X v r'-J . 4 : t v' , Cd t I .4 I C 7 vol. : uooxi:, watai'ca 'nrN'rv, n. c. tiu'imja y, si:iM i:.Mi;i:i: 11. imm. NO. U ' f VI Mi ?J ijwilli;. A i !-- planm-d nii'l v'l i 'i !; AS A GREAT RESORT Situ.iti'tliii tin' Mount. tins ot vi;sTi:nx south cmk - j LISA, j A ivfiion XOTKI) for hwillli fulnt'hs nml ticiiiiv of Si ' iciy. AN EI.KVATIOX OF :,8oi t'EET With Cool, Invioiiiliii-x UinmU'. It is ln'iiir luiil out with tnstc nml skill, w it h well f;ra iIimI riiiuls ami EXTENSIVE FOliEST PAUKS. A i!i'.sir;i!ili' tor tiin li'sith'ii ri's mi ii -iii:mi uful iiomi:s- Adooil oppirtnnity iVirprof itiililo investni'MitH. trFnr illiiHtnitod piniihlet nddio.sM Li.wii.i.i: l.iruovi:M!.NT Co., LlXVtKLK. MlTCIIKI.t, ('(). j X. c. .r 2D (i mo. WASlllXCiTON LETT VAX. From our Regular Correspondent For the Democrat SimuC. or Edmunds has ex posed the cloven republican foot by his resolution for a Congressional recess, instead of adjournment, from Sep tember 10, to November 10. Having by varous methods succeeded in getting a date set for the disposal of the tariff bill the most unjust financial measure of the age the republicans now pro pose that Congress shall meet again after the Con gressional elections in order that it .may proceed to do what it does not dare to do before those ehvtions. This action of Mr. Edmunds was taken because Mr. Harrison refused to assume the re sponsibility of calling an extra session for the sole pur pose of enacting odious polit iced laws and n aking unnec essary appropriations. First and foremost, if the republicans arc allowed to ea rry out their progra m me, and they will not. unless the united legitimate efforts of the democrats shall fail to prevent it, will come the Force bill, upon which the republicans are already bank ing to carry tin Presidential election of '02 their leaders expect to lose the next House; but are raising a large fund to try and save themselves from defeat by the aid of the t'lectoral votes f fourSouth- Ulli Stiit.'s which they t aleu-. i l.itiTiin carried with nil iof th .' titui machinery ii: in the bands of unscrupulous Federal agents, .Ni-xt w Ml tone the ( on - Tfssioicii nil il'itoral A - ;i.M,itiuiiiu. lit ii:n!i-l'il the new (vii-ih, wi.M-h is lo'l j Ik liiiinip ilitcil in th,. iuti r- Ms of Hi.' I'nil.i;ili p.llty. 11 only tlu (ti:'stiou of n;xlit nml prii-i'ili'iit woo con-' Kidcfcil this npport ionmi'iit wonl.l !. left f;-r tlf ' s,'",u: "i' --SO it llMS I',M1 silH-' til", fouii'lnt ion of our v"m-!.- lii";it hut tlit' vpiiLiii-ai) I 'i 1 1 i 1 1 . i 1 1' i i i " ru in lialiit f ! ttii' littlf thi!i:;s ...!.-.- 1. ..... .... l ,. :.. 1 1 ... ' 4 like ri!it :nil jn-iM-r h-nt stiind its way, iiinl it is too ; late to oxpect it to n forni 1 now. j IticiilciitJillv it is iu-opoi', ' that a lai'iv an ml mm- of !'!' ' fiifi-yiii'- litfp' nppi'opiin - Cons which the shrewd lead-' crs of th party temporarily j side tnicked e;ir!y in the uvs! out session .are to he I ail road ed through and in order tojatal niak sojae speeches iii carry this profi'riunine onl successfully a quorum of re-,ed puhlicau Senators have, n -; cordine- to Sena tor F rye, who one-lit to he ;ood re-; puhlican authority, iiTi A to ndopl. a j;;v; lade for the Senate similar to the one with which Speaker Heed lias l.oun. the Ilou-e h.and and fwt. i Another nice little sclieme .... I in connection with thisreces.- i business is, that the pretense;'01, i"i)wn- that Hie srvn.-a : . .' .... i i : i : .' ., is to be made that the meas-j " '"lu" Vl u" ntl" " ,u I ara;.." j nres in wh'ih the F i en in e-i" (-d SO just 1 V lliei'i t il Wt'it'o'al o .. .... unsiii wu.cn i of 1 aimei.i , . ' . , Neil ,l scce now lay : ;iud theLaborore;aniationa:,,1'1l'tioa, however i".'i..y is( ,.,.(,.,;... ou, i.u,.-e 1 he ca-i are interested similiir to (.lie portrayed, I should never v. ..,,0 is !it.vo;ul tho )tnv. compound lard bill, the a- liavo begun it. The mc.miii-;;,; f , , ;urti,iv ! 1 ' e . a i . . i i . . i. l. : i i i mondments to theeight-hour law, and t) the alien con tract law already passed by the House cannot be iicted upon unless those cxtr;i three weeks are made use of. The object in this pretense is to try and make it appeal" to the farmers and workingmcn that the democrats in oppos ing the Edmunds resolution are opposing the considera tion of their interest's. Mr. Harrison has signed the meat Inspection bill, thus giving himself great power, in a commercial sense, than is possessed by any Europe an sovereign, with the pos sible exception of the Czar of Russia. There is a rumor that the River .and Harbor bill, which is now in conference, is to go over until after the Elect ions, in order to keen down the to- l-.-i ;i mount i if. .iiiiivmii-i.il wok I mad,; by the present Con . itiilt street pressure lias 1 made Secret; .ry Windom is - 11 a:..., v v,..v -v, Biii'iiOiill t.u,wu,(Hw move!"1" r""i"-'"- , v , percent bonds which will ! "knid of the sky." Cp lUn.ny xmU !o:o tl j my sub.j.:vt justice, but fed-jul leave before tne co lec- aturein September lS91.jitjviMUO'l,ll;u:i,,!l,'ou-?Hsi..l.i h, dim, blue Imei'w- -' aid (nra p,a(e is pissed I wish to 0 offers topav par and .lt..hSarU ivccsst of hentlo, k ' lh,tv,:u ih, f,nu.si? ofl!u t 1 -w ho w iii. ai least, ap- say taat the hour of service nod interest to date of ma- rht.dinlendri.a tint! ittvhed a-, 1;Ul(, u,u.0 i lreci:ite ti.e cfi'oii. however 1 1 o cock and Ihebenedic- iritv. biveouriie.ads-Wi'i;vadi;,iiiy L,,;j!v;ne. South, across ihe imperfectly accomplished, I lion is pronounced by 12. 1 d. ,',e....n 1 , wended our 'wav-nuon stoo- i .' 1 . ?. 1 .11 !.Vn.. t.-v.o !i.-ill ma!.-n v.o fiu-thev ..mnl.i. wouhl also remark that the m He off cruc turitv. Senator Morgan has pr sented to the Senate a ivsolu i tion adopted by a mass-meet i; an adopted uy a mass-meet 1 gof colored men at iv- in 1,., . n.K.,,,,., llllll,llillll, . Vltl Oil lllili, ' I I I 1 1 I. j ii,., ,.r 1 1, 1.'.,....., l.m 1 11,- ii.--ir-,ii;e oi i in- nine,: u.u. i This added to Uio fact tlmt .. .,i.a;,,,v ,,f ,,.,,. .0 ii,;i i ti in,., iiu, ,'i 11, f O , , 1 ,0 1 1111- adel)hi;i adopted ;iresolu( io'u deelarine- t he nassaee o f th Fori . !,;! (,, . Lupoid s!i:rvs lh.it ihe i:-;,,- :n- imt li.i:,'.-i ii, , .Hi. i-t!,. .) t...-ti(i;r v.;,;,', U,.. .-p.,ij. ic iim iMt':.: 'V -i .ous to ;r: 1 : n. , - 1 1 v -; . i ' : ,- ! '". . ;, j 1- l. -v;r r:ii v oi..-t - y t'.c I.,il,cr oriini.;ili!i o ! n , . 'I'h.y v..;;iM'. ii -s ; ii .-. 1 : 1 i . ; i ! Ik',:.! i . Tii" p:- limin iry t il'v.ii t ;ii;ni!r (i i''; .!'. i ii :i: " .' r t ' i in i ' ; ; -i -. II.iM- t!)' I'm.' I:i .u : ii; ii i it ; , i i .ii- if i i i l,i; ri.ijci-i: I In: pn' ilii-.oi i ' : m 'i;iuii V, i.ot ! u-f I qii-. ;-i '.on lus l i.ht to frpi s 1. 1 hi - p . ; , ircssnlal i . C.i a n - u. ' who-i! Yt:k- u it nv; p., th.. i-.-mT.: u'':.'!i I ',.! hipii - mad 'i i t!f f'oar '! th '!!";- !i-t vi !;. has ilia, A;;; h ci,.!W:ire.l iaai :,' lo Spiakrr C.'i'd that !. 1:. ln.v:i asked to p tipio ?!.ii:i" ! his district. It is to lie ho 1 hat he wiil no! if ih sa iae huiiiaer he did iniii ; House. j A lnv h'. i ii i' ii N r a i Ns. IAUl ' in ' It is with some niisvin-s j that I make tins attempt to , writ' on a subject of which I ; Knmv 1, lim101 :ui i .1 :.. i i.,.( pi- , io.., .o,u o.,, of Aug. the 2.'Jrd was bright ! and fair. Xeverdawned adny more peri'.vt in its loveliness, more resplendent in us c;u;n; second v. l-airlv the air was ; " ' , crisp and cooi, nuc soon uie golden bars of light, shot up the eastern sky and gilded the mountain domes, and. o ver a slumbering world Ihe great king of Day rose up in ; all its majestic beauty. S nmi alt nature, ureter the genii'" iniluenceof its genial rays, bognn to assume a spirit of ;) wakening. Thechi'.lv mists ; t . . i r i i. t 4i. . i ...II l... I s;u ions u; uio hum "'urn iii-i;, "'uOnV,,'' 'Ml,- , At.)o, ouviot! ...(lo i V t)l SIX Hel l 1 :il r un io . at I cr le.iviae' r.bv i ..rk oi;.' ; pain leu i m on ' a i i .ca 1 1. , ui I:ea :-.( rei cli oi (' i e;..,'Si IM.t'-- lieilnOek ;lai 1 . : . 1 1 1 - ; ' . . ' 1 1 : 1 1-: - ? 1 !....! :.. ..,. i ..;,.!..,. . ii...'' ".e , -'" ti!''st ;v'as!oi. .now t-eg.-ta ; nisi, iid'hut: ..III))!, lit ili.i; l,hi- lo lv' li! . 1 :ei a - iiinil wild flowers that grew iii . -' 1 proi,lsu'il arunl us. On piist , irlvUis us and nioss-covcred! wldcrs-stopping to drink M'leaiscrystidwatersthat; bow lb ouoi.ieii innu tin lli.l-slde.-v-- 1 la' shade we I'iiuM lied li om woods into a iM-aiii imi om 1; oin.gut viiuisuea u-om u"-: ovol. tli4 ess loftv peaks that valleys; myriad.sofdewdropst;nm)iiml . ()U"0V(M.V sMn. spiirkledon the grass; thej;) m(Mo (h) left the famous happy birds caroled their j Un,xhv, UvA. is ,.,1,u.,v morning songs, and the pul-1 ,.,,..,;, ..! ., it,.,. big. 'i f p of ( ho I'.i s! as-con .-n. I I h pit li .1 -via tod n.o'i iis .!'. I-.imI cmiH' and ti i I .ii ;uL?i" with t h" i-i.l in t Haver-.-,!. II.'' ;) ' lii izili:' ir!'ii! V !!' ,''!iltii. ill w c hi-i in -! ;i 1 1 .) in.-.I h.i Ii nn- ionrti-v'-s i'si-1. 1-nt ,i;h -v, :r; ., -ojtji.xlt.nt! ;,r, :i !nii. )!. !:iMli-'- of Ui;i- t.n .- ;i! stjiTomi'lii!:;--'. r - -..u oi ! lniiv.;.--!1 ;:! : I . t', ' ! i to il it t5,-!:j- : v 'i Mi';; I ...... .,i , ... .'i t ;i s- i-i.-.s In. a N'a ;!. !;.!. .H'-i! hv l!i-' ! .' !;.'! s NuMMli'i-r, mi:!-, i.;,.;., :lnMis !.;-.iMty. !I. I'iiy i-.iV. .-o..'.... -,.., v j!:.!!.,. !!...!::;!!:',;! ti;i.! n:. I i.n-, own :..'Vf.,-. w..:f."-! C !;;;;! -rr ...--th. tlrtt ; ; mv ! h ' o t ))r i . !. ' s: Tl.-w ,; ,,1 ,v,a aial t h.-ia t.Mvpa-t. 1 ' we ." :';.;. d ,vith t!i.-!cr and; dir.ic :,ep; nu'd nitii et.thu i iasai. our joyous hnle hand ;,ave veal to ewrv feeiiny of 1 ,i, !i in (ine imiied voice as ;;!! i.i-..- itleect and dazlin.'-. , !.r,v..;i..d i.s..l, to thei.hms sivaerv 1ml,!. !in- ut e-aeauaaaied witii i,i. ; ' i - i . . iii' impi nciii-i Itv di ii'eic;!:.iis If art; here ma; oi i.',i"ii iiieiroai. Wt'unii. re'.: no i v I if wa lad oa tin we re.i.-hed the table-land i an throue-h a tiineled sea of wmls()Mj on to the"Iand of ;p s,v y(. now leave the K,V(; v.xU,ux .Vi)y ,rst nt til(! eisii.f I :i..ins!i'li We'. ,,,, .,;,iilt; iii!!- -!: p!;.li;K.e OI tliej rest ' virgin Nature in al! her trnn. mil bctitv. Not a ii;v' )()f ti ,,.1 ,,;.,ws, th, ! broad ao:.;in o! Heaven i',, .,, '. . .....! iciiiereiu tmii', out novcriug M yhn of (i citvo Viiu... seemed stooping to kiss tli e far away moun tain peaks that rose up in . . i i . . (.u, ,ou t..;1.,,s oi"uiu ' ra ao-.'iir 10 rccen e Lookinf lOW.lt ds (he east i , . t attracted bv the towering- form of the noted "ilrand Father' s(andi!!'.v like a guardian 1"WJ ,, , i, ,,i i-,1(,i- i, i ; I I I ... ( l 111 . 1 1. 1 1 1 1 ' I lilt , i . I v ' t v ; i1 owning gnif behav; bo- l'"'-iyond.the Pilot looms up in ! , ... , . : ; '.' . ' I -ta.nas out , . -., ., led :n t lie c!o!n'. .,... ; ,!,.. !)., , I 1 eKi'iv. ! . a il i ! i 1 un- ' . e. ; , 1 ; ; !,. ;;S;, the t iherent ;c.u .1 . ' :r ?oy i;iv0!i,,M-.oiu!iHng!e,I i'.ki .. .. , jh (;i pre.'iki'is oa ni 1 1 1 . 1 I.,, e or liad of Ihe "Yel- 1 low,- isnnotner, ami nearer. the lllne llidge port 10a o the nine ibde-e.grcr, since naving realized a v.xm jn wlii.h the Tibleislaidowless day replete with eonsnie-h K" u"n' 1 " eoaspn - ; - - ' ooserViiiiou. Loohiiiii-- on thea.-.t Hie ci lehi-aicd . o t e iii ;ii t ! acts t he y c.al er pal I 0(" a 1 1 nt ion. oil ! V- I ; of v. hi. !i .t m.N t In-n ic m il- o. and i'.m--i;;iu.-,J saint. iriinn ' .i n ! i ,n p. .a r m t . - i I-n. i ,h. - ,ii !! -!. " I .nuking uv.-t llii'li ,:v i ;u::ii I l,i:i,:-i l!!t m ;i: I .-in-! i.i'jo.;v in t U !!-!;!!:.. i'-illi -! 1 1. t!. i - i v i ..(!;?, of ( I. .!!:;.'. ' tin' ! i 1 1 ' i . . .-J ;!!:' . .tK!..-.-'..-,; -. n; !.okin:r :u ri tin ; i -I :! ! pliius ;iini i.ir-.nviiy It.dt; i!' ! Is w h.'i-.. !, i;".'iiu' iri.i.!i;t i s i 1 i j ; . !. :. ;; I.I, . Hi !. I.oii:r uiil tl i' .vn':T ri'is'.oui ! : vt.u..in- xvi.h U,l- '"vr t in s of t 'lliu i! :inns. Hi-ii'!v i.-l r,-v.'!--j,,i,l;,-v t:l b iS,;l,',, uai' ;-.:iiv l;1M:;;.vo"lt-l.i-.l;li,'l'":,nf,v": I'M.m win!.' .i.n: on! o; a!i ' , !r.".;'-! o;t!.'iii.-.f ., wo; !' i cs t !i. i'i ' soiil: lirl'iV'1 ,x- !: (is ,,it,.!, I,w I i 1 o ''.vivU.' his ski!!: Ii.mv will j 1 1 ';!l( (,!'(''v llis l'1"1 the most indiifeivnt. stan I inu' s;ll,,: t ri;!.-:i v.m! wi!h woml-i: 1 erei "-l,n' J'hn. np to t his t iiae may the iididel feel the!'1' !inv, ril!! l!' -'V',i-.v 1 1 aiuvsen -a f ions of ( 'ouimin ; '1,'lt'- have disrm-ed l;! 'd lave and :idi:iii"it ion U ih.e (VeahU" of all thiss'aacii- Ispontiineonsiy from even lnsj . i v t ju,; ;ot-i , m utr.iiii.t n--i it, miki words (o cN;res i vciw I'.oii'e passion that quivers in the liuman brejist; here may the weary of the busy worlit iind rest und sweet repose. Where on ( 1 !i- p nit lier's e Ml ilV pl'iev i i ::. .a iii cims ' (ii iv: f .' . . ' "'" - '". l.ua aiiivl , . t Su-u-k lerror to its prey. : ,, , m re re (lie icmve l.eil niaiij sioo.i b .;H sa vn-e -le.y, L"IV 1 ""v ' 1 ' An-1 i :l. his love's wild story. Wi; .e ouee '. he e;u;'le's jiieri'iiiu' S T. lllil Uo.-.i fo.ai !.!:i to hi!!. i: ' i A ltd wol.e t lie u ihi fawn i'roiit it, u"' w! cn-aai n,.sh!e the sha-ly rill. Here wh.eie t!ie huiiter lirsr es pie.! The eai!')!i of the Doe, And wrde'iieii i!:s lie.ipid v;;lers .a, a . , . . Throiie'i U'lxilo vr.les below. ben- h, re tre su'i-ui'-ed iiiuh;:- ! ii siteia uriiii.ietir rise; livie wh-'fe the hiusli of Kvui hi.iV's chivks In beaut v t isilH 1 lie skies. Hero whei" i lie Uio: cleg's tirst fair Iieains Across ihe mountains d.irl ; i lere w !ii ie lii" lingering sunset dea ins. ih'liiei.i ut to ilenart. , , e;e sv lh:.. t lie -! ; 1 ' lii'ld o! s ..' . s(;,i(K Wie.!.' sonibre shai.-s of twi'4 rht ! biike eni tnuis o er t he plan) I tear iat lent readers, a lew words inoie and I snail have , . . ,, , 1 1 hi'is'u'ti. it is nscicss tor mej '.' !o repeat what has already I lean said in the preface that have utterly failed to do shall make no further apolo- :vv .and have nothing to re- grct, since ha ving realised ;l he fullness of uurufiied iovj'?!1 T nH f111' b5JU J M or bui, light than for the ! kill,,,,on;renial biids. w lu.se ! Cod ''-Jcw, fond remembnui.-e, nssociiit- ' ed w itli t c ladclesa sei'iies of ;e;i!if " 1 1 oye SO VC; W )! .-.hoi with ni: i;ji..-p.-,.il.!. hi re L ii r 1 1 : : i ! . t i ! ha v dimmed : h. bi i .hln.'.i .i ili. yoatl.ia! ey. s tls.it .i - d ill .! : v..,;i.!.t on tt-.it i(ic.i;ni-,ili! ' i;iv. I Vil'M I I il"MMii Vfji'- Ill ! I !. , j. .).. ! t , i I ;! ;H -t' I ! i i. .s f hit I.i ':,! i i i !.i i i.-i . i'r. -i. II. M. I i.n, ( i,i,. i '. . it i i.i c, l.v i;,il. .Hi. I 'iii'l.' ! ;--iM ill r:!,!i. ;!!, I IK;'. T.O r. ,1- .1 !-:t!i' '! vu timet Hiir Sii.rii. I'h:":iv.;!;);i!! A 1 ! i , of Mi.-;- . i oi:..'U.v;i'! f-'Ol I..T i:i ;l nT i;!!ll I'l'Li'iirn! li:! l ln'i'Oli'C no , 1,1,1 '""-"i- i''.iy fiOi.l l,'vrrv !-ilt- On on-on-asion ! his Ciipt.on r,,.,i!( hi!n is, !in.. an uiii'xpi'ctfii ntt.-nk ,P'-'''i' t.-ill'llliir lii'Iliinl hilil .. vauivt on everv occasam. Now. if von stir from th;? line 1 1 5ilt"l to ll,)nt ',,'l- 1 hall stand here. neat iiei.aiij you. aii'l it yon 1 1 start to ran I shall certain! v kill you." John heard the Captain through, and drawing- him self to nn uuu;sual height, re plied: "Wa!'. Captain, you may shoot me if von like, but I'll ! never i'ivo anv low-lived, low j.i.'i.ti (i idiiu i; lliv iiiivjii:- . ,! v.m .-.vi I ut iiLii-i piiVl - .o,i,, ... A t M lirieesborO 0 ( )nfed(M- , ,. , . ;deso;u,er was rusain-,o t ho vnr wdli all the speed he COu!d command. An otlicor ... a., i l. : i ..: i .. doir.e- it. hailed him and sneeringly iinpiired w hy he was running so fast u way from the Yan kees. The soldier without stopping yelled back: "Recause I can't ll.y''. ( Unlwston A e ivn. S'r.'k ne.-nlaclie and a, sensation of o' piessioii and dullness in tin; head, are very conunonly pro duced by indigestion: morbid despondency, in liability and over ivness of the iierves may, in a majcairy ot cases, ho treeed to the same cause, nr. J. a. v Leans Liver and Kidney Halm and l'illets will ositively cure. Fnicilil,' Lftiu;iage fnun IJss pulpit. The p;ister of one of the Rabylon (Long Island) ( -hurdles is quoted as deliv- i i'-.-, Hit 1uhuiH.11; in n-i uuii ....a,... 1 1 .... cai. i.,.;f pointed discourse at the mornine, scr:.-e for the bene fit of the gaudily dressed vonne men who have been in .withe halat of sauntering into .. 1,,... .1, 1 . 1- ! 1.,...-;.,... l... " 11,111 !l ''1' ' o'ja If. ll,A ,.1,1...!,!. I'l,',!,, " 11 - r 1 o., w. , th' benefit of the young men I ho roiue into this church ! ''"'r service luis commenced would also remark that the style of attire adopted by ; vouiig men, while per- ihaps very becoming, is more suited for ((Minis court, ball r ,TPT-,A', Iiiiiitrostum, nml M,i;niich Qisorilcrs. use msowx-s ?ito i:?rnins. . Ail i.-s!ors Kih'p it, l ;pr lwt'V. R-iit.b,rt t ..!: '.nin-k ttiiath.'SfV nd i;;,cs iu wri )iit

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