the lKst pajier at the lowest price. I am also'gcnerul agent for a large paint mfg. Co. I will sell myjnew goods at reductnl rates to cash buyers this spring and summer. You will all d f) well tn en 11 nnd examine my new goods and low prices before buying. I have a fine lot of shoes, ladies and gents. I will want and endless nmt, of young chickens, eggs and (1001) YKi.low fresh butter nt good prices. Also Koots nnd herbs taken in exchange for goods. ho everybody come and get bargains and lie happy. Yours anxious to please. WILL W. HOLSCLA W. E. H. DOUGHERTY. J. M. DOUGHERTY. NEW GOODS! WE ARE NOW RECEIVING OUR FIRST EXSTALLM ENT OF Spring and SimmerGoois, aud cordially invite the pub lic generally to examine the same before buying. We have a splendid line of Dress goods such as Worsteds, Cashmeics, Ginghums, Lawns, Muslins etc. etc LADIE S HATS Th Nicest Line Ever Shown at Blowing Rock, both trim med and untrimmed. Shoes, Hosiery, Notions, Staple and foney Groceries, Hardware & etc.. Jn shout our stock is COMPETE And being only 22 miles from depot, and having tele graph communications here with the markets, we CAN and WILL meet any prices made in Watauga County. Thanking our friends for their liberal trade, and prom ising to do all we canto mer it a continuance of tha same, we remain very truly, H. C. MARTIN & CO. April 1st 1890. We defy competition on quality, prices and styles. They have a complete line of Henrietta cloth, cashmeres ginghams, prints, lawns, muslins, laces, ribbon. etc, DOUGHERTY BROS. 7he nublie is resneetfnllv inritpd to examine our complete line of Dry Goods, such as : Worsteds of all kinds, and dualities. Linsevs of the very best quality, Fine dress troods. Riieh nu- llpnrottn cloth, also tine silks, which will ho sold at the lowest price ever bought at in Watauga County. Their stock of Groceries is full to overflowing and of the very besfquali ty , consiting of READY MADE CLOTH r lour, Bacon, Lard, Coffee, Sugar, Rice, Teas, Cigars, Cigaretts, Cheroots etc. Groceries, Hardware, Queens- ware, Glassware & etc. Cutlery both pocket and table, Scythes And snaths, butts and screws. cross-cut and hand saws, all o which will be scld Remarkably Low. You are cordially invited to examine our immense stock of goods, we feel sure we can suit you in prices styles etc. JSPrompt attention civ en to all Mail Orders. Yours Respc't. Jones & Vance, May the 1st, 18SK). ING A SPECIALTY. We have an immense stock of Drv Goods, Groceries, Notions, Con fee tionaries, And a nice line of Hats Cns. Roots. Shoes, nnrl in o i 7 7 " " ' normous stock of ITardwnvp oit. sisi ing of, Plows, Hoes, Plane bits, & etc., & etc. All the above will be soid cheap. We buy live stock, Horses, Mules, Cattle, and Sheep. Come and see us. We will do you right. E. II Dougherty Brother, Mast, N. C - S. P. ANGEL, J DEALERS IN SEWING MACHINES. If you think of buying a SEWING MACHINE, and want to save CASH. writ m for prices. I carry a full line of neeuies ana parts ,sucli as , Shuttles. llohhins Hfixrono Oim etc., all of which can be sent by mail. 1 have a good line of fishing Jackles. Trout Fib. Honks Lines etc, Seins a specialty, will send them out bv mail. S. P. ANGEL, KNOXVILLE, TF.XN 529. FT - J 'jp