Sl llvj l.'I'TI; iV UtTIS TnTii:VA-rt:.lH:Mm-KAT. 1 -opv 1 year 1 " IIIMiltllS " l llHMlt Aivkutiin; 1 illl il 1 WlH'U 1 " 1 month 1 : " 1 44 44 1 44 1 1 thnnn 1 wit'K.... 1 " 1 month.. 1 44 :i ... 1 " r, " ... 1 44 t v.-ar ...l.oo Ilvn ... 7. l oo Vno nn oho . i ii i .TiM' '-(l oo (I ..HI Kntrrf4! at tli' I'ostolli'i'iit Isoonc. ( ., as Kronil-cla.s ' mail matter. LOCAL NKWS. NuhiImt lilty-two. T'-arlu'is' pxnmiuation day. J'ini prosPcts for n good corn crop. With this issue cuds Vol. No. 2 of the Democrat. A newhaby girl hasconif1 to stay a I. the residence of Rev. I. W. Thomas. The wife of Ilov Mr. Phill ips, living near Upton, died last Saturday. Rev. II. C. Moore, offJlohe, passed through town yester day en route for cove Creek. S. L. Patterson, of Cald well, was in town Monday on official business. Wowing Rock is now be ginning to fill up tap-idly with boarders. f 'of fey Rro'shave conver ted the old jail into a storage room for leather. Jennie Coffey, who has been on quite a protrac ted visit to relatives in Tenn., returned on Monday. Wiley Iloark had two fine cows killed by lightning near the Tennessee- line, on the 2nd inst. Miss Carrie Leazer and Dr. James Young, of Mooresvill. are sj tending the summer at the Coffey House. Grass should be cut be fore it gets too ripe, makes a better yield as well as better feed when cut early. The streets were well work ed on Friday and Saturday, and quite a lot of lumber is being delivered for side walks, which will be laid at once. The County Alliance was in session the "the glorious Fourth.' None of the proceed ings have reached us, but we Nuppose they had an interest ing session. Mr. George Harper, ofLe noir, commenced putting up the telegraph wire at Blow Rock on Wednesday and hopes to get it completed to Roone by Saturday The Caldwell County Al liance failed to endorse the Sub-Treasury bill. The Cleve land County Alliance will not put ont candidates but stick to the democratic party. Larkin Calloway died at his home on the Wataima River some days since at the advanced age af 83years. He has been quite a remarkable man in sonn respects. It is said that he cut and split 400 rails on his eightieth birthday. The lopic says: Win. Gray, who was bailed out to await the decissionof the Supreme court which affirm ed the decission of the lower court, was arrested by Ihp. Stiff Jones in Caldwell couty, some days ago, but again succeeded in making his escape. i Ml' t'lif Illll'tOII W.I III! ; r t:i-- tl .w wnk, having; )ilt returned from II 1 1 At'- in.t M.t H...I from II il ou ,.,rn, and nays tin genera! opinion mining tin m ! is. i. .. .1. . .a l ..:ni III. II I I .11. u ill lit- t i i .i t . t . . .',...,1 llnoiul. tlos county., lesays the road will stnpj nt the river and a town to lie Cordon vxill ! built. Pv reoiiest of a number i irV.-ojof our renders Setii""d. Cook's old houn I. Pup, ntor Vance's letter to Klias 'an I'lcsi'li'iit of the Farm- III;.... f ...l. i' i: !n;, HHillM Wl .IWI I II ' III Illl' We most earnest I v re- quest every voter to read this letter, and ponder it well. Grind old Zeb is al ways right when troublesome t lines come. t--ifX)firiK Owing to a change to take place in our business soon, we earnest I v request who are indebted to us either by note or account to come forward tit ouco anJ make settlement as we are bound to have our money. .1 ontstniiiVninhns ini'ss must I r closed up, .so conn on. Yours Trulv May JSth liSOO. Shell .Blast. The J. J. Horton proper ty in Boone was sold on last Monday under an execution held by S. L. Patterson, ad ministrator of G. Il'estman, also the farm joining the town known as the Gragg place. Said sales were made for the benefit of the credit ors of L. L.Greene. The prop erty only brought $ .178, all told. Do not forget the reunion at Blowing Rock the 7th, 8th and 9th of Aug. The Com mittee appointed to raise funds by donation are urged to get up the same and pay over to the treasurer. If more funds are procured than will be necessary to pay the band and some other small expen- ees it will be given to the or phans of the State, as has been suggested. All who go to Blowing Rock by the Wa tauga turnpike will camp in the grove near Watauga Ho tel. Those going by tin; Flat Top road, will camp in the grove on the Steward place. Come with three days rations. Announcement. To the voters of Watauga County. I hereby announce myself a candidate lor the of fice of Sheriff. I will cheerfully abide the action of the Con vention, and if I am nomina ted 1 will use all lawful means to secure my election. Thomas Wakd. TAX NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all perons that I now have the town tax-books, with or ders to collect at once. All taxes that are not payed by the tenth day of Aug. will be collected as the law directs. So please come forward ami save cost and trouble. Respectfully, N. N. Colvarii, marshal. A FEA It Fl'L W AUX I X G. An Alabama paper gives the following opinion as to the ultimate fate of all delin quent newspaper subscribers. A ware! "In our opinion, one of t he punishments that some peo ple will find prepared for them in Tartarus, will be, to be chased around its gloomy circumference by the ghosts of printers! Imagine, read e", how you would feel, 'go ing it' in the river Styx, at your extreme pace followed by the shadow of a defrauded publisher, with a sharp stick in one hand, and a bundle of unreceipted accounts in the other! Remember, too, this will be no single dash of one mile, but it will be continued until your executors or heirs balance the books on earth." Linville News. This i tin4 "lorinii f(. m-ili". I'.nt for the su.iii- r il " If.. . . 4 I ... . u.ur of a few I keis VC '. i s 1 1 i i 1 1 to read. id .... . . i . .. " 1 1 1 (il UH'Mil V Weci'leul 'illl' . , . ,, Tl ll.-r n.-ht Mr. !,,lke's youn bear some inv es.;ip.'d from its lair ! iin( sped nwav fr tin4 wild, 1 wilil wood,-., itsni'ive li.iunt. 1 kooii tivcl him, l.ut for mhiii iva - miii was ra km oil am tin4 I in iwi.ssioii of his hemlock (spiuecpill.') 1oM.. (H.l I'm. l.i... vv n'two, i .,r ..i.ii.:.. .. T;m1.. ....! (I ll I MH' I PIMtllMllp, (I in l llvrillfVl'Hil turned to the tni' and kept i "A lsr- iJ" wm mm watch and ward all night, j 1 ' ll, ' 'll,tM Kailvnext morning he was('f ,,fI"'- 'oll-ction, drh-ennwav.and.nitcrawhilej P,',S(11 desiring can pay Imviioaim.tliP iub ami res-tu'n' nccouilts due me, to T. ted at the foot of the tree till some one Kca red him up, when he climbed the tree u gam. The news of its es cape made nearly as great a commotion in this little village as lid the escape oft 1 John II. Morgan, the Con federate general, from the Ohio penitentiary in 18(J."V which was great indeed. The people gathered to bring that black fellow down from that tree. Two brave citi zens ascended the tree and drove it down, while stal wart men stood at its base to grab it as it landed, which they did. So young bruin is in "'durance v;le" again, to its great disgust, and its owners intense delight. Mr. S. T. Kelsey is absent on a ten days, leave. He has gone to his own dear home to spend the 4th. and see his family. lie will not bring them with him; they will come later. M i s. Pa trick , of near Shull's Mills, in your county, has come here and taken poses sionofThe Linville Inn, as manager, (lateRichiehouse. It has been put in complete order by its proprietors. J. G. Loven has purchased A. S. Churhe's team of oxen and gone to hauling logs Ra the former's mill. He com menced July 1st. and just "pushes things". To-day his team has done the best day's logging of any since the mill has been in its pres ent setting. Mr. Hugh MacRae, presi dent of Linville Improve ment Co., left this morning for New Yrork. Though we had, all last win ter, but about 21 hourscold enough to freeze the water in our rivers and creeks, Mr. Rieksecker succeeded in par tialy filling his icehouse from which ice is daily dispensed to all who want the cooling stuff. J. S. W. A Convention of the Demo crats of Watauga County is is hereby called to meet in Boone, on Saturday, July 20, 1890, for the purpose of appointing delegates to the Congressional, Judicial and Stateconventions. The Dem ocrats of the separate towi -ships of the county are call ed on to meet at their respec tive voting places, on Thurs day, July 21, for the purpose of appointing delegates to said County Convention. We urge the importance of a full turnout at the town ship meetings. And while this convention is called on ly to appoint delegates to the above named conven tions, and not to nominate our County ticket ; yet there i.s other important business to attend to, so that a full turnout is desirable. Let ev erybody come. J. F. Spain hour. Ohm. Dem. Ex. Com. I l.LAI' i i I I ' indebted to iinti' or iic- tl ft I'l I ! .t'l' lln'it of -li. 'it-'i ' uat ;oj ittNlil-;lI MTVili'-'. r fr iii.-n Jl 1 1' '.! I II-, ........... ....I (.... 'i'l',' i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i in iinin- hm- I , , i ... , . ; and make prompt set- tlement as I n:u romWW to fcirc my nunu'V. I have lon;r ami patiently, ....... ; J's my friends w.-U know, ami ! now, that I am lorced to ' call on tlicni. I Iioim' tlnvi jwill ivspoml promptly t uy' u-si. i u.iv.' iii:ii a HianMII lll.V hUsiM.'SS umi.U. . . . , "" tlieivfoiv ro.svup all P-it transactions, Persons! failing to make settlement, I . 1 1 A 1 1 JW II J I J. Coffey A; Bio. whose rceipt will be accepted by me. The firm of Phillips & Son. ) now carry a first class line of general merchandise which will be sold as cheap as of 11,0 kin1 ran b( II . 1 J Ml I A . sold, and it will be to the in terest of the public to call and examine our stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. ThanAing my friends foi past favors and soliciting your future patronage I re main very truly yours. J. B. Phillips Sugar Grove, N. C. July 8. Tiike one of Dr. McLean's Lit tle Liver and Kidney l'illcts at night hi'lor.' von go to bed and you will lie surpriseil how buoy ant anil vigorous von will feel the next day. Only l'. cents a vial CouiiliH and co'ds come unin vited, but you can quickly get l id of these, vi I h a few doses of nr. J. ii. McLean s Tar wine Lung culm. There are many accidents and diseases which affect Stock and cans. serious inconvenience and loss to the fanner in his work, which may 1k quickly remedied by the use of Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic HI Liniment. Sick Headache and a sensation of o ..prcssioti and dullness in the hea l, are very commonly pro duced by indigestion: morbid despondency, irritability and over sensit i vilest of the iierves may, in a majority of cases, be traced to the same cause, nr. j. II. McLeans Liver and Kidney Italia and edicts will positively cure. NOTICE. By virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Watau ga'county. N. C, the under signed as "commissioner will sell to the highest bidder at the court house door in the town of Boone, on Mie iVith. day of August 1890 it being Monday of the fall term of the court, the following de scribed tract of land lying on t he waters of North Fork of New river on the north east side of Elk Knob at the base of said knob adjoining the lands of the William Hor ton sugar camp tract, con taining 75 acres more or less, and being the land belong ing to the heirs of Nathan Horton deceased. Terms one fourth cash on day of sale and the balance to be secured by note on three months time. This July 8 1890. E. F. Lovill, Com. North Carolina -1 Jus VataiiLaCoun- Justice's court t.v. I Alfred Green, vs. Jacob Woedring, The defendant above nam ed will take noticethat an ac tion entitled as above has been commenced in a justices' court in Vataua Count v, X. c , to secure the payment of 1 50.00, due by n-jte, subject to certain credits. The defend ant is retpiested to appear at my ofiiee, in the town of Boone Watauga county, x c, on the2nd day of Aug., 1891), and an swer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This June 20 '90. 1). B. Dougherty,.!. P. O r-I.roi4.. W 1 1 E. . , 1v(. , " " " " ' i il . . . . . .. .- i il no vantages to llcise t ihnsr to prepare for tn-li- iltr (;,,,.k, ,j;ltin (;(.nil;lll. Ut,h..r "Mathenmtics, NjI,nt,,I S-i.Mi.i-s. Penman-hiy, Sl.oi t-!iaiil He., ami at raimcments will l. made for those iliit i!iir nmic. f-Tuit ion from .7." ! '0 -' I"'1' I-or particular a w. ii. corxciLL. .lit. ATToit.V'.V AT LA ,v. jnJv ,jlS'.n v. I'.oono X. , - C. NI'WLAND, Attouxky at Law, Lenoir.JN.C. ''lU"' -7. SS 1 v, J.C. FLETCHER, Attorney at Law Sl'GAII (JIIOVE N. C. Wiil practice in Watc.ugu and adjoining counties. SCOTT & ERVIX, Attorneys at Law, Lenoir, N. C. T. B. ITNLEY, A TTO It X E Y A T- L A IV, Wilkrslioro, North Carolina. E.F. LOVILL Attorney At Law, Boone X. C. July 4th, Y-1 y DH L. C. REEVES Physician and Suroeox Office at Residence. Boone, N. C July 4. 89. W. B. COUNCILL, M. 1). Boone, N. C. Resident Physician. Office on King Street north of Post Office. .lune 1J HS. ly. W.J. HUNSUCKER & BROS. IJrh k Layers and Plasterer are prepared to do all work in their line on short notice. ALL work guaranteed and n ires reasoname. ror pri ces etc., address us at Con- over, .. C. Nov. 7th, ly DENTIST, ELK PAKK, NORTH CAROLINA. Oilers his professional services to the people of Mitchell, Watauua and adjoining coun ties. So had inatrial usod and all n'orkguaranttwL'X&X May 1 1 y. J. F. Moi-pliew. Marlon, X. C. E. S. Blackburn. JflVron,X. C. M0RPIIEW& BLACKBURN Atttorneys at Law. Will practice in the courts of Ashe, Wataugaand Mitch ell comities, also in the Fed eral courts of the Dist.. and Supreme Court of the State. f olloction of claims solicited. Aprl, 10. Money to loan. Persons wishing to boi row money, who can secure it by mortgage on good real estate, '-nn be accommodated by applying to J.F. Spainhour, Boone N. C, or A. J.Critcher, Horton N.C. 1. L4. Worth & Lillard. Cheston N. C. I have on hand vehicles of our own make, and more in process of manufacture. All for sale at very close prices quality considered. Repair ing and jobs made to order a speciality. Respectfully, Thomas J. Lillard, Surviving 'Partner, tf. May Hid. A . P... Pl'IM JPAL .-r.A Tlliilxii'Kii . !. . niwniniMi, nun Mn s the principal at Solo. N.. VA (,'OIMW ! Mrlnntfnn M.inra IW.OWlMi iliK'K, N. ( We have, and wil! keep on hand all kind of goods that our cu toniers n-ed, and will NOT BE r.N'DEKSOLI) BY Any regular business mer chant in the county. Our go. ids are all. fresh and new and are as good as can be bought. (Jive us a call, get prices and buy your sugar, coffee, flour, bacon, lard, syrups, molasses, soda, starch, canvassed hams, confections, etc., Cheaper Than they can be bought in the county. Especially do we invite the ladies to giveusi a call and examine our full line of Siring and Summer Dresss goods. Notions, notions, to please the most fastidious of our fair friends during the summer. You shall be pleased in qual ity and prices. We are Located in the MOORE BUILDING, On Main Street, and areever ready to give our customers prompt attention. Orders by mail promptly fillled. Do not tail to give us a- trial, and we an- sureofyour trado tlioivalter. With many thanks for past patronage, and an earnest appeal for a continuation of the same in the future, we re main, Respectfully. McLESDOSS: MOORE. 4. 24, G mo. ROCK BOTTOM STRUCK AND KNOCKED OUT! T. P. IIENSON, Dark Ridge, N. C, is just receiving a largestock CJenekal Merchandise which will be sold for Cash or country produce at prices never before heard of. Give him a call. ipr 20 ly. A, P. SMITH, Successor To Smith k Miller, HALE, N. C. To the peonle of Watauga. I am situated at the Ford of Elk Mitchell county, with a full line of General Merchandise, such as- Dry Goods, G roceries, Quecnsware, Glassware, llardw&re. Candies, and Patent Medicines. When you are on your way to ELK PARK, Give me a call, as I am able to duplicate any bills sold there. My goods are bought for CASH and I sell for the same. Hoping to satisfy you in goods prices etc. I am Respecfully, A, P. SMITH. IVb, ti. (imo.

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