Tha Watauga Democrat,! It. It. I .ali.rtj. t..J!tor. It t . Uhrrs I'wbli.Iif r. Cimtinnn from first iap of tin community, and for that reason alone, you should Hot undertake to Ik? a politi cal party. I see many indica tion! of .hat tendency which give me midi concern. In the rieighboi Uyr State- of South Carol it. a then? is a contest' raging which, as it looks to mo, ran only have the result of putting that State hack Under African rule. This too, among men who profess to ngroo upon nil matters of principle. Iet us hope that we may avoid such danger ous and unseemly contests in our State. I trust much to you, my dear sir, and to the conservatism, goo sense, moderation and patriotism of the farmers of North Caro lina, to avoid the taking of any position or the doing of anything that would prevent the democrats who are in the Alliance and the democrats who are not in th Alliance from working together for prin?iples which are common and for interests that are general, with that harmony which bo triumphantly brou ght us out of the house of bondage in the period from 1870 to 1870, and w hich has in so great a measure restor ed our State to a reasonable degree of prosperity andcred it. Let us not imitate the conduct of the Jews when their sacred city w as besieg ed by the Roman armies, w ho fought their enemies with in credible valor all day, and fought each othei w ith incred ible fury all night. Let us, on the contrary, stand to gether and fight our com mon enemies day and night. Let us strive for a reduction of taxation on the necessa ries of life for a reduct ion of the expenditures of the gov ernment for an increase of the currency and the price of farm products by the free coinage of silver and the res toration of its full legal ten der character for a repeal of the tax upon State banks for the regulation of trans portation rates by railroad commissions, and last, but not least, let us earnestly con end against the centraliza tion which is constantly threatening to absorb the lo cal self-government of the peo pie of the States. Very trnly yours, Z. B. Vance. If anyone now doubts that the devil is doing gjood work in this city let them go and it w ith twelve others to hear the gospel preached and re flect that there are at least two thousand within a mile of the church who have not heard a sermon in a month. Piess aud Carolinian. The Lode Federal elec tion bill passed the House on the 2nd. by a vote ot lo. to 140. Mr. Ewnrt, and two more republicans voting a gainst it. Robert E. Pattison was nominated on the first bal lot for Govcnor of Pa. by the democrats. Sunt. Porter thinks the census will show the popula tion of the U. S. to be about 64,500,000. The popula tion in 1880 was 50,155,783, The Legislature of La, has agreed to leave the char teringof the Lousiana State Lottery to a vote of t he peo pie, if thelottery paj s f 1 ,250, 000. annualy to the State A preliminary vote of the whites some time during the summer if it is carried then it w ill be submited as an amend ment to the State constitu tion in 1892, but if voted down will not be submitted. Jndge Spier Whitaker has been nominated to sue ceed himself in the fourth dis trict, by the democrats. E W. Port", was nominated for solicitor. y,, BRYAN. Still On Hand With a Niv line of General Merchandise Consisting, in part, of Hoots. ! Shoes, j Dress (ioods. Notions, Hardware, Tinware, Groceries, CofT'vs, Sugars, Tea. It ice, Cigars, Cigarettes, etc. Drugs & Medicines in good variety. Also take all kinds of HOOTS AND HERBS, And country produce in ex- chahge for goods. Gent's furnishing goods, such as, dress shirts, (both laundried and unlaundried.) Collars, Cuffs, Slips, and in fact, nl- mostany thin "-needed in that line. JUSTIN Ready-Made Clothing from 8 to 25 dollars er suit. "We handh1 only fi'st class goods, and will guarantee prices as low as any other merchant who handles the same grade of goods. For Cash, You Can Have Goods at almost your own price. I run in connection with my other business, a Hotel and Feed STABLE which we think is equal to any in the county, and we guarantee our prices as low as any in the COUNTY. Also furnish transportation to panties wanting the same with a safe driver and with as good n furnout us can Ik? found in the county. For the next 60 D TS We will make special prices, for cash, on all goods. Returning our thanks for past pati onagr we will, as heretofore, st ill con tinue to furnish you good . oods and at as low prices as can be ound. Truly yours, W.L. Bryan. oflfP n) n MONEY- YVhcn you come to Elk Park get started off Just Right, by going straight to Jones & Varices General store and buy every thing you need from them. They have got the bigest stock in town, and always sell a little lower than the lowest They have just received an clegent line of CLOTHING Embracing all the choice stvles in makes and fabrics, whi;h will go DIRT CHEAP Come and see our Mine line of Gents, Ladies, Misses and Childrens line shoes! snores n Yo defy competition on quality, prices and styles. They have a complete line of Henrietta cloth, cashmeres ginghams, prints, lawns, muslins, laces, ribbons etc. Their stock of Groceries is full to overflowing and of the very best quality, consiting of Flour, Pacon, Lard, Coffee, Sugar, Uice, Teas, Cigars, Cigaretts, Cheroots etc. u Groceries, Hardware, Queens- ware, Glassware & etc. Cutlery, both pocket an! table, Scythes And snaths, butts and screws, cross-cut and hand saws, alio which will be sr'ld Remarkably Low. You are cordially invited to examine our immense stock of goods, we feel sure we can suit you in prices, styles etc. BSTPrompt attention giv en to all Mail Orders. Yours Kespc't. Jones & Vance. May the 1st, 1800. DID YOU KIIQW IX L 1 i iiOli HARDTIMES YW7 ANIU'YSO.ME Special Barmm; -AT- II C MAHTIXA: CO S? They are now receiving Fresh consignments of sea sonable goods and You WILL MISS IT If you buy your goods lef ore e x a m ininig Their stock and Pit ICES. tiieyguakaxtee As 13w priees as anybody, and can't te teat in quality OF GOODS. rTCALL A XI) SEE Til EM Illowing Rock, X. C, JunelT), 7N90. NOW COMPLETE o I have recently refilled my storelmilding with a full and complete line of the choicest spbimj & siLtiiiKK goods ever brought to the County. Consisting of wors teds, ginghams, cashmeres, lawns, muslins, and, in fact, any thing you wish in theline of ladie's dress goods. Iain also to the front with a full line of Groceries. Sugar coffee rice, molasses Hour, bacon, etc. etc. Haudwake. In this line 1 am sure to please you. Hammers, Saws, Files, Chis els. Horse-shoes and nails. Glass-ware, Queens-ware, Cutlery, both table and pock et. 1 wish to thank my pa trons for past favors, and hope to merit thesame in the future by dealing fairly with them, and by selling them goods as cheaply as they ran he bono lit on this mar ket, Kesp. W. P. Baird, 4.24. YaIieCrucis,X. C. FREE. OoKI Witrli Worth40.4U. ie t-ill timkeepr. Warranted bvavy, 'ten in the world. Perfect iMLiD om.n h tin tin I Huh ladira'tttd (rent mtn, with worfct and rate of each locality ran Mcure on frt, together with our lartra iluabl line of M nmrhoM the watch, an ft-rf . All (ha work worn m. ThM taninlM. a well neil do ii to ahew wht wm end fom to thoae who call your fttcr.cU and neighbor and thoa about yo that a I war reeulta In valuabla trade for in, which holds for yean when one- atrtedt and thua wa are repaid. W nay all eipreat, tnxwht, etc. After ou know all, if ou wintd like lo pro lo work for u. you ean earn trom 40" lo 9 HO pr week and upwardt. Adrtreaa, HUuiBi fc t o., Ui leriiMl, Mala. 5 5hotCu3rvRovofvGrft l?rceci londingdoiiblesliotgun $8 to $."(), single breech loaders f 4 to $1 2, breech loadingriflesa to $15. tumble barrel Muzzle kind ing shot guns $5.50 to $20, ne- jientnifr mfles, 10 .shooter, f 10 to fsn0:itovolvers!fl to ,f20. Kend 3 cts. for Maniotli illustrated cata logue xo. 40. Address c.iiKAT west EK.vr; i n works, rittsliiirg, ra. CavBat, and Tnule-Marku olnaliied, all I'au et bu.-tint'HH condiictftl for Moocratc Tit. OUR OFFtCC 18 OPPOSITE U. S. FATtNT Ornct and we can secure paiout in lesti Uuiu ilian 0om! remote from Wa-ltitiiftn. Send model, drawing ir photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if palemnhle or not. free u( charge. Out fee not due till paicut r weired. A Pii'HLtT, "How loohttthi PnlenlB," with imiiiiw of client in your Htute, cuunty, or town, sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. OPf. PTtNT Orrtcc, WHINCTOM. D. C. r-s-w rorr Lv -mm) X1 i&S&f V r I'd'-A'Ay. J 4 "nH0 - It. A. SPAINJIOFIt, -()- MOHAVI AX FALLS. N. C. 0 Has riMfntly idargil his storehouse a ml stock of goods. His store house is now (id fc't long mid thoroughly filled with liew roods, which he proposes to nell nt TUICFS that will Surprise you. nifxlifst market price paid for all kinds vov.ntiyproduee- nooisAMt menus a special! y. Write him for a list of Iloots, Herbs, and prices. I. HI. THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. I nm pleased to announce to the public that I have just received a large assortment ol general merchandise. I have an endless va riety of dress goods, ,"000 yds of calico, from (i to 7 h cts. (iing haiaT, 1'. and ltcts, ratine, 10 and 12, orst.d, 10 to l."t, black casimere, double width. 3."cts., tarracotta, 3."cts., jeans, !.", 25, and 4(Vts. nnl up. My sttn k of ribbons is complete in colors and prices. Ladies casimere gloves,30 and 3." cts., paer rcts, er cpiii-e, envelojH's, the same, SuspMiders, 10, 1.1, 20 & 30cts. My line of notions and jewelry is fine. H.VUDWAUK! Farmers Friend plows and repairs always on hand. Oliver chilled points, No 20, shovel and bull tongue plows, best pitch-forks on the market, (itas scthes, grain blades and whetstones. Hoes, nails glass and lantern gloltes always on hand at lowest cash prices. I am also an agent for a large wall-pajwr mfg. Co., and promise you the best pajer at the lowest price. I am also'gcneral agent fora large paint mfg. Co. I will sell m Jnew goods at reduced rates to cash buyers this spring and summer. You will all do well to call and examine my new goods and low prices before buying. I have a fine lot )f shoes, ladies and gents. I will want ami endless unit, of young chickens, eggs ami (HOOD YFa.Uow fresh butter at good prices. Also Iloots and herbs taken in exchange for goods. So everybody come and get bargains and be happy. Yours anxious to please. WILL H'. JIOLSf. LA W. E. II. DOUGHERTY. DOUGHERTY BROS. 7hc public is respectfully invited io examine our complete line of Dry Goods, such as : Yoiteds of all kinds, and qualities, Linsevs oi the very best quality, Fine tb-ess iroods. such as: Ilenretta cloth, also fine silks, which vill be sold at the lowest price ever bought at in Watauga County. HEADY MADE CLOTH ING A SPECIALTY. We have an immense stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Con foe tionaries, And a nice line of Hats Caps, Boots, Shoes, and an e normons stock of Hardware, con sisting of, Plows, Hoes, Plane bits, it etc., & etc. All the above will be soid cheap. We buy live stock, Horses, Mules, Cattle and Sheep. Come and see us. We will do you right. E.H Dougherty Brother, Mast, . S. P. DEALERS IN SEWING MACHINES. If you think of buying SERVING MACHINE. and want to save CASH, write me for prices. I carry a full line of needles mid parts, such us , Shuttles, Holhins, Drivers, O'm etc., all of which can be sent by mail. - Tackles, Trout Flies, Hooks, Lines etc, Seins a specialty, will send them out bv mail. S. P. AKGEL, KNOXYJJ.LE, TEXX. 529. J. M. DOUGHERTY. N. ( A.(iKL, 1 a :- -MS-.'--.-;- .V. V FifKiSf' KiSSHRl BtH&Kl r. ,. '