4- u P'Olclllb. VOL L nooxi:, wataiga uh xty, x. c., riintsDAY, .julv. :j. imm. no. ri. 11 C ) LHY1LLE. place planned Mini dcvi AS A GREAT RESORT Sitil.iteriin tin' Mount. tins of WESTL'HX M)llTll VMIO USA, A region XOTKP for health fulness ami Ix-aiiy of Scenery. AN ELEVATION OF 3,8K ll.KT With (''!. Inviftorntiiifr Climate. It is being laid out with taste tnid (-kill, with well gra ded roads ami EXTENSIVE roiii:sr paiuvS. A desirable place for fine resilien ces and -;. 1 L 7 IIITL HOMES- A Good opportunity for prof itable investments. rT'l'or illustrated pamphlet a Mi ess I.iwn.i.i: Imim;oi:mi.nt Co., LlNVILLK, MlT( I1K1.L Co. X. c. o-20-G mo. WASHINGTON' LETTER. T om our Regular Correspondent For Hit' Democrat What has become of the principle of protection so prominent in the Chicago platform of 1888? The hardest blow yet ro cieved by the Tariff, and the tariff ring, heretofore, the sole issue and source of sus tenance, respectfully, of the republican party, has just been delivered by the Pres ident. He has had occasion to be seriously provoked by the manner in which his sug gestions were tabled during the present session, by both Houses of Congress. In fact, the old Republican ship is at sea andinalieav y gale of wind. She has d rifted amongst dangerous rocks that threaten her with de struction. The Pilot has ordered "hard a port" and the (i. 0. P. is drifting' before thewind, directly out of the course that it has pursued "from such a time that the memo ry of man runneth not to the contrary". The constitution nuthori izes and encourages tluVPres ident to frequently offer ad vice to Congress. 7ut the tariff and silver questions were so occult, and the intri cacies and interest of his po sition so great and various that the President chose to refrain from any public ex pression on the subject. Nevertheless he managed to have his exact ideas on both qiMl::s con eyed to the I prominent republican men- l'ers. Put, in spite of that ; caution, his own party ha made the present minimis- trntioii appear rediHotius and contemptible. i Vi'hen that body of illustri- ous am conservative states- illiell ill the Senate flew off on a wild tangent, and depart ! ing from every sound prin ciple of political economy passed t lie Silver Pill, the ill-' tidings of its action nearlv took away Harrison's breath. He certainly de serves forgiveness. bhle- blooded Presbyterian though he is, if he made some re - mark emphatic enough to! bring a blush to the cheeks' ay that the will iillow thejs,'i'tnient und left him farther of .Mr. Wiiiiiiuiiiker. 'democrats about thirtv dii vs i thanever from thetruth. You As the matter now stands, jfor debate and fihibustering, ;i few men who own silver' if they- are s') inclined; but mines in the West, propose 'at the cud of that period, to arrange tho whole husi-j considering the urgency of ness of the country for their, prompt action on their part, personal benefit. It is nnt-i discussion will be cut off, ural that thev should want i ii steady niiirket for their products. The till, which they have just succed"d in passing through the Senate, makes the government their regular customer, which is obliged to pay to them an exhorbitant price for theii ore - a price that it would j not command in tin market. The President has been pricked to heroic measures j the warnings of tie? Ameri to recover from the blunder, can, begun more than a year It is a broad departure for ; were not without good his party to make, in travel-juui da t ion. We assured Cien. ing from the position it has, Harrison that he could not held so long, to Free Trade. ! a Irani to embai k with such Hut to make the journey easier, as the firt stage the President, proposes to ex tend commercial liberty on ly to count riis of the Western-hemisphere. The document, which was sent to Congress through I the medium of the Seretary of State, is very long and with it was transmitted a report of the Pan-American, Congress, recomme Tiding, treaties of reciprocy with American countries. Tho increase of duty on wool is protested against as restricting trade, and utterly useless and unnecessary. The Mckinley tariff bill Is sternly attacked; gonerrily' and in detail. The Finance committee of the Senate ac knowledges that a personal assault has been made upon it by the President and Sec retary of State. An amendment to tho tar iff bill offered, and introduc ed in the Senate by Mr. Hide of Main, the intimatf. friend of the Secretary. It provided that the ports of the Uuited States shall be declared free and open to tho products of any coun try of America, whenever such country shall admit free bread stuffs, provisions, and other food products, pe troleum .and -other articles from the United States. The message declares that absolute freedom of trade with the countries of Amer ica "would lead to the open ing of new and profitable markets for the products of which we have so large, a sur plus, and thus invigorate ev ery branch of agricultural and mechanical industry". It was urged that to lake AM 1VF rSEACHn:. duty off . sugar and woolj would give the South Aim-r-i It is rarely the case that iean coiinti i.s an ad antnge denum i.itory preaching does over the 1'uited States, in:ir.v fo.l. Surely it often commerce; but it was iii oui-'does harm. I doubt if in the intended that tin pur1 be history of the world a single I' ft iibsolutelv free to .-ill A-iso,n ,,;,s 'vt bee!) turned tnei i. an countries with which from th error of his way by 'tr'iltie.H nf reciiirocit v were abuse. w.-ide. The republican senators! "''T onslaughts upon their are straining themselves in sincerity, nor by a scornful an effort to pass a federal depreciation of their inteHi-l.-ction l.-nv. that it inav be-lP'",,e. If one be sincere in his 'come ojiera'ive beforuhe hill elections. Mr. LoTlge truth, lias anything b.en hiis reported the bill, (lr;ifted'lone towards enlightening in pursuance of instructions ! from th" republican caucus. The republican members an I the bill passed HAPUISOX AXI) QUAY. We desire to say to the President that every further step he takes in company with Mr. Quay nu.l his follow ers will be another step on t'10 r():(- to political disaster, The indications ought to be pretty plain by thistimothat a company as Mr. Quay com manded; undersucha flagas they carried, ami that, evil was sure to result ifliedidso. It will hardly be denied, we think, that tin re .are now a bundant evidences of the soundness of this statement. i ne pontics oi i emisyivania are confused and convulsde. There is hardly one county from the Deleware to the 0 hio which is not angry and inharmonious. There is not an intelligent and conscien tious republican in tho State who does not realize the inju ries which Quayism has wrought, and does not feel that this has boon greatly in creased by the favor which the President has shown to so unworthy and mischiev ous iin element. The seeds of distraction and disunity which the administration in sisted upon sowmg, have sprung up in all directions, and give signs of an abund ant crop of disaster. Is it pos sible then, th.it the President means to sow still more of them, and that he isreaoy to furnish the means wherewith Mr. Quay shall bribe enough delegates to assure Mr. Pel amater's nomination? Two years ago we should have de clared with absolute confi dence that such a thing was not p )ssihPihid'lhi; American. (Hep.) 'IM iiir pit i A farmer informs thoCJroen ville Reflector that he cured a pig of t he cholera by digging a hole in the ground and ty ing the pigs feet together and covering it up with dirt, ex cept its mouth. He says his pig was cured by this process. Lrrorists are not won bv '''b( f" -Lat a;, error is the his min 1 by charging him with dishonesty ? So unjust a charge has provoked his re have hurt his feelings with out offering to convince his judgment, If he is incineere, you have reminded him ol it in a way that rather repulses than persuades. So whether one be honest or dishonest in holding to error, it would ap pear that furious assault is not calculated to dislodge him. And to speak slightlylof the good sense ol t hose whoso er rors you' would correct, flies equally wide of the mark. To call a wise man a fool is to excite either his pity or his contempt; and to apply the epithet where it rightly be longs, would be to blind w ith hatred and rage. If it bo better to denounce than toconni ve at en or, may P not bo better still to do neither? Whatever may be thought of what I hit ve here dotted down wit hoit". taking time to weigh very carefully, J am sure that wo can lose noth ing by trying to conform our preaching to the inspired di rection : "The servant of the Lord must not strive, but bo gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient; in meekness instructing those that op pose themselves. J. E. Hut sox, in Bibiicnl JterorJer. Vance for Piesident. Suppose, then, that the far mers in the democratic par ty were to suggest to the hot heads of that party to stop booming Cleveland and Hill for the nomination, and feel the pulse of the country on Senator Vance for awhile. What a stir it would make! True, they might loe a doubt tul state, but they would gain half-a-dozen in the place of it. The reason is plain and simple. Vance is noted as a plain man of the people, a wise man, a pure man, an honest able and effi cient man. His people love him, and tears of joy will come to the eyes of a Xorth Ca rol i nia n e very t i me he hea i s praises of "Old Zeb Vance." Old and young, republicans and democrats, rich and poor, black and white, will sill alike feel happy and safe when such men are chosen. Xn tkmn 1 Economist. Life will acquire new zest, and choerfuhioHi return, if you will impel your liver ami kidneys to the performance ot thcirfuntions nr. J. n. McLean's Liver and Kid ney Balm will stimulate them to healthful action. $1.00 per bottle- Ths Thior of w. It is now held v the best 'physicists that instead of fall iiig from above tie dew rises from tin earth. Tin g n -riil ly received opinion thai the (1"W is formed of vapor exist : ing at the time in the jitnios j phere must lie given up for I the established fact t hat the j vapor which arises from the ! heated earth is trapped by j the surface earth. Uesides, ! when we imagine th.it on ,4 coo' evening rfter a suit;,' day in summer, our feet are i being wet. by the dew on the grass, we make a grave mis take. For that moisture on the grass is not dew at all, it is fals.? dew in reality tlw transpired humor of the plant. The drops at the tips, which glisten diamond-like are not dew; close examina tion shows that these crystii line spheres ;ire nil situated at the points where the veins of the lea res cut the outer j edges. These dropsonly give ( evidence of the vitality of the plant. The difference between the true dew on the grass and the exuded drops through the veins from within the grass, can bo easily distin tinguislied, for the former is distributed all over the blade in a moist film ; whereas the latter of some size, and are situated near the tips of tin blade. Altered, then, is the meaning of the line. "Ilka bhi.de of graes keeps its nin dr.ip o' dew," for those glob ules on the petal, shaking to the same sweet air, and often "gliding all fra grance into on.", are no dew drop.-J, but are exudations of the heall h.v plants. They give evidence of the elixir vi tfiL of vegetation; whereas, the truedew is the pearly lus ter, varnished in fimy humid ity over 1 he blades by that wonderous alchemy which transforms the vapor rising from the ground into the ground into theplant refresh ing dew. Gootl Words. Death of Mrs. GovCaldwcll. Mrs. Minerva Caldwell, the widow of the late Gov. Todd K, Caldwell, died in Morgan ton Saturday af ternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. It. Collet. Mrs. Caldwell died suddenly of heart disease, she had been a sufferer from this dis ease for sonio time. She was the daughter of the late Wm. Cain, of Hillsboro, and sister to Judge Huflhfs wife. She leaves only two living children. Mrs.Collott, of Mt r g.inton, and Mrs. Halter II rem, of Charlotte. A Sure Care for Flux. Two spoonsful of charcoal .and the same of wheat flour; two table spoonsful brandy, forty drops peppermint, ten drops of Bateman's drops. This is a dose for an adult, to be taken every two hours unt 1 three doses are taken. The eminent Dr. Curtis used this remedy in two hundred eases without losing a single case. Uesp., ,. F. Roueuts. The most delicate constitution can safely use Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar wine mug nalrn , it is a sure retnedey for coughs, loss of voice, ana all throat and lung diseases. j Who will bf LiTfj' S eti3f The question of thesilcces- , sion is now the one th.it is interestingthepublie. Herein (States ville the name oft ieo.H, 1 1 In) mi, Exp. is quite freely mentioned in connection with it. and there is a report that a systematic and determined j movement i" his behalf is is lieing organized. It would have this much ground for hope: that at one jK-riod while the struggle over the i.jpwi..;mrnt'vf.-:s live progress, just a little over a year ago. his claims were un der the most favornbloeonsid oration, and but that a sud den turn was given to the scales an appointment would have been given him. Other names heard in connection with the collectorship are those of Messrs. (J. A. Ping ham, of Salisbury, George II. Smathers and .Lis M.Moody, of Way nes ville, J. C. Pritc'h iird. of Madison, D. C. Pear son, of r.Iorganton, Dr. .1. 0. Wil. ox, of Ashe. Col. W. F. Henderson, of Lexington, and W. J. Ellis, of Davie. Prowers district has not yet been heard from. Messrs. Sinnthcrs and Moody are re ported in H'asl'ington "ow. Lnntlmnrk. Sick Headache and a sensation of o .pression and dullness in the head, are very commonly pro duced by indigestion: morbid despondency, irritability and over Kensitivncss of the nerves ma v, ina majority of cases, be traced to the same cause, nr. j, n. McLeans Liver., and Kidney isahn and riilets will positively cure. llr. Harris -("Uncle Re mus") in his biographical sketch of II. W. Grady, gives an interesting account of the gilted and eloquent young Georgian's manner of iiroperation. He says he could not compose his speeches in advance of the occasion. Seveial times he tried to do so, but in every case the speech he delivered was something quite differ ent from that which he had prepared. He spoke, in fact, upon the inspiration of the moment, and was most elo quent when he had appar ently given least thought to what he should say. The quality of the blood de pends much upon good or bad digestion and assimilation, to make t In; blood rich in lifts and si rcngrh givingconstituenns, use nr. J.H. McLean's strengthening cordial and nlood runner, It will nourish the proerties ot the blood from which the elements of vitality are drawn. 1.00 per bottle." Mr. W. P. Glenn, the well known Winston lawyer, is en gaged in writing a book. It is a biography of the promi nen t lawyers of the State, and will be published in two large volumes. In searching the old records of data for use in the book he is writing, Mr. Glenn discovered that Presi dent Andrew Jackson was sworn in as a constable for one of the towns-hips in Guil ford county, -Messenger. If you are suffering with weak or inflamed eyes, or granulated eyelids, you can be quickly cured by using Dr. j. h. McLeau'rt strengthening Eye salvej 25 cents a box.

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