locrat vol :i liOOXK, WATAUGA COUNTY, X. ('., THURSDAY, .JULY. 1M. 1MH. NO. '2 LLW1LUL A place planned" and" uVvclopii)-; AS A GREAT RESORT S'tuatedin the Mountains ot WESTERS NORTH CARO LINA, A region NOTED for health fulness and beany of Scenery. AS ELEYATIOX OF 8,800 FEET With Cool, Invigorating Climate. It is Itcing laid out with taste and skill, with well gra ded roads und EXTENSIVE FOKEST PAlUvS. A desirable place for fine residen ces an d -HEALTHFUL HOMES A Good opportunity for prof itable investments. BQTor illustrated pamphlet add i ess" LlNVILLE I.MPKOVKMl-XT Co., Llwille, Mitchell Co. N. C. 5- -29-G mo. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our Regular Correspondent For the Democrat Senater Gorman has, by general consent, been put in charge of Democratic inter ests in the fifrht which it is now evident will soon be en iraered in uuon the floor of the Senate. It will be a con solation to democrats through the country to know that under his skillful leader ship everything will be done which is possible to be done, to prevent the consumma tion of the republican threat of throttling the minority in the Senate, as Speaker Reed ha a already so effectually done in the House. The republican Senators who have been opposed to the new force bill, are slowly yielding to the pressure which has been brought to bear upon them. Even Sen ator Evarts it is said has, under compulsion, promised the new republican boss Representative Belden that he would vote for the bill. It now looks as though the bill would become a law. It is regarded by the republicans as a last desperate chance to gain enough Congressmen in the South to off set the losses which they are certain to have in other sections. In fact Mr. Belden openly uses this as an argument to con vert republican opponents of the measure. Many of the more decent republicans are disgusted with Mi. elden's attempt to manufacture sentiment in f ivor of the Fortv bil., by sending that remarkable apjH'al to the republican edi tors to come to the rescue of theG. 0. 1 allien indignation is ex ihvnnimI neii? over a rrmer which has leaked out throng) British sources to the effect that Mr. Maine lias coin nletelv backed down in tin Reining Sen negotiations and that Great Britain is to havecverythiug itsown way- Should it turn out to be true goodbve to Air. ISlaine as a public man. The American people forgiveevery thing ex ccpt cowardice. The two subsidy shipping bills, about which, for cer tain reasons nnd promises Mr. Harrison has been fret ting a great deal, have pass ed the Senate. Even snch high-bound republicans as Senators Edmunds find Plumb could not stand this bill, which will take millions- just how many no one can say out of the Treasury, all of which will go to a certain well known ring already formed in anticipation of the feast at public expense which awaits them when the bills become la ws. Only one dem ocrat Senater Payne vot ed tor these bills. 1 hanks to the solid repub lican vote of the Senate and of the House, it now only requires the signature of Mr. Harrison to complete the degradation of silver and put it on the same footing as coal and iron or any com mercial commodity. Sen ator Sherman, the man who is responsible for demonetiz ing silver in 1873 is also re sponsible for this latest fraud noon the people, under the guise of friendship. Mr. Sherman is, and always been the humble tool of Wall Street, and the provisions of this silver bill, with which he so adroitly bamboosed his colleagues of the Conference committee, are all in the in terest of those money sharks No democrat stultified him self by supporting it. Speaker Reed is as mad as a hornet over an article sign ed "X. M. C." which appears in the current "North Ameri- - j i can neview , snowing tne mistakes which he (Reed) has made since he became Speaker. What adds to his anger is the fact that the article is generally under stood to have come from Mr. Blaine, who is madly jealous of the prominence the Speak er has recently gained, al though "Gail Hamilton" is the writer of it. The tariff bill is now the "unfinished business" of the Senate, the majority having repented of the "cussedness" which made them refuse to take it up last Monday. How fast it will ,be pushed through will depend largely upon the action of the repub lican caucus. It has been the boast of Speaker Reed that the House was no longer a deliberative body, and now that the Sen ate 6eems about to adopt the gag rules of the House, the question naturally arises, why not abolish tUtu press, and le, those immac ulate saints who now run the republican party decide upon what shall bmnne laws? There is one consolation however. The further the republicans go in their en croachments upon liberty, the more certain it is that the people will rise in their might and thrust them from the power which they have so glaringly misused. Gen. SehohVld w ill soon be Lieut. General of the Army, unless the republican bosses shall decide that the bill re viving thnt grade in the Army, which has been favor able reported from the House coirmittee on Milita ry Affairs, shall not be pass ed because the officer to be promoted under it is not a republican. The quality of the blood de pends much upon good or bad direstion and assimilation, to make the blood rich in life and strength givingconstituenns, use nr. j. h. McLean s strengthening cordial and mood purifier, it will nourish the properties ot the Mood from which the elements of vitality are drawn. 1.00 per bottle. All honor to Cleveland county Alliance! This pa triotic band of the sons of toil are true to their Consti tution and refused to become a political party. They re solved to let every man vote as individuals and as a body to keep out of politics. This was wisdom. This was good policy, and bears good fruit, and prevents discord in dem ocratic ranks. The Alliance stoops to conquer and have won a victory, while avoid ing stnte. The candidates are all Alliance men satisfac tory to town as well as the country and now there is democratic harmony between country and town. Let peace henceforth reign and each help the other like a band of brothers. All class es are necessary in society; all are members of the same body. Shelby Aurora. Senator Blackburn, of Ky. is hopeful that the Radical Senate will not pass the Force bill. He thinks the bill abominable even much worse than is generally sup posed He says many pro tests are being sent to the committee. It is revolution ary and dangerous and ought to be strangled to death at once. Keeu ioicea it through the House. We expect our selves that the Senate will pass it under whip and spur, and the row will begin. Mes senger. Boss Quay has $300,000 worth of grease with which to begin his work of purchase and corruption in Pennsyl vania. We wonder how much Sundayjunketing Har rison nnd moral lecturing Wanamaker those two nous frauds gave to the at frying funds. Life will acquire new test, and cheerfulness return, if you will impel your liver and kidneys to the jerfo nuance ot thcirtuntions Dr. j. H. McLean s Liver and Kid ney nalm will'stimulate them to healthful action, f 1.00 ier uot- tle- ( !..ol, l., ll-tT 1S!M)- And it came to pass that in the secon.l year or the((;rilU.fl fur past patronage, reign of i-njamin that James..,,,,! having a new sunk of Ihenon of Mott, and Mat-'choice wines. Mirits and la thew and Zehulon of tin tribe of Jefferson, took coun sel together against .John the'pubican, and cast him out of the confirmation chamber. And after these things John the 'publican was tilled with wiath against. Jamis the son of Mott and all tl house of Mott. And 'us he returned to his house and to the place where hesat and collected the revenues, he communed witli himself and said: Matthew and Zeb ulon are too mighty for ine, seeing the people are with them, for are they not sent regularly every six years to the great Sanhedrim of the nation? Rut James of the house of Mott is a son of Belial, and him will I smite, even in the son of his lions, his first-born who serveth with me in the collector's office, him will I smite until he shall be as a reproach and a by-word unto his people. And William, the son of James of the house of Mott. was a "Reliable" man and had served John faithfully all the days of his steward ship. But John remembered only the great evil which James of the house of Mott had wrought, and he said unto If'illiam: I will resign this office, and as thou art a ready writer, show me how aptly thou canst word a res ignation of thy clerkship, thus craftily intending to obtain and accept said resig nation without regard to the form or correctness theie of. But William remember ed the teaching of his fath er's house, nnd pulling down the corner of his left eye, said: the Motts never resign. And John said you must go, but William said I go not. Then the wrath of John waxed hot and his strength asserted its power, and he took IVilliam by the temu? of his office and the texture of his raiment and cast him out of the shop. And Benjamin wept be cause of the strife among his people. Press and Caroli nian. The boasts of infidels need disturb no one. Payne who believed that he had destroy ed Christianity, and Voltaire who blasphemously attempt ed to remove the light of the gospel from the earth, and Ingersoll with his sneer nnd vile abuse of the truth all amount to just nothing. Some significant facts have just recently been put before the public. The net increase of Christianity for the past year is 887,000. There are added to the ranks of the Lord's people, about 11 churches and as many minis ters and on an average 340 souls daily. This is true of this country only! Oh! if Christian people would only beTaithful, how rapid would be the progress of the Gos pel. If there be pious conse cration we need not fear the assaults of unbelievers. Central Baptist. AX I ION EST SALOON APVEU TISEMENT. EiaEMts and Neioiiiiohs: ger Uvr, 1 continue to make drunkard ami beggars out of industrious und sober peo ple. My liqiiorsexcite riot, rob iM-ry and blood shed, dimin ish comfort, increase expens es and shorten lives, and are sure to multiply fatal acci dents and distressing diseas es are likely to render these hitter incurable. They will cost some of you life, some of you reason, ma ny of you character, and all of you peace; will make fath ers and mother fiends, wives widows, children orphans and all poor. Train the young to ignoranceand infidelity, lewd ness and every other vice; corrupt the ministry of relig ion and members of the church; hinder the Gospel and send hundreds to tempo ral and eternal death. I will accommodate the public, e ven at the cost of my ow n soul, for I have a family to support, and the trade pays, for the public encourages it. I have a license ; my trafic is therefore lawful. Chr stians countenance it and if I do not sell drinks somebody else will 1 know the Biblesavs: "Thou shalt not kill." "Voe unto him that giveth his neighbor drink," and not to put a stumbling block in his broth er's way. I also read that "No drunkard shall inherit the kingdom of God." 1 sup pose a drunkard maker will not share any better fate, but I want a lazy living, and have made up my mind that my iniquity pays very good wa ges. I shall therefore carry on my trade, and do my best to decrease the wealth, im pair the health and endanger the safety of the people. As my trafic flourishes in pro portion to your ignorance, I must do all I can to prevent your mental culture, moral purity, social happiness and eternal welfare. For proof of my ability I refer to the pawn shop, the police office, the hospital, the lunatic asy lum, jail and gallows, whith er so many of my customers have gone. I teach the old and young to drink, and on ly charge for the material. A very few lessons are enough. Yours till death. Lick-R-Seher in Orange County Pi lot, Santa Ana, Cal. Wilkes County Wins. Winston, N. C, July 10. W. W. Barber, of Wilkes boro, was nominated to-day at the Judicial Convention at ElA'in for Solicitor on the eleventh ballot. He is a good one and will win the fight. News and Obser rer. New York, July 14. Ma jor-General John C. Fremont ' the Pathfinder" of nearly a half centnry ago, and the candidate of the first. Nation al convention of the Repub lican party for President of the United States, died at 3:30 o'clock yesterday after noon. He had been ill five dayswith inflammation of the bowels. His death was pri marily due to exposure and fatigue incurred on Tuesday last, when the weather was unusually ho':. He was 77 vearsandsix months old. Ex. STATE PRESS. The Southern white people were never more deeiident on one another than I ow. San ton I Express. Our Kubscriler.s read th letter of Senator Vance, and can judge for themselves whether it contained any thing which would justify Col. Polk in his animadver sion on this good and great man. Wadesboro Messeih ger. We think that the alliance nrtcd wisely in rejecting the sub-Treasury bill and endors ing Senator Vance. The res olution endorsing Senator Va'ce was passed unat.i mously. Lenoir Topic. What is the use of talking about him? He stands pre eminent among men. people and folks. The people of the State know him and are for him. This is enough said, it se.nns to ns.-Jonesville Lead er. The attack of the Progress i ve tanner on Senator Vance which appeared in the last is sue of that paper has called forth comments from nearly all the State papers and it is worthy of note that not one of them has been found that voices the sentiments of the organ which pretends to champion the cause of the al liance. Ashe ville Citizen. Until recently Chauncey Depew always had a. queer habit of saying "By gosh" when excited. One day a friend upbraided him for using such profane language. "What" asked ourChauncey, 'You don't really mean to call 'By gosh' swearing?" ' Why, of course, 1 do," re plied his friend. "Well, then, by gosh, I will never say it again." And Depew has kept his word. He now swears "by jingo." The Farmer's Alliance at Rocky Point, Pender County. The following resolutions passed by this alliance, and ordered to be published by the Piogiessive F aimer, at Raleigh, have been handed in to us for publication; Resolved, That as the Far mers Alliance is not a politi cal organization, and does not wish to engage in practi cal party politics but leaves its members to vote as they p'ease, its noble and enno beling plans and purposes are not to make alliance nom inations for office but to ad vance by other means, the great and neglected cause of agriculture, appealing to State legislature and our Na tional Congress for relief from the oppressive burdens upon the frrmers aud indus trial classes. Resolved, That we appeal to our alliance brethren all o ver North Carolina to stand firmly by the principles of our organization, but not to im pair its objects and prosjiects by making alliance nomina tions for office except through the conventions of the two political parties prevailing in the United Staces to-day. Wilmington Messenger.

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