Si r.H'iurTios Hatk h To The Watai u.k Demotkat. 1 copy 1 year 1 " li months " ;i months AllVEKTIWNO RaTKS 1 uuh 1 wwk 1 1 mouth 1 " :i 1 6 " 1 1 year 1 column 1'wivk 1 " 1 month 1 " 3 " 1 G " 1 " 1 year OO; ;ir . to i .00 .. : ,. 5 m .. I .. it ..13. .J." .37. .50 .00! .00 .oo 50 (M) 50 00 Entered nt the Postofficent Boone. N. C, as second-class mail mat tor. LOCAL NEWS. Court next work. "All is not gold that frlit ters." Don't fail to register be fore the election. Boone h swarming with drummers this week . Read McLendon & Moore's new ad. See II. C. Martin & Co,s new ad. in this isssue. lames D. Couneill is off on a visit to friends in Cald well. County commissioners w ere in call session last Mon day. When you come to court call and settle for the Demo crat. Quantities of aide walk lumber is being delivered on our streets daily. John S. Williams, and family will occupy the par sonage the coming year. Miss Lucy Kay, of Ashe, is uowtheguest of Miss Annie Parks, of Boone. The nights are rather C ol now, the days breezy, dreamy and delightful. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Len oir are quite proud of their new baby girl. Long life to the wee stranger. Judge Merriman and W. H. Bower spent Saturday night in Boone, on their way to Jefferson court. I am now opening up the handsomest line of goods ev er offered to the people of Wa tauga. W. L. Bryan. Some communications of interest came in too late for this issue, Lut will appear in our next. We were plea wed to see "Edgar Joy den, of Selma, Alabama, in our town one day this week. Mr. Mum (ford Stokes and Miss Lou Moody were mar ried on Cove Creek last Thursday the 14th. B. J. Councill, Jr. is pre paring to have his house re modeled, and a fresh coat of paint put on., Our townsman, Att'y. Spainhour, is having much work done on his house, and will soon have it painted. Joshua Setzer, of Hart land, N. C, arrived here on yerterday, and will take charge of Coffey Bros, sad dle shop. Mrs. Mary Sanders, of Sumpter, S. 6. who has been ut the Coffey House for some weeks, left for her home on yesterday. llanze Miller, one of the fifers in the late war, with two of his small boys" acting as drummers, willl be on our streets next Saturday with their instruments. If you fail to hear them, you will miss f treat. The li inocratic Judicial Convention will 1 held in I' noir next Friday for the pur-1 pose of nominating a Solici tor for this Dist. L st, Iwtttwn Aion and Vilas, one black caish tnr hhnwl. The tinder will please hnve same at Demo chat othi-e. Mrs. J. F. Spainhoch. It. L. Cotm-ill will finish Mr. Bryan's More hous. I)i-k is a good workman, and we may expert a neat a id spei'dy job of it. A few of our liest school teachers are still unemploy ed. If you want a teacher, consult with . the county Supt. next week at court. Wanted. The last of this week or the first of next, 50 or 00 lbs. of nice, fresh but ter fo;- table use. W. L. Bryan. Prof. Jacob Wike writes his school at Elk Knob is doing well, though run down a little just now, owing to the rush in hay making. Rev. II. C. Moore opened school at Cove Creek Acade my last, week, with about 50 pupils. He will begin the public school in about three weeks. Editor Dougherty is off on a business trip this week. Hope our readers will look on this issue with the great est possible degree of allow ance. --Capt. J. W. Hall, of Ark., and Mrs Ett Lawrence of Jefferson, were married last Sunday night in Jefferson, at the residence of the bride's father. Mr. Richards who has been very sick with fever at the IJrynix House, is slowly improving, lie is a young man of sterling worth, and we hope him a speedy recov ery. N. N. Colvard is flooring the grand jury room in the court house this week a thing that ought to have been done sooner, for it has been a gloomy and unpleas ant place, but will be more inviting now. Our friend Joshua Win kler, is mowing his meadow this week with a brand new mowing machine. He broke his old one, and not attempt ing to repair it, sent to Hickory and bought a new one. Rev. E. F. .Tones failed to fill his appointment here last Saturday and Sunday, owing to sickness in hisfamily. Mrs. Jones has fever, but we hope she may soon recover. Sev eral cases of the same disease are reported in and around Zionville. Mr. WadeRodgers is buil ding James Winkler a beau tiful dwelling near the old Ho bab school house site, one mile east of Boone. It is very pleasant to know that some of our best young men think it advisable to remain in the old North State. A letter just received from Prof. J. S. Hill, of Hol ly Spring College, Butler, Tenn., states that the school there was opened on last Monday with 100 scholars, and on IVednesday evening of the same week there were 30 more. Old Mrs. .Blair, was bur ied last Friday at 10 a. m on the hill just east of Mr Blair's house. Alargecoa gregation attended the bur ial. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. I. W. Thomas. Mrs. Blair had lived to be of a H;h old age, and was a good wife, mother and neighbor. H'eixtctid our sympathies to 'the aged huhand, children and rda tiies. &2r.othv. Owing to a change to take place in our business soon, we earnestly request who are indebted to u either by note or account to come forward .it once an I make settlement as we are bound to have our money. A H outstnndingbus inrss must ho closed up, so come on. Yours Truly May Nth 181)0. Shell &Mast. "The tall sugar tree of the mountains", E. Saucer Blackburn, gave vent to Ins first, effusion of political gas at Jefferson on last, Mon day. It is said that Col. W. II. II. Cowles made au at tempt to reply to his scath ing arguments, and we pre sume he was rather badly mangled ere he was released from the iron grasp and blis tering arguments of the gal lant Colonel. We publish this week a very voluminous communica tion, scintillating with the very quint-escence of Radi calism, from J. A. (Pat) Crisp, of Caldwell county; the man who applied for deputy col lector's place and failed; then applied for chief clerk's place and failed ; then applied for assistant clerk's place and failed, and at last, so hungry was he for an office, he ap plied for a situation which his party thought him capa ble of filling, to wit, a store keeper in a still house and succeeded. This is the man who speaks for the poor Un ion soldier and this adminis tration. He will notice his communication more lengthy next week. Ayer's Hair vigor restores col or ami vitality to weak mid gray hair. Through its healing and cleansing qualities, it prevents the accumulation of dandruff and cures all scalp diseases. The best hair dressing ever made, and by far the most economical. Announcement. To the voters of Watauga County. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the of fice of Sheriff. I will cheerfully abide the action of the Con vention, and if I am nomina ted 1 will use all lawful means to secure my election. Thomas Ward. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, by purify ing and enriching the blood, im proves the appetite, aids the as similative process, straightens the nerves and invigorates the system. It is, therefore, the best and thoroughly reliable altera tive that canoe found for old and young. NOTICE. Owing to a change in my business to take place the 1st. of Sept. I now offer goods at greatly reduced prices for cash. 1 earnestly request all persons indebted to m6 to make settlement within that time. Please fail not and oblige. T. A? Critciier. Bomboo, N. C. The danp and decaying vege tation of regions newly cleared of timler, exposed to the rays of t he sun, is sure to breed malaria. Dr. J. II. Mclean's Chills and Fever Cure, by mild and gentle action will radically cure. 50 ceuts a bottle. GOING WEST. I anticipate starting west with a crowd of emigrants from 1st to 15th of Oct. '90 I have my arrangements so made that I can give parties special rates to any of the western States. All persons wuhing to go can address me and save money. Make contracts at once. James H. Bryan, Boone, N. C. Lenoir, N. C. ! Aug. 16, 181)0 J IMitnr ll'iiiocnit : j True patriotism implant in one's bosom, yea in hi, soul, a desire and a determi-. nation to never knowingly j misrepresent even his enemy, j though it Ih a political one-' my, and if when men become' excited over a desire to we the party with which they f- filiate successful in a politi cal warfaie;they would be governed by the golden rule, and let patriotism reign in their breasts, instead of parti nanism, what a change would take place. People have be come so odicted to finding fault with their political ene mies that it seems they can not give them justice, and when the country editor or people in the rural districts see anything in a city pajer that they can use tothe inju ry of their political enemies, they at once grasp the oppoi tunity without investigating the truth therof. This course is pursued by good men, not from a desire to falsely accuse any one, but because we, as the readers of the great city journals have been under the impression that the pap rs which advocate out political faith do not publish false ac cusations. 1 have noticed for some time past, short editorials in Democratic country papers that present Congress had exhausted the surplus in the U. S. Treasury and in your issue of the 14th inst., you ask this question : "Re publican friends, bless your dear souls, where is the sur plus of $100,000,000 that Cleveland left?,etc; then you add: "Let us enquire about it." Every tax-payer in the II. S. has a perfect right to en quire about it, and I believe it his duty to do so, but af ter making a. careful enquiry and find that none of it has been squandered and none stolen but one small steal und that by a Democrat, log ic would say for him to shut his mouth and not believe ev ery thing he sees in print. After reading all the squibs in Democratic papers about the surplus being exhausted, I had come to the conclusion that perhaps it was true, and 1 at once made an investiga tion and found that a num ber of our editors ha ve been mistaken in the charges made by them. But I did find the finances of our great country in a healthful condi tion. 1 have it from the offi cial authorities at Washing ton that the revenues of the government for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1890 were 9 107,497,000 in round numbers making a surplus of $117,000,000. The only item that will show any increase of expenditures for the year 1891 over the year 1890 is that for pensions, and I feel satisfied that all the Ameri can people who have any gratitude for those who left their wives and their little ones, their homes, their hap piness and their peace, will never grumble at a Congress that has patriotism, courage and love enough inside of its breast to liberally provide for those old veterans(?) who fought, bled and died to sus tain the flag of the Union and to abolish the accursed stat utes of our fair South-land called slavery, (bah!) Any reasoning person well knows that the money expen ded by the government, at once goes into circulation and helps the country. Sot long as exjHMidi'uivs are wirej ly made, there is no jut! cause fur fault finding. If, however. He expenditure is! within the income, and this is the case with th present Congress. It tor om-, would be glad if Congress would le gitimately exhaust nil the surplus except a puffieienry for current exjtences, and let the jeple have advantage of the idle money that is now locked up in the vaults at Washington. Now, in. v dear sir, I have. I think, told you plainly where the surplus is, and I want to ask you two questions in ref erence to our State revenues which concern us more direct ly than the national surplus. First: How much monev did the State lose when the State National sank, of Ral eigh, failed? Second: hydid the last Democratic Legislature re fuse to passu resolution, the nurnose of which, was to en quire into this very matter? KesiMH-tfulIy, J. A. Crisp. Don't Give Up The use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. One bottle may not cure "right oB" a complaint of years; persist until a cure is e fleeted. As general rule, improvement follows shortly after beginning tlie use of tins medicine. With many people, the effect Is immediately noticeable; but some constitutions arc less susceptible to medicinal Influences than others, and the curative process mny. there fore, In such cases, he less prompt. IVrse veranoe In using this remedy Is sure of its reward at last. Sooner or later, the most stubborn blood diseases yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For several years, In the spring months, 1 used to be troubled with a drowsy, tired feeling, and a dull pain In the small i f my back, so bad, nt tunes, as to prevent n v being able to walk, the least sudden motion causing me severe distress. lrriuriilly, boils and rashes would break out on various parts of the body. By the advice of friends and my family physician, 1 hegan the use i f Ayer's Sarsaparilla and continued it till the poison In my Mood was thoroughly eradica ted." L.W. English. Montgomery l ltv. Mo. "My system was all run down; my skin rough and of yellowish hue. 1 tried various remedies, and while some of them pava me temporary relief, none of them did anv per manent good. At last I began to' take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, continuing it exclusive ly for a considerable time, and am pleased to say that it completely Cured Me. I presume my liver was very much out of order, ami the hlcod impure in consequence. I feel that I cannot too highly recommend Ayer's Sarsaparilla to any one afflicted as I was.' Mrs. N. A. Smith, Clover, Vt "K.r years I suffered trom scrofula and blond diseases. The doctors' prescriptions and several so-called blood-purifiers being of no avail, I was nt lat advised by a friend to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I did so, and now feel like a new man. lielnj; fully restored to Jicaltli."-C. N. Krink, Decorah, Iowa, Ayer's Sarsaparilla PROTAllln BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LoweH. Mass. Sold by IkiigglMs. l,ix$.i. Worth oibotll. HEAD THIS. All persons indebted to me, either by note or ac count for medical services, or for merchandise are earn estly requested to come for ward and make prompt set tlement as I am compelled to h;i ve my money. I have waited long and patiently, as my friends well know, and now, that 1 am to reed to call on them, I hope they will respond promptly to my request. 1 have made a change in my business and must therefore closeup all past transactions, Persons tailing to make settlement by Oct 1st. 1890 will And their accounts in the hands of an officer for collection, ny person desiring can pay their accounts due me, to T. J. Coffey &Bro. whose rceipt will be accepted bv nie. The firm of Phillips & Son. now carry a first class line of genera l merchandise which will be sold as cheap as goods of the kind can be sold, and it will be to the in terest of the public to call and examine our stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. Thanfring my friends for past favors and soliciting your future patronage 1 re main very truly yours. .1. B. Phillips Sugar Grove, N. C. July 8. ir rovjt hack Acnva. Or you are all worn out, really good for Hew ing, it Is general debility. Try BHOUK'l IKON MTTBK. It will cure you, cleanse your liver, and glv a gwd appetite. wl mm Still On Band With a Nit line of General Merchandise, Consisting, in part, of Hoot, HIkk's, Dress (Joods, Notions, Hardware, Tinware, Groceries, Coffees, Sugars, Tea, Hice, Ogars, Cigarettes, etc Drugs & Medicines in good variety. Also tako all kinds of ROOTS -AND- HERBS, And country produce in ex cluihge for goods. Gent's furnishing goods, such as, dress shirts, (both laundried and unlnundried.) Collars, Cuffs, Slips, and in fact, al tnostanvthing-neededin that line. JUST IN Heady-Made Clothing from 8 to 25 dollars per suit. Wff handle only flnst class goods, and will guarantee prices as low as any other merchant who handles the same grade of goods. For Gash, You Can Have (ioods at almost your own price. I run in connection with my other business, a Hotel and Peed STABLE which we think is equal to any in the county, and we our prices as low as any in the COUNTY. Also furnish transportation to panties wanting the Same with a safe driver and with as good a turnout as can be found in the county. For the next 60 DATS We will make Bpecial prices, for caeh on all goods. Returning our 1 hanks for past patronage we will, as heretofore, still con tinue to furnish you good go jd and at a low prices as can bfT ound Truly yours, W. L Bryan.