J vol a liOOXK. W'ATArO.V roUNTV, N". ('., TIU'IISDAY, SKl'I'K.Mlii:!!. 1 lS!-. XO. 8. 7 v Co; LIXY1LLIL A Iln-e planned and developing AS A GREAT RESORT I Situatedin the Mountains or t WESTERN NORTH CARO LINA, A region NOTED for health fulncfw Hnd Iteauy of Scenery. A!f ELEVATION OF 3,800 FEET With Cool, Invigorating Clim.te. It is being lail out with taste and bkill, with well gra ded roads and EXTENSIVE VOllEST P AUKS. A desirable place for fine residen ces and HEALTHFUL HOMES AGooil opportunity for prof itnble investments. , 8" For illustrated pamphlet a dd i ess LlXVlLLE iMl'UOVKMKXT Co., Linville, Mitchell Co. N. C. 5 29 6 mo. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our Eegular Correspondent For the Democra t' Boss Quay is again in su preme command of the ma jority of the Senate. 'He was lenient towards Senators Hoar, Spooner and the rest of his opponents letting them down easy by allowing them to report a new resolution in place of the one offered by him. But it : amounts to pre cisely the same thing as if his resolution had been adopted. The tariff bill is to be voted upon during the first week or ten days of September, and as a special sop to the radi cal element the most of the republican Senators have signed an agreement to vote for the consideration of the Force bill in December next. This does not mean that all of the republican Senators will vote for that atrocious measure, for a number of them have stated that while they were willing to vote to ha ve th bill considered they proposed voting against it. The radical element hopes to gain four, votes for it from the new Senators from Idaho and Wyoming. Senator Gorman was ask ed what the democrats pro posed doing in regard to the tariff bill. He said: "No agreement has been reached as to the close of debate up on the tariff bill. When there has been a sufficient, if not a thorough satisf ictory discussion of the bill, the democi nts w ill agree, in ac cordance with t lie custom of tin Semite, to taken vo.eup on it. The question has al ready bvn under considera tion, but no conclusion has been leached. The proposi tion for a closure must come from the republicans. None has yet been received. When it comes we shall decide whether it is sat isfactory, if not we shall make a counter proposition." Senator Gor man intimated that in two weeks moru the democrats, having shown the most strik ing inconsistencies of thebill, would bejerfeetly willing to have the republicans pass it, and let the voters of the country, at the Congression al elections, decide which par ty was in the right. Senator Carlisle presented an argument which no repub lican Senator could answer when he showed by price lists and actual bills of sale that certain American manufac tures, who were given an in crease of duty upon products similiarto those manufact ured by them upon their plea that they are necessary to prevent their being driven out of business by foreign competitors, are selling their manufactures in foreign countries much cheaper in some cases 33 and 0 per cent less than they sell the same articlein the U. S. Mr. Carlisle said he thought, and and the consumers will un doubtedly think with him, that if these manufactures could afford under the pres ent tariff to send their goods to foreign countries to com pete with foreign manufact urers of the same articles, and sell them for less than they did at home, that it would be manifestly unjust to the home buyers to raise the duty in order to allow these manufacturers to make their American customers pay a still higher price. No republican attempted to ma ke a specific answer to Mr Carlisles argument it cant be answered. "Protection" is the humbug of the age. If, in the face of the ac knowledgement of the Com missioner of Pensions that he borrowed $12,000 on notes endorsed by George E. Lemon, the king of the Wash ington pension attornies, the republicans of the committee investigating Representative Coopers charges against Raum decide to white-wash that official they will prove them selves to be possessed of an unsual amount of 'gall' even for Reed's henchmen. When this charge was first made, and before investiga tion was ordered, Mr. Raum and his friends repeatedly stated that Lemon had nev er endorsed his notes. Find ing that Mr. Cooper had ab solute proof of the transac tion he now boldly admits it and yet attempts to deny that he has favored Lemon by advancing his business in the Pension office. Lemon did not endorse those notes for nothing, and if he had not taken himself to Europe to escape testifying, Mr. Cooper would have made that fact even Hearer than it ; is now. The commit ici which took a recess to (!.! first of S"pte:nber, has, by J its rulings (voted against by; the dcinocoatic members); made it almost impossible j for Mr. Coojter to prove t he i other charges, but what is admitted should be enough! to make a vacancy in the head of the Pension office. Speaker Reed could stand the pressure no longer, and on Saturday ho agreed that Thursday and Saturday of this week should be devoted to the consideration of meas ures reported from the com mittee on Labor, and the House so ordered. He heard from some of the labor or ganizations in his district. The late .Senator Reck was eulogised in the Senate on Saturday. Senators Car lisle, Rlackburn, Vest, Ingalls and Allison paid glowing tributes to the memory of the deceased statesman. The bill for Government inspection of meats for ex port, w hich makes little czars of the President and the Sec retary of agriculture, has gone to the President for his approval. The danp and decaying vege tation of regions newly cleared of timber, exposed to the rays of the nun, n sure to breed malaria. Dr. J. 11. McLean's Chills anil Fever Cure, by mild and gentle ad ion will radically cure. .r.u cents a bottle. A Scene is the House. Tolegrim To Landmark. Washington, Aug. 27. The buldozing rules adopted' by the republicans and enforced by the Speaker had their fit ting and necessary outcome to-day in a scene of the most beastly disorder ever known in the American Congress. While a filibustering protect against a partisan and in consistent ruling of the Spea ker was going on. Camion, the republican floor leader, in suited a democrat, Mr. McA doo, in obocene language. At the demand of another demo crat the words were taken do -,mi and while the House was having its hands full with this matter, two repub licans in private conversa tion got into a, fist fight on the floor and a third republi can in interfering was struck for his peace-making. For several minutss it seemed that the republican party had forgotten the democrats and the public at large, and were going to rend each oth er to pieces. It was fully fif teen minutes before any sem blance of order was restored. Reed was utterly powerless. The . contestants were Messrs. Beckwith, of New J?rsiy,and Wilson, of Washington, and such choice billingsgate as can not be even indicated in a family paper was hurled at eachother's heads. Just be for ? this embroglio a person al encounter between Cannon and ally Mason came near taking placein front of the Speaker's desk. The air was lurid for awhile. All this turmoil is the di rect result of despotic rule in general, and especially the ef fort to force the so-called pure lard bill contrary to the order taken by the 1Ioum. it- S! if. Thi.4 "so-called pari' lard bill" is one to tax cotton seed nil, which i-; coming lar gely into use as a substitute for hog'slard. Southern mem bers are opposing tin- bill be cause it is a discrimination a gainst a peculiarly Southern product in favor of the hog raisers, pork-packers and lard makers of the West. Sugar Grove, N. C. Aug. 2.Kh '1)0. E Hi or I)t'iu)ri';it: The soldier's reunion at Blowing Ruck was not what we hoped it might be, yet the old veterans had quite a social timehandshaking, Cell ing war reminis'-ences and hearing the grand and patr i otic speeches in praise and honor of the heroes of the Lo.st Cause. The brave and chivalrous sons of our fair South-land won honor and fame in the late pratricidal civil wnrthat is immortal, and will never, never die, while men live on this mundane sphere. Our dead heroes are embalmed in the hearts and memories of our countrymen and their surviving fellow-soldiers. Our surviving veferans aie living monuments of patriotic hero ism not surpassed, if equaled by ancient or modern sol diery. The heroes of a ucient Greece, Rome and Carthage, ah, even Leonidas and his three hundred martyrs sacri ficed at the Pass of Thermop yl.Ejw ill not surpass or eel ipse the heroism of our brave boys in grey. Our country has arrived at a period of time in its histo ry, fraught wiUi vital results for weal or woe. There is a great question before the A rneriean people for their dis cussion and decision. The gist of this question is sim ply this: Will a majority of our countrymen endorse the present administration, its policy, -its legislation, its false promises, its oppression, its suppression of States rights and personal liberties. Its reckles and wasteful expendi ture of the public, money; all of which is rapidly drifting our beloved country 'into a centralized despotism. For proof of the above chnges 1 refer your readers to the promises, the pledges of the republican platform, to mod ify the internal revenue sys tem of taxation; to pass the flair educational bill; the free coinage of silver, and to reduce the tariff. 1 leave it to all intelligent and unpreju diced voters to say how far they have carried out their pledges and promises. Asto oppression and suppression, look at Speaker Reed's ty ran ical ruling and the Lodge force bill. Now are our people prepar ed to accept and endorse this administration with all its failures and extravagant, ty ranical and oppressive legis lation? Surely not. If not, where is the remedy, where is our deliverance? I answer in the true manhood, in the patriotism, in the love of lib erty and theequal rights of our countrymen, where is the party organization that can dc!icrn- from or.r present evil rulers? Th" an-wer to this j y i .sim;!y this. Tl -' h m oid.-; of the farmers :lliar:.e and the pr i nci pies nf the democrat ic party being synoiiimous, they are the party, the ortra ni.ation to redeem our coun try ami our eopln from this horrible pit of corruption and oppression, and place it on its original foundation of equal rights to all clashes of our people, as establish",) by our four-fathers and placed in Ihe temple of liberty. In conclusion, I appeal to my countrymen of both, and all political parties, to careful(.v study the his tory of our country anl its progress under the difierent administrations, and come to the rescue. Now in a kind and friendly spirit I ask my republican friends if they can conscienciously endorse and support the demonitizing of silver, the Lodge, or Federal election bill that probably will be passed and become a law on ourstatutes? At the next election when we as fnv men go to cast our ballots, Ut this be our motto. Equal rights to all, and special fa vors to none, to which let u.. say, Amen. R. V. W. Life will acquire new zest, and cheerfulness return, if von will impel your liver and kidneys to the jH'Hbrnuiree of thoirtuinioics Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Ki l nev ltahn will stimulate them to healthful action. $1.00 i-r bottle- II E ALT It Co MM A N 1) M EX TS . 1. Thou shalt have no oth er food than at meal time. 2. Thou shalt notmakcun to thee any pies or put into pastery the likeness of any thing thai is in the heavens above or in the waters under the earth. Thou shalt not fail to eating it or trying to digest it, for the dyspepsia will be visited upon the chil dren to the third and fourth generation of them that eat pie, and long life and vigor upon those who live prudent ly and keep thelaws of health, 3. Remember thy bread to bake it well; for he will not be kept sound that eateth his bread as dough. 4-. Thou shalt not indulge sorrow or borrow anxiety in vain. 5. Sixdaysshaltthou wash ami keep thyself clean, and the seventh thou shalt take a great bath, thou and thy son and thy daughter ami thy rnan.servant and thy maidservant, and the Strang ei that is is within thy gates, for in six days man sweats and gathers tilth and bacte ria enough for disease; where fore the Lord hath blessed the hath tub and hallowed it. 6. Remember thy sitting room and bed-chamber to keep them ventilated, that the l;ivs miiv lie loicr in the! land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. 7. Thou shalt not eat lib t biscuits. 8. Thou shalt not eat thy meat fried. 1). Thou shalt not swallow thy food unchewed, or high ly spiced, or just before hard work or just after it. 10. Thou (-halt not keep late hours in thy neighbor's house, nor with thy neigh bor's wife, nor his manser vant, nor his maidservant, nor his cards, nor his glass nor with anything that is thy neighbor's. Ex. H. no Sense. We can trust the negro in S ii;ii"i n hands. Lai.m ipn I ion has !ieu wed for both r.'.e. H. The negro is a grave problem, none graver in the ages. Our feelings toward the Southern people in their settlement of it Hiould be that of entire syrr pathy and goodwill. The duty is with tin in the issue and the bur den. Moreover, and this is an ar anient that should come home to all men, wehaveour own business to mind at home, and why perplex the South with suspicion? The problem of badly paid labor; the miseries of the mines; the degredation that, come from the ignorant thousands dum ped from day to day upon our shores from far away lands, alien to our people in kindred, religion, tradition and race; the crushing effects of a. war tariff, which doub les the cost of cvery poor man's breakfast table these and many kindred questions we in the North should think about. They are of more con sequence to us than any race problems, and to consider them wo should mind our own business and leave the South alone. A. Y. Herald. "How tlic W orld Is Given to Lie." Thus exclaimed old Jack Falstaff, and now, Rev. Mr. Talmage takes up the theme. "At every yearly or quad renial election we have in this country great manufactu res of lies, and they are run day and night, and they turn out halt a dozen a day all equipped and ready for full sailing. Large lies and small lies. Lies public and lies private and lies purient. Lies cut, bias and lies cut di agonal. Long limbed liesand lies with double back action. Lies complimentary and lies defamatory. Lies thatsome people believe, and lies that all the people believe, and lies that nobody believes. Lies with humps like camels, and scales hkecrocodiles and necks as long as stor k's, and feet as swift as antelope's, and stings like adders. Lies raw and scalloped and pann ed and stewed. Crawling lies arid jumping lies and roaring lies. Lies with attachment screws and rufflers and braid ersand ready wound bobbins. Li 's by christian people who never lie but beat themselves in a presidential campaign. There are many accidents and diseases which affect Stock and cans. serious inconvenience and loss to the fanner in his work, which may be quickly remedied by the use of Pr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. We are informed by par ties returning from Surry court that a joint discussion took place there between So licitor Tom Settle and Hon. W. W. Barber, both candi dates for the solicitor-ship. Our informant states that Barber literally 'bamfoozled' Setttle, and that the latter looked sheepish and sad. Sur ry democrats were jubilant and "the goose hangs high." -Twin City Daily, 21;

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